
Topic 1 How Much Do You Know About Chinese Culture?
Q&A (Questions & Answer)
Directions: The following are questions for you to think about and prepare answers to be checked in class. You’ll draw lots to decide which question you’re going to answer. Your performance in answering the question you pick will contribute to your total score of this term.
1.Please tell us one aspect of the influence of Confucianism. 请告诉我们儒家思想影响的一个方面
Influence the Chinese education deeply.
Teaching without Discrimination. (有教无类)
To teach by the students’ aptitude. (因材施教)
Heduristic teaching(启发式教育)
2.What would you say about Chinese Language if you’re to introduce it to a foreign friend? 如果你想把汉语介绍给外国朋友,你会怎么说?

3.Please tell us the story of the Dragon Boat Festival.讲一讲关于端午节的故事
The Dragon Boat Festival is one of four …….
There are many stories and legends about ….
But honoring the great patriotic [ˌpætriˈɒtɪk] poet Qu Yuan occupies the mainstream position.
Qu Yuan was the secretary [ˈsekrətri] of the State of Chu during the Warring States period in the history of China.
He strongly argue to advocate the United States of Qi to Resist the State of Qin, but he was opposed by noble Zilan and others.
As the result of that, he was ordered to leave his post, expelled from the capital and exiled [ˈeksaɪl] to the Yuan river and the Xiang river Basins.
But he wrote many famous patriotic poems such as Lisao, Tianwen and Jiuge during the period of exile. Most of these poems are included in Chuci, which is the First Romantic Poetry Collection in the History of Chinese Literature.
Finally, the State of Chu

4.Please list some differences between Chinese and western cultures as far as education and religion are concerned. 请列出中西方文化在教育和宗教方面的一些差异
5.Please explain two striking differences between Chinese & Western Food Culture. 请解释一下中西饮食文化的两个显著差异
6.What is culture as far as you’re concerned? 就你而言,什么是文化?
7.If you are a tour guide, what place would you like to recommend to a foreigner? Please list some reasons.如果你是一个导游,你会推荐什么地方给外国人?请列出理由。
8.What are the most important values in traditional Chinese culture from your perspective?从你的角度来看,中国传统文化最重要的价值是什么?
9.Would you please tell us something about one of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in China? 请你介绍一下联合国教科文组织在中国的非物质文化遗产,好吗?
10.Among so many Chinese Myths and Legends, which one interests you most? Please tell a story in brief. 在众多的中国神话传说中,你最感兴趣的是哪一个?请简单地讲一个故事。
Individual Presentation
Directions: Group 1 to 8 will respectively make an individual presentation around the topic of Culture (about 2.5-3 minutes for each member in the group), with Group 5-8 in the third class, and Group 1-4 in the last class for this topic. The following are only reference topics for your individual presentation.

  1. Introduce cultural customs of one traditional Chinese festival.
  2. Both Chinese and American cultures are in diversity. Please discuss the differences in the way
    they’re so distinctive.
  3. Each group of people has its own unique culture. What is the characteristic culture of our
    university? In what way do you like/dislike it?
  4. Americans uphold individualism, while Chinese people advocate collectivism. Would you
    compare the advantages of the two different values?
  5. Please discuss the importance of “face” and face-saving varies across cultures. For many men in
    Chinese culture, they value “face” more than their own well-being. Other cultures do not care
    about face all that much. What does face mean to you?
  6. Please think of the factors that shape our cultural values and practices, and discuss how they
    influence our life, behavior and communication, etc.请思考塑造我们价值观念和实践(习惯,习俗,风俗)的因素,并讨论它们怎样影响我们的生活、行为和沟通等。
  7. Do you think it’s necessary to be aware of the cultural differences and why?
  8. Please tell us the some traditional symbolizations in Chinese culture.

Our cultural values and practices can be influenced by many factors, like other people’s influence, the society’s guidance and our own learning and thinking, Of course there are many other factors that make differences.
The people that influence us most in shaping our culture values and practices are our parents.
And our parents’ values directly affect our values. Because they accompany us from when we are
only a baby. They tell us what we can do and what we can’t, they teach us what kind of
friends we should make and what kind of friends we should keep away from. And they teach
us how to face the difficulties in life. Sometimes we may behave and think like our parents. The
parents who are well educated are more likely to raise well-educated children. And the mean
parents are difficult to have a generous child.
Society also has a great influence on our values. The society tell us that we should believe
the government and support the country, and the society’s law provide a set of rules for our
behaviors in the society, and if we break the rules we may punished by the law, so we should obey
the laws.
Besides, our values may change when we step in the society slowly. And some of our values
may be very different from what we believe before we get in touch with the society. For example, some people think everything is either right or wrong when they are only a child, but when they grow up, they will find that something is reasonable when it exists, and it is difficult to judge whether it is right or wrong.
However, it is ourselves that determines our culture values and practices. Because our values may easily change with our experience. The more we experience, the deeper we understand the world, and we also know better how to face and solve the problems that we meet in our daily life.
These are all my opinions.
That’s all, thank you!
传统思想主要是中国的三种传统教派儒教,佛教,道教的思想文化,儒教提倡 ,
佛教提倡 ,道教提倡 ,其中儒家思想对中国的影响最为深远而彻底,对人的方方面面都提出了约束,这些思想从我们孩提时开始就通过家人的影响,师长的教导,朋友的熏陶不断地被我们接触吸收,然后成为我们的价值观念。西方近代文化进入中国则时近代的时候,主要鼓吹的时自由主义,这对当今的中国年轻人产生了一定的影响。

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