flag = True # 登陆功能 def login(): global flag n = 0 with open("用户信息", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: while n < 3: user_input_name = input("请输入您的用户名:").strip() user_input_pwd = input("请输入您的密码:").strip() for line in f : new_line = line.strip().split(" ") if user_input_name == new_line[0] and user_input_pwd == new_line[1]: print("登陆成功") flag = False break else: print("用户名或密码错误,请重新输入:") n += 1 continue break shopping() # 注册功能 def register(): # 先读再写入 with open("用户信息", "r+", encoding="utf-8") as f: while 1: user_name = input("请输入您要注册的用户名:").strip() user_password = input(("请输入您的密码:").strip()) for line in f: new_line = line.strip().split(" ") if user_name == new_line[0]: print("用户名已存在,请重新输入:") break else: f.write("\n"+user_name+" "+user_password) print("注册成功") break # 购物功能 def shopping(): global flag if flag == False: #判断是否登陆 product_list = [{"name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 500}, {"name": "键盘", "price": 999}, {"name": "低音炮", "price": 2222}, {"name": "硬盘", "price": 666} ] shopping_car = {} flag = True while flag: # 用户先给自己的账户充钱 user_account = input("please input your money:").strip() # 判断输入是否合法 if user_account.isdigit(): user_account = int(user_account) break else: print("invalid input") while flag: for i, v in enumerate(product_list): print("{}\t{}\t{}".format(i + 1, v["name"], v["price"])) # 用户输入自己想要的商品编号 user_choice = input("请选择商品编号[exit:q or Q,Shopping settlement:n or N]: ").strip() # 判断输入是否合法 if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice > 0 and user_choice < len(product_list)+1: # 将购买得商品放入购物车 if user_choice not in shopping_car: shopping_car[user_choice] = {"name": product_list[user_choice - 1]["name"], "price": product_list[user_choice - 1]["price"], "account": 1 } else: shopping_car[user_choice]["account"] += 1 print( "商品:{},价格:{},已添加到购物车".format(shopping_car[user_choice]["name"], shopping_car[user_choice]["price"])) else: print("输入有误,请重新输入:") # 另一种情况,退出,直接退出程序即可 elif user_choice in ["q", "Q"]: flag = False print("欢迎下次光临") break # 结算情况 elif user_choice in ["n", "N"]: # 展示给顾客自己买的商品,进行购物车得遍历 print("您想要购买的商品如下:") for id, value in shopping_car.items(): print("{}.{}\t单价:{}\t数量{}".format(id, value["name"], value["price"], value["account"])) # 计算一下自己的账户的钱是否够支付买的东西,进行个循环,直到可以购买 while True: sum = 0 # 计算购物费用,遍历price for id, value in shopping_car.items(): sum += value["price"] * value["account"] # 钱够的话直接购买 if user_account >= sum: user_balance = user_account - sum print("您已经成功购买下述商品,", f"您本次消费{sum}元,账户余额{user_balance}元,", "欢迎下次光临") for id, value in shopping_car.items(): print("{}.{}\t单价:{}\t数量:{}".format(id, value["name"], value["price"], value["account"])) flag = False break # 余额不足的情况 else: print("但是您的余额不足,请删除一些商品再结算") # 同上,就是进行合法性判断和将选中的购物车商品删除 user_choice_2 = input("请选择你要删除的商品的编号:").strip() if user_choice_2.isdigit(): user_choice_2 = int(user_choice_2) if user_choice_2 in shopping_car: shopping_car[user_choice_2]["account"] -= 1 if not shopping_car[user_choice_2]["account"]: sum -= int(shopping_car[user_choice_2]["price"]) del shopping_car[user_choice_2] else: print("输入有误") else: print("请输入商品编号") else: print("输入有误,请重新输入:") else: print("您还没有登陆,请先登陆") login() # 刚开始展示给用户的内容 def show(): str = "欢迎进入购物系统" print(str.center(20,"=")) print("1、注册\n" "2、登陆\n" "3、购物\n" "4、退出") # 程序启动 def start(): while True: show() user_choice = input("请输入您的选择:").strip() if user_choice == "1": register() elif user_choice == "2": login() break elif user_choice == "3": shopping() break elif user_choice == "4": break else: print("输入有误,请重新输入:") start()
最新推荐文章于 2022-11-08 21:11:18 发布