Managing multiple versions of gcc and g++ on Ubuntu

Managing multiple versions of gcc and g++ on Ubuntu can be essential for developers working with different projects that require specific compiler versions. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install and switch between different versions of these compilers:

Step 1: Install the Required gcc and g++ Versions

Ubuntu repositories provide multiple versions of gcc and g++. You can install specific versions using apt:

  1. First, update your package list:

    sudo apt update
  2. Install the versions of gcc and g++ that you need. For example, to install gcc-7 and g++-7:

    sudo apt install gcc-7 g++-7

    Replace 7 with any other version number available in the repository.

  3. You can check which versions are installed by listing them:

    gcc --version
    g++ --version

Step 2: Install and Configure update-alternatives

Ubuntu’s update-alternatives system provides a way to manage multiple versions of a program through symbolic links. Here’s how to set it up for gcc and g++:

  1. Set up alternatives for each version. You need to do this for both gcc and g++. Here’s how to set up gcc:

    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 10
    • /usr/bin/gcc is the generic command.
    • /usr/bin/gcc-7 is the specific version.
    • 10 is the priority (higher means higher priority).

    Repeat this for each version of gcc you have installed, changing gcc-7 and the priority accordingly.

  2. Do the same for g++:

    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7 10

    Again, replace g++-7 and the priority based on your installed versions and preferences.

Step 3: Switch Between Versions

After setting up update-alternatives, you can switch between the installed versions using the update-alternatives config command:

  • To switch versions of gcc:

    sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
  • To switch versions of g++:

    sudo update-alternatives --config g++

You will be prompted to choose from the list of installed versions. Select the version by typing the selection number.

Step 4: Verify the Active Compiler Version

After switching versions, you can verify which compiler version is currently active:

gcc --version
g++ --version

These commands will display the version of the compilers currently in use.

Additional Tips

  • Using Specific Compilers Directly: If you prefer not to change the default compiler globally, you can invoke a specific compiler directly in your build scripts or Makefiles, for example, /usr/bin/gcc-7 or /usr/bin/g++-7.

  • Environment Management Tools: For complex projects, consider using environment management tools like Docker, which can provide more controlled environments with specific versions of compilers and other dependencies.

By following these steps, you can manage multiple versions of gcc and g++ on your Ubuntu system, allowing you to compile projects with different requirements easily.

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