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原创 Camera Matrix Computation and Resizing

【代码】Camera Matrix Computation and Resizing。

2024-07-28 23:30:00 636

原创 Difference between std::shared_ptr and std::make_shared


2024-07-10 15:27:08 1069 1

原创 ORB-SLAM3 mapping parts breakdown

【代码】ORB-SLAM3 mapping parts breakdown。

2024-07-10 15:03:50 548

原创 Explanation of camera calibration parameters

1213121xd​yd​xu​yu​u​xd​1k1⋅r2k2⋅r4k3⋅r62⋅p1⋅xd​⋅yd​p2⋅r22⋅xd2​)yu​yd​1k1⋅r2k2⋅r4k3⋅r6p1⋅r22⋅yd2​2⋅p2⋅xd​⋅yd​where r2xd2​yd2​11≤k1≤。

2024-06-23 23:31:12 799

原创 Brief introduction of SIFT algorithm

xy)σLxyσGxyσ∗Ixy)Gxyσ2πσ21​e−x2y2/2σ2DxyσLxykσ−Lxyσ−H−1∇Dwhere ( HDxyLx1y−Lx−1y2Lxy1−Lxy−12​θxytan−1Lx1y−Lx−1yLxy1−Lxy−1​。

2024-06-17 16:34:46 770

原创 using evo for visualization of SLAM trajectories

【代码】using evo for visualization of SLAM trajectories。

2024-06-03 14:48:50 1029

原创 Frequently used Docker commands on Ubuntu

【代码】Frequently used Docker commands on Ubuntu。

2024-06-03 05:48:42 921

原创 MultiScaleDeformableAttention ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package

【代码】MultiScaleDeformableAttention ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package。

2024-06-02 23:40:45 191

原创 Converting GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude) into a trajectory in meters

【代码】Converting GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude) into a trajectory in meters。

2024-05-31 16:17:53 356

原创 Creating a video from a series of frames (images) using Python

【代码】Creating a video from a series of frames (images) using Python。

2024-05-21 17:51:09 653

原创 Frequently used functions in the Python OpenCV

【代码】Frequently used functions in the Python OpenCV。

2024-05-15 22:31:07 328 1

原创 Metrics to evaluate the performance of SLAM


2024-05-15 20:23:38 580

原创 ImportError: Cannot load backend ‘TkAgg‘ which requires the ‘tk‘ interactive framework

【代码】ImportError: Cannot load backend ‘TkAgg‘ which requires the ‘tk‘ interactive framework。

2024-05-15 16:43:51 728

原创 Frequently used Ubuntu commands

【代码】Frequently used Ubuntu commands。

2024-05-15 15:40:35 431

原创 Relationship between Grid Size, Block Size, and Threads In CUDA programming

【代码】Relationship between Grid Size, Block Size, and Threads In CUDA programming。

2024-05-10 22:40:41 598

原创 How to Calibrate a Camera with OpenCV?

【代码】How to Calibrate a Camera with OpenCV?

2024-05-10 17:36:56 863 2

原创 Using Docker container in Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

【代码】Using Docker container in Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

2024-05-07 17:21:28 545

原创 Photo-SLAM Docker Environment

【代码】Photo-SLAM Docker Environment。

2024-05-02 20:03:49 148 2

原创 How to Changing the Docker Storage Path in Ubuntu

【代码】How to Changing the Docker Storage Path in Ubuntu。

2024-05-01 23:22:02 595 1

原创 Managing multiple versions of gcc and g++ on Ubuntu


2024-04-29 01:29:24 198

原创 update-alternatives --display cuda missing a specific version

【代码】update-alternatives --display cuda missing a specific version。

2024-04-25 01:06:27 338

原创 Change CUDA versions

【代码】Change CUDA versions。

2024-04-25 01:00:22 91

原创 Notifications when a command finishes running

To achieve notifications when a command finishes running in a terminal on Ubuntu, you can utilize the command which is part of the package. This command allows you to create desktop notifications. You might need to install if it’s not already installed

2024-04-23 23:44:24 816

原创 Matching versions of cuDNN for a specific CUDA Toolkit

【代码】Matching versions of cuDNN for a specific CUDA Toolkit。

2024-04-23 21:31:04 829

原创 Questions of CUDA versions in Driver and Toolkit, and muti-version installation.

【代码】Questions of CUDA versions in Driver and Toolkit, and muti-version installation.

2024-04-23 21:21:56 654

原创 Scripts in .bashrc to automatically create a directory for each day‘s terminal session records

【代码】Scripts in .bashrc to automatically create a directory for each day‘s terminal session records。

2024-04-18 19:22:56 542

原创 Binding specific CUDA versions to different Conda env

【代码】Binding specific CUDA versions to different Conda env。

2024-04-18 18:25:25 674

原创 关于在win下通过pymongo连接到mongodb报错[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate

最近做项目要用到mongodb在用python连接的时候出现以下问题:pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: cluster0-shard-00-00.llrsd.mongodb.net:27017: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1131)google了很久得到原因:This is

2022-01-12 02:42:09 723

转载 css图片剪裁clip-path

等有时间再来总结一下先放个link:clip-path | CSS-Tricks*剪裁其实并没有改变原图大小,而是只显示其一部分,剪裁前后所占的空间没有变化

2021-11-24 01:23:21 364

转载 Linux\Ubuntu20下解压\提取realsense-viewer的录制文件xxx.bag

最近用realsense获取rgb和depth图像,其中用到了有ui界面的realsense viewer。这里附上RealSense SDK 2.0的github链接直接在命令行输入即可打开realsense-viewer:realsense-viewer录制完成之后,record输出的.bag文件会保存在/home/<user>/Documents里面。切换到/home/<user>/Documents下,在命令行中输入:rs-convert -i &

2021-11-11 23:22:41 1069

翻译 编译错误:error: identifier “AT_CHECK“ is undefined

最近跑pytorch项目的时候出了个问题要运行build.sh文件才能生成deform_conv_cuda文件结果一大堆error: identifier "AT_CHECK" is undefinedgoogle了之后找到了解决方法:把deform_conv_cuda.cpp里面所有的AT_CHECK替换为TORCH_CHECK或者宏定义#ifndef AT_CHECK#define AT_CHECK TORCH_CHECK #endif...

2021-07-19 01:40:54 1659 4

翻译 关于python-pcl出现问题ImportError: DLL load failed: 找不到指定的模块。

记录一下安装pcl的一个坑安装完之后import pcl出现:Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\python36\lib\site-packages\pcl\__init__.py", line 5, in <module> from ._pcl import *ImportError: D

2021-07-18 00:03:08 2747 3



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