
UE4 MySQL插件开发

1. 项目简介

  • 个人UrealEngine MySQL Plugin开发流程
  • 方便UnrealEngine项目链接操作MySQL数据库

2. 项目环境

IDE -> JetBrains Rider 2022.1 EAP7 内部版本号 221.4906.10
UnrealEngine -> 4.27.2
Compiler Environment -> Visual Studio 2022 提供编译组件
MySQL -> 8.0.28 MySQL Community Server - GPL

3. 项目资源

3.1 资源文件结构
	- ConnectorLibs
		+ include
		+ lib
	- ConnectorLibs.Build.cs
3.2 资源链接

「ConnectorLibs」 提取码: 0be0

4. 项目创建

4.1 创建UE4项目
  1. 默认选择游戏项目
  2. 默认选择空项目
  3. 创建C++项目,包含初学者内容包
  4. 选择项目的创建目录
  5. 创建项目名FH_TestMySQL
4.2 创建新插件
  1. 找到EditSettings
  2. 选择plugins进入插件界面
  3. 选择New Plugin
  4. 选择Blank
  5. 设置插件名称FH_MySQL
  6. Descriptor Data随意填写
  7. Create Plugin
4.3 创建MySQL C++类
4.3.1 FH_ConnectionObject
  1. 创建ObjectC++类,类名FH_ConnectionObject
  2. 选择添加到插件目录FH_MySQL(Runtime),默认public .h,private .cpp
  3. Create Class
  4. 会弹出一个Message窗口,内容大致为创建成功,但需要重新编译,选择No
4.3.2 BPFuncLib_FHSQL
  1. 创建Blueprint Function LibraryC++类,类名BPFuncLib_FHSQL
  2. 剩下步骤同上

5. 项目配置

5.1 引入MySQL环境库
5.1.1 导入环境库
  1. 准备好ConnectorLibs
  2. 来到FH_TestMySQL\Plugins\FH_MySQL\Source目录下
  3. 创建目录ThirdParty
  4. ConnectorLibs放入ThirdParty
5.1.2 配置项目属性
  1. Rider打开创建好的UE4 C++项目
  2. 在资源栏内找到项目名FH_TestMySQL,在Games目录下
  3. 右键,选择Properties
  4. Configurations内选择Development_Editor | x64
  5. 选择VC++目录
  6. 包含目录(include)中填入绝对路径项目文件路径\FH_TestMySQL\Plugins\FH_MySQL\Source\ThirdParty\ConnectorLibs\include
  7. 库目录(lib)中填入绝对路径项目文件路径\FH_TestMySQL\Plugins\FH_MySQL\Source\ThirdParty\ConnectorLibs\lib
  8. OK
5.1.3 配置项目文件
  1. 修改FH_MySQL.uplugin,文件位置项目文件路径\FH_TestMySQL\Plugins\FH_MySQL,只需要添加"WhitelistPlatforms": ["Win64"]

    	"FileVersion": 3,
    	"Version": 1,
    	"VersionName": "1.0",
    	"FriendlyName": "FH_MySQL",
    	"Description": "Using UE4 Connecting MySQL Plugin",
    	"Category": "FhPlugin",
    	"CreatedBy": "FangH",
    	"CreatedByURL": "",
    	"DocsURL": "",
    	"MarketplaceURL": "",
    	"SupportURL": "",
    	"CanContainContent": true,
    	"IsBetaVersion": true,
    	"IsExperimentalVersion": false,
    	"Installed": false,
    	"Modules": [
    			"Name": "FH_MySQL",
    			"Type": "Runtime",
    			"LoadingPhase": "Default",
    			"WhitelistPlatforms": ["Win64"]
  2. 修改FH_MySQL.Build.cs,文件位置项目文件路径\FH_TestMySQL\Plugins\FH_MySQL\Source\FH_MySQL,修改如下内容

    	new string[]
    		// ... add other public dependencies that you statically link with here ...

6. MySQL C++文件

6.1 MySQL连接对象
  • FH_ConnectionObject.h

    #pragma once
    #include "CoreMinimal.h"
    #include "UObject/NoExportTypes.h"
    #include "mysql.h"
    #include "FH_ConnectionObject.generated.h"
    class FH_MYSQL_API UFH_ConnectionObject : public UObject
    	MYSQL *Fh_ConnMysql;
  • FH_ConnectionObject.cpp

    #include "FH_ConnectionObject.h"
    	Fh_ConnMysql = nullptr;
6.2 MySQL函数工具库
  • BPFuncLib_FHSQL.h

    #pragma once
    #include "CoreMinimal.h"
    #include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
    #include "FH_ConnectionObject.h"
    #include "BPFuncLib_FHSQL.generated.h"
    struct FQueryResultRow
    	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category="MySQL|Result Row Value")
    	TArray<FString> RowValue;
    struct FQueryResultRows
    	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category="MySQL|Result Rows Value")
    	TArray<FQueryResultRow> RowsValue;
    class FH_MYSQL_API UBPFuncLib_FHSQL : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
    	 * Connection == MySQL Object
    	 * @return *UFH_ConnectionObject == MySQL Connector
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static UFH_ConnectionObject *ConnectToMySQL(FString Host, FString UserName, FString PassWord, FString DBName,
    												int32 Port, FString &ConnectMessage);
    	 * ConnectionObject == MySQL Object
    	 * @return bool == ConnectionState
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static bool GetConnectionState(UFH_ConnectionObject *ConnectionObject);
    	 * ConnectionObject == MySQL Object
    	 * @return bool == ConnectionState
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static bool CloseConnection(UFH_ConnectionObject *ConnectionObject);
    	 * ConnectionObject == MySQL Object
    	 * @return bool == Insert, Update, Delete Data Is Succeed Or Failed
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static bool ActionOnTableData(UFH_ConnectionObject *ConnectionObject, FString SqlQuery);
    	 * TableName = DataBase TableName
    	 * InsertValues = MySQL Insert Values to Table
    	 * @return FString = MySQL Insert Query -> Insert
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static FString InsertFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString InsertValues);
    	 * TableName = DataBase TableName
    	 * RowName = Need Update Row
    	 * @return FString = MySQL Update Query -> Update
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static FString UpdateAllFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString RowName, FString UpdateValue);
    	 * TableName = DataBase TableName
    	 * RowName = Need Update Row
    	 * WhereName = Update Where
    	 * WhereSymbol = Operator Or Symbol
    	 * WhereValue = Condition Name
    	 * UpdateValue = Need Update Date Value
    	 * @return FString = MySQL Update Query -> Update
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static FString UpdateByWhereFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString RowName, FString WhereName, FString WhereSymbol, FString WhereValue, FString UpdateValue);
    	 * TableName = DataBase TableName
    	 * @return FString = MySQL Delete Query -> Delete
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static FString DeleteAllFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName);
    	 * TableName = DataBase TableName
    	 * WhereName = Update Where
    	 * WhereSymbol = Operator Or Symbol
    	 * WhereValue = Condition Name
    	 * @return FString = MySQL Delete Query -> Delete
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static FString DeleteByWhereFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString WhereName, FString WhereSymbol, FString WhereValue);
    	 * ConnectionObject == MySQL Object
    	 * @return bool == Select Data Is Succeed Or Failed
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static bool SelectOnTableData(UFH_ConnectionObject *ConnectionObject, FString SqlQuery, FQueryResultRows &ResultRows);
    	 * TableName = DataBase TableName
    	 * @return FString = MySQL Select Query -> Select
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static FString SelectAllFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName);
    	 * TableName = DataBase TableName
    	 * @return FString = MySQL Select Query -> Select
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static FString SelectByColumnsFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString Columns);
    	 * TableName = DataBase TableName
    	 * @return TArray<FString> = Get All Rows -> In All Columns Values
    	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="MySQL|Utils")
    	static FQueryResultRow GetRowByIndex(const FQueryResultRows &ResultRows, int32 RowIndex);
  • BPFuncLib_FHSQL.cpp

    #include "BPFuncLib_FHSQL.h"
    #include "mysql.h"
    #include <string>
    UFH_ConnectionObject* UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::ConnectToMySQL(FString Host, FString UserName, FString PassWord, FString DBName,
    	int32 Port, FString &ConnectMessage)
    	const std::string m_Host(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Host));
    	const std::string m_UserName(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*UserName));
    	const std::string m_PassWord(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*PassWord));
    	const std::string m_DBName(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*DBName));
    	const uint32 m_Port = Port; 
    	// Create MySQL Connection Object
    	UFH_ConnectionObject *ConnectionObject = NewObject<UFH_ConnectionObject>();
    	// Init DataBase Connection Object
    	ConnectionObject->Fh_ConnMysql = mysql_init(nullptr);
    	// Judge Connection Status And Return ConnectMessage
    	if (mysql_real_connect(ConnectionObject->Fh_ConnMysql, m_Host.c_str(), m_UserName.c_str(), m_PassWord.c_str(),
    	                       m_DBName.c_str(), m_Port, nullptr, 0))
    		ConnectMessage = TEXT("Connect Succeed");
    		ConnectMessage = TEXT("Connect Failed");
    	// Return MySQL Connection Object
    	return ConnectionObject;
    bool UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::GetConnectionState(UFH_ConnectionObject* ConnectionObject)
    	// Judge Current MySQL Connection State
    	if (ConnectionObject)
    		if (ConnectionObject->Fh_ConnMysql != nullptr)
    			return true;
    		return false;
    	return false;
    bool UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::CloseConnection(UFH_ConnectionObject* ConnectionObject)
    	// If MySQL Connected -> Close MySQL Connection; Return True
    	// Else -> Return True
    	if (GetConnectionState(ConnectionObject))
    		ConnectionObject->Fh_ConnMysql = nullptr;
    		ConnectionObject = nullptr;
    		return true;
    	return true;
    bool UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::ActionOnTableData(UFH_ConnectionObject* ConnectionObject, FString SqlQuery)
    	const std::string m_SqlQuery(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*SqlQuery));
    	// Judge MySQL Is Connected
    	if (!ConnectionObject)
    		return false;
    	// Judge SqlQuery Is Apply Succeed
    	if (mysql_query(ConnectionObject->Fh_ConnMysql, m_SqlQuery.c_str()) == 0)
    		return true;
    	return true;
    FString UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::InsertFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString InsertValues)
    	// INSERT INTO TableName VALUES(InsertValues);
    	FString SqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + TableName + " VALUES(" + InsertValues + ");";
    	return SqlQuery;
    FString UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::UpdateAllFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString UpdateRowName, FString UpdateValue)
    {	// UPDATE TableName SET RowName=UpdateValue;
    	FString SqlQuery = "UPDATE " + TableName + " SET " + UpdateRowName + "=" + UpdateValue + ";";
    	return SqlQuery;
    FString UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::UpdateByWhereFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString UpdateRowName, FString WhereName, FString WhereSymbol, FString WhereValue, FString UpdateValue)
    	// UPDATE TableName SET UpdateRowName=UpdateValue WHERE WhereName=WhereValue;
    	FString SqlQuery = "UPDATE " + TableName + " SET " + UpdateRowName + "=" + UpdateValue + " WHERE " + WhereName + WhereSymbol + WhereValue + ";";
    	return SqlQuery;
    FString UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::DeleteAllFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName)
    	// DELETE FROM TableName;
    	FString SqlQuery = "DELETE FROM " + TableName + ";";
    	return SqlQuery;
    FString UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::DeleteByWhereFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString WhereName, FString WhereSymbol, FString WhereValue)
    	// DELETE FROM TableName WHERE WhereName=‘WhereValue’;
    	FString SqlQuery = "DELETE FROM " + TableName + " WHERE " + WhereName + WhereSymbol + "'" + WhereValue + "';";
    	return SqlQuery;
    bool UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::SelectOnTableData(UFH_ConnectionObject* ConnectionObject, FString SqlQuery, FQueryResultRows &ResultRows)
    	MYSQL_RES *m_Res = nullptr;
    	MYSQL_ROW m_Column;
    	TArray<FString> m_ColumnNames;
    	FQueryResultRows m_Rows;
    	const std::string m_SqlQuery(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*SqlQuery));
    	if (!ConnectionObject){return false;}
    	if (!ConnectionObject->Fh_ConnMysql){return false;}
    	if (!mysql_query(ConnectionObject->Fh_ConnMysql, m_SqlQuery.c_str()))
    		ResultRows = {};
    		m_Res = mysql_store_result(ConnectionObject->Fh_ConnMysql);
    		const int m_Columns = mysql_num_fields(m_Res);
    		while ((m_Column = mysql_fetch_row(m_Res)) != nullptr)
    			FQueryResultRow m_Row;
    			for (int i = 0; i < m_Columns; ++i)
    	return true;
    FString UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::SelectAllFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName)
    	// SELECT * FROM TableName;
    	FString SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + TableName + ";";
    	return SqlQuery;
    FString UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::SelectByColumnsFormatSqlQuery(FString TableName, FString Columns)
    	// SELECT Columns1, Columns2, Country FROM TableName;
    	FString SqlQuery = "SELECT " + Columns + " FROM " + TableName + ";";
    	return SqlQuery;
    FQueryResultRow UBPFuncLib_FHSQL::GetRowByIndex(const FQueryResultRows &ResultRows, int32 RowIndex)
    	const FQueryResultRow m_Row = ResultRows.RowsValue[RowIndex];
    	return m_Row;

7. 编译项目

  • Rider内进行项目编译
  • 编译完成,可以在Rider内直接运行启动UE4项目

8. 打包插件

8.1 打包前设置编译工具
  • 前提:如果安装的Visual Studio 2017可能不需要进行这个步骤,直接进入下一步

  • 打包出现RunUAT相关错误信息,再进行此步骤

  • 如果使用的是Visual Studio 2019Visual Studio 2022或其他版本

  • 找到RunUAT.bat文件,用记事本打开或编辑

  • 文件位置UE4引擎的安装目录\UE_4.27\Engine\Build\BatchFiles

  • 编辑 -> 查找%UATExecutable%

  • %UATExecutable% %* %UATCompileArg%修改为%UATExecutable% %* -VS2019=true %UATCompileArg%

  • 我用的是 VS2022,修改成2022好像不行,但修改成2019就可以正常打包了

8.2 打包MySQL插件
  1. 找到EditSettings
  2. 选择plugins进入插件界面
  3. 找到插件FH_MySQL
  4. 可选步骤Edit,进行插件的相关信息的编辑,包括插件的图标
  5. 点击Package(打包),选择打包目录自定义
  6. 等待打包完成即可
  7. 我自己的电脑上的环境打包,完全没有任何WarningError,所以理论上打包不存在问题(写这个插件的时候遇到了很多问题,但用我提供的环境库文件和配置步骤,问题都一个个解决了)


  • 如果使用的是Visual Studio 2019Visual Studio 2022或其他版本

  • 找到RunUAT.bat文件,用记事本打开或编辑

  • 文件位置UE4引擎的安装目录\UE_4.27\Engine\Build\BatchFiles

  • 编辑 -> 查找%UATExecutable%

  • %UATExecutable% %* %UATCompileArg%修改为%UATExecutable% %* -VS2019=true %UATCompileArg%

  • 我用的是 VS2022,修改成2022好像不行,但修改成2019就可以正常打包了

8.2 打包MySQL插件
  1. 找到EditSettings
  2. 选择plugins进入插件界面
  3. 找到插件FH_MySQL
  4. 可选步骤Edit,进行插件的相关信息的编辑,包括插件的图标
  5. 点击Package(打包),选择打包目录自定义
  6. 等待打包完成即可
  7. 我自己的电脑上的环境打包,完全没有任何WarningError,所以理论上打包不存在问题(写这个插件的时候遇到了很多问题,但用我提供的环境库文件和配置步骤,问题都一个个解决了)
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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