c++ socket之io复用模型 epoll进阶





一、socket epoll介绍

1.select的句柄数目受限,在linux/posix_types.h头文件有这样的声明:#define __FD_SETSIZE 1024 表示select最多同时监听1024个fd。而epoll没有,它的限制是最大的打开文件句柄数目。
2.epoll的最大好处是不会随着FD的数目增长而降低效率,在selec中采用轮询处理,其中的数据结构类似一个数组的数据结构,而epoll 是维护一个队列,直接看队列是不是空就可以了。epoll只会对"活跃"的socket进行操作—这是因为在内核实现中epoll是根据每个fd上面 的callback函数实现的。那么,只有"活跃"的socket才会主动的去调用 callback函数(把这个句柄加入队列),其他idle状态句柄则不会,在这点上,epoll实现了一个"伪"AIO。但是如果绝大部分的I/O都是 “活跃的”,每个I/O端口使用率很高的话,epoll效率不一定比select高(可能是要维护队列复杂)。

总结下,epoll 相关的函数⾥内核运⾏环境分两部分:

⽤户进程内核态。进⾏调⽤ epoll_wait 等函数时会将进程陷⼊内核态来执⾏。这部分代码负责查看接收队列,以及负责把当前进程阻塞掉,让出 CPU。
硬软中断上下⽂。在这些组件中,将包从⽹卡接收过来进⾏处理,然后放到 socket 的接收队列。对于 epoll 来说,再找到 socket 关联的 epitem,并把它添加到 epoll 对象的就绪链表中。 这个时候再捎带检查⼀下 epoll 上是否有被阻塞的进程,如果有唤醒之。


1. epoll client实现

#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cassert>

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>

namespace mux {
namespace transport {

static const uint32_t kEpollWaitTime = 10; // 10 ms
static const uint32_t kMaxEvents = 100;

typedef struct Packet {
        : msg { "" } {}
    Packet(const std::string& msg)
        : msg { msg } {}
    Packet(int fd, const std::string& msg)
        : fd(fd),
          msg(msg) {}

    int fd { -1 };
    std::string msg;
} Packet;

typedef std::shared_ptr<Packet> PacketPtr;

using callback_recv_t = std::function<void(const PacketPtr& data)>;

class EpollTcpBase {
    EpollTcpBase()                                     = default;
    EpollTcpBase(const EpollTcpBase& other)            = delete;
    EpollTcpBase& operator=(const EpollTcpBase& other) = delete;
    EpollTcpBase(EpollTcpBase&& other)                 = delete;
    EpollTcpBase& operator=(EpollTcpBase&& other)      = delete;
    virtual ~EpollTcpBase()                            = default; 
    virtual bool Start() = 0;
    virtual bool Stop()  = 0;
    virtual int32_t SendData(const PacketPtr& data) = 0;
    virtual void RegisterOnRecvCallback(callback_recv_t callback) = 0;
    virtual void UnRegisterOnRecvCallback() = 0;
using ETBase = EpollTcpBase;
typedef std::shared_ptr<ETBase> ETBasePtr;

class EpollTcpClient : public ETBase {
    EpollTcpClient()                                       = default;
    EpollTcpClient(const EpollTcpClient& other)            = delete;
    EpollTcpClient& operator=(const EpollTcpClient& other) = delete;
    EpollTcpClient(EpollTcpClient&& other)                 = delete;
    EpollTcpClient& operator=(EpollTcpClient&& other)      = delete;
    ~EpollTcpClient() override;

    EpollTcpClient(const std::string& server_ip, uint16_t server_port);

    bool Start() override;
    bool Stop() override;
    int32_t SendData(const PacketPtr& data) override;
    void RegisterOnRecvCallback(callback_recv_t callback) override;
    void UnRegisterOnRecvCallback() override;

    int32_t CreateEpoll();
    int32_t CreateSocket();
    int32_t Connect(int32_t listenfd);
    int32_t UpdateEpollEvents(int efd, int op, int fd, int events);
    void OnSocketRead(int32_t fd);
    void OnSocketWrite(int32_t fd);
    void EpollLoop();

    std::string server_ip_;
    uint16_t server_port_ { 0 };
    int32_t handle_ { -1 };    // client fd
    int32_t efd_ { -1 };       // epoll fd
    std::shared_ptr<std::thread> th_loop_ { nullptr };
    bool loop_flag_ { true };
    callback_recv_t recv_callback_ { nullptr };
using ETClient = EpollTcpClient;
typedef std::shared_ptr<ETClient> ETClientPtr;

EpollTcpClient::EpollTcpClient(const std::string& server_ip, uint16_t server_port)
    : server_ip_ { server_ip },
      server_port_ { server_port } {

EpollTcpClient::~EpollTcpClient() {

bool EpollTcpClient::Start() {
    if (CreateEpoll() < 0) {
        return false;
    // create socket and bind
    int cli_fd  = CreateSocket();
    if (cli_fd < 0) {
        return false;

    int lr = Connect(cli_fd);
    if (lr < 0) {
        return false;
    std::cout << "EpollTcpClient Init success!" << std::endl;
    handle_ = cli_fd;

    int er = UpdateEpollEvents(efd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, handle_, EPOLLIN | EPOLLET);
    if (er < 0) {
        return false;


    th_loop_ = std::make_shared<std::thread>(&EpollTcpClient::EpollLoop, this);
    if (!th_loop_) {
        return false;

    return true;

bool EpollTcpClient::Stop() {
    loop_flag_ = false;
    std::cout << "stop epoll!" << std::endl;
    return true;

int32_t EpollTcpClient::CreateEpoll() {
    int epollfd = epoll_create(1);
    if (epollfd < 0) {
        std::cout << "epoll_create failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    efd_ = epollfd;
    return epollfd;

int32_t EpollTcpClient::CreateSocket() {
    int cli_fd = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (cli_fd < 0) {
        std::cout << "create socket failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    return cli_fd;

int32_t EpollTcpClient::Connect(int32_t cli_fd) {
    struct sockaddr_in addr;  // server info
    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons(server_port_);
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr  = inet_addr(server_ip_.c_str());

    int r = ::connect(cli_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
    if ( r < 0) {
        std::cout << "connect failed! r=" << r << " errno:" << errno << std::endl;
        return -1;
    return 0;

int32_t EpollTcpClient::UpdateEpollEvents(int efd, int op, int fd, int events) {
    struct epoll_event ev;
    memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
    ev.events = events;
    ev.data.fd = fd;
    fprintf(stdout,"%s fd %d events read %d write %d\n", op == EPOLL_CTL_MOD ? "mod" : "add", fd, ev.events & EPOLLIN, ev.events & EPOLLOUT);
    int r = epoll_ctl(efd, op, fd, &ev);
    if (r < 0) {
        std::cout << "epoll_ctl failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    return 0;

void EpollTcpClient::RegisterOnRecvCallback(callback_recv_t callback) {
    recv_callback_ = callback;

void EpollTcpClient::UnRegisterOnRecvCallback() {
    recv_callback_ = nullptr;

// handle read events on fd
void EpollTcpClient::OnSocketRead(int32_t fd) {
    char read_buf[4096];
    bzero(read_buf, sizeof(read_buf));
    int n = -1;
    while ( (n = ::read(fd, read_buf, sizeof(read_buf))) > 0) {
        // callback for recv
        std::string msg(read_buf, n);
        PacketPtr data = std::make_shared<Packet>(fd, msg);
        if (recv_callback_) {
    if (n == -1) {
        if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            // read finished
        // something goes wrong for this fd, should close it
    if (n == 0) {
        // this may happen when client close socket. EPOLLRDHUP usually handle this, but just make sure; should close this fd

// handle write events on fd (usually happens when sending big files)
void EpollTcpClient::OnSocketWrite(int32_t fd) {
    std::cout << "fd: " << fd << " writeable!" << std::endl;

int32_t EpollTcpClient::SendData(const PacketPtr& data) {
    int r = ::write(handle_, data->msg.data(), data->msg.size());
    if (r == -1) {
        if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            return -1;
        // error happend
        std::cout << "fd: " << handle_ << " write error, close it!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    return r;

void EpollTcpClient::EpollLoop() {
    struct epoll_event* alive_events =  static_cast<epoll_event*>(calloc(kMaxEvents, sizeof(epoll_event)));
    if (!alive_events) {
        std::cout << "calloc memory failed for epoll_events!" << std::endl;
    while (loop_flag_) {
        int num = epoll_wait(efd_, alive_events, kMaxEvents, kEpollWaitTime);

        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
            int fd = alive_events[i].data.fd;
            int events = alive_events[i].events;

            if ( (events & EPOLLERR) || (events & EPOLLHUP) ) {
                std::cout << "epoll_wait error!" << std::endl;
                // An error has occured on this fd, or the socket is not ready for reading (why were we notified then?).
            } else  if (events & EPOLLRDHUP) {
                // Stream socket peer closed connection, or shut down writing half of connection.
                // more inportant, We still to handle disconnection when read()/recv() return 0 or -1 just to be sure.
                std::cout << "fd:" << fd << " closed EPOLLRDHUP!" << std::endl;
                // close fd and epoll will remove it
            } else if ( events & EPOLLIN ) {
                // other fd read event coming, meaning data coming
            } else if ( events & EPOLLOUT ) {
                // write event for fd (not including listen-fd), meaning send buffer is available for big files
            } else {
                std::cout << "unknow epoll event!" << std::endl;
        } // end for (int i = 0; ...

    } // end while (loop_flag_)

} // end namespace transport
} // end namespace mux

using namespace mux;
using namespace mux::transport;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    std::string server_ip {""};
    uint16_t server_port { 6666 };
    if (argc >= 2) {
        server_ip = std::string(argv[1]);
    if (argc >= 3) {
        server_port = std::atoi(argv[2]);

    auto tcp_client = std::make_shared<EpollTcpClient>(server_ip, server_port);
    if (!tcp_client) {
        std::cout << "tcp_client create faield!" << std::endl;

    auto recv_call = [&](const transport::PacketPtr& data) -> void {
        std::cout << "recv: " << data->msg << std::endl;


    if (!tcp_client->Start()) {
        std::cout << "tcp_client start failed!" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "############tcp_client started!################" << std::endl;

    std::string msg;
    while (true) {
        std::cout << std::endl << "input:";
        std::getline(std::cin, msg);
        auto packet = std::make_shared<Packet>(msg);


    return 0;

g++ epoll_client.cpp  -o epoll_client -std=c++11 -lpthread

2. epoll server实现

#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cassert>

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>

namespace mux {
namespace transport {

static const uint32_t kEpollWaitTime = 10; // epoll wait timeout 10 ms
static const uint32_t kMaxEvents = 100;    // epoll wait return max size
// packet of send/recv binary content
typedef struct Packet {
        : msg { "" } {}
    Packet(const std::string& msg)
        : msg { msg } {}
    Packet(int fd, const std::string& msg)
        : fd(fd),
          msg(msg) {}

    int fd { -1 };     // meaning socket
    std::string msg;   // real binary content
} Packet;

typedef std::shared_ptr<Packet> PacketPtr;
// callback when packet received
using callback_recv_t = std::function<void(const PacketPtr& data)>;

// base class of EpollTcpServer, focus on Start(), Stop(), SendData(), RegisterOnRecvCallback()...
class EpollTcpBase {
    EpollTcpBase()                                     = default;
    EpollTcpBase(const EpollTcpBase& other)            = delete;
    EpollTcpBase& operator=(const EpollTcpBase& other) = delete;
    EpollTcpBase(EpollTcpBase&& other)                 = delete;
    EpollTcpBase& operator=(EpollTcpBase&& other)      = delete;
    virtual ~EpollTcpBase()                            = default; 
    virtual bool Start() = 0;
    virtual bool Stop()  = 0;
    virtual int32_t SendData(const PacketPtr& data) = 0;
    virtual void RegisterOnRecvCallback(callback_recv_t callback) = 0;
    virtual void UnRegisterOnRecvCallback() = 0;

using ETBase = EpollTcpBase;
typedef std::shared_ptr<ETBase> ETBasePtr;
// the implementation of Epoll Tcp Server
class EpollTcpServer : public ETBase {
    EpollTcpServer()                                       = default;
    EpollTcpServer(const EpollTcpServer& other)            = delete;
    EpollTcpServer& operator=(const EpollTcpServer& other) = delete;
    EpollTcpServer(EpollTcpServer&& other)                 = delete;
    EpollTcpServer& operator=(EpollTcpServer&& other)      = delete;
    ~EpollTcpServer() override;
    // the local ip and port of tcp server
    EpollTcpServer(const std::string& local_ip, uint16_t local_port);
    // start tcp server
    bool Start() override;
    // stop tcp server
    bool Stop() override;
    // send packet
    int32_t SendData(const PacketPtr& data) override;
    // register a callback when packet received
    void RegisterOnRecvCallback(callback_recv_t callback) override;
    void UnRegisterOnRecvCallback() override;
    // create epoll instance using epoll_create and return a fd of epoll
    int32_t CreateEpoll();
    // create a socket fd using api socket()
    int32_t CreateSocket();
    // set socket noblock
    int32_t MakeSocketNonBlock(int32_t fd);
    // listen() 
    int32_t Listen(int32_t listenfd);
    // add/modify/remove a item(socket/fd) in epoll instance(rbtree), for this example, just add a socket to epoll rbtree
    int32_t UpdateEpollEvents(int efd, int op, int fd, int events);

    // handle tcp accept event
    void OnSocketAccept();
    // handle tcp socket readable event(read())
    void OnSocketRead(int32_t fd);
    // handle tcp socket writeable event(write())
    void OnSocketWrite(int32_t fd);
    // one loop per thread, call epoll_wait and return ready socket(accept,readable,writeable,error...)
    void EpollLoop();
    std::string local_ip_; // tcp local ip
    uint16_t local_port_ { 0 }; // tcp bind local port
    int32_t handle_ { -1 }; // listenfd
    int32_t efd_ { -1 }; // epoll fd
    std::shared_ptr<std::thread> th_loop_ { nullptr }; // one loop per thread(call epoll_wait in loop)
    bool loop_flag_ { true }; // if loop_flag_ is false, then exit the epoll loop
    callback_recv_t recv_callback_ { nullptr }; // callback when received

using ETServer = EpollTcpServer;

typedef std::shared_ptr<ETServer> ETServerPtr;

EpollTcpServer::EpollTcpServer(const std::string& local_ip, uint16_t local_port)
    : local_ip_ { local_ip },
      local_port_ { local_port } {

EpollTcpServer::~EpollTcpServer() {

bool EpollTcpServer::Start() {
    // create epoll instance
    if (CreateEpoll() < 0) {
        return false;
    // create socket and bind
    int listenfd = CreateSocket();
    if (listenfd < 0) {
        return false;
    // set listen socket noblock
    int mr = MakeSocketNonBlock(listenfd);
    if (mr < 0) {
        return false;

    // call listen()
    int lr = Listen(listenfd);
    if (lr < 0) {
        return false;
    std::cout << "EpollTcpServer Init success!" << std::endl;
    handle_ = listenfd;
    // add listen socket to epoll instance, and focus on event EPOLLIN and EPOLLOUT, actually EPOLLIN is enough
    int er = UpdateEpollEvents(efd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, handle_, EPOLLIN | EPOLLET);
    if (er < 0) {
        // if something goes wrong, close listen socket and return false
        return false;


    // the implementation of one loop per thread: create a thread to loop epoll
    th_loop_ = std::make_shared<std::thread>(&EpollTcpServer::EpollLoop, this);
    if (!th_loop_) {
        return false;
    // detach the thread(using loop_flag_ to control the start/stop of loop)
    return true;

// stop epoll tcp server and release epoll
bool EpollTcpServer::Stop() {
    // set loop_flag_ false to stop epoll loop
    loop_flag_ = false;
    std::cout << "stop epoll!" << std::endl;
    return true;

int32_t EpollTcpServer::CreateEpoll() {
    // the basic epoll api of create a epoll instance
    int epollfd = epoll_create(1);
    if (epollfd < 0) {
        // if something goes wrong, return -1
        std::cout << "epoll_create failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    efd_ = epollfd;
    return epollfd;

int32_t EpollTcpServer::CreateSocket() {
    // create tcp socket
    int listenfd = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (listenfd < 0) {
        std::cout << "create socket " << local_ip_ << ":" << local_port_ << " failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons(local_port_);
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr  = inet_addr(local_ip_.c_str());

    // bind to local ip and local port
    int r = ::bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
    if (r != 0) {
        std::cout << "bind socket " << local_ip_ << ":" << local_port_ << " failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    std::cout << "create and bind socket " << local_ip_ << ":" << local_port_ << " success!" << std::endl;
    return listenfd;

// set noblock fd
int32_t EpollTcpServer::MakeSocketNonBlock(int32_t fd) {
    int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
    if (flags < 0) {
        std::cout << "fcntl failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    int r = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
    if (r < 0) {
        std::cout << "fcntl failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    return 0;

// call listen() api and set listen queue size using SOMAXCONN
int32_t EpollTcpServer::Listen(int32_t listenfd) {
    int r = ::listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN);
    if ( r < 0) {
        std::cout << "listen failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    return 0;

// add/modify/remove a item(socket/fd) in epoll instance(rbtree), for this example, just add a socket to epoll rbtree
int32_t EpollTcpServer::UpdateEpollEvents(int efd, int op, int fd, int events) {
    struct epoll_event ev;
    memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
    ev.events = events;
    ev.data.fd = fd; // ev.data is a enum
    fprintf(stdout,"%s fd %d events read %d write %d\n", op == EPOLL_CTL_MOD ? "mod" : "add", fd, ev.events & EPOLLIN, ev.events & EPOLLOUT);
    int r = epoll_ctl(efd, op, fd, &ev);
    if (r < 0) {
        std::cout << "epoll_ctl failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    return 0;

// handle accept event
void EpollTcpServer::OnSocketAccept() {
    // epoll working on et mode, must read all coming data, so use a while loop here
    while (true) {
        struct sockaddr_in in_addr;
        socklen_t in_len = sizeof(in_addr);

        // accept a new connection and get a new socket
        int cli_fd = accept(handle_, (struct sockaddr*)&in_addr, &in_len);
        if (cli_fd == -1) {
            if ( (errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) ) {
                // read all accept finished(epoll et mode only trigger one time,so must read all data in listen socket)
                std::cout << "accept all coming connections!" << std::endl;
            } else {
                std::cout << "accept error!" << std::endl;

        sockaddr_in peer;
        socklen_t p_len = sizeof(peer);
        // get client ip and port
        int r = getpeername(cli_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&peer, &p_len);
        if (r < 0) {
            std::cout << "getpeername error!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "accpet connection from " << inet_ntoa(in_addr.sin_addr) << std::endl;
        int mr = MakeSocketNonBlock(cli_fd);
        if (mr < 0) {
        //  add this new socket to epoll instance, and focus on EPOLLIN and EPOLLOUT and EPOLLRDHUP event
        int er = UpdateEpollEvents(efd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, cli_fd, EPOLLIN | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLET);
        if (er < 0 ) {
            // if something goes wrong, close this new socket

// register a callback when packet received
void EpollTcpServer::RegisterOnRecvCallback(callback_recv_t callback) {
    recv_callback_ = callback;

void EpollTcpServer::UnRegisterOnRecvCallback() {
    recv_callback_ = nullptr;

// handle read events on fd
void EpollTcpServer::OnSocketRead(int32_t fd) {
    char read_buf[4096];
    bzero(read_buf, sizeof(read_buf));
    int n = -1;
    // epoll working on et mode, must read all data
    while ( (n = ::read(fd, read_buf, sizeof(read_buf))) > 0) {
        // callback for recv
        std::cout << "fd: " << fd <<  " recv: " << read_buf << std::endl;
        std::string msg(read_buf, n);
        // create a recv packet
        PacketPtr data = std::make_shared<Packet>(fd, msg);
        if (recv_callback_) {
            // handle recv packet
    if (n == -1) {
        if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            // read all data finished
        // something goes wrong for this fd, should close it
    if (n == 0) {
        // this may happen when client close socket. EPOLLRDHUP usually handle this, but just make sure; should close this fd

// handle write events on fd (usually happens when sending big files)
void EpollTcpServer::OnSocketWrite(int32_t fd) {
    // TODO(smaugx) not care for now
    std::cout << "fd: " << fd << " writeable!" << std::endl;

// send packet
int32_t EpollTcpServer::SendData(const PacketPtr& data) {
    if (data->fd == -1) {
        return -1;
    // send packet on fd
    int r = ::write(data->fd, data->msg.data(), data->msg.size());
    if (r == -1) {
        if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            return -1;
        // error happend
        std::cout << "fd: " << data->fd << " write error, close it!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    std::cout << "fd: " << data->fd << " write size: " << r << " ok!" << std::endl;
    return r;

// one loop per thread, call epoll_wait and handle all coming events
void EpollTcpServer::EpollLoop() {
    // request some memory, if events ready, socket events will copy to this memory from kernel
    struct epoll_event* alive_events =  static_cast<epoll_event*>(calloc(kMaxEvents, sizeof(epoll_event)));
    if (!alive_events) {
        std::cout << "calloc memory failed for epoll_events!" << std::endl;
    // if loop_flag_ is false, will exit this loop
    while (loop_flag_) {
        // call epoll_wait and return ready socket
        int num = epoll_wait(efd_, alive_events, kMaxEvents, kEpollWaitTime);

        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
            // get fd
            int fd = alive_events[i].data.fd;
            // get events(readable/writeable/error)
            int events = alive_events[i].events;

            if ( (events & EPOLLERR) || (events & EPOLLHUP) ) {
                std::cout << "epoll_wait error!" << std::endl;
                // An error has occured on this fd, or the socket is not ready for reading (why were we notified then?).
            } else  if (events & EPOLLRDHUP) {
                // Stream socket peer closed connection, or shut down writing half of connection.
                // more inportant, We still to handle disconnection when read()/recv() return 0 or -1 just to be sure.
                std::cout << "fd:" << fd << " closed EPOLLRDHUP!" << std::endl;
                // close fd and epoll will remove it
            } else if ( events & EPOLLIN ) {
                std::cout << "epollin" << std::endl;
                if (fd == handle_) {
                    // listen fd coming connections
                } else {
                    // other fd read event coming, meaning data coming
            } else if ( events & EPOLLOUT ) {
                std::cout << "epollout" << std::endl;
                // write event for fd (not including listen-fd), meaning send buffer is available for big files
            } else {
                std::cout << "unknow epoll event!" << std::endl;
        } // end for (int i = 0; ...
    } // end while (loop_flag_)
} // end namespace transport
} // end namespace mux

using namespace mux;
using namespace transport;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    std::string local_ip {""};
    uint16_t local_port { 6666 };
    if (argc >= 2) {
        local_ip = std::string(argv[1]);
    if (argc >= 3) {
        local_port = std::atoi(argv[2]);
    // create a epoll tcp server
    auto epoll_server = std::make_shared<EpollTcpServer>(local_ip, local_port);
    if (!epoll_server) {
        std::cout << "tcp_server create faield!" << std::endl;

    // recv callback in lambda mode, you can set your own callback here
    auto recv_call = [&](const PacketPtr& data) -> void {
        // just echo packet

    // register recv callback to epoll tcp server

    // start the epoll tcp server
    if (!epoll_server->Start()) {
        std::cout << "tcp_server start failed!" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "############tcp_server started!################" << std::endl;

    // block here 
    while (true) {
    return 0;

g++ epoll_server2.cpp  -o epoll_server2 -std=c++11 -lpthread

3. epoll client server验证



通过本文的学习,你应该对epoll有了深入的 理解,希望的对你有所帮助。

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