PhysX3.4文档(12) -- Geometry Queries

Geometry Queries


本章介绍如何将 PhysX 的碰撞功能与单个几何对象结合使用。几何查询主要有四种类型:

  • raycasts (“raycast queries”) 针对几何对象测试光线。
  • sweeps (“sweep queries”) 沿一条线移动一个几何对象,以查找与另一个几何对象相交的第一个点。
  • overlaps (“overlap queries”) 确定两个几何对象是否相交。
  • penetration depth computations (“minimal translational distance queries”, abbreviated here to “MTD”) 测试两个重叠的几何对象,以找到它们可以沿最小距离分开的方向。

此外, PhysX 还提供了用于计算几何对象的 AABB 以及计算点与几何对象之间距离的帮助程序。

在以下所有函数中,几何对象由其形状(PxGeometry structure)和姿势(PxTransform structure)定义。所有变换和向量都被解释为位于同一空间中,并且结果也会在该空间中返回。



光线投射查询沿线段追踪点,直到该点到达几何对象。PhysX 支持所有几何体类型的光线投射。


PxRaycastHit hitInfo;
PxU32 maxHits = 1;
PxHitFlags hitFlags = PxHitFlag::ePOSITION|PxHitFlag::eNORMAL|PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE|PxHitFlag::eUV;
PxU32 hitCount = PxGeometryQuery::raycast(origin, unitDir,
                                          geom, pose,
                                          maxHits, &hitInfo);


  • origin is the start point of the ray.
  • unitDir is a unit vector defining the direction of the ray.
  • maxDist is the maximum distance to search along the ray. It must be in the [0, inf) range. If the maximum distance is 0, a hit will only be returned if the ray starts inside a shape, as detailed below for each geometry.
  • geom is the geometry to test against.
  • pose is the pose of the geometry.
  • hitFlags specifies the values that should be returned by the query, and options for processing the query.
  • maxHits is the maximum number of hits to return.
  • hitInfo specifies the PxRaycastHit structure(s) into which the raycast results will be stored.
    The anyHit parameter is deprecated. It is equivalent to PxHitFlag::eMESH_ANY, which should be used instead.

返回的结果是找到的交叉点数。对于每个交集,都会填充一个 PxRaycastHit。此结构的字段如下所示:

PxRigidActor*   actor;
PxShape*        shape;
PxVec3          position;
PxVec3          normal;
PxF32           distance;
PxHitFlags      flags;
PxU32           faceIndex;
PxF32           u, v;

某些字段是可选的,标志字段指示哪些成员已用结果值填充。如果在输入中设置了相应的标志,则查询将填充输出结构中的字段 - 例如,如果在输入 hitFlags 中设置了 PxHitFlag::ePOSITION,则查询将填充 PxRaycastHit::p osition 字段,并在 PxRaycastHit::flags 中设置 PxHitFlag::ePOSITION 标志。如果未为特定成员设置输入标志,则结果结构可能包含该成员的有效数据,也可能不包含该成员的有效数据。在输入中省略 eNORMAL 和 ePOSITION 标志有时会导致查询速度更快。


  • actor and shape are not filled (these fields are used only in scene-level raycasts, see Scene Queries).
  • position (PxHitFlag::ePOSITION) is the position of the intersection.
  • normal (PxHitFlag::eNORMAL) is the surface normal at the point of intersection.
  • distance (PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE) is the distance along the ray at which the intersection was found.
  • flags specifies which fields of the structure are valid.
  • faceIndex is the index of the face which the ray hit. For triangle mesh and height field intersections, it is a triangle index. For convex mesh intersections it is a polygon index. For other shapes it is always set to 0xffffffff.
  • u and v (PxHitFlag::eUV) are the barycentric coordinates of the intersection. These fields (and the flag) are supported only for meshes and heightfields.

位置字段通过以下公式与重心坐标相关,其中 v0、v1 和 v2 是命中三角形的顶点:

position = (1 - u - v)v0 + uv1 + vv2;*

此映射在 PxTriangle::pointFromUV() 中实现。


如果光线在对象内启动,则上述行为的例外情况可能适用,在这种情况下,PhysX 可能无法计算某些字段的有意义的输出值。在这些情况下,该字段将保持未修改状态,并且不会设置相应的标志。具体细节因几何类型而异,如下所述。


Raycasts against Spheres, Capsules, Boxes and Convex Meshes

对于实体对象(球体、胶囊、盒子、凸体),最多返回 1 个结果。如果射线原点位于固体对象内部:

  • the reported hit distance is set to zero, and the PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE flag is set in the output.
  • the hit normal is set to be the opposite of the ray’s direction, and the PxHitFlag::eNORMAL flag is set in the output.
  • the hit impact position is set to the ray’s origin and the PxHitFlag::ePOSITION flag is set in the output.


Raycasts against Planes



Raycasts against Triangle Meshes


  • if maxHits is 1 and PxHitFlag::eMESH_ANY is not set, the query will return the closest intersection.
  • if maxHits is 1 and PxHitFlag::eMESH_ANY is set, the query will return an arbitrary intersection. Use this when it is sufficient to know whether or not the ray hit the mesh, e.g. for line-of-sight queries or shadow rays.
  • if maxHits is greater than 1, the query will return multiple intersections, up to maxHits. If more than maxHits intersection points exist, there is no guarantee that the results will include the closest. Use this for e.g. wall-piercing bullets that hit multiple triangles, or where special filtering is required. Note that PxHitFlag::eMESH_MULTIPLE must be used in this case.


默认情况下,将剔除背面命中(其中三角形的外向法线具有与光线方向的正点积),因此对于任何三角形命中,报告的法线将具有射线方向的负点积。此行为可以通过网格实例的 PxMeshGeometryFlag::eDOUBLE_SIDED 标志和查询的 PxHitFlag::eMESH_BOTH_SIDES 标志进行修改:

  • if either PxMeshGeometryFlag::eDOUBLE_SIDED or PxHitFlag::eMESH_BOTH_SIDES is set, culling is disabled.
  • if PxMeshGeometryFlag::eDOUBLE_SIDED is set, the reported normal is reversed for a back face hit.




要将 PxHitFlag::eMESH_BOTH_SIDES用于选定的网格而不是所有网格,请在 PxQueryFilterCallback 中设置标志。



Raycasts against Heightfields

  • Heightfields are treated the same way as triangle meshes with normals oriented (in shape space) in +y direction when thickness is <=0 and in -y direction when thickness is >0.
  • Double-sided heightfields are treated the same way as double sided triangle meshes.





bool isOverlapping = overlap(geom0, pose0, geom1, pose1);


  • 平面被视为实心半空间:也就是说,平面后面的一切都被视为体积的一部分。
  • 三角形网格被视为细三角形曲面,而不是实体对象。
  • 高度场被视为按其厚度拉伸的三角形曲面。不与高度场曲面相交但位于拉伸空间内的重叠几何图形将报告命中。

如果网格和高度场需要的不仅仅是布尔值结果,请改用 PxMeshQuery API(请参阅 PxMeshQuery)。

Penetration Depth




bool isPenetrating = PxGeometryQuery::computePenetration(direction, depth,
                                                         geom0, pose0,
                                                         geom1, pose1);


  • direction is set to the direction in which the first object should be translated in order to depenetrate from the second.
  • distance is set to the distance by which the first object should be translated in order to depenetrate from the second.
  • geom0 is the first geometry.
  • pose0 is the transform of the first geometry.
  • geom1 is the second geometry.
  • pose2 is the transform of the second geometry.

如果对象正在穿透,则该函数返回 true,在这种情况下,它将设置方向和深度场。通过脱氧矢量 D = 方向 * 深度平移第一个对象会将两个对象分开。如果函数返回 true,则返回的深度将始终为正或为零。如果对象不重叠,则该函数返回 false,并且方向和距离字段的值未定义。


对于网格和高度场,使用迭代算法,并在 PxExtensions 中公开专用函数:

PxVec3 direction = PxComputeMeshPenetration(direction, depth,
                                            geom, geomPose,
                                            meshGeom, meshPose,
                                            maxIter, nb);

PxVec3 direction = PxComputeHeightFieldPenetration(direction, depth
                                                   geom, geomPose,
                                                   heightFieldGeom, heightFieldPose,
                                                   maxIter, nb);

此处,maxIter 是算法的最大迭代次数,nb 是可选的输出参数,将设置为执行的迭代次数。如果未检测到重叠,则将 nb 设置为零。该代码将尝试大多数 maxIter 迭代,但如果找到脱氧向量,则可能会更早退出。通常maxIter = 4会给出良好的结果。




扫描查询在空间中跟踪一个几何对象,以查找第二个几何对象上的影响点,如果找到该影响点,则报告有关该影响点的信息。PhysX 仅支持扫描查询,其中第一个几何对象(通过空间跟踪的对象)是球体、盒子、胶囊或凸几何。第二个几何对象可以是任何类型。


PxSweepHit hitInfo;
PxHitFlags hitFlags = PxHitFlag::ePOSITION|PxHitFlag::eNORMAL|PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE;
PxReal inflation = 0.0f;
PxU32 hitCount = PxGeometryQuery::sweep(unitDir, maxDist,
                                        geomToSweep, poseToSweep,
                                        geomSweptAgainst, poseSweptAgainst,


  • unitDir is a unit vector defining the direction of the sweep.
  • maxDist is the maximum distance to search along the sweep. It must be in the [0, inf) range, and is clamped by SDK code to at most PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE. A sweep of length 0 is equivalent to an overlap check.
  • geomToSweep is the geometry to sweep. Supported geometries are: box, sphere, capsule or convex mesh.
  • poseToSweep is the initial pose of the geometry to sweep.
  • geomSweptAgainst is the geometry to sweep against (any geometry type can be used here).
  • poseSweptAgainst is the pose of the geometry to sweep against.
  • hitInfo is the returned result. A sweep will return at most one hit.
  • hitFlags determines how the sweep is processed, and which data is returned if an impact is found.
  • inflation inflates the first geometry with a shell extending outward from the object surface, making any corners rounded. It can be used to ensure a minimum margin of space is kept around the geometry when using sweeps to test whether movement is possible.

与光线投射一样,如果在输入 hitFlags 中设置了相应的标志,则字段将填充到输出结构中。PxSweepHit 的字段如下所示:

PxRigidActor*   actor;
PxShape*        shape;
PxVec3          position;
PxVec3          normal;
PxF32           distance;
PxHitFlags      flags;
PxU32           faceIndex;
  • actor and shape are not filled (these fields are used only in scene-level sweeps, see Scene Queries).
  • position (PxHitFlag::ePOSITION) is the position of the intersection. When there are multiple impact points, such as two boxes meeting face-to-face, PhysX will select one point arbitrarily. More detailed information for meshes or height fields may be obtained using the functions in PxMeshQuery.
  • normal (PxHitFlag::eNORMAL) is the surface normal at the point of impact. It is a unit vector, pointing outwards from the hit object and backwards along the sweep direction (in the sense that the dot product between the sweep direction and the impact normal is negative).
  • distance (PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE) is the distance along the ray at which the intersection was found.
    flags specifies which fields of the structure are valid.
  • faceIndex is the index of the face hit by the sweep. This is a face from the hit object, not from the swept object. For triangle mesh and height field intersections, it is a triangle index. For convex mesh intersections it is a polygon index. For other shapes it is always set to 0xffffffff. For convex meshes the face index computation is rather expensive. The face index computation can be disabled by not providing the scene query hit flag PxHitFlag::eFACE_INDEX. If needed the face index can also be computed externally using the function PxFindFaceIndex which is part of the PhysX extensions library.

与光线投射不同,u,v 坐标不支持扫描。


  • 平面被视为实心半空间:也就是说,平面后面的一切都被视为要扫描的体积的一部分。
  • 与光线投射相同的背面剔除规则适用于扫描,但明显的区别在于不支持eMESH_MULTIPLE。

Initial Overlaps

与从物体内部开始的光线投射类似,扫描可以从两个几何图形最初相交开始。默认情况下,PhysX 将检测并报告重叠。使用 PxSweepHit::hadInitialOverlap() 查看命中是否由初始重叠生成。


根据 PxHitFlag::eMTD 的值,PhysX 也可能计算 MTD。如果未设置 PxHitFlag::eMTD:

  • the distance is set to zero, and the PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE flag is set in the PxSweepHit result structure.
  • the normal is set to be the opposite of the sweep direction, and the PxHitFlag::eNORMAL flag is set in the PxSweepHit result structure.
  • the position is undefined, and the PxHitFlag::ePOSITION flag is not set in the PxSweepHit result structure.
  • the faceIndex is a face from the second geometry object. For a heightfield or triangle mesh, it is the index of the first overlapping triangle found. For other geometry types, the index is set to 0xffffffff.

如果设置了 PxHitFlag::eMTD,则命中结果定义如下:

  • the distance is set to the penetration depth, and the PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE flag is set in the PxSweepHit result structure.
  • the normal is set to the depenetration direction, and the PxHitFlag::eNORMAL flag is set in the PxSweepHit result structure.
  • the position is a point on the sweep geometry object (i.e. the first geometry argument) and the PxHitFlag::ePOSITION flag is set in the PxSweepHit result structure.
  • the faceIndex is a face from the second geometry object:
    • For triangle meshes and heightfields it is the last penetrated triangle found during the last iteration of the depenetration algorithm.
    • For other geometry types, the index is set to 0xffffffff.


  • PxHitFlag::eMTD 与 PxHitFlag::ePRECISE_SWEEP 和 PxHitFlag::eASSUME_NO_INITIAL_OVERLAP 不兼容(见下文)。将 PxHitFlag::eMTD 与这些标志中的任何一个结合使用都将导致发出警告,并且忽略与 PxHitFlag::eMTD 不兼容的标志。

测试初始重叠有时会使用专用代码路径,并导致性能下降。如果可以保证几何对象最初不重叠,则可以使用 PxHitFlag::eASSUME_NO_INITIAL_OVERLAP抑制重叠检查。使用此标志有一些限制(另请参阅陷阱)

  • Using PxHitFlag::eASSUME_NO_INITIAL_OVERLAP flag when the geometries initially overlap produces undefined behavior.
  • PxHitFlag::eASSUME_NO_INITIAL_OVERLAP in combination with zero sweep distance produces a warning and undefined behavior.


在大多数情况下,将第一个几何对象平移 -normal*距离会将对象分开。但是,使用迭代去渗透算法来查找三角形网格和高度场的MTD,并且在极端情况下,MTD结果可能无法从网格提供完全的去渗透。在这种情况下,应在应用翻译后再次调用查询。

PhysX 3.3 中的一个已知问题是,未设置 eMTD 标志时,对凸网格进行扫描的人脸指数未定义。

Precise Sweeps


Sweeps against Height Fields

  • Height fields are treated as thin triangle surfaces rather than solid objects.

  • Thickness magnitude has no effect on initial overlap detection or point of impact.

  • For single-sided height fields the normal of the hit will face in +y local space direction if thickness is < 0 and -y when thickness is > 0.

  • Height fields are treated as double sided if either one of eDOUBLE_SIDED or eMESH_BOTH_SIDES flags are used.

    • The returned hit normal will always face the sweep direction.
  • eMESH_ANY flag has no effect.

  • ePRECISE_SWEEP flag has no effect.



  • 由于数值精度问题,当对象具有非常大的尺寸差异时,可能会返回不正确的结果。

  • 由于算法差异,扫描查询可能会检测到一组与重叠查询不同的初始重叠形状。特别是,仅仅执行重叠检查以确定 PxHitFlag::eIGNORE_INITIAL_OVERLAP 标志的安全性是不够的。需要一致的重叠/扫描/穿透深度信息的应用程序应使用扫描检查和初始重叠测试和PxHitFlag::eMTD标志。

Additional PxGeometryQuery functions



PxReal dist = PxGeometryQuery::pointDistance(point, geom, pose, closestPoint);

closepoint 是返回最近点的可选输出参数。


以下函数计算包围几何对象的轴对齐边界框 (AABB),给定其姿势:

PxBounds3 bounds = PxGeometryQuery::getWorldBounds(geom, pose, inflation);

边界框按通货膨胀值缩放,如果未明确指定,则默认为 1.01f。


PhysX 提供了额外的功能,用于获取三角形网格和高度场重叠的多个结果,以及针对三角形数组进行扫描。只有盒子、球体和胶囊可以使用这些函数针对网格或高度场进行测试。

Mesh Overlaps


PxU32 triangleIndexBuffer[bufferSize];
PxU32 startIndex = 0;
bool bufferOverflowOccured = false;
PxU32 nbTriangles = PxMeshQuery::findOverlapTriangleMesh(sphereGeom, spherePose,
                                                         meshGeom, meshPose,
                                                         triangleIndexBuffer, bufferSize,
                                                         startIndex, bufferOverflowOccured);

for(PxU32 i=0; i < nbTriangles; i++)
    PxTriangle tri;
    PxU32 vertexIndices[3];
    PxMeshQuery::getTriangle(meshGeom, meshPose, triangleIndexBuffer[i], tri, vertexIndices);

     ...  // process triangle info

findOverlapTriangleMesh 方法用于提取三角形的索引:

  • sphereGeom and spherePose specify the region to test for overlap.
  • meshGeom and meshPose specify the mesh and its pose.
  • triangleIndexBuffer and triangleSize specify the output buffer and its size.
  • startIndex is used to restart the query if the buffer size is exceeded. In this case, to query for more triangles set this parameter to the number retrieved so far.
  • bufferOverflowOccured is set if more triangles would be returned from the query than would fit in the buffer.


Sweeps against Triangles

有时,例如,在使用网格重叠 API 时,能够对三角形组进行扫描非常方便。PhysX 提供了一个专门用于此目的的功能,具有以下签名:

bool sweep(const PxVec3& unitDir,
           const PxReal distance,
           const PxGeometry& geom,
           const PxTransform& pose,
           PxU32 triangleCount,
           const PxTriangle* triangles,
           PxSweepHit& sweepHit,
           PxHitFlags hitFlags = PxHitFlag::eDEFAULT,
           const PxU32* cachedIndex = NULL,
           const PxReal inflation = 0.0f,
           bool doubleSided = false);


  • unitDir, distance, geom and pose function identically to the first four parameters of PxGeometryQuery::sweep(). distance is clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE.
  • triangleCount is the number of triangles contained in the buffer against which to sweep.
  • triangles is the buffer of triangles.
  • hitFlags specifies the required information in the output.
  • cachedIndex, if set, specifies the index of a triangle to test first. This can be a useful optimization when repeatedly sweeping against the same set of triangles.
  • inflation functions identically to the inflation parameter of PxGeometryQuery::sweep().
  • doubleSided indicates whether the input triangles are double-sided or not. This is equivalent to the PxMeshGeometryFlag::eDOUBLE_SIDED flag - that is, it suppresses backface culling, and for any hit the returned normal faces opposite to the sweep direction (see Raycasts against Triangle Meshes).


  • the geometry type must be either a sphere, a capsule or a box. Convex geometry is not supported.
  • the function returns a single hit. Multiple hits (and in particular PxHitFlag::eMESH_MULTIPLE) are not supported.
  • The function always returns the closest hit.
  • The only supported flags are PxHitFlag::eDEFAULT, PxHitFlag::eASSUME_NO_INITIAL_OVERLAP, PxHitFlag::ePRECISE_SWEEP, PxHitFlag::eMESH_BOTH_SIDES and PxHitFlag::eMESH_ANY.

该函数按给定的顺序测试每个输入三角形。默认情况下,该函数将测试所有三角形并返回最接近的扫描命中(如果已找到命中)。如果使用PxHitFlag::eMESH_ANY,则一旦找到命中,该函数将立即返回(跳过剩余的未测试三角形)。此标志还可用于模拟 PxHitFlag::eMESH_MULTIPLE,方法是使用 PxHitFlag::eMESH_ANY 重复调用函数,使用以前返回的命中三角形作为起点(其索引介于 0 和 ‘triangleCount’ 之间,可在 sweepHit.faceIndex 中使用)。

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