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原创 算法测试系列:Parsing Words

Parsing WordsWe define a word as any sequence of one or more lower-case letters (no numbers, no punctuation) where words are separated by white space.Write a function that takes a list of input line...

2020-03-22 15:11:55 154

原创 算法测试系列:Palindrome Dates

Palindrome DatesA palindrome date is the kind of date which reads the same backward or forward, in the MM/DD/YYYY format. There are 2 types of palindrome dates: seven-digit palindrome date and eight-...

2020-03-22 15:11:16 238

原创 算法测试系列:Packing Melons

Packing MelonsBefore you are two assembly lines, one with boxes and one with watermelons, both of varying size. Your desire is to put as many watermelons into boxes as possible. You can pick where yo...

2020-03-22 15:10:40 219

原创 算法测试系列:One-to-All Time on a Sparse Directional Network

One-to-All Time on a Sparse Directional NetworkSuppose you have a network of devices. Each device is directionally connected to a subset of other devices and each communication link has some fixed de...

2020-03-22 15:09:47 286

原创 算法测试系列: Minima

Minima: Find the 3 most extreme local minima of a 2D surfaceInput FormatThe surface is given as a square matrix (n by n). A minima is a value that is smaller than all its neighbors.Arguments: ...

2020-03-22 15:09:10 360

原创 算法测试系列:Market Equilibrium

Market EquilibriumN coffee chains are competing for market share by waging a fierce advertising battle.Each day, a percentage of customers will be convinced to switch from one chain to another.An a...

2020-03-22 15:08:32 448

原创 算法测试系列: Lake Escape

Lake EscapeAlbert is stranded on a frozen lake. He wants to know if he can make it back to shore. He is currently on a snowbank that gives him some traction, but once he steps onthe ice, he will sli...

2020-03-22 15:07:53 219

原创 算法测试系列: Integral Point Inside a Triangle

Integral Point Inside a TriangleGiven a triangle on a two-dimensional plane, output the integral point inside or on the boundaries of the triangle which has the minimum sum of distances from thethre...

2020-03-22 15:06:58 259

原创 算法测试系列:Flipping signs

Flipping signsGiven a string made of ‘+’ and ‘-’ signs of length L, the only allowed operation is to flip K consecutive signs at the same time.Input:String: length L, made of only’+’ and ‘-’Intege...

2020-03-22 15:06:14 130

原创 算法测试系列:Detect colinearity

Detect colinearityGiven n distinct lattice points (i.e., coordinates are integers) on the xy plane, determine if there are three points that lie on a straight line. There are at least 3 points in all...

2020-03-22 15:02:06 221

原创 算法测试系列:Classify the Trade

Classify the TradeClassify new trades based on their similarity to old trades.Every trade has 3 features: profit, risk, and latency.You have a list of old trades. Every old trade has been labeled w...

2020-03-22 14:53:55 146

原创 算法测试系列:3-Card Poker

3-Card PokerImagine a game, similar to many poker games, in which each player is dealt 3 cards, and the player with the higher value hand wins the draw. We play this game with a 40-card deck: 4 cards...

2020-03-22 14:52:17 965



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