一个 MFC 类,用于封装跟踪路由功能,CTraceRoute包含一个简单而干净的 C++ 接口,可用于网络故障排除和诊断
CTraceRoute 被设计为一个 MFC 类,以支持实现类似于 Windows 中包含的“tracert”应用程序的跟踪路由功能。如果您不知道,tracert 是一个实用程序,CTraceRoute记录计算机通过 Internet 直到到达特定目的地的路由或每个网关。
CTraceRoute跟踪路由基于 PING / ICMP 协议,并具有计算每个希望花费的金额的作用。直接的好处是它可以帮助网络管理员了解连接问题。作为旁注,ICMP 是指一种 Internet 协议,用于检索有关 IP 数据包如何路由的信息。
因此,CTraceRoute可以在开发各种应用程序以进行故障排除或检测 Internet 连接的潜在问题时使用该库。此外,它包含在完全符合 Unicode 的 C++ 类中,并在工作区文件中包含 Unicode 构建选项。
在CTraceRoute库的值得注意的特性中,您可以计算可通过类 API 设置的可配置超时,并提供虚拟函数来支持回调。最后但同样重要的是,该应用程序带有一个简单而干净的同步 C++ 接口,据开发人员称,它可以提供比使用异步套接字更简单的编程模型。
An MFC class is used to encapsulate the tracking routing function. It contains a simple and clean C + + interface, which can be used for network troubleshooting and diagnosis
Ctraceroute is designed as an MFC class to support the tracking routing function similar to the "tracer" application included in windows. If you don't know, tracert is a utility that records the route or each gateway of a computer through the Internet until it reaches a specific destination.
Tracking routing is based on Ping / ICMP Protocol and has the function of calculating the amount of each desired cost. The immediate benefit is that it can help network administrators understand connection problems. As a side note, ICMP refers to an internet protocol used to retrieve information about how IP packets are routed.