【CVPR_2022】Rethinking Knowledge Distillation via Cross-Entropy




        论文发现 K D KD KD蒸馏损失可以看作是 C E CE CE损失和一个额外损失的组合,且额外损失具有与 C E CE CE损失相同的形式。额外损失引入了非目标类的知识。额外损失中迫使学生的相对概率逼近教师网络的绝对概率,由于两者的概率和不同,因此难以进行优化。

        论文结合软目标损失和分布式损失提出 ( N K D ) (NKD) NKD,使用教师网络的目标预测输出作为软目标,引导学生网络学习目标类知识提出分布式损失,解决了两者概率和不同难以优化的问题,引导学生网络学习非目标的知识



        以往的工作并没有考虑 K D KD KD损失和 C E CE CE损失之间的关系。




         t t t:目标类、 C C C:类别数、 V i {V_i} Vi o n e − h o t one-hot onehot标签第i类的标签值、 S i {S_i} Si:学生网络第 i i i类的预测输出、 T i {T_i} Ti:教师网络第 i i i类的预测输出、 λ \lambda λ:温度。

        交叉熵损失 ( C E ) (CE) CE表示为:
                 L o r i = − ∑ i C V i log ⁡ ( S i ) = − V t log ⁡ ( S t ) = − l o g ( S t ) {L_{ori}} = - \sum\limits_i^C {{V_i}} \log ({S_i}) = - {V_t}\log ({S_t}) = - log({S_t}) Lori=iCVilog(Si)=Vtlog(St)=log(St)

        因为标签是 o n e − h o t one-hot onehot形式,仅有目标类取值为 1 1 1,其余为 0 0 0,因此 C E CE CE损失可以简化为学生网络目标类的损失。

         K D KD KD损失可以表示为:
L k d = − ∑ i C T i λ log ⁡ ( S i λ ) = − ∑ i C T i λ log ⁡ ( S t λ × S i λ S t λ ) = − ∑ i C T i λ log ⁡ ( S t λ ) − ∑ i C T i λ log ⁡ ( S i λ S t λ ) \begin{array}{c} {L_{kd}} = - \sum\limits_i^C {T_i^\lambda \log (S_i^\lambda )} \\ = - \sum\limits_i^C {T_i^\lambda \log (S_t^\lambda \times \frac{{S_i^\lambda }}{{S_t^\lambda }})} \\ = - \sum\limits_i^C {T_i^\lambda \log (S_t^\lambda ) - \sum\limits_i^C {T_i^\lambda \log (\frac{{S_i^\lambda }}{{S_t^\lambda }})} } \end{array} Lkd=iCTiλlog(Siλ)=iCTiλlog(Stλ×StλSiλ)=iCTiλlog(Stλ)iCTiλlog(StλSiλ)

        因为 ∑ i C T i λ = ∑ i C S i λ = 1 \sum\nolimits_i^C {T_i^\lambda } = \sum\nolimits_i^C {S_i^\lambda } = 1 iCTiλ=iCSiλ=1 T t λ = log ⁡ ( S t λ / S t λ ) = 0 T_t^\lambda = \log (S_t^\lambda /S_t^\lambda ) = 0 Ttλ=log(Stλ/Stλ)=0,所以 L k d {L_{kd}} Lkd可以简化为:
         L k d = − log ⁡ ( S t λ ) − ∑ i ≠ t C i λ T log ⁡ ( S i λ S t λ ) {L_{kd}} = - \log (S_t^\lambda ) - \sum\limits_{i \ne t}^C {_i^\lambda T\log (\frac{{S_i^\lambda }}{{S_t^\lambda }})} Lkd=log(Stλ)i=tCiλTlog(StλSiλ)

         − log ⁡ ( S t λ ) - \log (S_t^\lambda ) log(Stλ) L o r i {L_{ori}} Lori具有相同的形式,在训练过程中给学生网络提供了重复的知识。额外的损失 − ∑ i ≠ t C T i λ log ⁡ ( S i λ / S t λ ) - \sum\nolimits_{i \ne t}^C {T_i^\lambda \log (S_i^\lambda /S_t^\lambda )} i=tCTiλlog(Siλ/Stλ)具有与交叉熵 − ∑ p ( x ) log ⁡ ( q ( x ) ) - \sum {p(x)\log (q(x))} p(x)log(q(x))相同的形式,且为学生网络提供了非目标类的知识。由于交叉熵损失的目的是迫使 q ( x ) {q(x)} q(x) p ( x ) {p(x)} p(x)相同。因此,两者的预测分布的概率和必须相等

         T i λ T_i^\lambda Tiλ绝对概率 ∑ i ≠ t C T i λ = 1 − T t λ \sum\nolimits_{i \ne t}^C {T_i^\lambda = 1 - T_t^\lambda } i=tCTiλ=1Ttλ。而 S i λ / S t λ S_i^\lambda /S_t^\lambda Siλ/Stλ相对概率,而 ∑ i ≠ t C S i λ / S t λ = ( 1 − S t λ ) / S t λ \sum\nolimits_{i \ne t}^C {S_i^\lambda /S_t^\lambda = (1 - S_t^\lambda )/S_t^\lambda } i=tCSiλ/Stλ=(1Stλ)/Stλ。所以 S i λ / S t λ {S_i^\lambda /S_t^\lambda } Siλ/Stλ很难与 T i {T_i} Ti相似。

         L d i s t r i b u t e d = − ∑ i ≠ t C T ^ i λ log ⁡ ( S ^ i λ ) {L_{distributed}} = - \sum\limits_{i \ne t}^C {\hat T_i^\lambda \log (\hat S_i^\lambda )} Ldistributed=i=tCT^iλlog(S^iλ)
         T ^ i λ = T i λ 1 − T t λ \hat T_i^\lambda = \frac{{T_i^\lambda }}{{1 - T_t^\lambda }} T^iλ=1TtλTiλ         S ^ i λ = S i λ 1 − S t λ \hat S_i^\lambda = \frac{{S_i^\lambda }}{{1 - S_t^\lambda }} S^iλ=1StλSiλ

        在这种情况下,我们可以看到 ∑ i ≠ t C T ^ i λ = ∑ i ≠ t C S ^ i λ = 1 \sum\nolimits_{i \ne t}^C {\hat T_i^\lambda = \sum\nolimits_{i \ne t}^C {\hat S_i^\lambda = 1} } i=tCT^iλ=i=tCS^iλ=1,使学生更容易学习教师的非目标知识。

         L s o f t = − T t log ⁡ ( S t ) {L_{soft}} = - {T_t}\log ({S_t}) Lsoft=Ttlog(St)

        总的 N K D NKD NKD损失结合原损失 L o r i {L_{ori}} Lori、分布损失 L d i s t r i b u t e d {L_{distributed}} Ldistributed和软损失 L s o f t {L_{soft}} Lsoft
         L N K D = − log ⁡ ( S t ) − T t log ⁡ ( S t ) − α × λ 2 × ∑ i ≠ t C T ^ i λ log ⁡ ( S ^ i λ ) {L_{NKD}} = - \log ({S_t}) - {T_t}\log ({S_t}) - \alpha \times {\lambda ^2} \times \sum\limits_{i \ne t}^C {\hat T_i^\lambda \log (\hat S_i^\lambda )} LNKD=log(St)Ttlog(St)α×λ2×i=tCT^iλlog(S^iλ)
        其中, α α α是一个用来平衡损失的超参数。

         ( f t − N K D ) (ft-NKD) (ftNKD)损失(当没有预训练的教师网络时,学生网络进行自蒸馏。学生网络不仅学习交叉熵提供的目标类知识,同时学习自身预测输出经过软化后的目标类知识):
         L t f − N K D = − log ⁡ ( S t ) − ( S t + V t − m e a n ( S t ) ) log ⁡ ( S t ) {L_{tf - NKD}} = - \log ({S_t}) - ({S_t} + {V_t} - mean({S_t}))\log ({S_t}) LtfNKD=log(St)(St+Vtmean(St))log(St)

         V t {V_t} Vt表示样本的目标标签值,并对一批中不同样本的 m e a n ( ⋅ ) mean( \cdot ) mean()

Gatys et al. (2016) proposed an algorithm for style transfer, which can generate an image that combines the content of one image and the style of another image. The algorithm is based on the neural style transfer technique, which uses a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract the content and style features from the input images. In this algorithm, the content and style features are extracted from the content and style images respectively using the VGG-19 network. The content features are extracted from the output of one of the convolutional layers in the network, while the style features are extracted from the correlations between the feature maps of different layers. The Gram matrix is used to measure these correlations. The optimization process involves minimizing a loss function that consists of three components: the content loss, the style loss, and the total variation loss. The content loss measures the difference between the content features of the generated image and the content image. The style loss measures the difference between the style features of the generated image and the style image. The total variation loss is used to smooth the image and reduce noise. The optimization is performed using gradient descent, where the gradient of the loss function with respect to the generated image is computed and used to update the image. The process is repeated until the loss function converges. The code for this algorithm is available online, and it is implemented using the TensorFlow library. It involves loading the pre-trained VGG-19 network, extracting the content and style features, computing the loss function, and optimizing the generated image using gradient descent. The code also includes various parameters that can be adjusted, such as the weight of the content and style loss, the number of iterations, and the learning rate.
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