


Px (Pixel像素)



是指屏幕的垂直和水平方向的像素数量,如果分辨率是 1920 * 1080 ,那就是垂直方向有 1920 个像素,水平方向有 1080 个像素。


是指屏幕上每英寸(1英寸 = 2.54 厘米)距离中有多少个像素点。如果屏幕为 320*240,屏幕长 2 英寸宽 1.5 英寸,Dpi = 320 / 2 = 240 / 1.5 = 160。

dip / dp (适配不同屏幕下的像素数量)

d p = p x / ( d p i / 160 ) . dp= px / (dpi / 160). dp=px/(dpi/160).




    public static final int DENSITY_LOW = 120;
    public static final int DENSITY_140 = 140;
    public static final int DENSITY_MEDIUM = 160;
    public static final int DENSITY_180 = 180;
    public static final int DENSITY_200 = 200;
    public static final int DENSITY_TV = 213;
    public static final int DENSITY_220 = 220;
    public static final int DENSITY_HIGH = 240;
    public static final int DENSITY_260 = 260;
    public static final int DENSITY_280 = 280;
    public static final int DENSITY_300 = 300;
    public static final int DENSITY_XHIGH = 320;
    public static final int DENSITY_340 = 340;
    public static final int DENSITY_360 = 360;
    public static final int DENSITY_400 = 400;
    public static final int DENSITY_420 = 420;
    public static final int DENSITY_440 = 440;
    public static final int DENSITY_450 = 450;
    public static final int DENSITY_XXHIGH = 480;
    public static final int DENSITY_560 = 560;
    public static final int DENSITY_600 = 600;
    public static final int DENSITY_XXXHIGH = 640;


	//	默认dpi
    public static final int DENSITY_DEFAULT = DENSITY_MEDIUM;
    //	默认scale值
    public static final float DENSITY_DEFAULT_SCALE = 1.0f / DENSITY_DEFAULT;
    public static final int DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE = getDeviceDensity();



    public static int DENSITY_DEVICE = getDeviceDensity();
     * The absolute width of the available display size in pixels.
    public int widthPixels;
     * The absolute height of the available display size in pixels.
    public int heightPixels;

     * The logical density of the display.  This is a scaling factor for the
     * Density Independent Pixel unit, where one DIP is one pixel on an
     * approximately 160 dpi screen (for example a 240x320, 1.5"x2" screen),
     * providing the baseline of the system's display. Thus on a 160dpi screen
     * this density value will be 1; on a 120 dpi screen it would be .75; etc.
     * <p>This value does not exactly follow the real screen size (as given by
     * {@link #xdpi} and {@link #ydpi}), but rather is used to scale the size of
     * the overall UI in steps based on gross changes in the display dpi.  For
     * example, a 240x320 screen will have a density of 1 even if its width is
     * 1.8", 1.3", etc. However, if the screen resolution is increased to
     * 320x480 but the screen size remained 1.5"x2" then the density would be
     * increased (probably to 1.5).
     * @see #DENSITY_DEFAULT
    public float density;

     * The screen density expressed as dots-per-inch.  May be either
     * {@link #DENSITY_LOW}, {@link #DENSITY_MEDIUM}, or {@link #DENSITY_HIGH}.
    public int densityDpi;
     * A scaling factor for fonts displayed on the display.  This is the same
     * as {@link #density}, except that it may be adjusted in smaller
     * increments at runtime based on a user preference for the font size.
    public float scaledDensity;
     * The exact physical pixels per inch of the screen in the X dimension.
    public float xdpi;
     * The exact physical pixels per inch of the screen in the Y dimension.
    public float ydpi;

     * The reported display width prior to any compatibility mode scaling
     * being applied.
     * @hide
    public int noncompatWidthPixels;
     * The reported display height prior to any compatibility mode scaling
     * being applied.
     * @hide
    public int noncompatHeightPixels;
     * The reported display density prior to any compatibility mode scaling
     * being applied.
     * @hide
    public float noncompatDensity;
     * The reported display density prior to any compatibility mode scaling
     * being applied.
     * @hide
    public int noncompatDensityDpi;
     * The reported scaled density prior to any compatibility mode scaling
     * being applied.
     * @hide
    public float noncompatScaledDensity;
     * The reported display xdpi prior to any compatibility mode scaling
     * being applied.
     * @hide
    public float noncompatXdpi;
     * The reported display ydpi prior to any compatibility mode scaling
     * being applied.
     * @hide
    public float noncompatYdpi;



    public void setTo(DisplayMetrics o) {
        if (this == o) {

        widthPixels = o.widthPixels;
        heightPixels = o.heightPixels;
        density = o.density;
        densityDpi = o.densityDpi;
        scaledDensity = o.scaledDensity;
        xdpi = o.xdpi;
        ydpi = o.ydpi;
        noncompatWidthPixels = o.noncompatWidthPixels;
        noncompatHeightPixels = o.noncompatHeightPixels;
        noncompatDensity = o.noncompatDensity;
        noncompatDensityDpi = o.noncompatDensityDpi;
        noncompatScaledDensity = o.noncompatScaledDensity;
        noncompatXdpi = o.noncompatXdpi;
        noncompatYdpi = o.noncompatYdpi;


    public void setToDefaults() {
        widthPixels = 0;
        heightPixels = 0;
        density =  DENSITY_DEVICE / (float) DENSITY_DEFAULT;
        densityDpi =  DENSITY_DEVICE;
        scaledDensity = density;
        xdpi = DENSITY_DEVICE;
        ydpi = DENSITY_DEVICE;
        noncompatWidthPixels = widthPixels;
        noncompatHeightPixels = heightPixels;
        noncompatDensity = density;
        noncompatDensityDpi = densityDpi;
        noncompatScaledDensity = scaledDensity;
        noncompatXdpi = xdpi;
        noncompatYdpi = ydpi;


    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return obj instanceof DisplayMetrics && equals((DisplayMetrics)obj);

     * Returns true if these display metrics equal the other display metrics.
     * @param other The display metrics with which to compare.
     * @return True if the display metrics are equal.
    public boolean equals(DisplayMetrics other) {
        return equalsPhysical(other)
                && scaledDensity == other.scaledDensity
                && noncompatScaledDensity == other.noncompatScaledDensity

     * Returns true if the physical aspects of the two display metrics
     * are equal.  This ignores the scaled density, which is a logical
     * attribute based on the current desired font size.
     * @param other The display metrics with which to compare.
     * @return True if the display metrics are equal.
     * @hide
    public boolean equalsPhysical(DisplayMetrics other) {
        return other != null
                && widthPixels == other.widthPixels
                && heightPixels == other.heightPixels
                && density == other.density
                && densityDpi == other.densityDpi
                && xdpi == other.xdpi
                && ydpi == other.ydpi
                && noncompatWidthPixels == other.noncompatWidthPixels
                && noncompatHeightPixels == other.noncompatHeightPixels
                && noncompatDensity == other.noncompatDensity
                && noncompatDensityDpi == other.noncompatDensityDpi
                && noncompatXdpi == other.noncompatXdpi
                && noncompatYdpi == other.noncompatYdpi;


DisplayMetrics 根据宽高像素点以及像素dpi的乘积生成hashCode。

    public int hashCode() {
        return widthPixels * heightPixels * densityDpi;

    public String toString() {
        return "DisplayMetrics{density=" + density + ", width=" + widthPixels +
                ", height=" + heightPixels + ", scaledDensity=" + scaledDensity +
                ", xdpi=" + xdpi + ", ydpi=" + ydpi + "}";



    private static int getDeviceDensity() {
        // qemu.sf.lcd_density can be used to override ro.sf.lcd_density
        // when running in the emulator, allowing for dynamic configurations.
        // The reason for this is that ro.sf.lcd_density is write-once and is
        // set by the init process when it parses build.prop before anything else.
        return SystemProperties.getInt("qemu.sf.lcd_density",
                SystemProperties.getInt("ro.sf.lcd_density", DENSITY_DEFAULT));
评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


