【通信系统原理】Chapter 1 Introduction

1. Analog signal & digital signal

  • It is worthy of note that the criterion for distinguishing analog signal and digital signal is the continuity of the parameter values, NOT the continuity in time.

2. Communication Systems

  • Analog Communication System
    • Requirement — high fidelity
    • Criterion — signal to noise ratio (S/N)
    • Basic issue — parameter estimation issue of continuous waveform
  • Digital Communication System
    • Requirement — correct decision
    • Criterion — error probability
    • Basic issue — statistical decision theory
  • Advantages of Digital Communication
    The Output S/N at is proportional to the bandwidth in analog modulation systems while the Output S/N increases with the bandwidth according to the exponential law in digital modulation.

3. Communication system models

  • Digital Communication System Model
  • Analog Communication System Model

4. Brief Introduction to Modulation

4.1. Modulation

  • Purpose
    • To make the characteristics of the coded signal adaptive to the characteristics of the channel, and let the modulated signal be successfully transmitted over the channel.
    • Used for distinguishing various signals in order to combine many signals from independent signal sources and then transmit over one channel.
      • Multiplexingreusing the channel by multiple signals when many signals are transmitted over one channel.
      • orthogonal carriers — orthogonality
  • Categoriesbaseband modulation and bandpass modulation
    • Baseband Modulation — the baseband signal doesn’t need carrier modulation, and only needs to change its waveform properly for adapting to the characteristics of the channel.
    • Bandpass Modulation — let the baseband signal modulate a carrier to move the frequency range of the baseband signal to the frequency band high enough for transmission in the channel.
    • In most cases, modulation is only regarded in its narrow sense, i.e., modulation is regarded as bandpass modulation.
  • A sinusoidal wave is often used as the carrier for the bandpass modulation.
  • Result — one or more parameters (e.g., amplitude, frequency, phase) of the carrier carry the information of the coded signal, and the frequency spectrum of modulated signal adapts to the characteristics of the bandpass channel.

4.2. Signal

  • Baseband Signal
    • Baseband — the frequency band occupied by the signal from the information source and after being coded. This kind of signal is called the baseband signal. Baseband signal usually contains very low frequency components, even D.C. component.
    • The signal after baseband modulation is still baseband signal.
  • Bandpass Signal — signal after bandpass modulation.

4.3. Channel

  • Categories — baseband channel and bandpass channel according to transmission frequency band of the channel.
    • Baseband Channelcan transmit low frequency components or D.C. component.
    • Bandpass Channelcan’t transmit low frequency components or D.C. component
    • Many channels, e.g., the wireless channel, can’t transmit low frequency components or D.C. component.
  • Influence
    • the influence of the transmisson characteristics of the channel on the digital signal.
      • Transmission characteristics
        • amplitude-frequency characteristic
        • phase-frequency characteristic
        • frequency deviation
        • frequency spread
        • multi-path time delay
    • the influence of the external additive noise which enters the channel.
      • External additive noises
        • fluctuation noise
        • impulse interference
        • other man-made signal interference
        • noise produced by various components and devices inside the system
        • These noises can be regarded as being equivalent to being linearly added to the external interference

4.4 Synchronization

  • Purpose——set up a common time standard between the transmitter and the receiver in order to know the exact beginning and ending instants of each symbol in the received digital signals, and then reception can go along synchronously.
  • Support——a synchronization circuit in the receiver.

5. Specifications of Digital Communication System

  • Basic factors——Efficiency and Reliability
    • Efficiency——The rate of infomation transmission in the channel
    • Reliability——The accuracy of infomation transmission in the channel
  • Specifications
    • Transmission rate
      • Symbol rate( R B R_B RB)
        • Definition——the number of symbols in unit time.
        • unit——Baud(binary symbols per second)
      • Information rate( R b R_b Rb)
        • Definition——the infomation content transmitted in unit time.
        • unit——bit/s(b/s)
      • Message rate( R M R_M RM)
        • Definition——the number of message transmitted in unit time.
        • unit——word per second
      • when the occurrence probability of various possible messages in the information source is equal, the symbol rate is equal to the information rate in quantity.
    • The utilization factor of frequency band
      • Definition——the information rate in unit frequency band, which can be reached.
      • unit——bit/(s·Hz)
      • factor——modulation and the coding mode which are used.
    • The utilization factor of energy
      • Definition——the signal energy required for transmission of one bit.
      • factor——system bandwidth.
    • Error probability
      • Symbol error probability
        P e = t h e   n u m   o f   t h e   r e c e i v e d   s y m b o l s   i n   e r r o r t h e   t o t a l   n u m b e r   o f   t h e   t r a n s m i t t e d   s y m b o l s P_e=\dfrac{the\ num\ of\ the\ received\ symbols\ in\ error}{the\ total\ number\ of\ the\ transmitted\ symbols} Pe=the total number of the transmitted symbolsthe num of the received symbols in error
      • Bit error probability
        P b = t h e   n u m   o f   t h e   r e c e i v e d   b i t s   i n   e r r o r t h e   t o t a l   n u m b e r   o f   t h e   t r a n s m i t t e d   b i t s P_b=\dfrac{the\ num\ of\ the\ received\ bits\ in\ error}{the\ total\ number\ of\ the\ transmitted\ bits} Pb=the total number of the transmitted bitsthe num of the received bits in error
      • Word error probability
        P w = t h e   n u m   o f   t h e   r e c e i v e d   w o r d s   i n   e r r o r t h e   t o t a l   n u m b e r   o f   t h e   t r a n s m i t t e d   w o r d s P_w=\dfrac{the\ num\ of\ the\ received\ words\ in\ error}{the\ total\ number\ of\ the\ transmitted\ words} Pw=the total number of the transmitted wordsthe num of the received words in error
        if a word is consisted of k k k bits, each bit is transmitted by one symbol, then P w = 1 − ( 1 − P e ) k P_w=1-(1-P_e)^k Pw=1(1Pe)k

6. Channel

6.1. Wireless Channel

  • Transmission media——the propagation of electromagnetic waves in space.
  • For effectively transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves, it is required that the dimension of the antenna should not be shorter than 1/10 of the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave.
  • microwave band——1-300GHz
  • WiFi——5.9GHz
  • EM wave propagation
    • Ground wave propagation
      • Frequency——about less than 2MHz
      • Property——diffraction
      • Propagation distance——over hundreds to thousands of km.
      • Application——AM radio
    • Sky-wave propagation
      • Frequency——between approximately 2~30MHz
      • Property——reflection by ionosphere
      • Propagation distance——one hop: <4000km, multi-hops: > 10000km
      • Application——long distance communication
    • Line-of-sight propagation




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