













  • 模板引擎的目标是“数据+模板=结果”
  • 模板引擎将数据与展现有效的“解耦”
  • 前端只需要知道怎么编写前端,后端只需关注后端,用模板引擎把两者整合


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package freemarker.template;

import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;

import freemarker.cache.TemplateCache;
import freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.TemplateLookupStrategy;
import freemarker.core.BugException;
import freemarker.core.Configurable;
import freemarker.core.Environment;
import freemarker.core.FMParser;
import freemarker.core.LibraryLoad;
import freemarker.core.Macro;
import freemarker.core.OutputFormat;
import freemarker.core.ParseException;
import freemarker.core.ParserConfiguration;
import freemarker.core.TemplateConfiguration;
import freemarker.core.TemplateElement;
import freemarker.core.TextBlock;
import freemarker.core.TokenMgrError;
import freemarker.core._CoreAPI;
import freemarker.debug.impl.DebuggerService;

 * Stores an already parsed template, ready to be processed (rendered) for unlimited times, possibly from multiple
 * threads.
 * <p>
 * Typically, you will use {
    @link Configuration#getTemplate(String)} to create/get {
    @link Template} objects, so you
 * don't construct them directly. But you can also construct a template from a {
    @link Reader} or a {
    @link String} that
 * contains the template source code. But then it's important to know that while the resulting {
    @link Template} is
 * efficient for later processing, creating a new {
    @link Template} itself is relatively expensive. So try to re-use
 * {
    @link Template} objects if possible. {
    @link Configuration#getTemplate(String)} (and its overloads) does that
 * (caching {
    @link Template}-s) for you, but the constructor of course doesn't, so it's up to you to solve then.
 * <p>
 * Objects of this class meant to be handled as immutable and thus thread-safe. However, it has some setter methods for
 * changing FreeMarker settings. Those must not be used while the template is being processed, or if the template object
 * is already accessible from multiple threads. If some templates need different settings that those coming from the
 * shared {
    @link Configuration}, and you are using {
    @link Configuration#getTemplate(String)} (or its overloads), then
 * use {
    @link Configuration#setTemplateConfigurations(freemarker.cache.TemplateConfigurationFactory)} to achieve that.
public class Template extends Configurable {
    public static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "D";
    public static final String NO_NS_PREFIX = "N";

    private static final int READER_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
    private Map macros = new HashMap();
    private List imports = new Vector();
    private TemplateElement rootElement;
    private String encoding, defaultNS;
    private Object customLookupCondition;
    private int interpolationSyntax;
    private int actualTagSyntax;
    private int actualNamingConvention;
    private boolean autoEscaping;
    private OutputFormat outputFormat;
    private final String name;
    private final String sourceName;
    private final ArrayList lines = new ArrayList();
    private final ParserConfiguration parserConfiguration;
    private Map prefixToNamespaceURILookup = new HashMap();
    private Map namespaceURIToPrefixLookup = new HashMap();
    private Version templateLanguageVersion;

     * A prime constructor to which all other constructors should
     * delegate directly or indirectly.
    private Template(String name, String sourceName, Configuration cfg, ParserConfiguration customParserConfiguration) {
        super(toNonNull(cfg)); = name;
        this.sourceName = sourceName;
        this.templateLanguageVersion = normalizeTemplateLanguageVersion(toNonNull(cfg).getIncompatibleImprovements());
        this.parserConfiguration = customParserConfiguration != null ? customParserConfiguration : getConfiguration();

    private static Configuration toNonNull(Configuration cfg) {
        return cfg != null ? cfg : Configuration.getDefaultConfiguration();

     * Same as {
    @link #Template(String, String, Reader, Configuration)} with {
    @code null} {
    @code sourceName} parameter.
    public Template(String name, Reader reader, Configuration cfg) throws IOException {
        this(name, null, reader, cfg);

     * Convenience constructor for {
    @link #Template(String, Reader, Configuration)
     * Template(name, new StringReader(reader), cfg)}.
     * @since 2.3.20
    public Template(String name, String sourceCode, Configuration cfg) throws IOException {
        this(name, new StringReader(sourceCode), cfg);

     * Convenience constructor for {
    @link #Template(String, String, Reader, Configuration, String) Template(name, null,
     * reader, cfg, encoding)}.
    public Template(String name, Reader reader, Configuration cfg, String encoding) throws IOException {
        this(name, null, reader, cfg, encoding);

     * Constructs a template from a character stream. Note that this is a relatively expensive operation; where higher
     * performance matters, you should re-use (cache) {
    @link Template} instances instead of re-creating them from the
     * same source again and again. ({
    @link Configuration#getTemplate(String) and its overloads already do such reuse.})
     * @param name
     *            The path of the template file relatively to the (virtual) directory that you use to store the
     *            templates (except if {
    @link #Template(String, String, Reader, Configuration, String) sourceName}
     *            differs from it). Shouldn't start with {
    @code '/'}. Should use {
    @code '/'}, not {
    @code '\'}. Check
     *            {
    @link #getName()} to see how the name will be used. The name should be independent of the actual
     *            storage mechanism and physical location as far as possible. Even when the templates are stored
     *            straightforwardly in real files (they often aren't; see {
    @link TemplateLoader}), the name shouldn't be
     *            an absolute file path. Like if the template is stored in {
    @code "/www/templates/forum/main.ftl"}, and
     *            you are using {
    @code "/www/templates/"} as the template root directory via
     *            {
    @link Configuration#setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(}, then the template name will be
     *            {
    @code "forum/main.ftl"}. The name can be {
    @code null} (should be used for template made on-the-fly
     *            instead of being loaded from somewhere), in which case relative paths in it will be relative to
     *            the template root directory (and here again, it's the {
    @link TemplateLoader} that knows what that
     *            "physically" means).
     * @param sourceName
     *            See {
    @link #getSourceName()} for the meaning. Can be {
    @code null}, in which case
     *            {
    @link #getSourceName()} will return the same as {
    @link #getName()}.
     * @param reader
     *            The character stream to read from. It will always be closed ({
    @link Reader#close()}) by
     *            this method (this is for backward compatibility; later major versions may discontinue this behavior).
     *            The {
    @link Reader} need not be buffered, because this method ensures that it will be read in few
     *            kilobyte chunks, not byte by byte.
     * @param cfg
     *            The Configuration object that this Template is associated with. If this is {
    @code null}, the "default"
     *            {
    @link Configuration} object is used, which is highly discouraged, because it can easily lead to
     *            erroneous, unpredictable behavior. (See more {
    @link Configuration#getDefaultConfiguration() here...})
     * @since 2.3.22
   public Template(
           String name, String sourceName, Reader reader, Configuration cfg) throws IOException {
       this(name, sourceName, reader, cfg, null);
     * Same as {
    @link #Template(String, String, Reader, Configuration)}, but also specifies the template's encoding (not
     * recommended).
     * @param encoding
     *            This is the encoding that we are supposed to be using. At the first glance it's unnecessary because we
     *            already have a {
    @link Reader} (so decoding with the charset has already happened), however, if this is
     *            non-{
    @code null} and there's an {
    @code #ftl} header with {
    @code encoding} parameter, they must match,
     *            or else a {
    @link WrongEncodingException} is thrown. Thus, it should be set if to decode the template,
     *            we were using an encoding (a charset), otherwise it should be {
    @code null}. It's also kept as
     *            meta-info (returned by {
    @link #getEncoding()}). It also has an impact when {
    @code #include}-ing or
     *            {
    @code #import}-ing another template from this template, as its default encoding will be this. But
     *            this behavior of said directives is considered to be harmful, and will be probably phased out.
     * @since 2.3.22
   public Template(
           String name, String sourceName, Reader reader, Configuration cfg, String encoding) throws IOException {
       this(name, sourceName, reader, cfg, null, encoding);
     * Same as {
    @link #Template(String, String, Reader, Configuration, String)}, but also specifies a
     * {
    @link TemplateConfiguration}. This is mostly meant to be used by FreeMarker internally, but advanced users might
     * still find this useful.
     * @param customParserConfiguration
     *            Overrides the parsing related configuration settings of the {
    @link Configuration} parameter; can be
     *            {
    @code null}. This is useful as the {
    @link Configuration} is normally a singleton shared by all
     *            templates, and so it's not good for specifying template-specific settings. (While {
    @link Template}
     *            itself has methods to specify settings just for that template, those don't influence the parsing, and
     *            you only have opportunity to call them after the parsing anyway.) This objects is often a
     *            {
    @link TemplateConfiguration} whose parent is the {
    @link Configuration} parameter, and then it
     *            practically just overrides some of the parser settings, as the others are inherited from the
     *            {




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