


	[SM-R-ui-console0]idle-timeout 20 59 配置console口用户界面断开时间。
	[SM-R-ui-vty0-4]idle-timeout 20 00 配置telnet及ssh用户界面断开时间。


	<Huawei>reset recycle-bin:彻底删除回收站中的文件	
	<Huawei>reset saved-configuration:清除已保存的配置,恢复出厂设置
	<Huawei>display startup:查看系统启动配置参数
	<Huawei>startup saved-configuration:配置系统下次启动时使用的配置文件(设备升级时,可以通过此命令让放置下次启动时加载指定的配置文件)


  aaa                          <Group> aaa command group
  aaa-authen-bypass            Set remote authentication bypass
  aaa-author-bypass            Set remote authorization bypass
  aaa-author-cmd-bypass        Set remote command authorization bypass
  access-user                  User access
  acl                          Specify ACL configuration information
  alarm                        Alarm
  anti-attack                  Specify anti-attack configurations
  application-apperceive       Set application-apperceive information
  arp                          <Group> arp command group
  arp-miss                     <Group> arp-miss command group
  arp-ping                     ARP-ping
  arp-suppress                 Specify arp suppress configuration information,  
                               default is disabled
  as-notation                  The AS notation
  authentication               Authentication
  autoconfig                   Auto-config
  backup                       Backup  information
  bfd                          Specify BFD(Bidirectional Forwarding Detection)  
                               configuration information
  bgp                          Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
  bitschip                     Reset bits chip 
  bridge                       Bridge
  capture-packet               Capture-packet
  ccc                          Circuit cross connection
  clear                        <Group> clear command group
  clock                        Clock
  [Huawei]command-privilege level :设置指定视图内的命令级别。级别分为参观、监控、配置、管理4个级别分别对应参数为0123-15
  config                       System config
  controller                   Specify controller configuration view
  cpu-defend                   Configure CPU defend policy
  cpu-defend-policy            Apply CPU defend policy
  cwmp                         CWMP View
  ddns                         DDNS
  dhcp                         <Group> dhcp command group
  dhcpv6                       <Group> dhcpv6 command group
  dialer                       Dialer
  dialer-rule                  Enter dialer-rule view
  [Huawei]display :查看当前配置  
  [Huawei]display current-configuration :查看当前运行的配置文件。
  [Huawei]display saved-configuration :查看保存的配置     
  [Huawei]display interface brief :查看设备的所有接口 
  [Huawei]display ip interface brief :查看所有的具备路由功能的接口(可以配IP)
  [Huawei]display ip routing-table :查看路由表信息


  dlsw                         <Group> dlsw command group
  dns                          <Group> dns command group
  dns-server-select-algorithm  Configure algorithm of selecting dns server
  domain                       Default domain
  dot1x                        802.1x configuration information
  drop                         Discard attribute
  drop-profile                 Drop profile
  efm                          EFM module
  error-diffusion              Error-diffusion 
  error-down                   The interface was shut down because of an error  
  event                        Enter the event view
  execute                      Batch Command
  explicit-path                Configure explicit path
  fec-list                     FEC list
  fib                          <Group> fib command group
  file                         File system command word 
  firewall                     <Group> firewall command group
  firewall-nat                 Firewall & NAT infomation
  fr                           <Group> fr command group
  ftp                          <Group> ftp command group
  garp                         Generic Attribute Registration Protocol
  gvrp                         Generic VLAN Registration Protocol
  header                       Define the login banner
  hotkey                       Specify hotkey configuration information
  http                         <Group> http command group
  hwtacacs                     Set the status of the HWTACACS(Huawei Terminal   
                               Access Controller Access Control System) service
  hwtacacs-server              Set HWTACACS server
  icmp                         <Group> icmp command group
  icmp-reply                   Enable ICMP reply fast
  igmp                         <Group> igmp command group
  igmp-snooping                Specify parameters for IGMP-Snooping
  ike                          Specify IKE(Internet Key Exchange) configuration 
  info-center                  <Group> info-center command group
  [Huawei]interface :配置接口IP地址                    
   configuration view
  ip                           <Group> ip command group
  ipsec                        Specify IPSec(IP Security) configuration         
  ipv6                         <Group> ipv6 command group
  isdn                         Specify ISDN configuration information 
  isis                         Intermediate System to Intermediate System (ISIS)
  keychain                     Keychain authentication
  l2-topology                  Layer 2 topology
  l2tp                         Specify L2TP(Layer Two Tunneling Protocol)       
                               configuration information
  l2tp-group                   Specify L2TP(Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) group 
                               configuration information
  lacp                         Link aggregation control protocol
  lldp                         Link Layer Discovery Protocol
  load-balance                 Set load-balance arithmetic
  loop-detect                  Loop detect
  lspv                         Lsp verification
  mac-address                  MAC address
  mac-authen                   MAC authenticate configure information
  matched                      Is Command can be matched by upper template
  mld-snooping                 Specify parameters for MLD-Snooping
  mpls                         <Group> mpls command group
  msdp                         Specify MSDP(Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)
                               configuration information
  mtrace                       Trace route to multicast source
  multicast                    <Group> multicast command group
  multicast-mib                Specify multicast MIB configuration information
  nat                          <Group> nat command group
  netconf                      <Group> netconf command group
  nqa                          Network Quality Analysis(NQA)
  nqa-ftp-record               Save NQA record to FTP server by FTP
  nqa-jitter                   Switch NQA jitter version
  nqa-server                   Specify NQA echo server
  ntp-service                  Specify NTP(Network Time Protocol) configuration 
  oam-mgr                      Oam-mgr view
  observe-port                 Specify observing port 
  observe-server               Specify remote observing server 
  ospf                         Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
  ospfv3                       <Group> ospfv3 command group
  pim                          Specify PIM(Protocol Independent Multicast)      
                               configuration information
  ping                         <Group> ping command group
  pki                          <Group> pki command group
  policy-based-route           Specify a policy for policy based routing
  port-group                   Port-group
  port-isolate                 Port isolate
  port-mapping                 Specify PAM(Port to Application Mapping)         
                               configuration information
  portal                       <Group> portal command group
  ppp                          Specify PPP(the Point-to-Point Protocol)         
                               configuration information 
  pppoe                        PPPoE users 
  pppoe-server                 Specify PPPoE(PPP over Ethernet) server          
                               configuration information
  qos                          <Group> qos command group
  quit                         Exit from current mode and enter prior mode
  radius-server                <Group> radius-server command group
  refresh                      <Group> refresh command group
  remove                       Remove
  ip ronting                        <Group> ip ronting-t command group
  return                       Enter the privileged mode
  rip                          RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
  ripng                        RIPng (Routing Information Protocol next         
  rmon                         <Group> rmon command group
  route                        Routing Module
  route-policy                 Route-policy
  route-policy-change          Specify route policy change parameter
  router                       Configure router information
  rsa                          Specify RSA module configuration information
  set                          <Group> set command group
  sftp                         <Group> sftp command group
  shutdown                     Shutdown 
  smart-policy-route           Smart Policy Route 
  snmp-agent                   <Group> snmp-agent command group
  ssh                          Specify SSH (secure shell) configuration         
  ssl                          SSL
  sslvpn                       <Group> sslvpn command group
  standby                      Specify DCC(Dial-Control-Center) configuration   
  static-cr-lsp                Static CR-LSP configuration
  static-lsp                   Static LSP configuration
  stelnet                      <Group> stelnet command group
  stp                          Specify Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)             
                               configuration information
  super                        Modify super password parameters
  [Huawei]sysname :配置设备名称 
  tcp                          Specify TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)       
                               configuration information
  te-class-mapping             Configure TE-Class-Mapping
  telnet                       <Group> telnet command group
  test-aaa                     Accounts test
  test-packet                  Set the test packet
  tftp                         Establish a TFTP connection
  tftp-server                  TFTP Server
  time-range                   Specify time-range configuration information
  tracert                      <Group> tracert command group
  traffic                      Specify traffic configuration information
  trunk                        Trunk interface
  trunk-member                 The member of trunk
  ttl                          Time to live
  tunnel                       Tunnel module
  tunnel-policy                Tunnel policy
  tunnel-selector              Tunnel-policy selector
  udp-helper                   UDP Helper 
  	[Huawei]undo :恢复某个缺省设置,禁用某项功能或删除某项配置。
 set its defaults
  user-bind                    User bind
  user-group                   User group
  [Huawei]user-interface :配置用户通过password方式登录设备,支持用户console及vty用户登录。             
   	  terminal interface
  vlan                         Virtual LAN
  voice-vlan                   Voice VLAN
  vrrp                         <Group> vrrp command group
  web-auth-server              Portal authentication server
  wlan                         WLAN
  x25                          <Group> x25 command group
  x29                          X.29 protocol 


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