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原创 UE4入门学习笔记——纪念学习虚幻引擎满一周年


2021-06-02 08:59:27 6111 2

原创 GAMES202-高质量实时渲染-闫令琪——Lecture 3:Real-Time Shadows 1 学习笔记

Lecture 3:Real-Time Shadows 1Recap: shadow mapping[slides courtesy of Prof. Ravi Ramamoorthi]Issues from shadow mapping and solutionsThe math behind shadow mappingPercentage closer soft shadows一、Shadow MappingA 2-Pass Algorithm–The light

2021-03-29 16:55:42 1435

原创 GAMES202-高质量实时渲染-闫令琪——Lecture 2:Recap of CG Basics 学习笔记

Lecture 2:Recap of CG BasicsRecap of CG BasicsBasic GPU hardware pipelineOpenGLOpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)The Rendering Equation一、Graphics (Hardware) PipelineInput: vertices in 3D space:任何物体在3D空间中都会被表示成点以及点的连接关系Vertices positioned in screen s

2021-03-23 09:25:37 890

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 22 Animation Cont 学习笔记【完结】

Lecture 22 Animation Cont一、Single particle simulationFirst study motion of a single particleLater, generalize to a multitude of particlesTo start, assume motion of particle determined by a velocity vector field that is a function of position and time

2021-02-23 17:36:04 845

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 21 Animation 学习笔记

Lecture 21 Animation“Bring things to life”Communication toolAesthetic issues often dominate technical issuesAn extension of modelingRepresent scene models as a function of timeOutput: sequence of images that when viewed sequentially provide a sen

2021-02-22 18:51:48 861

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 20 Light Fields,Color and Perception 学习笔记

Lecture 20 Light Fields,Color and Perception一、Light Field / Lumigraph1、The Plenoptic Function(全光函数)人看到前面的三维世界场景,通过给人前方加上一块幕布,让幕布上显示的就是前面的场景,那么跟人直接看到三维世界场景并无区别 ,这也是虚拟现实的原理我们可以用全光函数来描述上述过程。即用全光函数描述我们能看到的所有东西。下面我们来看一下全光函数的推广过程:①、Grayscale snapshotis

2021-02-21 16:01:46 792

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 19 Cameras and Lenses 学习笔记

Lecture 19 Cameras and Lenses一、Camera1、Pinhole Image Formation最早的相机是从小孔成像开始的。2、Important Parts(1)、Shutter Exposes Sensor For Precise Duration快门,控制光能在相机中待多长时间。(光在1/x秒内在相机中)(2)、Sensor Accumulates Irradiance During Exposure传感器,记录的是光的Irradiance。二、P

2021-02-20 23:32:50 644

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 18 Advanced Topics in Rendering 学习笔记

Lecture 18 Advanced Topics in Rendering一、Advanced Light TransportUnbiased light transport methods​ --Bidirectional path tracing (BDPT)​ --Metropolis light transport (MLT)Biased light transport methods​ --Photon mapping​ --Vertex connection and m

2021-02-19 19:24:12 605

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 17 Materials and Appearances 学习笔记

Lecture 17 Materials and Appearances一、Material == BRDF1、Diffuse / Lambertian MaterialLight is equally reflected in each output direction这个材质是漫反射Suppose the incident lighting is uniform:我们假设物体是白色的,不吸收能量,且进来的光都是相同且均匀的,那么根据能量守恒,反射的光也是相同且均匀的。进来多少Radian

2021-02-18 22:02:25 474

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 16 Ray Tracing 4 学习笔记

Lecture 16 Ray Tracing 4一、Probability Review1、Random VariablesX:random variable. Represents a distribution of potential valuesX~p(x):probability density function (PDF). Describes relative probability of a random process choosing valueExample: uniform

2021-02-17 23:14:28 743

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 15 Ray Tracing 3 学习笔记

Lecture 15 Ray Tracing 3(一)、RadiometryMeasurement system and units for illuminationAccurately measure the spatial properties of light–New terms: Radiant flux, intensity, irradiance, radiancePerform lighting calculations in a physically correct manner

2021-02-16 17:22:18 540

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 14 Ray Tracing 2(Acceleration) 学习笔记

Lecture 14 Ray Tracing 2(Acceleration)Using AABBs to accelerate ray tracingUniform gridsSpatial partitions在上节课的最后我们已经讲清楚了如何用AABB包围盒与光线求交。在这节课我们就继续上节课的思路,去探索如何加快包围盒与光线的求交速度(一)、Uniform Spatial Partitions (Grids)1、Preprocess – Build Acceleration Grid

2021-02-15 18:04:26 547

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 13 Ray Tracing 1(Whitted-Style Ray Tracing) 学习笔记

Lecture 13 Ray Tracing 1(Whitted-Style Ray Tracing)Why Ray Tracing?Rasterization couldn’t handle global effects well​ --(Soft) shadows​ --And especially when the light bounces more than onceRasterization is fast, but quality is relatively low

2021-02-14 18:03:46 735

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 12 Geometry 3 学习笔记

Lecture 12 Geometry 3Mesh Operations: Geometry ProcessingMesh subdivisionMesh simplificationMesh regularization①、Mesh Subdivision (upsampling)Increase resolution网格细分。通过增加三角形面数来得到更加平滑的效果。②、Mesh Simplification (downsampling)Decrease resolution;

2021-02-13 23:06:57 620

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 11 Geometry 2 (Curves and Surfaces) 学习笔记

Lecture 11 Geometry 2 (Curves and Surfaces)(一)、Bézier Curves1、Evaluating Bézier Curves (de Casteljau Algorithm)以三点的贝塞尔曲线举例①、Consider three points (quadratic Bezier)首先这条线一定要从b0开始,到b2结束。b1决定了整条线要向哪个方向弯曲。②、Insert a point using linear interpolation给定一

2021-02-12 19:28:31 492

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 10 Geometry 1 (Introduction) 学习笔记

Lecture 10 Geometry 1 (Introduction)Many Ways to Represent GeometryImplicitalgebraic surfacelevel setsdistance functions…Explicitpoint cloudpolygon meshsubdivision, NURBS…Each choice best suited to a different task/type of geometry(一)、“Imp

2021-02-11 17:06:38 701

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 09 Shading 3 (Texture Mapping ) 学习笔记

Lecture 09 Shading 3 (Texture Mapping )Different Colors at Different Places?假设有两个光源照到一个球上,这个球上面有不同的颜色,也就是说kd的值不同,我们希望能用一种方式,定义这个球上每一个顶点的属性。因此引入纹理映射。Surfaces are 2DSurface lives in 3D world spaceEvery 3D surface point also has a place where it goes in

2021-02-10 11:19:29 1401 4

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 08 Shading 2 (Shading, Pipeline) 学习笔记

Lecture 08 Shading 2 (Shading, Pipeline)(一)、Blinn-Phong Reflection Model1、Specular Term (Blinn-Phong)Intensity depends on view directionBright near mirror reflection direction我们能看到高光的原因是镜面反射的方向和观察方向大致重合。也就是说当v和R足够接近的时候,就会看到高光。V close to mirror dir

2021-02-08 21:46:36 717

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 07 Shading 1 (Illumination, Shading and Graphics Pipeline) 学习笔记

Lecture 07 Shading 1 (Illumination, Shading and Graphics Pipeline)(一)、What we’ve doneWhat We’ve Covered So Far把模型通过某种变换,变换成相应姿势把摄像机始终放在(0,0,0)往-z看投影变换光栅化Rotating Cubes (Now You Can Do)Rotating Cubes (Expected)我们虽然把模型画出来了,但是却缺少了光照关系,也可能会造成视觉误差

2021-02-07 20:10:54 571

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 06 Rasterization 2 (Antialiasing and Z-Buffering) 学习笔记

Lecture 06 Rasterization 2 (Antialiasing and Z-Buffering)(一)、Aliasing and Antialiasing在上一讲我们做完采样工作以后,得到了如下图左边的图片,将所有红点所在的像素填充颜色后,我们得到了中间的图片,但是与最右边我们想要得到的效果相对比,还是差了很远,出现了严重的锯齿(走样)问题。 要解决上述问题,就需要用到反走样技术,在这里先给出操作的方法:先模糊后采样Blurring (Pre-Filtering) Before

2021-02-06 16:14:09 835

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 05 Rasterization 1 (Triangles) 学习笔记

Lecture 05 Rasterization 1 (Triangles)一、Canonical Cube to ScreenPrefaceWhat’s after MVP?Model transformation (placing objects)View transformation (placing camera)Projection transformation​ --Orthographic projection (cuboid to “canonical”

2021-02-05 08:26:06 1072 3

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 04 Transformation Cont 学习笔记

Lecture 04 Transformation Cont一、3D transformations1、General IntroductionUse homogeneous coordinates again:3D point = (x, y, z, 1)T3D vector = (x, y, z, 0)TIn general, (x, y, z, w) (w != 0) is the 3D point:​ (x/w, y/w, z/w)在3D里同理与上一节2D中所推导的方法,

2021-02-03 21:12:53 1638

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 03 Transformation 学习笔记

Lecture 03 Transformation一、2D transformations(一)、Representing transformations using matrices1、Scale (Non-Uniform) Matrix2、Reflection Matrix​ 3、Shear Matrix​

2021-02-02 17:17:17 1097 1

原创 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪——Lecture 02 Review of Linear Algebra 学习笔记

Lecture 01 Overview of Computer Graphics现代计算机图形学的应用Lecture 02 Review of Linear Algebra一、Vector Multiplication(一)、Dot(scalar) Product1、The Basic Definition of The Dot Product The basic definition of the dot product(最标准的定义式) Find a

2021-02-01 18:24:20 1842 2



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