WRF users guide Chap5


The Advanced Research WRF (ARW) model 是一个完全可压缩的非流体静力模型(包含运行时的流体静力选项)。它的垂直坐标可选为跟随地形(terrain-following-TF) 或混合垂直坐标(HVC)静水压力坐标。网格使用的是Arakawa C-grid。

WRF 模型包含的程序有:

  • 用于模型初始化的程序(real.exe for real data, ideal.exe for idealized data)
  • 数值积分程序 wrf.exe
  • 为模拟域执行单项嵌套的程序(ndown.exe)
  • 热带风暴程序(tc.exe)
  • 真实数据和理想化 模拟
  • 各种横向边界 用于真实数据和理想化模拟的条件选项
  • 完整的物理选项,以及 各种过滤器选项
  • 正-定平流 方案
  • 非静液压和 静液压(运行时选项)
  • 单向和双向嵌套, 和一个移动的嵌套
  • 三维分析微调
  • 观察微调
  • 区域和全球应用
  • 数字滤波器初始化
  • 子域的垂直细化

Installing WRF


Running WRF

  1. running WPS and produce files like met_em*, link them to this dir cd test/em_real
  2. ln -s ../../../WPS/met_em*
  3. edit namelist.input
  4. run ./real.exe >& real.out
  5. run./wrf.exe >& wrf.out
  6. A successful run should produce one or several output files with names like ‘wrfout_d_’ (where ‘’ represents domain ID, and ‘’ represent a date string with the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss.
  7. You may have other wrfout files, depending on the namelist options (how often you split the output files is determined by the namelist option ‘frames_per_outfile’).

Restart run:

namelist 变量的具体描述

run_days, run_hours, run_minutes, run_seconds:  Simulation run time, can be set as 1day and 12 hours or just 0 days and 36 hours
start_year, start_month, start_day.../end_year, end_month... : Start & end time of each nest
interval_seconds: 使用的真实气象数据的时间间隔,即met_em*的间隔,单位为秒,6小时即21600
input_from_file(max_dom):  嵌套运行是否使用域1以外的输入文件
fine_input_stream (max_dom):0-使用嵌套输入中的所有字段(默认),2-仅嵌套从输入流 2 指定的输入(在注册表中定义) 被使用,这需要设置io_form_auxinput2。
history_interval(max_dom): 数据写入/记录到历史记录的频率(以模拟分钟为单位)指定模式结果输出的时间间隔,以分钟为单位(多长时间输出一次) 输出文件 (wrfout_d0*) 
history_interval_d/history_interval_h/history_interval_m/history_interval_s 与上面的变量作用相同
history_begin(max_dom): 从写入历史输出文件的运行开始算起的分钟数.
frames_per_outfile (max_dom): 每几个小时输出一个wrfout文件,用于将输出文件拆分
restart: 是否重新启动 True or False
restart_interval: 重启时间间隔
io_form_history/ io_form_restart/ io_form_input/ io_format_boundary: 历史输出/重启输出/输入/边界文件的格式,2=netcdf,5=grib1,10=grib2...
ncd_nofill: 处理netcdf写入的选项,如果设置为true,可以提升IO速度
debug_level: 默认为0,越大向调试WRF写入的内容越多,修改为50/100/200可能会增加调试WRF的打印输出。过大可能导致运行时崩溃。
time_step: 积分的时间步长,为整型数,单位为秒,在真实大气中推荐值小于dx公里数的5~6倍 一般选择网格距的3倍左右
 time_step_fract_num , time_step_fract_den : 积分时间步长小数部分的分子/分母,例如如果想设定为60.3秒,time_step=60,
  time_step_fract_num , time_step_fract_den = 3,10
  max_dom: the number of domains you are running
  s_we(max_dom) : 东西方向的起始索引
  e_we(max_dom) : 东西方向的结束索引
  s_sn(max_dom) : 南北方向的起始索引
  e_sn(max_dom) :南北方向的结束索引
  s_vert/ e_vert : 垂直方向
  dx/dy : 东西/南北栅格的长度(单位m)
  ztop : 垂直高度
  grid_id : 计算区域的编号
  parent_id: 嵌套域的父域的编号
  i_parent_start / j_parent_start: 嵌套父域左下角的编号(父域的第几个网格)。
  parent_grid_ratio : 父域与嵌套域网格大小之比(建议为奇数 3:1/5:1)。 
  parent_time_step_ratio :父域与嵌套域时间步长之比(可能与大小之比不同)
  smooth_option : 反馈的平滑选项,0关闭,1代表1-2-1 smoothing option for parent domain; used only with feedback=1, 2代表(default) smoothing-desmoothing option for parent domain; used only with feedback=1


Options for program real.exe
num_metgrid_levels: 输入数据的垂直级别数,可以使用'ncdump -h'命令查看其中一个met_em*文件查看此参数
auto_levels_opt: 2-将max_dz,dz_bot...等根据logP拉伸到maxz 1-假设已知的前几层,生成等高间隔直到模型顶部
max_dz : 允许的最大厚度(m)
dzbot: 最底层的厚度


chem_opt: 使用WRF-Chem
sf_urban_physics (max_dom):	activate urban canopy model (in Noah LSM only). The same value should be used for all domains.
sf_surface_physics (max_dom):land-surface option (set this before running real.exe; also make sure num_soil_layers is set correctly). The same value should be used for all domains.
sf_sfclay_physics (max_dom):surface layer option. The same value should be used for all domains.
radt (max_dom):minutes between radiation physics calls.  Recommended 1 minute per km of dx (e.g. 10 for 10 km grid); use the same value for all nests
bldt (max_dom) : minutes between boundary-layer physics calls (0=call every time step – recommended)
cudt (max_dom) : minutes between cumulus physics calls; set to 0 when using all cu_physics except Kain-Fritsch (0 = call every time step)
ra_sw_physics (max_dom):	Shortwave radiation option. The same value should be used for all domains.
ra_lw_physics (max_dom):Longwave radiation option. The same value should be used for all domains.
icloud: cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation (only works with ra_sw_physics=1,4 and ra_lw_physics=1,4); this also controls the cloud fraction options. 1-with cloud effect; must use cloud fraction option 1 (Xu-Randall mehod) 0-without cloud effect
num_land_cat:number of land categories in input data

Using Physics Suites:

目前有两个可用的物理套装,使用时只需在namelist.input选项里设置physics_suite = 'CONUS'
Diffusion, damping options, advection options

hybrid_opt :  2-默认Klemp cubic form with etac 0-原始WRF坐标系,通过v3
w_damping:Turns on vertical velocity damping flag (for operational use)
diff_opt: 湍流与混合选项,0-没有湍流或显式空间过滤器忽略km_opt,默认1-计算曲面上的二阶扩散项,使用KVDIF进行垂直扩散。2-评估物理空间中的混合项(应力形式)(x,y,z);湍流 通过指定参数来选择km_opt
km_opt:	涡流系数选项 1常量 4推荐使用于真实数据案例
 diff_6th_opt  六阶数值扩散
  diff_6th_factor   6阶数值扩散非量纲率(最大值1.0 对应于在一个时间步长内完全去除 2DX 波)
  base_temp :基础温度
  damp_opt:上层阻尼旗标 0-无阻尼,1-具有扩散阻尼,可用于真实案例,3-使用瑞利阻尼, 用于真是案例


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WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model) is a widely used atmospheric modeling system for weather prediction and research. It can be installed and run on Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution. Here is a general outline of the steps to install WRF on Ubuntu: 1. Set up the necessary dependencies: - Install essential packages: `sudo apt-get install build-essential m4` - Install required libraries: `sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev libnetcdff-dev` 2. Download WRF source code: - Go to the WRF website (https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/download/get_sources.html) and register for an account if necessary. - Download the desired version of WRF source code (e.g., WRF 4.x.x). 3. Extract and configure WRF: - Move the downloaded tar file to your desired location and extract it. - Navigate to the extracted directory: `cd WRF-x.x.x` - Configure WRF: `./configure` 4. Build and compile WRF: - Run `./compile em_real` to compile WRF for a real case or choose a different option based on your requirements. - Wait for the build process to complete. 5. Set up environmental variables: - Open your shell configuration file (e.g., `~/.bashrc`) using a text editor. - Add the following lines at the end of the file: ```shell export NETCDF=/usr export PATH=${PATH}:${NETCDF}/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${NETCDF}/lib ``` - Save and exit the file. - Reload the shell configuration: `source ~/.bashrc` 6. Test WRF installation: - Run one of the provided test cases to verify the installation: `./test/em_real/real.exe` - If the test runs successfully, WRF is installed correctly. Please note that this is a general outline, and the installation process may vary depending on the specific version of Ubuntu and WRF you are using. It is recommended to refer to the official WRF documentation for detailed instructions specific to your setup.


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