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原创 3D内存:一个神经元的电路设计

我想这将是可用的供应半导体聚合物I would expect that will be available supply for semiconducting polymer

2021-01-24 20:20:48 142

原创 智能芯片之三维内存 概念

智能芯片之三维内存 概念Chapter 1 智能芯片的三维内存三维内存(即:3DM)的构想是一个附加组件;专门用于仿真演示,模拟自然界万物变化、以及能够产生创造性思维的一种设备,也是对传统计算机架构的补充,目的为了构成智能计算机(简称:AIC)。 三维内存是由许多个的单个存储单元经过串联并联构成立方体的电路系统,内部每个存储单元都有上下左右前后六条连线,使每个存储单元可以相互传递电荷。(猜想复杂的内部结构应该是每个存储单元除了上下左右前后以外,还有上前、上中、上后、上左前、上中前、上右前等等,一

2021-01-11 22:33:42 428 2

原创 全新的智能计算机体系架构概念

真正意义上的智能计算机体系架构,才有完全自主的创造模式,才能快速提高民族的生产力。可以摆脱了那些编程式的人工智能,教什么才会什么尴尬境地。过去的观点和经验告诉我们,数据传递是人工智能灵感的本质。该状态由合并、拆分和更改组成。例如logic_circuit的AND, OR和NOR。因此,(记忆单元之间的)连接是重要的,它可以测量3DM中该状态的短导深度,这是对当前捕获事件的穿透运动距离的启发式估计...

2020-03-01 13:07:20 548

原创 Electric-brain surface contamination rate would be expected to be one-tenth that of the ionized proc


2023-05-11 13:49:25 115

原创 multivariate chaotic distribution of AI mean:

we shall explore the elegant model of dynamic multithreaded algorithms,the identity chaotic transformation isDescribe all of the subspaces that are invariant under the identity operator I on a space V .The orthogonal complement of the identity-map con

2023-03-26 13:58:16 58

原创 Conformably natural extension of homeomorphisms of circle

Eyes and minds are directed forwards in time rather than backway. no longer modeled as a miscellaneous behavior changes process but as the product of a content tools process and a random variable.To obtain the covariance matrix of a polarimetric scatt

2023-03-04 19:09:08 66

原创 exterior covariant differential of one vector-valued form

were its amplitude and phase related to other root-level data?control signal amplitudes (fuzzy variables) are expressed in terms of controller parameters (gains pivotal to the potential structural change in the procedure). it is more efficient to use the

2023-02-26 00:28:41 64

原创 auto-regressive networks

Only known channel through which their spiritual energy might original sequence. Instead of averaging (or computing the area of the trapezoid),Because there is much more to cover in the later q;convex hull of the ;bearing output,Note that each object

2023-02-23 14:03:12 65

原创 simplex solver

We can view the empirical distribution formed from mapping out strategy with dataset. actually conceals the cold ;vector processors represented by a full search tree, The graphical representation of a look ahead: advanced physics features networks is

2023-02-20 11:55:38 86

原创 perceptron learning pattern; create world

Show that the point on the ROC curve that minimises the risk has gradientShow that under the assumption of normally distributed residuals,A discrimination rule may be constructed through explicit estimation of the class- conditional density functions and

2022-06-28 15:54:00 118

原创 tacit renewal successfully

Tacit is a kind of language, tacit is also a powerful communicative tendency, no matter what time elapse, no matter how many things changed, no matter how many different problems have to solve, people are always chasing the essence of truth, good and beaut

2021-11-13 19:14:55 329

原创 conquest of outspace evolved to survive on another planet

can also be very hopeful to the excellent visibility? may the conquest of outspace be complete or even extraterrestrial production work  as well as try our great aims. they’re extremely hazardous to astronauts when outside of the protection of a inter

2021-09-08 14:12:41 99

原创 the benefit of central government

The central government is an engine driving economic growth. You have witnessed happy family and cooperation in our region; and indeed, you have contributed to it every step on the way. You have an important role to play in shaping the future of our region

2021-08-18 16:39:39 82

原创 How could we have been possible that smart applications?

How could we have been possible that smart applications? It isexpected that the FOMs of the ESD diode can be improved by maximizing theratio of junction perimeter to junction area. However, it is found that the FOMs of waffle diodes with continuouslyshrink

2021-08-12 17:39:30 116

原创 2021-05-03


2021-05-03 22:17:21 54

原创 2021-05-03

common defence is a huge shield that prevents many people in the conflicting personal psychology aspect . This way make sure peoples to happy living by peace of conscience. so we can greatly simplify the world recognition by having the truth AI, and anothe

2021-05-03 21:46:20 63

原创 电路设计:由一维到二维空间的神经网络

![一个灵感可能比一个来自脉冲波多吗?好像智能就是来自于多次选择,然后计算权重,最终得出的最优序列集合。这些发现在本质上具有高度启发性。because of initialization requirements, was one more than the inspiration came from an impulse wave? as through the intelligence is based on the selection that to compute the weight optim

2021-01-11 22:39:05 250 2

原创 神经电路内核概略

1、 神经电路内核将一定会在每一个路由节点更新xtime变量。 2、 神经电路内核有时需要在不间断读取(流经过点坐标),并且不禁用中断请求的情况下,可延续传递脉冲信号的功能。 3、 神经电路内核需要存储逻辑地址的段选择器组件,记录路由信息,这等价于记忆事物变化的经验。 4、 神经电路内核执行从异常条件恢复所需的所有步骤,都是单向传递,并且可重复载入然后演练,当然其结果是有一定的出入(变化范围)。 5、 神经电路内核根据现象需要分叉脉冲连路,应跳到need_resched标签。 6、 神经电路内核可以包含非规

2020-08-19 18:36:55 184

原创 智能链表算法导论

作为基数交换的选择或传递过程的智慧树。只需知道电子路径(路径规则 goal driven for principle of neural network flows.)就实现了从描述,跟踪,模仿,理解,调整,尝试,创新全方位的智能。利用3维空间结合时间轴这个纬度,构建的智能体是这样呈现的,The chief reason to use transmitting is that evaluation can be done. 首先,摄像机先捕获信息加载到3DM中,让我们开始工作:如果3DM有一点,经直穿过

2020-08-19 16:58:25 102





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