Deep transfer learning for image classification: a survey简读

最近一段时间在学transfer learning相关知识,所以本文就简单介绍一下2022年最新的一篇迁移学习综述。由于笔者有一定的兴趣方向,所以将挑自己感兴趣的进行写作,如需详细阅读详见原文(我写的很乱):Deep transfer learning for image classification: a survey



  • Insufficient data because the data is very rare or there are issues with privacy etc. For example new and rare disease diagnosis tasks in the medical domain have limited training data due to both the examples themselves being rare and privacy concerns.
  • It is prohibitively expensive to collect and/or label data. For example labelling can only be done by highly qualified experts in the field.
  • The long tail distribution where a small number of objects/words/classes are very frequent and thus easy to model, while many many more are rare and thus hard to model. For example most language generation problems.
  • It is interesting from a cognitive science perspective to attempt to mimic the human ability to learn general concepts from a small number of examples.
  • There may be restraints on compute resources that limit training a large model from random initialisation with large amounts of data. For example environmental concerns.

Definition of Deep Transfer Learning


Definition of Negative Transfer


Datasets commonly used in transfer learning for image classification

Source datasetTarget dataset
ImageNet 1K, 5K, 9K, 21K~
Inaturalistfine-grained plants or animal classes
~CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
~Caltech-101, Caltech-256

Fine-grained image classification datasets

Food-101 (Food),Birdsnap (Birds),Stanford Cars (Cars),FGVC Aircraft (Aircraft),Oxford-IIIT Pets (Pets),Oxford 102 Flowers (Flowers),Caltech-uscd Birds 200 (CUB),Stanford Dogs (Dogs)

Deep transfer learning progress and areas for improvement


  • Deep transfer learning results in comparable or above state of the art performance in many different tasks, particularly when compared to shallow machine learning methods.
  • More pretraining both in terms of the number of training examples and the number of iterations tends to result in better performance.
  • Fine-tuning the weights on the target task tends to result in better performance particularly when the target dataset is larger and less
    similar to the source dataset.
  • Transferring more layers tends to result in better performance when the source and target dataset and task are closely matched, but less layers are better when they are less related.
  • Deeper networks result in better performance.

Insights on best practice

Selecting the best model for the task


Choosing the best data for pretraining

选source dataset

Finding the best hyperparameters for finetuning

learning rate, learning rate decay, weight decay, and momentum对迁移性能的影响

Whether a multi-step transfer process is better than a single step process


Which type of regularization to use

L2-SP, DELTA, BSS, stochastic normalization等方法

Which loss function to use


Insights on transferability

They found that models trained from pretrained weights make similar mistakes on the target domain, have similar features and are surprisingly close in l 2 l_2 l2 distance in the parameter space. They are in the same basins of the loss landscape.


  • More source data is better in general, but a more closely related source dataset for pretraining will often produce better performance on the target task than a larger source dataset.
  • The size of the target dataset and how closely related it is to the source dataset strongly impacts the performance of transfer learning. In particular using sub-optimal transfer learning hyperparameters can result in negative transfer when the target dataset is less related and large enough to be trained from random initialisation


Both the learning rate and momentum should be lower during fine-tuning for more similar source and target tasks and higher for less closely related datasets. The learning rate should also be decayed more quickly the more similar the source and target tasks are, so as not to change the pretrained parameters as much. Similarly the learning rate should be decayed more quickly with smaller target datasets where the empirical risk estimate is likely to be less reliable and overfitting more of a problem. However, when the target data set is small it must be taken into account that the number of weight updates per epoch will be lower and the number of updates should be reduced, not necessarily the number of epochs. When the source and target datasets are less similar it may be optimal to fine-tune
higher layers at a higher learning rate than lower layers. More work is needed to show how the learning rate, momentum and number of updates before decaying the learning rate change when the source and target tasks are very different.

Recommendations for best practice

1.Larger, similar target datasets
2.Larger, less similar target datasets
3.Smaller, more similar datasets
4.Smaller, less similar datasets

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Capsule Networks for Computer Vision: A Survey 胶囊网络在计算机视觉中的应用:一篇综述 Abstract: 摘要: Capsule Networks (CapsNets)是一种新颖的深度神经网络架构,旨在克服传统卷积神经网络(CNNs)的一些限制,例如旋转不变性和视角不变性。Capsule Networks使用胶囊来表示图像或对象的各个特征,并且能够学习对象的姿态和空间关系。本文旨在提供对Capsule Networks的综述,重点介绍其在计算机视觉中的应用。我们首先介绍了Capsule Networks的基本原理和结构,并讨论了其与CNNs的区别。然后,我们概述了Capsule Networks在图像分类、目标检测、语义分割和图像生成等任务中的应用。接下来,我们总结了当前在Capsule Networks领域的最新研究进展,并讨论了该领域未来的发展方向。 Capsule Networks (CapsNets) are a novel deep neural network architecture aimed at overcoming some of the limitations of traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), such as rotational and viewpoint invariance. Capsule Networks use capsules to represent various features of an image or object and are capable of learning the pose and spatial relationships of objects. This paper aims to provide a survey of Capsule Networks, with a focus on their applications in computer vision. We first introduce the basic principles and structure of Capsule Networks and discuss their differences with CNNs. Then, we outline the applications of Capsule Networks in tasks such as image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and image generation. Next, we summarize the latest research developments in the field of Capsule Networks and discuss future directions in this field.




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