
关键字: [Amazon Web Services re:Invent 2023, Amazon Web Services (亚马逊云科技), Data Sources, Data Lakehouse, Machine Learning Models, Mental Health Crisis Intervention, Analytics]

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准确及时的洞察力可以挽救生命、提高公平性,甚至有助于增加非营利组织所依赖的关键捐款。在本论坛中,向非营利组织学习如何使用机器学习算法、自然语言处理和实体提取,构建自杀前行为的模型,揭示有助于大规模拯救生命的新见解。此外,请听一家非营利媒体组织介绍,如何在湖畔小屋中整合数据源,并使用分析和 ML 帮助他们分析收视率趋势,以更好地服务社区,并为捐助者建立有针对性的活动。一位亚马逊云科技专家深入探讨了这些有影响力的解决方案背后的原因。



这个富有洞见的视频探讨了两个非营利组织——PBS和Stop Soldier Suicide——如何运用亚马逊云科技的分析与机器学习服务来产生影响力,从而推动数字化变革。他们的成功案例为非营利组织如何实现数据驱动并扩大影响提供了范例。



PBS正在使用亚马逊S3、亚马逊云科技Lake Formation和Amazon AppFlow等服务,将来自各种来源的内容和客户数据整合到中央数据湖中。这使得他们将零散的数据源整合成统一的单一来源成为可能。

PBS还在使用亚马逊Glue ETL作业来转换和编目数据,以便更易于进行查询。亚马逊Glue数据目录为一个描述S3中数据的一致化元数据存储提供了支持。



此外,PBS的创新团队还在尝试使用亚马逊Kendra和Amazon Textract等亚马逊云科技服务,以探索自动化生成视频字幕和标题的使用场景。


Secondly, early data projects were designed for single, narrow purposes, leading to limited reuse and repetitive work when other teams wanted to use the data for new initiatives. Thirdly, launching new data projects was expensive, as attention was focused on simply integrating data from different sources rather than solving business problems. Data teams spent more time integrating data than extracting value from it. Lastly, without appropriate data governance, employees found it difficult to locate, access, and share data throughout the organization.

To address these issues, PBS adopted a five-stage data maturity model to guide its analytical journey:

  1. Manual Data Triage - Dependent on Excel attachments and manual processes
  2. Trapped by Dashboards - Struggling with excessive visualizations and real-time information sources
  3. Data Integration - Adopting a more controlled approach with consistent information
  4. Emerging Intelligence - Beginning to leverage AI and ML technologies
  5. AI/ML Becomes Reality - Building a strong data foundation to support advanced analysis

When they began their journey, PBS realized that they were stuck between the first and third stages. Their goal was to enter the fourth and fifth stages by building a unified and managed data lakehouse on Amazon Web Services. This data lakehouse would integrate their various data sources into a flexible, centralized repository. They hoped this would help them discover new insights, achieve cross-departmental data access democratization, and improve their overall data maturity.

PBS has already started to realize tangible benefits from their early data lakehouse initiatives:

  • PBS Recommendation Engine: This prototype uses Amazon Personalize to provide audiences with personalized content collections. Compared to manually curated lists, it has increased weekly engagement by 158%.
  • Generative AI Exploration: PBS's innovation team is attempting to use OpenAI's generative AI models to create metadata, such as subtitles and titles. This saves substantial time compared to manual processes. PBS plans to achieve this through working alongside services like Amazon Kendra.
  • Data Democratization: The data lakehouse is helping PBS share data with local radio stations for various initiatives, ranging from donor analysis to personalized audience experiences. As their iterations progress, they will be able to invest more effectively and become a more data-driven organization.


  1. 获得组织上的承诺——提高数据成熟度需要时间,因此要与利益相关者设定现实的目标。
  2. 有明确的“为什么”——制定与业务目标一致的数据策略。考虑是否一个单一的使用场景值得建立一个数据集市而不是完整的湖仓。
  3. 关注数据质量、治理和隐私——好的数据可以训练模型,但治理使得责任使用得以实现。

接下来,我们听取了Glenn,Stop Soldier Suicide创始人兼CTO的介绍。Stop Soldier Suicide为军人和服务退伍军人提供支持和危机干预资源。截至目前,他们已经服务了超过1400个客户,提供了超过700小时的照顾,并且年度需求同比增长了23%。然而,他们服务的需求仍在不断增加。大多数客户是通过数字营销和在线广告获得的。这使Stop Soldier Suicide开始探索如何利用数据和技术来推进其使命。

Black Box项目始于2019年,目的是揭示新的防止退伍军人自杀的方法。Glenn注意到他的自杀朋友中的一个模式——在他们去世之前,他们经常在社交媒体上发布令人担忧的消息。这表明他们的设备中包含有关他们行为和心态的有价值见解。

在几个月内,Black Box团队从68个因自杀失去亲人的家庭那里获得了78部手机和其他设备。他们与亚马逊的机器学习专家合作分析这些设备上的数据。

具体来说,Black Box项目使用亚马逊云科技的服务,如Amazon S3和Amazon Cloud Glue,从移动设备中摄取和处理数据。Amazon Comprehend用于对文本消息和社交媒体帖子进行情感分析,以将“好天”与“坏天”进行分类。Amazon Kendra提供语义搜索功能,以识别与自杀念头相关的关键短语和模式。该团队使用亚马逊 SageMaker构建自定义机器学习模型,以分析诸如基于电话使用和应用程序活动的睡眠安排等因素。


  • 对文本消息的情感分析,将“好天”和“坏天”根据表达的情绪进行分类。坏天看到愤怒、恐惧和悲伤的增加。

语义搜索工具提取了与自杀观念、寻求帮助、药物滥用和经济困难有关的关键短语。通过利用手机使用数据,定制算法在自杀前识别出了睡眠剥夺趋势。通常而言,在糟糕的日子里,受试者平均比在好日子少睡约3个小时。将这些信号结合起来发现,在死亡之前,孤立、恐惧、愤怒、睡眠剥夺和自杀风险都在上升。掌握这些行为洞察后,阻止士兵自杀计划改善了对高风险退伍军的定位策略。他们的下一步包括:将所学知识应用于呼叫中心以监控客户和员工,开发一个SDK来标记第三方应用程序中的高风险个人,以及创建一个实时追踪客户健康状况的个性化应用。这将持续监测警告迹象并触发警报。他们将继续提高预测能力,因为数据越多,算法就越准确。黑盒项目大量依赖于亚马逊云科技服务,如用于情感分析的Amazon Comprehend、用于语义搜索的Amazon Kendra以及用于构建自定义机器学习模型的Amazon SageMaker。Glenn强调,没有亚马逊云科技的合作和支持,这个项目就不可能存在。他们与亚马逊云科技的非营利组织、亚马逊ML解决方案实验室和ProServe等团队的合作伙伴关系对他们的成功至关重要。在未来的部分中,亚马逊云科技的演讲者将探讨如何将PBS和阻止士兵自杀的经验应用于亚马逊云科技的数据分析和机器学习路线图。她提供一个常见挑战的例子:评估程序有效性时,数据位于隔离源中。这可能包括一个包含参与者基本信息的项目数据库和一个单独的收集反馈的调查工具。通过将这些来源整合到Amazon S3上的数据湖中,使得分析变得更加简单。演讲者概述了一个高级别的现代数据分析管道视图,该管道利用亚马逊云科技:

  1. 将数据从各种来源导入至Amazon S3,这是一个灵活且持久的数据湖。可选方法包括AppFlow、数据库迁移服务、Kinesis和数据交换。

  2. 使用亚马逊云科技Glue进行ETL处理和转换数据,清理并组织它。使用亚马逊云科技Glue数据目录对数据进行编目。

  3. Utilizing Athena for data analysis and querying or using Amazon QuickSight for visualization. AI/ML capabilities can be applied through services like Comprehend.

  4. Sharing insights within the organization using Amazon Web Services (亚马逊云科技) Data Exchange.

This pipeline has been intentionally designed to be flexible. As business needs change, organizations can add new data sources, analytical capabilities, and consumption channels.

Initially, speakers recommend following a five-step approach:

  1. Identify an important but non-emergency business issue to address. Seek a "quick win" to demonstrate value.

  2. Determine the data sources necessary to solve this issue. Gradually populate the data lake.

  3. Run analyses to generate insights that address the issue. Leverage services such as Athena, QuickSight, and SageMaker.

  4. Take action based on these insights.

  5. Measure the consistency of results with the original objectives. Adjust and iterate as needed.

Starting with targeted use cases avoids overwhelm. As the data team gains experience with the process, they can scale to more complex and critical tasks.

Speakers emphasize that Amazon Web Services provides numerous resources to help organizations succeed in data analytics, including:

  • Architecture design meetings

  • Strategic planning workshops

  • Hands-on assistance with concept validation

  • Training and knowledge transfer

Ultimately, it is crucial to engage with your Amazon Web Services account manager to start a conversation and unlock the potential of AWS as a strategic data partner.

In summary, this insightful video showcases how PBS and Stop Soldier Suicide utilize 亚马逊云科技's analytics and machine learning services to achieve digital transformation and impact. Their story provides a blueprint for non-profit organizations to become data-driven entities on 亚马逊云科技. While the technology is powerful, success relies on selecting targeted business issues, embracing continuous improvement, and leveraging guidance from AWS's experienced team. Any organization can begin their data maturity journey and unlock new levels of intelligence and influence through this approach.









The video discusses how PBS has leveraged Amazon Web Services' cloud and data analytics capabilities to transform from a broadcast organization to a multi-platform entity.

Facing data challenges including isolated systems and multiple information sources, resulting in incoherent audience perspectives, PBS sought to create a unified data lake on Amazon Web Services by integrating diverse data sources to uncover actionable insights. This data lake improved access to data across the entire organization and enabled use cases such as personalized recommendations.

PBS also began experimenting with AI/ML, using OpenAI for brand voice writing and action prompts in mobile applications. This created metadata and saved time. While specific use cases demonstrated value, the lake unlocked immense potential on a broader scale.

Key lessons include obtaining organizational commitment due to the time required to establish data infrastructure; having a clear "why" that aligns with business goals; and focusing on data quality, governance, and privacy.

The presentation continues with the Black Box Project, which aims to analyze digital forensic data of deceased veterans over the past year to prevent soldier suicides. Using their devices and AI/ML, the goal is to uncover patterns leading to suicide for predictive and preventive purposes. Key findings so far relate to sleep deprivation, emotional factors, isolation, and other factors.

Collaborating with Amazon Web Services, the project applies learning outcomes to suicide prevention applications like call center monitoring, SDKs for mental health apps, and personal support apps. This innovative data-driven approach aims to provide accountability and save lives.

In summary, through strategic data planning, PBS and the Black Box Project demonstrate how human-centered organizations can leverage cloud and AI capabilities for digital transformation and social impact.



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