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原创 C++并发编程实战 (1) Concurrency in C++

Concurrency in C++并发方式多进程并发多线程并发设计思路存在的问题并发方式目前来看并发方式有两种,多进程并发和多线程并发。多进程并发这种方法可以被用在基于网络的多机器协同计算上,但是数据交互需要时间。多线程并发两个thread在同一个process里。Threads are much like lightweight processes.多线程之间共享了一个内存空间,全局变量仍然是全局的,指针可以用来进行线程间交互。这种方法对数据保护就差很多。在不同的进程中,同一个位置的数据

2020-09-11 10:45:39 490

原创 ORB-SLAM3论文解读


2020-07-27 11:59:24 9994 21

原创 论文解读 Sparse Pose Graph Optimization in Cycle Space

Sparse Pose Graph Optimization in Cycle Space背景TRO2021高被引论文,三号作者非常牛,是Gmapping和G2O的作者,这次又搞了一个圆空间的PGO,全都用自己的名字GG命名……背景在图优化算法中,大多图的节点数非常之多,和边的数量基本成线性关系,但是实际上,图优化大多数场景下是用来解决回环检测的问题。回环检测一般触发的次数非常有限,类似于大炮打蚊子的感觉,因此,作者希望在圆空间上进行优化。一般SLAM问题中的图算法都是高度稀疏的,但是在一直以来,稀

2021-12-01 09:40:02 336

原创 (基于堆排序的中位数提取 C++实现) Coursera 斯坦福大学 算法课程 Programming Assignment #7

Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures题目程序坑爹的地方题目第 1 个问题Download the following text file:Median.txtThe goal of this problem is to implement the “Median Maintenance” algorithm (covered in the Week 3 lecture on heap applications). The text

2020-10-26 21:21:21 285

原创 Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures(3)- Heap and Balanced Binary Tree

HeapHeap Property可以被当作tree,也可以被看作array。 其中array的父子关系如图Media Maintanence通过维护两个堆,上堆能够提取最小值,下堆能够提取最大值。只要维持每个堆都只具有一半的元素个数即可。当新加入元素导致上下堆不平衡时,最大或最小值会被交换到另一个堆里去,因此在插入新元素且调整完堆性质后,只需要对min max进行操作就可以实现中间元素的查找了。日期 2020年10月11日...

2020-10-12 21:56:01 233

原创 LOAM论文解读


2020-10-10 10:37:38 778

原创 (基于堆排序的Dijkstra算法 C++实现) Coursera 斯坦福大学 算法课程 Programming Assignment #6

Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures题目程序坑爹的地方题目第 1 个问题In this programming problem you’ll code up Dijkstra’s shortest-path algorithm.Download the following text file:dijkstraData.txtThe file contains an adjacency list representation of

2020-10-06 10:49:18 377

原创 Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures(2)- Dijkstra‘s Shortest-Path Algorithm

Dijkstra's Shortest-Path Algorithm

2020-09-15 15:20:29 192

原创 (SCC基于深度优先搜索DFS的强连通分量检索 C++实现) Coursera 斯坦福大学 算法课程 Programming Assignment #5

Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms题目程序坑爹的地方题目第 1 个问题Download the following text file:SCC.txtThe file contains the edges of a directed graph. Vertices are labeled as positive integers from 1 to 875714. Every row ind

2020-09-14 21:43:27 403

原创 NVIDIA CUDA 学习 (5) Texture Memory

Texture Memory纹理内存热传导模型纹理内存热传导模型

2020-09-09 21:52:54 826

原创 NVIDIA CUDA 学习 (4) Constant Memory and Events

Constant Memory and EventsConstant MemoryConstant Memory

2020-09-09 14:46:29 144

原创 NVIDIA CUDA 学习 (3) Thread Cooperation

Thread Cooperation设置并行块设置并行线程混合设置长向量相加处理图片共享显存和同步设置并行块add<<<N,1>>>( dev_a, dev_b, dev_c );//N blocks x 1 thread/block = N parallel threads这句话里面的1,就是the number of threads per block we want the CUDA runtime to create on our behalf,每个块的

2020-09-08 11:12:01 183

原创 NVIDIA CUDA 学习 (2) CUDA Parallel Programming

CUDA Parallel ProgrammingCPU并发编程GPU并发编程尖括号的含义块索引CPU并发编程#include "../common/book.h"#define N 10void add( int *a, int *b, int *c ) { int tid = 0; // this is CPU zero, so we start at zero while (tid < N) { c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid]; tid += 1; //

2020-09-06 19:20:15 253

原创 NVIDIA CUDA 学习 (1) CUDA By Example

CUDA By ExampleHost和DeviceCUDA C编程分配空间函数定义和执行使用规范Host和Devicehost就是你的CPU,Device就是你的GPU。CUDA C编程#include <iostream>#include "book.h"__global__ void add( int a, int b, int *c ) { *c = a + b;}int main( void ) { int c; int *dev_c; HANDLE_ERROR

2020-09-05 22:37:46 462

原创 Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures(1)- Graph Search

Graph SearchGraph SearchGraph Search

2020-08-31 11:08:46 306

原创 Daphne Koller 概率图模型原理与技术(5)- Variable Elimination Analysis

Variable Elimination AnalysisVariable Elimination ComplexityElimination on GraphFinding Elimination OrderVariable Elimination Complexity消元Z主要有两步,一步是因子求积,第二步是边缘化,即对所有含有Z的因子进行一个求和,得到一个新的因子,并将变量Z边缘化掉。因此,每一个因子乘积最多被加一次(消元变量和他无关的时候就不用加这个因子了)。想要消元B,做因子乘积的时候,把和

2020-08-29 14:54:09 285

原创 Daphne Koller 概率图模型原理与技术(4)- Variable Elimination Algorithm

Conditional Probability QueriesNP-HardConditional Probability with EvidenceNP-Hard在一个概率图模型里,查询一组变量为给定值时的概率是一个NP-HARD问题,不仅如此,降低起问题精度,仍然是一个NP-Hard问题。因为求解概率分母Z的时候,涉及到众多变量的众多组合情况,需要求的因子太多了。Conditional Probability with Evidence条件概率的计算上,虽然分子只是连乘了几个不同的因子,变量后我

2020-08-28 23:13:26 593

原创 Daphne Koller 概率图模型原理与技术(3)- Bayesian Networks and Markov Networks

贝叶斯网络和马尔可夫网络Bayesian Networks and Markov NetworksFrom Bayesian Networks to Markov NetworksBayesian Networks and Markov NetworksFrom Bayesian Networks to Markov Networks2020年8月23日

2020-08-24 16:57:12 265

原创 Daphne Koller 概率图模型原理与技术(2)- Template-Based Representations

基于模板的表示Template-Based RepresentationsTemporal ModelsDynamic Bayesian NetworkState-Observation Models隐马尔可夫模型Directed Probabilistic Models for Object-Relational DomainsPlate ModelsTemplate-Based RepresentationsTemporal Models马尔科夫链如上定义,每一帧变量值只和上一帧有关。给定当前一帧

2020-08-23 18:45:09 373

原创 Daphne Koller 概率图模型原理与技术(1)- Utilities and Decisions

效用和决策Utilities and DescisionFoundations: Maximizing Expected UtilityDecision Making Under UncertaintyUtility CurvesUtility of MoneyAttitude Toward RiskValue of InformationUtilities and Descision这一问题主要来讨论针对不同情况下的决策问题。决策之中往往需要使期望效用最大化,因此我们需要给每个不同的agent的pre

2020-08-22 21:39:31 464

原创 (MinCut最小切的 C++实现) Coursera 斯坦福大学 算法课程 Programming Assignment #4

Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms题目程序坑爹的地方题目第 1 个问题Download the following text file:kargerMinCut.txtThe file contains the adjacency list representation of a simple undirected graph. There are 200 vertices labeled

2020-08-21 16:42:13 319

原创 (快速排序Quick Sort的 C++实现) Coursera 斯坦福大学 算法课程 Programming Assignment #3

Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms题目程序坑爹的地方题目第 1 个问题GENERAL DIRECTIONS:Download the following text file:QuickSort.txtThe file contains all of the integers between 1 and 10,000 (inclusive, with no repeats) in unsor

2020-08-20 11:11:18 452 2

原创 (逆序计算的递归 C++实现) Coursera 斯坦福大学 算法课程 Programming Assignment #2

Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms题目程序坑爹的地方题目第 1 个问题Download the following text file:IntegerArray.txtThis file contains all of the 100,000 integers between 1 and 100,000 (inclusive) in some order, with no integer r

2020-08-17 12:42:24 286

原创 Lifelong SLAM 论文解读合集(3):针对长时间重复运行SLAM地图更新问题

Lifelong SLAM 论文解读合集(3):针对长时间重复运行SLAM地图更新问题(IROS 2018)Efficient Long-term Mapping in Dynamic Environments(IROS 2018)Efficient Long-term Mapping in Dynamic Environments: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8594310....

2020-08-15 15:43:33 2434

原创 (Karatsuba算法的 C++实现) Coursera 斯坦福大学 算法课程 Programming Assignment #1

Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms题目程序坑爹的地方题目In this programming assignment you will implement one or more of the integer multiplication algorithms described in lecture.To get the most out of this assignment, your progr

2020-08-04 11:32:59 1932

原创 Lifelong SLAM 论文解读合集(2):针对长时间重复运行SLAM地图更新问题

Lifelong Mapping 论文解读合集(2):针对长时间重复运行SLAM地图更新问题(ICRA 2012)Practice Makes Perfect? Managing and Leveraging Visual Experiences for Lifelong Navigation(ICRA 2012)Practice Makes Perfect? Managing and Leveraging Visual Experiences for Lifelong Navigation...

2020-08-01 17:22:26 2760 5

原创 Lifelong SLAM 论文解读合集:针对长时间重复运行SLAM地图更新问题

Towards Lifelong Feature-Based Mapping in Semi-Static EnvironmentsTowards Lifelong Feature-Based Mapping in Semi-Static Environment观测与特征的建模特征的持续性估计Towards Lifelong Feature-Based Mapping in Semi-Static Environment论文传送门: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/documen

2020-07-27 22:05:23 3689 8





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