
function [s, su] = bsubsamp(b, gridsep)

%BSUBSAMP Subsample a boundary.

% [S, SU] = BSUBSAMP(B, GRIDSEP) subsamples the boundary B by

% assigning each of its points to the grid node to which it is

% closest. The grid is specified by GRIDSEP, which is the

% separation in pixels between the grid lines. For example, if

% GRIDSEP = 2, there are two pixels in between grid lines. So, for

% instance, the grid points in the first row would be at (1,1),

% (1,4), (1,6), ..., and similarly in the y direction. The value

% of GRIDSEP must be an even integer. The boundary is specified by

% a set of coordinates in the form of an np-by-2 array. It is

% assumed that the boundary is one pixel thick.


% Output S is the subsampled boundary. Output SU is normalized so

% that the grid separation is unity. This is useful for obtaining

% the Freeman chain code of the subsampled boundary.

% Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins

% Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004

% $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2004/11/04 20:17:59 $

% Check input.

[np, nc] = size(b);

if np < nc

error('B must be of size np-by-2.');


if gridsep/2 ~= round(gridsep/2)

error('GRIDSEP must be an even integer.')


% Some boundary tracing programs, such as boundaries.m, end with

% the beginning, resulting in a sequence in which the coordinates

% of the first and last points are the same. If this is the case

% in b, eliminate the last point.

if isequal(b(1, :), b(np, :))

np = np - 1;

b = b(1:np, :);


% Find the max x and y spanned by the boundary.

xmax = max(b(:, 1));

ymax = max(b(:, 2));

% Determine the integral number of grid lines with gridsep points in

% between them that encompass the intervals [1,xmax], [1,ymax].

GLx = ceil((xmax + gridsep)/(gridsep + 1));

GLy = ceil((ymax + gridsep)/(gridsep + 1));

% Form vectors of x and y grid locations.

I = 1:GLx;

% Vector of grid line locations intersecting x-axis.

X(I) = gridsep*I + (I - gridsep);

J = 1:GLy;

% Vector of grid line locations intersecting y-axis.

Y(J) = gridsep*J + (J - gridsep);

% Compute both components of the cityblock distance between each

% element of b and all the grid-line intersections. Assign each

% point to the grid location for which each comp of the cityblock

% distance was <= gridsep/2. Note the use of meshgrid to

% optimize the code. Keep in mind that meshgrid requires that columns

% be listed first (see Chapter 2).

DIST = gridsep/2;

[YG, XG] = meshgrid(Y, X);

Q = 1;

for k=1:np

[I,J] = find(abs(XG - b(k, 1)) <= DIST & abs(YG - b(k, 2)) <= ...


% If point b(k,:) is equidistant from two or more grid intersections,

% assign the point arbitrarily to the first one:

I = I(1);

J = J(1);

ord = k; % To keep track of order of input coordinates.

d1(Q, :) = cat(2, Y(J), ord);

d2(Q, :) = cat(2, X(I), ord);

Q = Q + 1;


% d is the set of points assigned to the new grid with line

% separation of gridsep. Note that it is formed as d=(d2,d1) to

% compensate for the coordinate transposition inherent in using

% meshgrid (see Chapter 2).

d = cat(2, d2(:, 1), d1); % The second column of d1 & d2 is ord.

% Sort the points using the values in ord, which is the last col in

% d.

d = fliplr(d); % So the last column becomes first.

d = sortrows(d);

d = fliplr(d); % Flip back.

% Eliminate duplicate rows in the first two components of

% d to create the output. The cw or ccw order MUST be preserved.

s = d(:, 1:2);

[s, m, n] = unique(s, 'rows');

% Function unique sorts the data--Restore to original order

% by using the contents of m.

s = [s, m];

s = fliplr(s);

s = sortrows(s);

s = fliplr(s);

s = s(:, 1:2);

% Scale to unit grid so that can use directly to obtain Freeman

% chain code. The shape does not change.

su = round(s./gridsep) + 1;

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