
close all

SignalEndIdx = 25; %%%number of signals

sub_freq_delta = (40 * 10^6) / 30;
frequency = 5.32e9; % center frequency
M = 3;    % number of rx antennas
fs = 40e6; % channel bandwidth
c = 3e8;  % speed of light
antenna_distance = 2.6e-2;  % distance between adjacent antennas in the linear antenna array
% dTx = 2.6e-2; 
SubCarrInd = [-58,-54,-50,-46,-42,-38,-34,-30,-26,-22,-18,-14,-10,-6,-2,2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,54,58]; % WiFi subcarrier indices at which CSI is available
N = length(SubCarrInd); % number of subcarriers
% subCarrSize = 128;  % total number fo
fgap = 312.5e3; % frequency gap in Hz between successive subcarriers in WiFi
lambda = c/frequency;  % wavelength
T = 1; % number of transmitter antennas
% csi_trace = read_bf_file('data1_1126_rx3.dat'); %data_1DAoA.dat
csi_trace = read_bf_file(fullfile('my_data', 'rb_01_01_01.dat')); %data_1DAoA.dat
antenna1_card1(size0,30) = 0;
antenna2_card1(size0,30) = 0;
antenna3_card1(size0,30) = 0;

 for i=1:size0
     csi = squeeze(get_scaled_csi(csi_trace{i}));

 % pack=4500; %packet number
 pack=450; %packet number
sample_csi_trace = [antenna1_card1(pack,:)'; antenna2_card1(pack,:)'; antenna3_card1(pack,:)'];
csi_plot = reshape(sample_csi_trace, N, M);
[PhsSlope, PhsCons] = removePhsSlope(csi_plot,M,SubCarrInd,N);
ToMult = exp(1i* (-PhsSlope*repmat(SubCarrInd(:),1,M) - PhsCons*ones(N,M) ));
csi_plot = csi_plot.*ToMult;
relChannel_noSlope = reshape(csi_plot, N, M, T);
sanitized_csi0 = relChannel_noSlope(:);
sanitized_csi = reshape(sanitized_csi0,30,3).';

    % Acquire smoothed CSI matrix
    smoothed_sanitized_csi = smooth_csi11(sanitized_csi);
    % Run SpotFi's AoA-ToF MUSIC algorithm on the smoothed and sanitized CSI matrix
%     [aoa_packet_data{1}, tof_packet_data{1}] = aoa_tof_music(...
%             smoothed_sanitized_csi, antenna_distance, frequency, sub_freq_delta, data_name);
x = smoothed_sanitized_csi;
L = size(x);
    %% Run MUSIC algorithm with SpotFi method including ToF and AoA
% x                -- the signal matrix
% antenna_distance -- the distance between the antennas in the linear array
% frequency        -- the frequency of the signal being localized
% sub_freq_delta   -- the difference between subcarrier frequencies
% data_name        -- the name of the data file being operated on, used for labeling figures
% Return:
% estimated_aoas   -- the angle of arrivals that gave peaks from running MUSIC, as a vector
% estimated_tofs   -- the time of flights that gave peaks on the estimated_aoas from running music.
%                         This is a matrix with dimensions [length(estimated_aoas, ), length(tau)].
%                         The columns are zero padded at the ends to handle different peak counts 
%                           across different AoAs.
%                         I.E. if there are three AoAs then there will be three rows in 
%                           estimated_tofs
% function [estimated_aoas, estimated_tofs] = aoa_tof_music(x, ...
%         antenna_distance, frequency, sub_freq_delta, data_name)
    % If OUTPUT_SUPPRESSED does not exist then initialize all the globals.
    %if exist('OUTPUT_SUPPRESSED') == 0
     %   globals_init()
    %% DEBUG AND OUTPUT VARIABLES-----------------------------------------------------------------%%
    % Debug Variables
    global DEBUG_PATHS
    % Output Variables
    global OUTPUT_AOAS
    global OUTPUT_TOFS
   % if nargin == 4
        data_name = '-';
    % Data covarivance matrix
    R = x * x'/L(2); 
    % Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix
[Utmp,D] = eig(R);
D = abs(D);
[Dtmp,I] = sort(diag(D), 'descend');
D = diag(Dtmp);
U = Utmp(:,I);
Qn = U(:,SignalEndIdx+1:end);
Qs = U(:,1:SignalEndIdx);    
eigenvectors = Qn;       
    %% TODO: Tuning theta too??

% %     
%     theta = 0:3:360; 
%     phi = 0:3:360;
%     theta = 0:1:360; 
%     phi = 0:1:360;
%  theta = 0:6:360; 
%     phi = 0:6:360;
    % time in milliseconds
%     %% TODO: Tuning tau....
%     %tau = 0:(1.0 * 10^-9):(50 * 10^-9);
%     tau = 0:(1 * 10^-9):(10 * 10^-9);
%     Pmusic = zeros(length(theta),length(phi), length(tau));
%     % Angle of Arrival Loop (AoA)
%     for ii = 1:length(theta)
%         for kk = 1:length(phi)
%         % Time of Flight Loop (ToF)
%             for jj = 1:length(tau)
%                 steering_vector = compute_steering_vector(theta(ii), phi(kk), tau(jj), ...
%                         frequency, sub_freq_delta, antenna_distance);
%                 PP = steering_vector' * (eigenvectors * eigenvectors') * steering_vector;
%                 Pmusic(ii,kk, jj) = abs(1 /  PP);
%             end
%         end
%     end
%     PPmusic = zeros(length(theta),length(phi));
%     PPmusic = sum(Pmusic,3);

%  %PPmusic = Pmusic(:,:, 30);
%         % Theta (AoA) & Tau (ToF) 3D Plot
%         figure('Name', 'Azimuth & Elevation MUSIC Peaks', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%         mesh(theta,phi, PPmusic)
%         xlabel('elevation')
%         ylabel('azimuth')
%         zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
%         title('Azimuth and Elevation Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
%         grid on
%    % end

%    newtheta = 0:3:180; 
%     newphi = 0:3:180;
%    ppp = PPmusic(61:121,61:121);
%    figure('Name', 'Azimuth & Elevation MUSIC Peaks', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%         mesh(newphi,newtheta, ppp)
%         xlabel('azimuth')
%         ylabel('elevation')
%         zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
%         title('Azimuth and Elevation Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
%         grid on
   %% TODO: Tuning theta too??
    theta = -90:1:90; 
    % time in milliseconds
    %% TODO: Tuning tau....
    tau = 0:(1.0 * 10^-9):(20 * 10^-9);
    %tau = 0:(100.0 * 10^-9):(3000 * 10^-9);
    Pmusic = zeros(length(theta), length(tau));
    % Angle of Arrival Loop (AoA)
    for ii = 1:length(theta)
        % Time of Flight Loop (ToF)
        for jj = 1:length(tau)
            steering_vector = compute_steering_vector11(theta(ii), tau(jj), ...
                    frequency, sub_freq_delta, antenna_distance);
            PP = steering_vector' * (eigenvectors * eigenvectors') * steering_vector;
            Pmusic(ii, jj) = abs(1 /  PP);
%     % Convert to decibels
%     % ToF loop
%     for jj = 1:size(Pmusic, 2)
%         % AoA loop
%         for ii = 1:size(Pmusic, 1)
%             Pmusic(ii, jj) = 10 * log10(Pmusic(ii, jj));
%         end
%     end
        % Theta (AoA) & Tau (ToF) 3D Plot
        figure('Name', 'AoA & ToF MUSIC Peaks', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
        mesh(tau, theta, Pmusic)
        xlabel('Time of Flight')
        ylabel('Angle of Arrival in degrees')
        zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
        title('AoA and ToF Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
        grid on

%         % Theta (AoA)
%         figure_name_string = sprintf('%s: Number of Paths: %d', data_name, num_computed_paths);
%         figure('Name', figure_name_string, 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%         plot(theta, Pmusic(:, 1), '-k')
%         xlabel('Angle, \theta')
%         ylabel('Spectrum function P(\theta, \tau)  / dB')
%         title('AoA Estimation as a function of theta')
%         grid on
%     end
%     binary_peaks_pmusic = imregionalmax(Pmusic);
%     % Get AoAs that have peaks
%     % fprintf('Future estimated aoas\n')
%     aoa_indices = linspace(1, size(binary_peaks_pmusic, 1), size(binary_peaks_pmusic, 1));
%     aoa_peaks_binary_vector = any(binary_peaks_pmusic, 2);
%     estimated_aoas = theta(aoa_peaks_binary_vector);
%         fprintf('Estimated AoAs\n')
%         estimated_aoas
%     end
%     aoa_peak_indices = aoa_indices(aoa_peaks_binary_vector);
%     % Get ToFs that have peaks
%     time_peak_indices = zeros(length(aoa_peak_indices), length(tau));
%     % AoA loop (only looping over peaks in AoA found above)
%     for ii = 1:length(aoa_peak_indices)
%         aoa_index = aoa_peak_indices(ii);
%         binary_tof_peaks_vector = binary_peaks_pmusic(aoa_index, :);
%         matching_tofs = tau(binary_tof_peaks_vector);
%         % Pad ToF rows with -1s to have non-jagged matrix
%         negative_ones_for_padding = -1 * ones(1, length(tau) - length(matching_tofs));
%         time_peak_indices(ii, :) = horzcat(matching_tofs, negative_ones_for_padding);
%     end
%         figure('Name', 'BINARY Peaks over AoA & ToF MUSIC Spectrum', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%         mesh(tau, theta, double(binary_peaks_pmusic))
%         xlabel('Time of Flight')
%         ylabel('Angle of Arrival in degrees')
%         zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
%         title('AoA and ToF Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
%         grid on
%     end
%         % Theta (AoA) & Tau (ToF) 3D Plot
%         figure('Name', 'Selective AoA & ToF MUSIC Peaks, with only peaked AoAs', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%         mesh(tau, estimated_aoas, Pmusic(aoa_peak_indices, :))
%         xlabel('Time of Flight')
%         ylabel('Angle of Arrival in degrees')
%         zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
%         title('AoA and ToF Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
%         grid on
%     end
%         % Tau (ToF)
%         for ii = 1:1%length(estimated_aoas)
%             figure_name_string = sprintf('ToF Estimation as a Function of Tau w/ AoA: %f', ...
%                     estimated_aoas(ii));
%             figure('Name', figure_name_string, 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%             plot(tau, Pmusic(ii, :), '-k')
%             xlabel('Time of Flight \tau / degree')
%             ylabel('Spectrum function P(\theta, \tau)  / dB')
%             title(figure_name_string)
%             grid on
%         end
%     end
%     % Set return values
%     % AoA is now a column vector
%     estimated_aoas = transpose(estimated_aoas);
%     % ToF is now a length(estimated_aoas) x length(tau) matrix, with -1 padding for unused cells
%     estimated_tofs = time_peak_indices;

% %% Computes the steering vector for SpotFi. 
% % Each steering vector covers 2 antennas on 15 subcarriers each.
% % theta           -- the angle of arrival (AoA) in degrees
% % tau             -- the time of flight (ToF)
% % freq            -- the central frequency of the signal
% % sub_freq_delta  -- the frequency difference between subcarrier
% % ant_dist        -- the distance between each antenna
% % Return:
% % steering_vector -- the steering vector evaluated at theta and tau
% %
% % NOTE: All distance measurements are in meters
function steering_vector = compute_steering_vector11(theta, tau, freq, sub_freq_delta, ant_dist)
% nn =11时,smoothed_csi的shape: 40*22
    steering_vector = zeros(10, 1);
    k = 1;
    base_element = 1;
    for ii = 1:2
        for jj = 1:20 %steering vector, adjustable
            steering_vector(k, 1) = base_element * omega_tof_phase11(tau, sub_freq_delta)^(jj - 1);
            k = k + 1;
        base_element = base_element * phi_aoa_phase11(theta, freq, ant_dist);

% %% Compute the phase shifts across subcarriers as a function of ToF
% % tau             -- the time of flight (ToF)
% % frequency_delta -- the frequency difference between adjacent subcarriers
% % Return:
% % time_phase      -- complex exponential representing the phase shift from time of flight
function time_phase = omega_tof_phase11(tau, sub_freq_delta)
    time_phase = exp(-1i * 2 * pi * sub_freq_delta * tau);

% %% Compute the phase shifts across the antennas as a function of AoA
% % theta       -- the angle of arrival (AoA) in degrees
% % frequency   -- the frequency of the signal being used
% % d           -- the spacing between antenna elements
% % Return:
% % angle_phase -- complex exponential representing the phase shift from angle of arrival
function angle_phase = phi_aoa_phase11(theta, frequency, d)
    % Speed of light (in m/s)
    c = 3.0 * 10^8;
    % Convert to radians
    theta = theta / 180 * pi;
    angle_phase = exp(-1i * 2 * pi * d * sin(theta) * (frequency / c));

% %% Creates the smoothed CSI matrix by rearranging the various csi values in the default CSI matrix.
% % csi          -- the regular CSI matrix to use for creating the smoothed CSI matrix
% % Return:
% % smoothed_csi -- smoothed CSI matrix following the construction put forth in the SpotFi paper.
% %                   Each column in the matrix includes data from 2 antennas and 15 subcarriers each.
% %                   Has dimension 30x32. 
function smoothed_csi = smooth_csi11(csi) %nn=11时,smoothed_csi的形状为 40 *22

nn = 11; %related to number of sensors, adjustable
nnn = (30-nn+1)*2;

    smoothed_csi = zeros(nnn, 2*nn);
    for n=1:nn

%     smoothed_csi = zeros(size(csi, 2), size(csi, 2));
%     % Antenna 1 (values go in the upper left quadrant)
%     m = 1;
%     for ii = 1:1:15
%         n = 1;
%         for j = ii:1:(ii + 15)
%             smoothed_csi(m, n) = csi(1, j); % 1 + sqrt(-1) * j;
%             n = n + 1;
%         end
%         m = m + 1;
%     end
%     % Antenna 2
%     % Antenna 2 has its values in the top right and bottom left
%     % quadrants, the first for loop handles the bottom left, the second for
%     % loop handles the top right
%     % Bottom left of smoothed csi matrix
%     for ii = 1:1:15
%         n = 1;
%         for j = ii:1:(ii + 15)
%             smoothed_csi(m, n) = csi(2, j); % 2 + sqrt(-1) * j;
%             n = n + 1;
%         end
%         m = m + 1;
%     end
%     % Top right of smoothed csi matrix
%     m = 1;
%     for ii = 1:1:15
%         n = 17;
%         for j = ii:1:(ii + 15)
%             smoothed_csi(m, n) = csi(2, j); %2 + sqrt(-1) * j;
%             n = n + 1;
%         end
%         m = m + 1;
%     end
%     % Antenna 3 (values go in the lower right quadrant)
%     for ii = 1:1:15
%         n = 17;
%         for j = ii:1:(ii + 15)
%             smoothed_csi(m, n) = csi(3, j); %3 + sqrt(-1) * j;
%             n = n + 1;
%         end
%         m = m + 1;
%     end
close all

SignalEndIdx = 25; %%%number of signals

sub_freq_delta = (40 * 10^6) / 30;
frequency = 5.32e9; % center frequency
M = 3;    % number of rx antennas
fs = 40e6; % channel bandwidth
c = 3e8;  % speed of light
antenna_distance = 2.6e-2;  % distance between adjacent antennas in the linear antenna array
% dTx = 2.6e-2; 
SubCarrInd = [-58,-54,-50,-46,-42,-38,-34,-30,-26,-22,-18,-14,-10,-6,-2,2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,54,58]; % WiFi subcarrier indices at which CSI is available
N = length(SubCarrInd); % number of subcarriers
% subCarrSize = 128;  % total number fo
fgap = 312.5e3; % frequency gap in Hz between successive subcarriers in WiFi
lambda = c/frequency;  % wavelength
T = 1; % number of transmitter antennas
csi_trace = read_bf_file(fullfile('my_data', 'rb_01_01_01.dat')); %data_1DAoA.dat
% csi_trace = read_bf_file('data1_1126_rx3.dat'); %data_1DAoA.dat
antenna1_card1(size0,30) = 0;
antenna2_card1(size0,30) = 0;
antenna3_card1(size0,30) = 0;

 for i=1:size0
     csi = squeeze(get_scaled_csi(csi_trace{i}));

 % pack=4500; %packet number
 % pack=450; %packet number
for i=1:33:990;
for pack= i:(i+32)
sample_csi_trace = [antenna1_card1(pack,:)'; antenna2_card1(pack,:)'; antenna3_card1(pack,:)'];
csi_plot = reshape(sample_csi_trace, N, M);
[PhsSlope, PhsCons] = removePhsSlope(csi_plot,M,SubCarrInd,N);
ToMult = exp(1i* (-PhsSlope*repmat(SubCarrInd(:),1,M) - PhsCons*ones(N,M) ));
csi_plot = csi_plot.*ToMult;
relChannel_noSlope = reshape(csi_plot, N, M, T);
sanitized_csi0 = relChannel_noSlope(:);
% sanitized_csi = reshape(sanitized_csi0,30,3).';

% Acquire smoothed CSI matrix

% smoothed_sanitized_csi = smooth_csi11(sanitized_csi);
    % Run SpotFi's AoA-ToF MUSIC algorithm on the smoothed and sanitized CSI matrix
%     [aoa_packet_data{1}, tof_packet_data{1}] = aoa_tof_music(...
%             smoothed_sanitized_csi, antenna_distance, frequency, sub_freq_delta, data_name);
tempcsi(:,(pack-i+1)) = sanitized_csi0;
% ind = round(i/33)+1;
ind = 28;
x = squeeze(CSI(ind,:,:));
%x = smoothed_sanitized_csi;
L = size(x);
    %% Run MUSIC algorithm with SpotFi method including ToF and AoA
% x                -- the signal matrix
% antenna_distance -- the distance between the antennas in the linear array
% frequency        -- the frequency of the signal being localized
% sub_freq_delta   -- the difference between subcarrier frequencies
% data_name        -- the name of the data file being operated on, used for labeling figures
% Return:
% estimated_aoas   -- the angle of arrivals that gave peaks from running MUSIC, as a vector
% estimated_tofs   -- the time of flights that gave peaks on the estimated_aoas from running music.
%                         This is a matrix with dimensions [length(estimated_aoas, ), length(tau)].
%                         The columns are zero padded at the ends to handle different peak counts 
%                           across different AoAs.
%                         I.E. if there are three AoAs then there will be three rows in 
%                           estimated_tofs
% function [estimated_aoas, estimated_tofs] = aoa_tof_music(x, ...
%         antenna_distance, frequency, sub_freq_delta, data_name)
    % If OUTPUT_SUPPRESSED does not exist then initialize all the globals.
    %if exist('OUTPUT_SUPPRESSED') == 0
     %   globals_init()
    %% DEBUG AND OUTPUT VARIABLES-----------------------------------------------------------------%%
    % Debug Variables
    global DEBUG_PATHS
    % Output Variables
    global OUTPUT_AOAS
    global OUTPUT_TOFS
   % if nargin == 4
        data_name = '-';
    % Data covarivance matrix
    R = x * x'/L(2); 
    % Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix
[Utmp,D] = eig(R);
D = abs(D);
[Dtmp,I] = sort(diag(D), 'descend');
D = diag(Dtmp);
U = Utmp(:,I);
Qn = U(:,SignalEndIdx+1:end);
Qs = U(:,1:SignalEndIdx);    
eigenvectors = Qn; % size:40*15
    %% TODO: Tuning theta too??

% %     
 %    theta = 0:3:180; 
 %    phi = 0:3:180;
 %    % theta = 0:1:180; 
 %    % phi = 0:1:180;
 % % theta = 0:6:180; 
 % %    phi = 0:6:180;
 %    %time in milliseconds
 %    %% TODO: Tuning tau....
 %    %tau = 0:(1.0 * 10^-9):(50 * 10^-9);
 %    tau = 0:(1 * 10^-9):(10 * 10^-9);
 %    Pmusic = zeros(length(theta),length(phi), length(tau));
 %    % Angle of Arrival Loop (AoA)
 %    for ii = 1:length(theta)
 %        for kk = 1:length(phi)
 %        % Time of Flight Loop (ToF)
 %            for jj = 1:length(tau)
 %                steering_vector = compute_steering_vector(theta(ii), phi(kk), tau(jj), ...
 %                        frequency, sub_freq_delta, antenna_distance);
 %                PP = steering_vector' * (eigenvectors * eigenvectors') * steering_vector;
 %                Pmusic(ii,kk, jj) = abs(1 /  PP);
 %            end
 %        end
 %    end
 %    PPmusic = zeros(length(theta),length(phi));
 %    PPmusic = sum(Pmusic,3);

 %PPmusic = Pmusic(:,:, 30);
   %      % Theta (AoA) & Tau (ToF) 3D Plot
   %      figure('Name', 'Azimuth & Elevation MUSIC Peaks', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
   %      %mesh(theta,phi, PPmusic)
   %      surf(theta,phi, PPmusic)
   %      xlabel('elevation')
   %      ylabel('azimuth')
   %      zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
   %      title('Azimuth and Elevation Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
   %      %grid on
   % % end

   % newtheta = 0:3:180; 
   %  newphi = 0:3:180;
   %ppp = PPmusic(61:121,61:121);
   % figure('Name', 'Azimuth & Elevation MUSIC Peaks', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
   %      surf(newphi,newtheta, PPmusic)
   %      xlabel('azimuth')
   %      ylabel('elevation')
   %      zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
   %      title('Azimuth and Elevation Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
   %      %grid on
   % I=figure('Name', 'Azimuth & Elevation MUSIC Peaks', 'NumberTitle', 'off','visible','on');
   %      surf(phi,theta,PPmusic)
   %      ylabel('elevation')
   %      xlabel('azimuth')
   %      zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
   %      title('Azimuth and Elevation Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
   %      shading interp
   %      %view([0,90])    

   %% TODO: Tuning theta too??
    theta = -90:1:90; 
    % time in milliseconds
    %% TODO: Tuning tau....
    tau = 0:(1.0 * 10^-9):(20 * 10^-9);
    %tau = 0:(100.0 * 10^-9):(3000 * 10^-9);
    Pmusic = zeros(length(theta), length(tau));
    % Angle of Arrival Loop (AoA)
    for ii = 1:length(theta)
        % Time of Flight Loop (ToF)
        for jj = 1:length(tau)
            steering_vector = compute_steering_vector90(theta(ii), tau(jj), ...
                    frequency, sub_freq_delta, antenna_distance);
            PP = steering_vector' * (eigenvectors * eigenvectors') * steering_vector;
            Pmusic(ii, jj) = abs(1 /  PP);
%     % Convert to decibels
%     % ToF loop
%     for jj = 1:size(Pmusic, 2)
%         % AoA loop
%         for ii = 1:size(Pmusic, 1)
%             Pmusic(ii, jj) = 10 * log10(Pmusic(ii, jj));
%         end
%     end
        % Theta (AoA) & Tau (ToF) 3D Plot
        figure('Name', 'AoA & ToF MUSIC Peaks', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
        surf(tau, theta, Pmusic)
        xlabel('Time of Flight')
        ylabel('Angle of Arrival in degrees')
        zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
        title('AoA and ToF Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
        shading interp
        %grid on

%         % Theta (AoA)
%         figure_name_string = sprintf('%s: Number of Paths: %d', data_name, num_computed_paths);
%         figure('Name', figure_name_string, 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%         plot(theta, Pmusic(:, 1), '-k')
%         xlabel('Angle, \theta')
%         ylabel('Spectrum function P(\theta, \tau)  / dB')
%         title('AoA Estimation as a function of theta')
%         grid on
%     end
%     binary_peaks_pmusic = imregionalmax(Pmusic);
%     % Get AoAs that have peaks
%     % fprintf('Future estimated aoas\n')
%     aoa_indices = linspace(1, size(binary_peaks_pmusic, 1), size(binary_peaks_pmusic, 1));
%     aoa_peaks_binary_vector = any(binary_peaks_pmusic, 2);
%     estimated_aoas = theta(aoa_peaks_binary_vector);
%         fprintf('Estimated AoAs\n')
%         estimated_aoas
%     end
%     aoa_peak_indices = aoa_indices(aoa_peaks_binary_vector);
%     % Get ToFs that have peaks
%     time_peak_indices = zeros(length(aoa_peak_indices), length(tau));
%     % AoA loop (only looping over peaks in AoA found above)
%     for ii = 1:length(aoa_peak_indices)
%         aoa_index = aoa_peak_indices(ii);
%         binary_tof_peaks_vector = binary_peaks_pmusic(aoa_index, :);
%         matching_tofs = tau(binary_tof_peaks_vector);
%         % Pad ToF rows with -1s to have non-jagged matrix
%         negative_ones_for_padding = -1 * ones(1, length(tau) - length(matching_tofs));
%         time_peak_indices(ii, :) = horzcat(matching_tofs, negative_ones_for_padding);
%     end
%         figure('Name', 'BINARY Peaks over AoA & ToF MUSIC Spectrum', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%         mesh(tau, theta, double(binary_peaks_pmusic))
%         xlabel('Time of Flight')
%         ylabel('Angle of Arrival in degrees')
%         zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
%         title('AoA and ToF Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
%         grid on
%     end
%         % Theta (AoA) & Tau (ToF) 3D Plot
%         figure('Name', 'Selective AoA & ToF MUSIC Peaks, with only peaked AoAs', 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%         mesh(tau, estimated_aoas, Pmusic(aoa_peak_indices, :))
%         xlabel('Time of Flight')
%         ylabel('Angle of Arrival in degrees')
%         zlabel('Spectrum Peaks')
%         title('AoA and ToF Estimation from Modified MUSIC Algorithm')
%         grid on
%     end
%         % Tau (ToF)
%         for ii = 1:1%length(estimated_aoas)
%             figure_name_string = sprintf('ToF Estimation as a Function of Tau w/ AoA: %f', ...
%                     estimated_aoas(ii));
%             figure('Name', figure_name_string, 'NumberTitle', 'off')
%             plot(tau, Pmusic(ii, :), '-k')
%             xlabel('Time of Flight \tau / degree')
%             ylabel('Spectrum function P(\theta, \tau)  / dB')
%             title(figure_name_string)
%             grid on
%         end
%     end
%     % Set return values
%     % AoA is now a column vector
%     estimated_aoas = transpose(estimated_aoas);
%     % ToF is now a length(estimated_aoas) x length(tau) matrix, with -1 padding for unused cells
%     estimated_tofs = time_peak_indices;

% %% Computes the steering vector for SpotFi. 
% % Each steering vector covers 2 antennas on 15 subcarriers each.
% % theta           -- the angle of arrival (AoA) in degrees
% % tau             -- the time of flight (ToF)
% % freq            -- the central frequency of the signal
% % sub_freq_delta  -- the frequency difference between subcarrier
% % ant_dist        -- the distance between each antenna
% % Return:
% % steering_vector -- the steering vector evaluated at theta and tau
% %
% % NOTE: All distance measurements are in meters
function steering_vector = compute_steering_vector11(theta, tau, freq, sub_freq_delta, ant_dist)
% nn =11时,smoothed_csi的shape: 40*22
    steering_vector = zeros(40, 1);
    k = 1;
    base_element = 1;
    for ii = 1:2
        for jj = 1:20 %steering vector, adjustable
            steering_vector(k, 1) = base_element * omega_tof_phase11(tau, sub_freq_delta)^(jj - 1);
            k = k + 1;
        base_element = base_element * phi_aoa_phase11(theta, freq, ant_dist);

function steering_vector = compute_steering_vector90(theta, tau, freq, sub_freq_delta, ant_dist)
% csi的shape: 90*33
    steering_vector = zeros(90, 1);
    k = 1;
    base_element = 1;
    for ii = 1:3
        for jj = 1:30 %steering vector, adjustable
            steering_vector(k, 1) = base_element * omega_tof_phase11(tau, sub_freq_delta)^(jj - 1);
            k = k + 1;
        base_element = base_element * phi_aoa_phase11(theta, freq, ant_dist);

% %% Compute the phase shifts across subcarriers as a function of ToF
% % tau             -- the time of flight (ToF)
% % frequency_delta -- the frequency difference between adjacent subcarriers
% % Return:
% % time_phase      -- complex exponential representing the phase shift from time of flight
function time_phase = omega_tof_phase11(tau, sub_freq_delta)
    time_phase = exp(-1i * 2 * pi * sub_freq_delta * tau);

% %% Compute the phase shifts across the antennas as a function of AoA
% % theta       -- the angle of arrival (AoA) in degrees
% % frequency   -- the frequency of the signal being used
% % d           -- the spacing between antenna elements
% % Return:
% % angle_phase -- complex exponential representing the phase shift from angle of arrival
function angle_phase = phi_aoa_phase11(theta, frequency, d)
    % Speed of light (in m/s)
    c = 3.0 * 10^8;
    % Convert to radians
    theta = theta / 180 * pi;
    angle_phase = exp(-1i * 2 * pi * d * sin(theta) * (frequency / c));

% %% Creates the smoothed CSI matrix by rearranging the various csi values in the default CSI matrix.
% % csi          -- the regular CSI matrix to use for creating the smoothed CSI matrix
% % Return:
% % smoothed_csi -- smoothed CSI matrix following the construction put forth in the SpotFi paper.
% %                   Each column in the matrix includes data from 2 antennas and 15 subcarriers each.
% %                   Has dimension 30x32. 
function smoothed_csi = smooth_csi11(csi) %nn=11时,smoothed_csi的形状为 40 *22

nn = 11; %related to number of sensors, adjustable
nnn = (30-nn+1)*2;

    smoothed_csi = zeros(nnn, 2*nn);
    for n=1:nn

%     smoothed_csi = zeros(size(csi, 2), size(csi, 2));
%     % Antenna 1 (values go in the upper left quadrant)
%     m = 1;
%     for ii = 1:1:15
%         n = 1;
%         for j = ii:1:(ii + 15)
%             smoothed_csi(m, n) = csi(1, j); % 1 + sqrt(-1) * j;
%             n = n + 1;
%         end
%         m = m + 1;
%     end
%     % Antenna 2
%     % Antenna 2 has its values in the top right and bottom left
%     % quadrants, the first for loop handles the bottom left, the second for
%     % loop handles the top right
%     % Bottom left of smoothed csi matrix
%     for ii = 1:1:15
%         n = 1;
%         for j = ii:1:(ii + 15)
%             smoothed_csi(m, n) = csi(2, j); % 2 + sqrt(-1) * j;
%             n = n + 1;
%         end
%         m = m + 1;
%     end
%     % Top right of smoothed csi matrix
%     m = 1;
%     for ii = 1:1:15
%         n = 17;
%         for j = ii:1:(ii + 15)
%             smoothed_csi(m, n) = csi(2, j); %2 + sqrt(-1) * j;
%             n = n + 1;
%         end
%         m = m + 1;
%     end
%     % Antenna 3 (values go in the lower right quadrant)
%     for ii = 1:1:15
%         n = 17;
%         for j = ii:1:(ii + 15)
%             smoothed_csi(m, n) = csi(3, j); %3 + sqrt(-1) * j;
%             n = n + 1;
%         end
%         m = m + 1;
%     end
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