Gem5 Packet类




代码 /src/mem/packet.hh

class Packet : public Printable, public Extensible<Packet>
    MemCmd cmd;            // 包内要求内存对象执行的命令
    const PacketId id;     // 包 ID
    RequestPtr req;        // 指向原本请求的指针
    typedef uint32_t FlagsType;
    typedef gem5::Flags<FlagsType> Flags;
    typedef MemCmd::Command Command;
    uint32_t headerDelay;    // 从看到包到发送报头的额外延迟。这个延迟是用来传递交叉转发延迟到相邻的对象(例如缓存),实际上使数据包等待。
    uint32_t snoopDelay;     // 在向内存系统发送请求之前,跟踪由向上窥探引起的额外延迟。这被相干交叉条用来解释额外的请求延迟。
    uint32_t payloadDelay;   // 从看到数据包到负载结束的额外流水线延迟。这包括报头延迟。与报头延迟类似,这是用来弥补交叉条不会使包等待的事实。
    SenderState *senderState; // 此数据包的发送者状态。

    enum : FlagsType  {}
    Flags flags;           // 标志位
    PacketDataPtr data;    // 指向被传输数据的指针
    Addr addr;
    bool _isSecure;
    unsigned size;         // 请求的大小
    std::vector<bool> bytesValid;
    uint8_t _qosValue;
    HtmCacheFailure htmReturnReason;
    uint64_t htmTransactionUid;


描述了 Packet 对象内具体状态信息,包括侦听、拷贝、应答、共享、有效位等:

enum : FlagsType
        // Flags to transfer across when copying a packet
        COPY_FLAGS             = 0x000000FF,

        // Flags that are used to create reponse packets
        RESPONDER_FLAGS        = 0x00000009,

        // Does this packet have sharers (which means it should not be
        // considered writable) or not. See setHasSharers below.
        HAS_SHARERS            = 0x00000001,

        // Special control flags
        /// Special timing-mode atomic snoop for multi-level coherence.
        EXPRESS_SNOOP          = 0x00000002,

        /// Allow a responding cache to inform the cache hierarchy
        /// that it had a writable copy before responding. See
        /// setResponderHadWritable below.
        RESPONDER_HAD_WRITABLE = 0x00000004,

        // Snoop co-ordination flag to indicate that a cache is
        // responding to a snoop. See setCacheResponding below.
        CACHE_RESPONDING       = 0x00000008,

        // The writeback/writeclean should be propagated further
        // downstream by the receiver
        WRITE_THROUGH          = 0x00000010,

        // Response co-ordination flag for cache maintenance
        // operations
        SATISFIED              = 0x00000020,

        // hardware transactional memory

        // Indicates that this packet/request has returned from the
        // cache hierarchy in a failed transaction. The core is
        // notified like this.
        FAILS_TRANSACTION      = 0x00000040,

        // Indicates that this packet/request originates in the CPU executing
        // in transactional mode, i.e. in a transaction.
        FROM_TRANSACTION       = 0x00000080,

        /// Are the 'addr' and 'size' fields valid?
        VALID_ADDR             = 0x00000100,
        VALID_SIZE             = 0x00000200,

        /// Is the data pointer set to a value that shouldn't be freed
        /// when the packet is destroyed?
        STATIC_DATA            = 0x00001000,
        /// The data pointer points to a value that should be freed when
        /// the packet is destroyed. The pointer is assumed to be pointing
        /// to an array, and delete [] is consequently called
        DYNAMIC_DATA           = 0x00002000,

        /// suppress the error if this packet encounters a functional
        /// access failure.
        SUPPRESS_FUNC_ERROR    = 0x00008000,

        // Signal block present to squash prefetch and cache evict packets
        // through express snoop flag
        BLOCK_CACHED          = 0x00010000
COPY_FLAGSFlags to transfer across when copying a packet
RESPONDER_FLAGSused to create reponse packets
HAS_SHARERSpacket have sharers (which means it should not be considered writable) or not.
EXPRESS_SNOOPSpecial timing-mode atomic snoop for multi-level coherence.
RESPONDER_HAD_WRITABLEAllow a responding cache to inform the cache hierarchy that it had a writable copy before responding.
CACHE_RESPONDINGSnoop co-ordination flag to indicate that a cache is responding to a snoop.
WRITE_THROUGHThe writeback/writeclean
SATISFIEDResponse co-ordination flag for cache maintenance
FAILS_TRANSACTIONIndicates that this packet/request has returned from the cache hierarchy in a failed transaction.
FROM_TRANSACTIONIndicates that this packet/request originates in the CPU executing in transactional mode
VALID_ADDRaddr valid fields
VALID_SIZEsize valid fields
STATIC_DATAThe data pointers to a value that shouldn’t be freed when the packet is destroyed.
DYNAMIC_DATAThe data pointers to a value that should be freed when the packet is destroyed.
SUPPRESS_FUNC_ERRORsuppress the error if this packet encounters a functional access failure.
BLOCK_CACHEDSignal block present to squash prefetch and cache evict packets through express snoop flag


MemCmd 类定义了与命令相关的属性和其他数据。MemCmd 类中有所有关于cache/memory 的操作和属性。关于cache的命令操作,可分为以下几大类:

  • 无效
  • 读取
  • 预取
  • 写入
  • 清除
  • 升级
  • 同步


ReadReqIsRead, IsRequest, NeedsResponseReadResp由非缓存代理(例如 CPU 或设备)发出的读取,对对齐没有限制
ReadRespIsRead, IsResponse, HasDataInvalidCmd从 requester 到 responder 的数据流
ReadRespWithInvalidateIsRead, IsResponse, HasData, IsInvalidateInvalidCmd是否是要升级的数据
WriteReqIsWrite, NeedsWritable, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, HasDataWriteResp
WriteRespIsWrite, IsResponseInvalidCmd
WriteCompleteRespIsWrite, IsResponseInvalidCmd
WritebackDirtyIsWrite, IsRequest, IsEviction, HasData, FromCacheInvalidCmd
WritebackCleanIsWrite, IsRequest, IsEviction, HasData, FromCacheInvalidCmd
WriteCleanIsWrite, IsRequest, HasData, FromCacheInvalidCmd
CleanEvictIsRequest, IsEviction, FromCacheInvalidCmd
SoftPFReqIsRead, IsRequest, IsSWPrefetch, NeedsResponseSoftPFResp
SoftPFExReqIsRead, NeedsWritable, IsInvalidate, IsRequest, IsSWPrefetch, NeedsResponseSoftPFResp
HardPFReqIsRead, IsRequest, IsHWPrefetch, NeedsResponse, FromCacheHardPFResp
SoftPFRespIsRead, IsResponse, IsHWPrefetch, HasDataInvalidCmd
HardPFRespIsRead, IsResponse, IsHWPrefetch, HasDataInvalidCmd
WriteLineReqIsWrite, NeedsWritable, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, HasDataWriteResp
UpgradeReqIsInvalidate, NeedsWritable, IsUpgrade, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, FromCacheUpgradeResp
SCUpgradeReqIsInvalidate, NeedsWritable, IsUpgrade, IsLlsc, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, FromCacheUpgradeRespIsUpgrade, IsResponseInvalidCmd
SCUpgradeFailReqsRead, NeedsWritable, IsInvalidate, IsLlsc, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, FromCacheUpgradeFailResp
UpgradeFailRespIsRead, IsResponse, HasDataInvalidCmd
ReadExReqIsRead, NeedsWritable, IsInvalidate, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, FromCacheReadExResp
ReadExRespIsRead, IsResponse, HasDataInvalidCmd
ReadCleanReqIsRead, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, FromCacheReadResp
ReadSharedReqIsRead, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, FromCacheReadResp
LoadLockedReqIsRead, IsLlsc, IsRequest, NeedsResponse
StoreCondReqsWrite, NeedsWritable, IsLlsc, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, HasData
StoreCondFailReqIsWrite, NeedsWritable, IsLlsc, IsRequest, NeedsResponse, HasData
StoreCondRespIsWrite, IsLlsc, IsResponse
SwapReqIsRead, IsWrite, NeedsWritable, IsRequest, HasData, NeedsResponse
SwapRespIsRead, IsWrite, IsResponse, HasData


MSHR(Miss Status and handling Register) 在"Dead Flit Attack on NoC by Hardware Trojan and its Impact Analysis"中有体现。保存并处理缓存丢失所需的所有信息,包括要请求的目标列表。

指向 SenderState 类的指针会在应答 Packet 的函数中被返回,如此,SimObject 对象可以迅速查看 Packet 中的状态位,并进行相应的处理(见src/mem/packet.hh::findNextSenderState() 函数)。 SenderState 类以链表的形式相串起来:

在响应该 Packet 时,会返回一个 SenderState* 类型的指针,以便 SimObject 对象可以快速查找处理它所需的状态。要遍历发送者组成的链表,返回第一个符合类型T的实例,需使用 findNextSenderState() 函数:

 有时,为处理特殊发送设备的状态,程序员也可以从该类中派生出相对应的子类。由于多个 SimObject 对象都可以从自己的视角出发来添加新的 SenderState,只要在响应返回时,能恢复之前的 SenderState 对象即可。因此,在修改 Packet 类中的 SenderState 字段之前,应该始终维护 SenderState 链表。


  • 地址:getAddr()
  • 请求或包的大小:getSize()
  • 指向 Packet 中数据的指针。在不同层次结构中,数据可能是不同的,因此在设计上它位于 Packet 对象,而不是 request:
    • 用 dataStatic() dataDynamic() 函数设置的数据,在 Packet 对象被 free 时,其内的数据分别应:不被 free、 delete [] data 、 free。
    • 用 allocate() 函数分配空间时,数据会在 Packet 被释放时 free
    • 通过 getPtr() 获得指针
    • 使用 get() 函数获取,set() 函数设置
  • 状态:Success, BadAddress, Not Acknowleged, and Unknown.
  • List of command attributes 需要对 Packet 施加的命令和属性,由 MemCmd 维护。注意:状态字段和命令属性中的数据有一些重叠。这在很大程度上是为了使包在打包时可以很容易地重新初始化,或者在原子访问或函数访问时很容易重用。
  • Pointer to SenderState 携带特定的发送设备的状态。在包的响应中返回一个指向该状态的指针,以便发送方可以快速查找处理它所需的状态。
  • Pointer to CoherenceState 用于保存 Coherence 一致性相关的状态。
  • Pointer to request 指向请求的指针

Func  trySatisfyFunctional::

    const Addr func_start = getAddr();
    const Addr func_end   = getAddr() + getSize() - 1;
    const Addr val_start  = addr;
    const Addr val_end    = val_start + size - 1;

 这一段代码首先获取当前功能块的起始地址 `func_start`、结束地址 `func_end`,以及请求的起始地址 `val_start` 和结束地址 `val_end`。这些地址都是相对于数据块的地址。这些变量都是用于后续的比较和计算,例如判断请求是否与功能块相交,计算 overlap 区域的大小等。

`getAddr()` 函数是 `Packet` 类的一个成员函数,用于获取当前功能块的地址。`getSize()` 函数也是 `Packet` 类的一个成员函数,用于获取当前功能块的大小。


Request 对象封装了 CPU 或 I/O 设备发出的原始请求。Request 的参数在整个事务中是持久的。因此对于一给定的 Request,其字段最多只需写入一次。但也有一些构造函数和 update 方法允许在不同时间(或根本不)写入对象的某些字段。用户可通过 accessor() 函数获取 Request 字段的读取权限,同时也可验证正在读取的字段中的数据是否有效。注意,Request 中的字段通常不适用于真实系统中的设备,通常用于统计或调试,不能作为真实的系统架构。Request 对象包括:

  • Virtual Address 虚拟地址。当该请求直接表示为物理地址时该字段无效(如 DMA I/O 设备发出的请求)
  • Physical Address 物理地址
  • Data Size 数据大小
  • Time the request was created 创建时间
  • The ID of the CPU/thread that caused this request. 创建该请求的 CPU 或线程 ID
  • The PC that caused this request 产生该请求的指令 PC 值。若不是由 CPU 发送的,那么该字段无效

Request 类

class Request {
    // The physical address of the request. 
    Addr _paddr = 0;

    // The virtual address of the request.
    Addr _vaddr = MaxAddr;

    // The size of the request. Always valid as long as vir/phy address fields is valid.
    unsigned _size = 0;

    /** Byte-enable mask for writes. */
    std::vector<bool> _byteEnable;

    // The requestor ID which is unique in the system for all ports
    // that are capable of issuing a transaction
    RequestorID _requestorId = invldRequestorId;

    /** Flag structure for the request. */
    Flags _flags;

    /** Flags that control how downstream cache system maintains coherence*/
    CacheCoherenceFlags _cacheCoherenceFlags;

    /** Private flags for field validity checking. */
    PrivateFlags privateFlags;

    // The time this request was started. Used to calculate latencies. 
    Tick _time = MaxTick;

    // The task id associated with this request
    uint32_t _taskId = context_switch_task_id::Unknown;

     * The stream ID uniquely identifies a device behind the
     * SMMU/IOMMU Each transaction arriving at the SMMU/IOMMU is
     * associated with exactly one stream ID.
    uint32_t _streamId = 0;

     * The substream ID identifies an "execution context" within a
     * device behind an SMMU/IOMMU. It's intended to map 1-to-1 to
     * PCIe PASID (Process Address Space ID). The presence of a
     * substream ID is optional.
    uint32_t _substreamId = 0;

     * Extra data for the request, such as the return value of
     * store conditional or the compare value for a CAS. */
    uint64_t _extraData = 0;

    /** The context ID (for statistics, locks, and wakeups). */
    ContextID _contextId = InvalidContextID;

    /** program counter of initiating access; for tracing/debugging */
    Addr _pc = MaxAddr;

    /** Sequence number of the instruction that creates the request */
    InstSeqNum _reqInstSeqNum = 0;

    /** A pointer to an atomic operation */
    AtomicOpFunctorPtr atomicOpFunctor = nullptr;

    LocalAccessor _localAccessor;

    /** The instruction count at the time this request is created */
    Counter _instCount = 0;

Request(Addr vaddr, unsigned size, Flags flags,
            RequestorID id, Addr pc, ContextID cid,
            AtomicOpFunctorPtr atomic_op=nullptr)
        setVirt(vaddr, size, flags, id, pc, std::move(atomic_op));
        _byteEnable = std::vector<bool>(size, true);

    setVirt(Addr vaddr, unsigned size, Flags flags, RequestorID id, Addr pc,
            AtomicOpFunctorPtr amo_op=nullptr)
        _vaddr = vaddr;
        _size = size;
        _requestorId = id;
        _pc = pc;
        _time = curTick();

        depth = 0;
        accessDelta = 0;
        translateDelta = 0;
        atomicOpFunctor = std::move(amo_op);
        _localAccessor = nullptr;

    setContext(ContextID context_id)
        _contextId = context_id;


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