
题目:Programs were thought of as a series of procedures.

题目:In the e-mail a user needs a message transfer agent.

题目:Operating system sets up a directory of programs undergoing execution and the devices.

题目:The development of videodisc is useful for distance education

题目:The Memory addresses are expressed as binary numbers

题目:Programs were thought of as a series of procedures

题目:FTP is a distributed bulletin board which offers a combination news and discussion service on thousands of topics.

题目:The OSI model is a foundation for all comparing protocols.

题目:The motherboard is sometimes alternatively known as the main-board, system -board, the logic board and backplane

题目:Computer is able to do different kinds of tasks.

题目:The TCP/IP Internet protocol suite is formed from three standards.

题目:Designers of online shops should consider the effects of information load.

题目:Enforcing security is one of the major tasks of the DBA.

题目:Because the Internet is made up of many diverse computers, so together they work like one world-wide computer system.

题目:Floppy disks are the smallest type of storage, holding only 2.44MB.

题目:One of the five functions of an operating system is memory management.

题目:A program can use a device if that hardware is unavailable.

题目:The network architecture is a layer-based

题目:Within software engineering, programming  is regarded as one phase in a software development process.

题目:If a person read a hypermedia document about mobile phones, then he might sel_ect a video show of a phone, but not hear the ring of it.

题目:A LAN is generally limited to the size of a department or an organization and often consists of 2 to 100 devices.

题目:One of the functions of an operating system is memory management

题目:A DVD holds even less information than a CD.

题目:A painter emulates the visual characteristics of traditional media

题目:Data communications equipment (DCE) accepts the serial data stream from the DTE

题目:The dataflow diagram is a graphical chart that depicts the flow of data among internal process, external entities, and data stores

题目:Operating systems are unique to their manufacturers

题目:In the future, computers are capable of original thoughts.

题目:Painter was acquired by Corel Corporation and was replaced by “Procreate”

题目:A high-level language can be designed to only process scientific calculation

题目:A successful test is to exhibit the absence of errors in the programs being   tested

题目:When you send an e-mail you should provide the sender's e-mail address

题目:Many operating systems have similar characteristics

题目:Error recovery does not belong to operating system.

题目:Corel Painter offers both conventional and unconventional materials and tools for artists

题目:ENIAC I was made with the technology of vacuum tube

题目:All of these databases can not take advantage of indexing to increase their speed.

题目:Error recovery does not belong to operating system

题目:The Internet is a computer network which allows computers with distinctive software and hardware to communicate.

题目:Only a few bugs can trouble a program

题目:Operating systems are unique to their manufacturers.

题目:Your computer uses two types of memory: primary memory and secondary memory

题目:Multiprogramming allows time sharing

题目:In modern computer it is increasingly common to integrate some peripherals into the motherboard itself

题目:In a computer system, these records that are logically contiguous in one           applications must be physically stored together

题目:The OSI model was not created by the ISO.

题目:The relational database terms “tuple” is equivalent to “column” in SQL

题目:A processor can do everything without a program to provide control

题目:Computer security is a branch of technology known as information security as applied to computers.

题目:A microcomputer, also called personal computer, is a computer designed for an individual.

题目:With high-powered debuggers you should put your source code into the debugger.

题目:The network architecture is a layer-based.

题目:Coding in computer security makes data be unintelligible to the outside   observer

题目:There are three general types of compression

题目:DBMS are categorized according to the database model that they support.

题目:Computers can be classified into microcomputer, mainframe and supercomputer by its program.

题目:A table is organized  into rows and columns in a relational database

题目:In its more general usage, a personal computer is a computer designed for using by one person at a time.

题目:Design of a network and its logical structure should comply with a set of design principles.

题目:By combining many functions on one PCB, highly-integrated motherboards are more complex and more expensive

题目:It was estimated that at this rapid growth everyone in the world would have an e-mail address in the near future.

题目:When you purchase a new computer, an operating software suitable to the hardware must be bought.

题目:A LAN (Local area data networks) is a group of computers and the network devices connected together usually within the different buildings.

题目:Apple produced the first computer with a GUI

题目:The World Wide Web ties the information together into a big collection of interactive multimedia resources.

题目:Online shopping is the process consumers go through to purchase products or services over the Internet.

题目:An index is one way of providing quicker access to data

题目:A centralized database system can be highly responsive to differences in data gathering, storage, and access

题目:Michelangelo is a file sector.

题目:IBM was the first company who initiated the computer business

题目:Prior to the high level programming language,”assembly” or binary is difficult to write and understand for the majority

题目:The revolution of the software industry is producing good, solid, bulletproof programs at low cost and on time.

题目:The four topologies in common use are star, router, ring and hub.

题目:Using debugger you can see each instruction as it executes.

题目:For information about using Internet Explorer, click the Help menu in Internet Explorer

题目:CD-ROM is rewritable

题目:Multimedia is just two media: sound and pictures

题目:The earlier in the development process you find a problem, the more it costs to fix

题目:TCP means it is on the network layer and IP means it is on the transport layer separately.

题目:The computer can do nothing without a program.

题目:CDs usually store about 650GB.

题目:A system board is a heart of a computer

题目:A database is a collection of logically related data elements that are structured in various ways to meet the multiple processing and retrieval needs of organizations and individuals

题目:Requirements analysis is not critical to the success of a development project

题目:Secondary memory holds all of the essential memory that tells your computer how to be a computer.

题目:A computer’s operational software defines the schedule of jobs awaiting       execution

题目:Software engineers develop software tools and collections of tools called programming environments to improve the development process.

题目:Using debugger you cannot examine your variables.

题目:One of the functions of an operating system is memory management.

题目:Corel Painter Sketch Pad is the newest product with more drawing tools

题目:Runtime bugs are easy to find.

题目:We can use multimedia in Education, Entertainment and so on

题目:Information can be input only by people.

题目:Three techniques have been adopted for use of the medium access control in the LANs.

题目:A motherboard provides physical sockets and slots as some peripheral interfaces

题目:Any computer which is connected to the Internet can communicate with any other Internet computer thanks to the rules of IP.

题目:The term “relational database” often refers to “relational database management system” for short

题目:Operating systems are not unique to their manufacturers.

题目:A processor can do everything without a program to provide control.

题目:Multimedia is not only a product, but also a technology

题目:The World Wide Web is an architectural framework.

题目:Viruses can cause programs crashing but can’t cause entire hard disk deleting

题目:In the e-mail a user needs a message transfer agent

题目:All virus scanners can kill most known viruses

题目:BIOS is stored in non-volatile memory chips

题目:The heart of any computer system is the central processing unit (CPU)

题目:The author thinks that understanding how an attacker approaches your computer system can help you protect it

题目:Previously the Web provides a wealth of additional capabilities.

题目:Office 2000 is an incredible set of business tools

题目:ISDN does not include that element that provides one kind of service

题目:A computer is a multi-functional electronic data processing machine and is made up of electronic components.

题目:Computer virus is remote from us.

题目:Workstation is a multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously.

题目:In a relational database, all data are stored and accessed via relations

题目:The OSI model is a network architecture.

题目:Without an operating system, we could not execute a user program

题目:The surfing is you can sel_ect paths to browse online resource.

题目:Graphics tablet enables users to reproduce the effect of physical painting

题目:A powerful debugger can find nearly all of bugs.

题目:According to computers’ power and size, we have desktop, laptop and handheld PCs.

题目:All of us expect the programs robust, bug-free.

题目:LAN may be used to interconnect computer-based equipment distributed around a factory or hospital complex.

题目:With LANs, the limited physical separation of the subscriber DTEs allows simpler topologies to be used.

题目:Computer virus may affect the your phisical  health .

题目:a relational database is just only a collection of relations.

题目:There are no differences between the information processor and human (人类的) nervous system.

题目:Database security denotes the system, processes, and procedures that protect a database software from unintended activity.

题目:Before 1936,all devices which had the computing power had to rely on other electronics

题目:Metadata means data about data

题目:Online content providers make money in two ways:advertisements and selling.

题目:In general, shopping has always catered to middle class and upper class women.

题目:Office 2000 is an incredible set of business tools.

题目:In Web pages, you can search database of mailing lists, but you can see pictures of your favorite band and their concert schedule.

题目:Control token is the only way of controlling access to a shared transmission medium.

题目:Electronic money is also called digital  cash  or electronic  token

题目:A computer database relies upon DBMS to organize the storage of data.

题目:Microsoft Word 2000 allows you to create many types of personal and business  communications

题目:The TCP/IP Internet protocol suite is formed from five standards

题目:Computers cannot work without the instructions sets.

题目:The aspect of that,New capabilities can be added to the software without major changes to the underlying architecture is called Extensibility .

题目:Hypertext extends the concept of hypermedia to other forms of information.

题目:Most wide area networks, such as the PSTN, not use a mesh (sometimes referred to as a network) topology.

题目:A register is a storage location inside the processor

题目:The most common bugs are poor logic and syntactic error.

题目:Which of the following components can be used to attach peripheral devices to the motherboard as plug-in cards or via cables? __________

题目:Expansion Card Slots  (扩展插槽)

题目:Which of the following is RIGHT about the current trends in software engineering? __________

题目:The raw data are stored on the disk using the _________ .

题目:Confidentiality of the message is not enough in a secure communication; ________ is also needed. The receiver needs to be sure of the sender’s identity.

题目:Which of the following is NOT attached to the motherboard via edge connectors and cables in a typical desktop computer? __________

题目:Peripheral devices(外部设备)

题目:When power is removed, information in the semiconductor memory is _________

题目:if we want to retrieve data from the database with SQL,we should use the comand of

题目:J2EE is a single-language platform; calls from/to objects in other languages are possible through ________, but this kind of support is not a ubiquitous part of the platform.

题目:Which of the following is WRONG about Web 2.0? __________

题目:The _________ hidden in the infected system does not break out immediately;  instead, it needs certain time or some condition before it breaks out.

题目:I didnˊt hear the phone last night, I (    )   asleep.

题目:Which one is not a computer languages?

题目:A ____ is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.

题目:The _______ serves as an interface between hardware and software.

题目:Chemical energy, (    ) from fuel or other matters, can be transformed into heat energy.

题目:What does Tim Berners-Lee's description about Web 2.0 mean? __________

题目:Why does the author give the example of Bliss? __________

题目:A(n) ________ is usually a computer installed with the necessary software and allows two networks, each with a completely different set of protocols, to communicate.

题目:Windows gives you more control over the ________ you work.

题目:Whereas the decimal system is based on 10, the (    ) system is based on 2. There are only two digits in the latter system, 0 and 1.

题目:Every transaction in electronic commerce includes information flow, commercial flow, _______ and material flow.

题目:One of the differences between C# and Java is that Java runs on any platform with a Java Virtual ______________ while C# only runs in Windows for the foreseeable future.

题目:In the system development process, the code is written in the ________ phase.

题目:In the following descriptions, which is RIGHT about the functions of CPU socket? _______

题目:Visual Basic has  _______versions.

题目:After I finished the last paragraph, I moved the ________ back to the third paragraph and del_eted

题目:J2EE is a single-language platform; calls from/to objects in other languages are possible through (    ), but this kind of support is not a ubiquitous part of the platform.

题目:what does " neural network "  mean?

题目:In the system development process, modularity is a very well-established principle used in the (    ) phase.

题目:The larger the system of the computer, the greater its (    ).

题目:What does the phrase “frame-based” mean appearing at the beginning of the article? __________

题目:primary memory which is stored on chips located ________.

题目:___ is a fast and powerful operating system, based on the UNIX O.S.

题目:ADO.NET is the (    ) model for .NET-based applications. (data access)

题目:Many viruses go resident in the memory like a (      ).

题目:The control unit fetches _________ from memory and decodes them.

题目:Which of the following is WRONG about the terminology used in software engineering? __________

题目:Whereas a repeater operates only in the physical layer of the OSI model, a bridge operates in both the physical layer and the ________ layer of the OSI model.

题目:Windows gives you more control over the (    ) you work.

题目:Small as it is, a personal computer can perform the same program instructions as (    ).

题目:Which of the following items need not have unique values in the referencing  relation?  __________

题目:A periodic refresh is needed to restore the information for the _________ .

题目:With Windows, you can run several powerful applications at once and switch quickly (       ) them.

题目:He doesn’t mind  (       )  her birthday party.

题目:The history of programming languages can be traced back almost to the invention of the (    )computer in th 1940s.

题目:Which of the following items should be used for collecting and customizing common operations? __________

题目:When most people think of opening a Web business,the first thing that springs to mind is selling products or ____________online.

题目:Some restaurants have provided touch ________ computers to enable their customers to order food via the computer without having to tell someone.

题目:Which one is not a computer languages? ____

题目:Which of the following descriptions is WRONG according to this article? __________

题目:The attributes of the stack are (       ).

题目:In the system development process, the system analyst defines the user, needs, requirements and methods in the (    ) phase.

题目:primary memory which is stored on chips located (    ).

题目:It looks as though there (    ) some problems with my computer. Because it is so slow.

题目:Data (    ) can reduce the amount of data sent or stored by partially eliminating inherent redundancy.

题目:(    ) refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.

题目:The most commonly used tool in the design phase is the ________.

题目:__________is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network such as the Internet.

题目:Which of the following descriptions in WRONG about the uses of Wi-Fi? __________

题目:The display screen is the most common ____ device used to show you what the computer is doing.

题目:Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by  ________  your computerˊs memory and disk devices.

题目:Videodisc and laser technology provide the ability to_________

题目:A(n) ______ is a sequence of code in a program executed repeatedly,either fro a fixed number of times or until a certain condition is met.

题目:Two common applications of LANs are _________ resource sharing and information resource sharing.

题目:(    ) is built around hypertext and hypermedia.

题目:The infamous “Michelangelo” ________ strikes thousands of computers every year on March 6th.

题目:Which of the following is not the stages of programming?

题目:Hardware components are used for the purpose of (    ).

题目:Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by ____ your computer's memory and disk devices

题目:In SQL,(    )causes an object (a table, for example) to be created within the database.

题目:Whereas the decimal system is based on 10, the ________ system is based on 2. There are only two digits in the latter system, 0 and 1.

题目:A mouse is a small device that a computer user pushes across a desk surface in order to point to a place on a _________ and to select one or more action to take from that position.

题目:An advantage of a ring network is that it needs less _________ .

题目:Which of the following description is WRONG about Wi-Fi? __________

题目:Which of the following events did happen latest in the development of Painter? _______

题目:A(n) ________ is a connecting device that only regenerates the signal.

题目:Multimedia will become increasingly ____ throughout every aspect of our lives.

题目:Confidentiality of the message is not enough in a secure communication; (    ) is also needed. The receiver needs to be sure of the sender’s identity.

题目:Antivirus program can scan and virus.

题目:Among the following products, which appeared the earliest during the computer software development history? __________

题目:In the following devices, which is NOT included in the list of the core components of modern computers __________

题目:Transistor  (晶体管)

题目:A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread of itself.

题目:In order to solve a computational problem, you can let a person or a_________  to do it.

题目:E-commerce do business through _________.

题目:(       )that ,I could do it much better.

题目:A ______ is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.

题目:Communication through the Internet, the____  performs the reverse function.

题目:A station controller (STACO)

题目:Data communications equipment (DCE)

题目:The largest and fastest computers are (    ).

题目:A ________ copy is a copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss or damage.

题目:A machine language is a(n) (    ) language in binary code that the computer can understand and execute directly.

题目:__________, such as the SQL Server and Oracle providers, typically offer performance improvements due, in part, to the fact that there is one less layer of abstraction.

题目:The most important program on any computer is________.

题目:____ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.

题目:A virus is a _________ .

题目:The infamous “Michelangelo” (    ) strikes thousands of computers every year on March 6th.

题目:A (    ) copy is a copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss or damage.

题目:Visual Basic has  (    )versions.

题目:The OSI model has ____ layers.

题目:C might best be ____ as a 'medium-level language'.

题目:The RGB value is composed of ____ components.

题目:Windows gives you more control over the ____ you work.

题目:________ printers are being phased out and replaced by printers that can produce clean type.

题目:A companyˊs ability to deploy and support customer-oriented (    ) systems will be of vital importance to its prosperity.

题目:Which of the following emerged first in the history of software engineering? __________

题目:Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by  (    )  your computerˊs memory and disk devices.

题目:The data, when they are not encrypted, are called ________.

题目:All computers can perform basic machine operations under the control of (    ).

题目:In the case of a(n) _________, a  program is translated into executable form and executed one statment at a time rather than being translated completely before execution.

题目:if we want to retrieve data from the database with SQL,we should use the comand of (   )

题目:Which of the following has been outdated among wired LAN technology? __________

题目:The history of programming languages can be traced back almost to the invention of the _________computer in th 1940s.

题目:how to translate the word "中央处理器"

题目:According to BusinessWeek, the attacks reported in the first half of 2003 nearly match previous year's total number .

题目:A virus is a (    ) .

题目:Which of the following is NOT an effective countermeasure to viruses. __________

题目:One of the differences between C# and Java is that Java runs on any platform with a Java Virtual (    ) while C# only runs in Windows for the foreseeable future.

题目:He was glad to find the fire(        )  brightly.

题目:ADO.NET is the ________ model for .NET-based applications. (data access)

题目:A(n) (    ) is a connecting device that only regenerates the signal.

题目:_________ uses commands that are easier for programmers to understand than machine language commands.

题目:For some time, we’ve been experiencing some ________ in this particular program. It cannot run in a normal way.

题目:Now, about (    ) different viruses account for all the viruses that actually spread in the wild.

题目:The abbreviation HTTP stands for Hypertext (    ) Protocol.

题目:High-level languages must first be translated into a(n) __________ language before they can be understood and processed by a computer

题目:You can come with me to the museum this afternoon (    ) you don’t mind walking for half an hour.

题目:A machine language is a(n) _______ language in binary code that the computer can understand and execute directly.

题目:To access a page on the WWW, one needs a (    ) that usually consists of three parts: a controller, a method, and an interpreter.

题目:According to Intel,there are _____________stages in the evlolution of e_Business.

题目:Which of the following RDBMS is not open source according to this article? __________

题目:Assembly-language instructions are a series of _________.

题目:(    ) is an architectural framework.

题目:A hardware or software malfunction can cause a system to ________.

题目:“Multimedia” means that _________  .

题目:He insisted on leaving early (    ) I told him not to.

题目:_____ is an architectural framework.

题目:These days it is not uncommon for one to see people using (    ) everywhere--even on airplanes.

题目:Data ________ can reduce the amount of data sent or stored by partially eliminating inherent redundancy.

题目:Which of the following items is NOT the traditional tools for artists in Painter? __________

题目:Most system boards have two kinds of power connectors: _________ .

题目:In the system development process, the system analyst defines the user, needs, requirements and methods in the ________ phase.

题目:Each_________ is a unit of both atomicity and consistency.

题目:With Internet Explorer and an Internet connection, you can search for and view information on the _________ .

题目:The basic units of a computer system are as follows:  _________

题目:The purpose of the   A  is to provide fully integrated analog services to users.

题目:The distinction between the two terms gateway and (    ) is disappearing. They are now used interchangeably.

题目:A characteristic of operating system is _________.

题目:According to Intel,there are (    )stages in the evlolution of e(    )Business.

题目:(    )is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network such as the Internet.

题目:Trojan Horses .

题目:In the system development process, the code is written in the (    ) phase.

题目:There are ____ separate products that form the Windows 2000。

题目:A (    ) is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.

题目:The girl I saw(    )brown hair and blue eyes.

题目:Which of the following is RIGHT about the infection strategies of viruses? __________

题目:____________, such as those supplied for OLE DB and ODBC, allow you to use data libraries designed for earlier data access technologies.

题目:When a _________ is used, all the devices in the network are connected to a single cable.

题目:Whereas a repeater operates only in the physical layer of the OSI model, a bridge operates in both the physical layer and the (    ) layer of the OSI model.

题目:(            )as a significant majority of market share in the desktop

题目:If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learn how to _________

题目:The prisoners’ request  (   )  more and better food is now  consideration.

题目:Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of _________ for a computer to follow.

题目:A virus is a _____.

题目:A companyˊs ability to deploy and support customer-oriented ___________ systems will be of vital importance to its prosperity.

题目:We’ll go to Paris for our holiday,   (       )  it isn’t too expensive.

题目:In 2000, the number of viruses topped (    ).

题目:Many companies use _________ to train their employees.

题目:To open Internet Explorer, just click Start, point to _________ , and then click Internet Explorer.

题目:Which of the following items is not included in the “three companion  application ” in Painter Series? __________

题目:Which of the following facts is(are) mentioned about the usage on Web 2.0 in this article? __________

题目:_____ is built around hypertext and hypermedia.

题目:A processor is composed of two functional units, they are _________.

题目:The term coder is used to describe _________

题目:The purpose of the ____  is to provide fully integrated analog services to users.

题目:A(n) ________ translates all the source code of a program written in a high-level language into object code prior to the execution of th program.

题目:To access a page on the WWW, one needs a ________ that usually consists of three parts: a controller, a method, and an interpreter.

题目:_________ is a storage location inside the processor.

题目:The most important program on any computer is ____.

题目:________ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.

题目:A __________is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.

题目:The data, when they are not encrypted, are called (    ).

题目:Just a minute, I’m waiting for the computer to (    ) up. It won’t take long to start it.

题目:Software engineering is some certain _______.

题目:For some time, we’ve been experiencing some (    ) in this particular program. It cannot run in a normal way.

题目:primary memory which is stored on chips located ____.

题目:In SQL,______causes an object (a table, for example) to be created within the database.

题目:In the system development process, (    ) and pseudocode are tools used by programmers in the implementation phase.

题目:Please find the item that is not belong to the DBA _________.

题目:The abbreviation USB stands for Universal ________ Bus.

题目:Which of the following type of wireless devices has the highest power consumption? __________

题目:________ refers to the process of a two dimensional picture by a digital computer .

题目:These days it is not uncommon for one to see people using ________ everywhere--even on airplanes.

题目:A hardware or software malfunction can cause a system to (    ).

题目:The OSI model has _____ layers.

题目:Which of the following is WRONG about the comparison between the early version and the current version of Ethernet? __________

题目:The abbreviation USB stands for Universal (    ) Bus.

题目:The Whale will create (    ) different versions of itself when it infects files.

题目:what does " neural network "  mean?

题目:Most operating system have a standard set of _________ to handle the processing of all input and output instructions.

题目:After I finished the last paragraph, I moved the (    ) back to the third paragraph and deleted

题目:Worm spread itself except by .

题目:An ISP supplies a _________ that you can dial from your computer to log on the internet server.

题目:The OSI model has (    ) layers.

题目:Though  (        )   by what he said ,she didnˊt believe in him.

题目:In the system development process, modularity is a very well-established principle used in the ________ phase.

题目:(    )is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.

题目:A Web site is often more effective as a(n) _______ tool than a selling tool.

题目:The distinction between the two terms gateway and ________ is disappearing. They are now used interchangeably.

题目:____is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.

题目:Some restaurants have provided touch (    ) computers to enable their customers to order food via the computer without having to tell someone.

题目:A (    )is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.

题目:In the system development process, ________ and pseudocode are tools used by programmers in the implementation phase.

题目:The abbreviation HTTP stands for Hypertext ________ Protocol.

题目:The ____ turns the object file into an executable program.

题目:A (    ) is a set of rules that controls the interaction of different devices in a network or internetwork.

题目:A ________ is a set of rules that controls the interaction of different devices in a network or internetwork.

题目:The most commonly used tool in the design phase is the (    ).

题目:A ____ is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.

题目:A(n) (    ) is usually a computer installed with the necessary software and allows two networks, each with a completely different set of protocols, to communicate.

题目:Only when you have told him  (       )  take this book out of the library.

题目:The most important program on any computer is(    ).

题目:Just a minute, I’m waiting for the computer to ________ up. It won’t take long to start it.

题目:____ is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.

题目:What make it is difficult to agree on how to count viruses?

题目:The World Wide Web also subsumes previous Internet information systems such as (   ).

题目:The function of computer hardware is typically divided into three main categories.They are(       ).

题目:A large main memory can be used for __________storing

题目:Modem is __________.

题目:Operating systems and middleware__________

题目:There are a number of processes, activities and practices that are unique to maintainers, for example:

题目:Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and specialized (domain-specific) maintenance contracts negotiated by maintainers

题目:(    )is a type of executable file .

题目:The tools which Programming software usually provides include:

题目:Database connection ________ allows an application to reuse an existing connection from a pool instead of repeatedly establishing a new connection with the database.

题目:According to the text,the author mentions three of the most commonly used types of printer.They are (       ).

题目:Hypermedia include (            )

题目:Viruses can delay their attack for (    ).

题目:Some commentators say the outcome of the information revolution is likely to be as profound as the shift in ___________

题目:Windows 2000 is (    ).

题目:A stack protocol can be used for (    ).

题目:removing the earliest element ins(       )erted

题目:removing the latest element ins(       )erted

题目:According to the text,modern digital computers can be divided into four major categories on the basis of cost and performance.They are (       ).

题目:(    ) maybe a certain cause that some viruses infect upon.

题目:Today Microsoft’s operating system Windows has a variety of versions, they are__________

题目:We can define a computer as a device that (       )

题目:Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses and consumers, on the other hand, is referred to as

题目:The function of computer hardware is typically divided into three main categories.They are________________.

题目:GIS work with two fundamentally different types of geographic models.They are the ______________.

题目:The operations of a structured data type might act on (     ).

题目:In electronic commerce ,information search and discovery services include _____________.

题目:The two most common types of scanners are (       ) and (       )

题目:Before you turn the power on with a new computer, you should make sure__________

题目:Many viruses do harmful things such as (    ).

题目:Software engineering is related to the disciplines of _____________________.

题目:According to the physical size of computers we can classify the __________       computers into

题目:The equipment ______.

题目:Windows 2000 has the key technologies, they are (     ).

题目:The software that controls the interaction between the input and output hardware is called BIOS,which stands of (       )

题目:ADO.NET relies on the services of .NET data providers.There are

题目:The Application layer in TCP/IP Model  is correspond to _______________ in OSI Model

题目:Some common applications related to electronic commerce are the following:

题目:The Internet is__________.

题目:With .NET, Microsoft is opening up a channel both to (       ) in other programming languages and to non-.NET (       ). (developers; components)

题目:Viruses all have two phases to their execution, the (   ) and the (    ).

题目:Office automation is__________.

题目:In order to increase our computer’s performance we need to__________

题目:If a virus simply reproduce and have no cause for an attack phase, but it will still (     ) without your permission.

题目:An asleep state is__________

题目:Computer programs fall into two major classes: ______ and ______.

题目:Computer software, or just software is a general term used to describe a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that perform some tasks on a computer system.The term includes:

题目:Some viruses use (    ) and (    ) techniques to hide their existence.

题目:A digital computer is generally made up of five dstinct elements: a central processing unit,().

题目:The register file is__________

题目:The core of SQL is formed by a command language that allows the (       )  and performing management and administrative functions.

题目:ins(       )ertion of data

题目:Instruction format in RISC has__________

题目:Computer programming  is the process of _______________ the source code of computer programs.

题目:Many viruses do harmful things such as ______________.

题目:Information Systems has a number of different areas of work:

题目:A working GIS contains five key componets.They are (       ).

题目:Viruses can delay their attack for__________.

题目:which aspect have to be  considered in the design of a piece of software.

题目:The web browsers which is normal used, such as________________.

题目:Software engineering is related to the disciplines of (       ).

题目:The end equipment in a communication system includes __________

题目:The World Wide Web is a huge set of (       ), linked by hyperlinks and URLs.

题目:The end equipment in a communication system includes ______.

题目:Active Directory supports ( ).

题目:Some viruses, with no attack phase, often damage the programs or disks they infect because they (     ).

题目:One of trends in computer development is _________,the effort to compress more circuit elements into smaller and smaller ______space

题目:The major functional components of an office automation system include: __________.

题目:DTE is (       ).

题目:Input devices include: __________.

题目:Middleware lies in__________

题目:A general purpose computer has four main sections: (       ).

题目:the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU),

题目:(       ) provides transparent transfer of data between end users, providing reliable data transfer services to the upper layers.

题目:The following devices are belong to the mass storages__________

题目:Security is usually enforced through (       ).

题目:Functions of the compiler used in RISC are __________

题目:Computer programs fall into two major classes: (       ) and (       ).

题目:Electronic commerce may be defined as the entire set of processes that suport (       )activities on a(n) (       ) and involve information analysis.

题目:Queues that occur everyday life can be seen (     ).

题目:An operating system provides the services in its API by  __________

题目:Newer ideas in computing such as(       ) have radically altered the traditional concepts that once determined program form and function

题目:Active Directory can help you (    ).

题目:Common contemporary operating systems include (       ).

题目:A program is a sequence of (       ) that can be executed by a computer.It can either be built into the hardware or exist independently in the form of (       ).

题目:del(       )ete phase

题目:CISC machine instructions compared with RISC machine are__________

题目:Early computer solved__________ problems.

题目:According to the text,the author mentions three of the most commonly used types of printer.They are ____________________.

题目:Computer programming  is the process of (       ) the source code of computer programs.

题目:Software includes _____________ etc

题目:Their company used international lawyers to prosecute a crime ring involving software (       ) in Thailand.

题目:which is the type of electronic commerce in the following choice

题目:C++ is __________.

题目:The Application layer in TCP/IP Model  is correspond to (       ) in OSI Model

题目:C++ include the following pillars: __________.

题目:A program is a sequence of ________ that can be executed by a computer.It can either be built into the hardware or exist independently in the form of ________.

题目:Information stored in semiconductor RAM is__________

题目:Microsoft Windows currently supports _______ and _______file systems

题目:There are three types of application programs to translate source code into object code.They are (       )

题目:We use paged virtual memory to__________

题目:Electronic commerce may be defined as the entire set of processes that suport _____________activities on a(n) ________ and involve information analysis.

题目:A virus is a program that reproduces its own code by (     ).

题目:The web browsers which is normal used, such as(       ).

题目:One machine cycle in RISC has __________

题目:Microsoft Office Professional 2000 include__________.

题目:With .NET, Microsoft is opening up a channel both to ________ in other programming languages and to non-.NET ________. (developers; components)

题目:The types (classes, structs, enums, and so on) associated with each .NET data provider are located in their own namespaces are:

题目:The Internet carries various information resources and services, such as ______________________________ and the inter-linked hypertext documents

题目:High-level languages are commonly classified as ________________________.

题目:We can say a bus is simply__________         .

题目:There are three types of application programs to translate source code into object code.They are __________

题目:which is the threat to computer security in the following choices ?

题目:Windows 2000 is__________

题目:The development process in the software life cycle involves four phases: analysis, design, implementation, and ________.

题目:A mechanism for translating Internet hostnames into IP addresses is__________

题目:GIS work with two fundamentally different types of geographic models.They are the (       ).

题目:The Windows 2000 product line includes__________.

题目:Microsoft Windows currently supports (       ) and (       )file systems

题目:Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses is referred to as business-to-business or

题目:A computer system user generally more cares for__________

题目:Types of media include__________.

题目:The processor performance would be high as we      reference instructions and data from__________

题目:The two most common types of scanners are _______ and _____

题目:According to the text,modern digital computers can be divided into four major categories on the basis of cost and performance.They are __________________.

题目:In electronic commerce ,information search and discovery services include (       ).

题目:High-level languages are commonly classified as (       ).

题目:Middleware has mechanisms to support controlled interaction through__________

题目:The equipment (       ).

题目:Newer ideas in computing such as______ have radically altered the traditional concepts that once determined program form and function

题目:We can classify programming languages under two types:______________ languages and ____________languages.

题目:Electronic payments include ___________________.

题目:A general purpose computer has four main sections: _____________________________________________________.

题目:Applications in the Internet can be found everywhere: __________

题目:A user interface we said here is __________

题目:With middleware we can__________

题目:There are AB(       ) between the DTEs.

题目:will be replaced by an upd(       )ated standard

题目:Windows 2000’s advantages are lies in the sections that follow: __________

题目:You want to (     ) maybe wake up a virus that has residented in memory.

题目:del(       )ete a file

题目:DTE is ______.

题目:The system manager used by a fast processor can__________

题目:The software that controls the interaction between the input and output hardware is called BIOS,which stands of __________

题目:To enhance performance of a computer system we should__________

题目:del(       )ete files

题目:Cache is__________

题目:The Windows 2000 product line includes (    ).

题目:The core of SQL is formed by a command language that allows the ________  and performing management and administrative functions.

题目:Their company used international lawyers to prosecute a crime ring involving software ________ in Thailand.

题目:The end equipment in a communication system includes (       ).

题目:Similar to viruses, you can also find malicious code in (    ).

题目:We can define a computer as a device that ______________________

题目:Electronic payments include (       ).

题目:__________ provides transparent transfer of data between end users, providing reliable data transfer services to the upper layers.

题目:Security is usually enforced through __________________.

题目:The following products of software are belong to middleware__________

题目:Software includes (       ) etc

题目:Common contemporary operating systems include __________________________.

题目:Static graphics include__________.

题目:The three desiderata of memory system are__________

题目:With an Internet connection you can get some of the basic services available are:__________

题目:Some commentators say the outcome of the information revolution is likely to be as profound as the shift in (       )

题目:During the boot procedure we can see on the screen. __________

题目:The attributes of the stack are__________.

题目:A processor is composed of:__________.

题目:One of trends in computer development is (       ),the effort to compress more circuit elements into smaller and smaller (       )space

题目:The Internet carries various information resources and services, such as (       ) and the inter-linked hypertext documents

题目:The basic hardware components of any computer include__________

题目:The World Wide Web is a huge set of ________, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.

题目:RISC is__________

题目:ins(       )erting into the middle of a file

题目:Database connection (       ) allows an application to reuse an existing connection from a pool instead of repeatedly establishing a new connection with the database.

题目:A working GIS contains five key componets.They are ___________________.

题目:The development process in the software life cycle involves four phases: analysis, design, implementation, and (       ).

题目:There are AB_ between the DTEs.

题目:We can classify programming languages under two types:(       ) languages and (       )languages.





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