RAID 故障修复,重启,卸载,备份

RAID 10 故障修复


当 RAID 10 发生故障了一块硬盘怎么办?
1. 模拟挂掉一块硬盘,从RAID 10 的四块硬盘组中,剔除一块硬盘
# 查寻 sd 相关的磁盘
root@longchi:~# fdisk -l | grep sd[a-z]
Disk /dev/sda: 100 GiB, 107374182400 bytes, 209715200 sectors
/dev/sda1     2048      4095      2048    1M BIOS boot
/dev/sda2     4096   1054719   1050624  513M EFI System
/dev/sda3  1054720 209713151 208658432 99.5G Linux filesystem
Disk /dev/sdb: 200 GiB, 214748364800 bytes, 419430400 sectors
Disk /dev/sdc: 300 GiB, 322122547200 bytes, 629145600 sectors
Disk /dev/sdd: 400 GiB, 429496729600 bytes, 838860800 sectors
Disk /dev/sde: 400 GiB, 429496729600 bytes, 838860800 sectors
2. 剔除 RAID 10 中一块硬盘的命令 mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sdb
#  剔除 RAID 10 中一块硬盘
root@longchi:~# mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sdb
mdadm: set /dev/sdb faulty in /dev/md0
3. 检查 RAID 10 的状态 mdadm -D /dev/md0
4. 即使挂掉了一块硬盘也不会影响整个 raid 10 的使用.需要重启机器,重新读取 RAID 信息 reboot
#  检查 RAID 10 的状态
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Tue Feb 20 21:28:12 2024
        Raid Level : raid10
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 4
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 14:25:03 2024
             State : clean, degraded 
    Active Devices : 3
   Working Devices : 3
    Failed Devices : 1
     Spare Devices : 0

            Layout : near=2
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : fe258a50:d23511f6:ab65bb52:4dcc42a2
            Events : 406

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       -       0        0        0      removed
       1       8       32        1      active sync set-B   /dev/sdc
       2       8       48        2      active sync set-A   /dev/sdd
       3       8       64        3      active sync set-B   /dev/sde

       0       8       16        -      faulty   /dev/sdb
# 继续向/longchiraid 里面写入数据,可以发现即使 /dev/sdb 已经挂了,还是可以继续向 /dev/md0 中写入数据。
root@longchi:~# cd /longchiraid
root@longchi:/longchiraid# ls  
root@longchi:/longchiraid# cp test.txt test.txt.2
root@longchi:/longchiraid# ls
test.txt  test.txt.2
root@longchi:/longchiraid# df -hT
Filesystem     Type     Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs          tmpfs    790M  2.0M  788M   1% /run
/dev/sda3      ext4      98G   11G   82G  12% /
tmpfs          tmpfs    3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs    5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
/dev/sda2      vfat     512M  6.1M  506M   2% /boot/efi
tmpfs          tmpfs    790M   72K  790M   1% /run/user/126
/dev/md0       fuseblk  400G  389M  400G   1% /longchiraid
root@longchi:/longchiraid# cp test.txt test.txt.3
root@longchi:/longchiraid# df -hT
Filesystem     Type     Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs          tmpfs    790M  2.0M  788M   1% /run
/dev/sda3      ext4      98G   11G   82G  12% /
tmpfs          tmpfs    3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs    5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
/dev/sda2      vfat     512M  6.1M  506M   2% /boot/efi
tmpfs          tmpfs    790M   72K  790M   1% /run/user/126
/dev/md0       fuseblk  400G  545M  400G   1% /longchiraid
root@longchi:/longchiraid# ls
test.txt  test.txt.2  test.txt.3
5. 只需要购买新的硬盘设备,重新加入到 RAID 10 磁盘阵列组中即可
- 注意:可能你的 RAID 设备,已经添加了开机自动挂载,/etc/fstab 文件中定义的挂载参数,因此还需要取消挂载
-重新加入磁盘阵列,必须先取消挂载 umount /dev/md0
# 第一步先离开挂载点文件目录
root@longchi:/longchiraid# cd 
# 第二步取消挂载
root@longchi:~# umount /dev/md0
- 重新添加新的硬盘,加入至 /dev/md0 磁盘整列组中
# 将 /dev/sdb 设备重新加入至 /dev/md0 磁盘阵列组中	mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb
root@longchi:~# mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb
mdadm: Cannot open /dev/sdb: Device or resource busy	# 设备挂了,需要重启系统 reboot
# 重启后检查设备
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Tue Feb 20 21:28:12 2024
        Raid Level : raid10
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 4
     Total Devices : 3
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 17:58:07 2024
             State : clean, degraded 
    Active Devices : 3
   Working Devices : 3
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 0

            Layout : near=2
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : fe258a50:d23511f6:ab65bb52:4dcc42a2
            Events : 418

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       -       0        0        0      removed
       1       8       32        1      active sync set-B   /dev/sdc
       2       8       48        2      active sync set-A   /dev/sdd
       3       8       64        3      active sync set-B   /dev/sde
# 检查挂载情况,因为我们在前面做了开机自动挂载,所以此时 /dev/md0 为挂载情况。
root@longchi:~# mount -l | grep md0
/dev/md0 on /longchiraid type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)
# 成功取消挂载了
root@longchi:~# umount /dev/md0
root@longchi:~# mount -l | grep md0
# 将 /dev/sdb 设备重新加入至 /dev/md0 磁盘阵列中
root@longchi:~# mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb
mdadm: re-added /dev/sdb
# 查看 /dev/md0 磁盘阵列组的信息	mdadm -D /dev/md0
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Tue Feb 20 21:28:12 2024
        Raid Level : raid10
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 4
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 18:39:22 2024
             State : clean 
    Active Devices : 4
   Working Devices : 4
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 0

            Layout : near=2
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : fe258a50:d23511f6:ab65bb52:4dcc42a2
            Events : 423

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8       16        0      active sync set-A   /dev/sdb
       1       8       32        1      active sync set-B   /dev/sdc
       2       8       48        2      active sync set-A   /dev/sdd
       3       8       64        3      active sync set-B   /dev/sde
6. 此时可以检查磁盘阵列组的信息,等待一个修复的过程
# 检查 /dev/md0 的状态
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Tue Feb 20 21:28:12 2024
        Raid Level : raid10
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 4
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 18:39:22 2024
             State : clean 
    Active Devices : 4
   Working Devices : 4
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 0

            Layout : near=2
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : fe258a50:d23511f6:ab65bb52:4dcc42a2
            Events : 423

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8       16        0      active sync set-A   /dev/sdb
       1       8       32        1      active sync set-B   /dev/sdc
       2       8       48        2      active sync set-A   /dev/sdd
       3       8       64        3      active sync set-B   /dev/sde
7. 等待修复完毕,且激活的设备回到了 4 块,RAID 10,故障修复完毕。
 # 看到如下两条参数,即故障修复完毕 
   Active Devices : 4
   Working Devices : 4

RAID 10 重启


RAID 10 重启
1. 得创建 RAID 的配置文件 echo DEVICE /dev/sd[b-e] > /etc/mdadm.conf
root@longchi:~# echo DEVICE /dev/sd[b-e] > /etc/mdadm.conf
root@longchi:~# cat /etc/mdadm.conf
DEVICE /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde
2. 扫描磁盘磁盘阵列信息,追加到这个文件(/etc/mdadm.conf)中 mdadm -Ds >> /etc/mdadm.conf
'-s' 参数 表示扫描(磁盘阵列)
'-D' 参数 表示查看(磁盘阵列)状态
root@longchi:~# mdadm -Ds >> /etc/mdadm.conf
root@longchi:~# cat /etc/mdadm.conf
DEVICE /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde
ARRAY /dev/md/0 metadata=1.2 name=longchi:0 UUID=fe258a50:d23511f6:ab65bb52:4dcc42a2
3. 取消 RAID 10 的挂载 (如果在挂载中,一定要先取消挂载,才可以重启)
root@longchi:~# umount /longchiraid
umount: /longchiraid: not mounted.
4. 可以停止 RAID 10 了 mdadm -S /dev/md0 '-S' 参数 大写的S 表示 stop 的意思
# 停止 RAID 10
root@longchi:~# mdadm -S /dev/md0
mdadm: stopped /dev/md0
5. 检查一下磁盘阵列组的信息 mdadm -D /dev/md0 此时应该是看不到( /dev/md0)设备文件了。即是正常状态了


root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
mdadm: cannot open /dev/md0: No such file or directory
root@longchi:~# ls /dev/md*
ls: cannot access '/dev/md*': No such file or directory
6. 在存在配置文件的情况下,可以正常的在启动 RAID 10 了 mdadm -A /dev/md0 '-A' 参数 表示启动
# 启动 RAID 10
root@longchi:~# mdadm -A /dev/md0
mdadm: Fail create md0 when using /sys/model/md_mod/parameters/new_array
mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 4 drives.

# 查看 /dev/md0 磁盘阵列信息
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Tue Feb 20 21:28:12 2024
        Raid Level : raid10
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 4
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 18:39:22 2024
             State : clean 
    Active Devices : 4
   Working Devices : 4
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 0

            Layout : near=2
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : fe258a50:d23511f6:ab65bb52:4dcc42a2
            Events : 423

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8       16        0      active sync set-A   /dev/sdb
       1       8       32        1      active sync set-B   /dev/sdc
       2       8       48        2      active sync set-A   /dev/sdd
       3       8       64        3      active sync set-B   /dev/sde
7. 此时可以正常查看 RAID 10 的信息
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Tue Feb 20 21:28:12 2024
        Raid Level : raid10
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 4
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 18:39:22 2024
             State : clean 
    Active Devices : 4
   Working Devices : 4
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 0

            Layout : near=2
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : fe258a50:d23511f6:ab65bb52:4dcc42a2
            Events : 423

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8       16        0      active sync set-A   /dev/sdb
       1       8       32        1      active sync set-B   /dev/sdc
       2       8       48        2      active sync set-A   /dev/sdd
       3       8       64        3      active sync set-B   /dev/sde
root@longchi:~# mount -l | grep md0
/dev/md0 on /longchiraid type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)
root@longchi:~# ls /longchiraid
test.txt  test.txt.2  test.txt.3
root@longchi:~# umount /longchiraid
root@longchi:~# ls /longchiraid

RAID 10 卸载


RAID 10 删除
1. 卸载挂载中的设备
root@longchi:~# umount /longchiraid
root@longchi:~# ls /longchiraid
root@longchi:~# umount /dev/md0
umount: /dev/md0: not mounted.
2. 停止 RAID 服务
root@longchi:~# mdadm -S /dev/md0
mdadm: stopped /dev/md0
# 查看 /dev/md0 文件,他已经没有了
root@longchi:~# ls /dev/md0
ls: cannot access '/dev/md0': No such file or directory
3. 卸载 RAID 10 中所有的磁盘信息 mdadm --misc --zero-superblock /dev/sd[b-e]
root@longchi:~# mdadm --misc --zero-superblock /dev/sdb
root@longchi:~# mdadm --misc --zero-superblock /dev/sdc
root@longchi:~# mdadm --misc --zero-superblock /dev/sdd
root@longchi:~# mdadm --misc --zero-superblock /dev/sde
4.删除 RAID 10 的配置文件(/etc/mdadm.conf)
root@longchi:~# cat /etc/mdadm.conf
DEVICE /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde
ARRAY /dev/md/0 metadata=1.2 name=longchi:0 UUID=fe258a50:d23511f6:ab65bb52:4dcc42a2
root@longchi:~# rm /etc/mdadm.conf
5. 此时再清除开机自动挂载的配置文件(/etc/fstab)
清除 /etc/fstab 文件的自动挂载信息配置
root@longchi:~# cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
# / was on /dev/sda3 during installation
UUID=1d8e3f92-eeaf-4cde-a566-1c7eea428509 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
# /boot/efi was on /dev/sda2 during installation
UUID=FEB1-E722  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       1
/swapfile                                 none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       0

/dev/md0                /longchiraid    ntfs    defaults        0               0
root@longchi:~# vim /etc/fstab
root@longchi:~# tail -1 /etc/fstab
# /dev/md0              /longchiraid    ntfs    defaults        0               0

RAID 与备份盘


RAID 与备份盘的学习
1. 还用刚才的四块硬盘做实验,三块搭建 RAID 阵列组,有一块当做备份盘
可以用 RAID 5 来搭建三块硬盘的阵列组 命令如下
mdadm -Cv /dev/md0 -n 3 -l 5 -x 1 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde
# 创建磁盘阵列使用命令如下 创建 RAID 5 :
mdadm -Cv /dev/md0 -n 3 -l 5 -x 1 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde
# 该命令参数解释:
# '-C' 表示创建 RAID 阵列
# '-v' 显示创建RAID 的过程
# '/dev/md0' 表示创建 RAID 阵列的名字
# '-a yes' 表示自动激活该设备 '/dev/md0' 自动创建阵列设备文件
# '-n 3' 表示指定三块硬盘创建阵列
# '-l 5' 表示指定 RAID 级别为 'RAID 5'
# '-x 1' 表示指定一个备份盘
# 最后跟上四块硬盘的名字 如下
# '/dev/sd[b-e]' 表示指定即将使用的磁盘,即代表指定使用的四块硬盘

# 查看 跟 sd 相关的硬盘
root@longchi:~# ls /dev/sd*
/dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda3  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdc  /dev/sdd  /dev/sde
root@longchi:~# mdadm -Cv /dev/md0 -n 3 -l 5 -x 1 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde
mdadm: layout defaults to left-symmetric
mdadm: layout defaults to left-symmetric
mdadm: chunk size defaults to 512K
mdadm: size set to 209583104K
mdadm: automatically enabling write-intent bitmap on large array
mdadm: largest drive (/dev/sdd) exceeds size (209583104K) by more than 1%
Continue creating array? yes
mdadm: Defaulting to version 1.2 metadata
mdadm: array /dev/md0 started.
2. 检查一下 RAID 阵列组的信息与状态 mdadm -D /dev/md0
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Wed Feb 21 23:35:16 2024
        Raid Level : raid5
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 3
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 23:46:27 2024
             State : clean, degraded, recovering 
    Active Devices : 2
   Working Devices : 4
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 2

            Layout : left-symmetric
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

    Rebuild Status : 64% complete

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : e79936a0:022f080e:fcfc7e5f:f2114b46
            Events : 132

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8       16        0      active sync   /dev/sdb
       1       8       32        1      active sync   /dev/sdc
       4       8       48        2      spare rebuilding   /dev/sdd

       3       8       64        -      spare   /dev/sde
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Wed Feb 21 23:35:16 2024
        Raid Level : raid5
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 3
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 23:52:18 2024
             State : clean, degraded, recovering 
    Active Devices : 2
   Working Devices : 4
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 2

            Layout : left-symmetric
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

    Rebuild Status : 97% complete

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : e79936a0:022f080e:fcfc7e5f:f2114b46
            Events : 200

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8       16        0      active sync   /dev/sdb
       1       8       32        1      active sync   /dev/sdc
       4       8       48        2      spare rebuilding   /dev/sdd

       3       8       64        -      spare   /dev/sde
root@longchi:~# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Wed Feb 21 23:35:16 2024
        Raid Level : raid5
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 3
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Wed Feb 21 23:52:46 2024
             State : clean 
    Active Devices : 3
   Working Devices : 4
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 1

            Layout : left-symmetric
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : e79936a0:022f080e:fcfc7e5f:f2114b46
            Events : 207

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8       16        0      active sync   /dev/sdb
       1       8       32        1      active sync   /dev/sdc
       4       8       48        2      active sync   /dev/sdd

       3       8       64        -      spare   /dev/sde
3. 针对阵列组进行格式化文件系统
root@longchi:~# mkfs.
mkfs.bfs     mkfs.ext2    mkfs.ext4    mkfs.minix   mkfs.ntfs    
mkfs.cramfs  mkfs.ext3    mkfs.fat     mkfs.msdos   mkfs.vfat    
root@longchi:~# mkfs.ext4 -f /dev/md0
mkfs.ext4: invalid option -- 'f'
Usage: mkfs.ext4 [-c|-l filename] [-b block-size] [-C cluster-size]
        [-i bytes-per-inode] [-I inode-size] [-J journal-options]
        [-G flex-group-size] [-N number-of-inodes] [-d root-directory]
        [-m reserved-blocks-percentage] [-o creator-os]
        [-g blocks-per-group] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-directory]
        [-O feature[,...]] [-r fs-revision] [-E extended-option[,...]]
        [-t fs-type] [-T usage-type ] [-U UUID] [-e errors_behavior][-z undo_file]
        [-jnqvDFSV] device [blocks-count]
root@longchi:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0
mke2fs 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021)
/dev/md0 contains a ntfs file system
Proceed anyway? (y,N) y
Creating filesystem with 104791552 4k blocks and 26198016 inodes
Filesystem UUID: faba633b-80de-401f-8dcc-55d169b41ed7
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208, 
        4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872, 71663616, 78675968, 

Allocating group tables: done                            
Writing inode tables: done                            
Creating journal (262144 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done     

4. 开始挂载,使用阵列组分区
root@longchi:~# ls /longchiraid
root@longchi:~# mount /dev/md0 /longchiraid
root@longchi:~# mount -l | grep md0
/dev/md0 on /longchiraid type ext4 (rw,relatime,stripe=256)
5. 检查挂载情况,以及数据写入情况
root@longchi:~# mount -l | grep md0
/dev/md0 on /longchiraid type ext4 (rw,relatime,stripe=256)
# 查看所有挂载情况
root@longchi:~# df -hT
Filesystem     Type   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs          tmpfs  790M  1.9M  788M   1% /run
/dev/sda3      ext4    98G   11G   82G  12% /
tmpfs          tmpfs  3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs  5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
/dev/sda2      vfat   512M  6.1M  506M   2% /boot/efi
tmpfs          tmpfs  790M   72K  790M   1% /run/user/126
/dev/md0       ext4   393G   28K  373G   1% /longchiraid
root@longchi:~# df -hT | grep md0
/dev/md0       ext4   393G   28K  373G   1% /longchiraid
6. 此时可以写入数据,检查 RAID 是否正常使用


root@longchi:~# cd /longchiraid
root@longchi:/longchiraid# echo {1..10000000} > test.txt
root@longchi:/longchiraid# cp test.txt test.txt.1
root@longchi:/longchiraid# cp test.txt test.txt.2
root@longchi:/longchiraid# cp test.txt test.txt.3
root@longchi:/longchiraid# cp test.txt test.txt.4
root@longchi:/longchiraid# ls
lost+found  test.txt  test.txt.1  test.txt.2  test.txt.3  test.txt.4
root@longchi:/longchiraid# df -hT
Filesystem     Type   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs          tmpfs  790M  1.9M  788M   1% /run
/dev/sda3      ext4    98G   11G   82G  12% /
tmpfs          tmpfs  3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs  5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
/dev/sda2      vfat   512M  6.1M  506M   2% /boot/efi
tmpfs          tmpfs  790M   72K  790M   1% /run/user/126
/dev/md0       ext4   393G  377M  373G   1% /longchiraid
root@longchi:/longchiraid# cp test.txt test.txt.5
root@longchi:/longchiraid# df -hT
Filesystem     Type   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs          tmpfs  790M  1.9M  788M   1% /run
/dev/sda3      ext4    98G   11G   82G  12% /
tmpfs          tmpfs  3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs  5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
/dev/sda2      vfat   512M  6.1M  506M   2% /boot/efi
tmpfs          tmpfs  790M   72K  790M   1% /run/user/126
/dev/md0       ext4   393G  452M  372G   1% /longchiraid
root@longchi:/longchiraid# df -hT | grep md0
/dev/md0       ext4   393G  452M  372G   1% /longchiraid
7. 见证备份磁盘的作用,从磁盘阵列组中删除一块硬盘,检查阵列情况
root@longchi:/longchiraid# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Wed Feb 21 23:35:16 2024
        Raid Level : raid5
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 3
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Thu Feb 22 00:21:40 2024
             State : clean 
    Active Devices : 3
   Working Devices : 4
    Failed Devices : 0
     Spare Devices : 1

            Layout : left-symmetric
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : e79936a0:022f080e:fcfc7e5f:f2114b46
            Events : 207

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8       16        0      active sync   /dev/sdb
       1       8       32        1      active sync   /dev/sdc
       4       8       48        2      active sync   /dev/sdd

       3       8       64        -      spare   /dev/sde

# 从磁盘阵列组中删除一块硬盘
root@longchi:/longchiraid# mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sdb
mdadm: set /dev/sdb faulty in /dev/md0
8. 检查备份盘是否自动加入了阵列组,实验完成 mdadm -D /dev/md0
root@longchi:/longchiraid# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Wed Feb 21 23:35:16 2024
        Raid Level : raid5
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 3
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Thu Feb 22 00:31:36 2024
             State : clean, degraded, recovering 
    Active Devices : 2
   Working Devices : 3
    Failed Devices : 1
     Spare Devices : 1

            Layout : left-symmetric
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

    Rebuild Status : 14% complete

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : e79936a0:022f080e:fcfc7e5f:f2114b46
            Events : 239

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       3       8       64        0      spare rebuilding   /dev/sde
       1       8       32        1      active sync   /dev/sdc
       4       8       48        2      active sync   /dev/sdd

       0       8       16        -      faulty   /dev/sdb
# 备份盘已经接替工作了
root@longchi:/longchiraid# mdadm -D /dev/md0
           Version : 1.2
     Creation Time : Wed Feb 21 23:35:16 2024
        Raid Level : raid5
        Array Size : 419166208 (399.75 GiB 429.23 GB)
     Used Dev Size : 209583104 (199.87 GiB 214.61 GB)
      Raid Devices : 3
     Total Devices : 4
       Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Intent Bitmap : Internal

       Update Time : Thu Feb 22 00:46:28 2024
             State : clean 
    Active Devices : 3
   Working Devices : 3
    Failed Devices : 1
     Spare Devices : 0

            Layout : left-symmetric
        Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : bitmap

              Name : longchi:0  (local to host longchi)
              UUID : e79936a0:022f080e:fcfc7e5f:f2114b46
            Events : 423

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       3       8       64        0      active sync   /dev/sde
       1       8       32        1      active sync   /dev/sdc
       4       8       48        2      active sync   /dev/sdd

       0       8       16        -      faulty   /dev/sdb



































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