- 影响函数:这里指的是KDE核密度估计
- 核密度估计(KDE):
- 吸引子:也就是K-means算法中的质心
聚类可以通过确定密度吸引点(density attractor)来得到,这里的密度吸引点是全局密度函数的局部最大值。
一个点 x 是被一个密度吸引点 x密度吸引的,如果存在一组点 x0,x1,…,xk,使得x0=x,xk=x,对 0<i<k,xi-1 的梯度是在 xi的方向上,也就是说xi-1在xi的方向上变化最快。
@author: mgarrett
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin
import networkx as nx
def _hill_climb(x_t, X, W=None, h=0.1, eps=1e-7):
This function climbs the 'hill' of the kernel density function
and finds the 'peak', which represents the density attractor
error = 99.
prob = 0.
x_l1 = np.copy(x_t)
#Sum of the last three steps is used to establish radius
#of neighborhood around attractor. Authors suggested two
#steps works well, but I found three is more robust to
#noisey datasets.
radius_new = 0.
radius_old = 0.
radius_twiceold = 0.
iters = 0.
while True:
radius_thriceold = radius_twiceold
radius_twiceold = radius_old
radius_old = radius_new
x_l0 = np.copy(x_l1)
x_l1, density = _step(x_l0, X, W=W, h=h)
error = density - prob
prob = density
radius_new = np.linalg.norm(x_l1-x_l0)
radius = radius_thriceold + radius_twiceold + radius_old + radius_new
iters += 1
if iters>3 and error < eps:
return [x_l1, prob, radius]
def _step(x_l0, X, W=None, h=0.1):
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
superweight = 0. #superweight is the kernel X weight for each item
x_l1 = np.zeros((1,d))
if W is None:
W = np.ones((n,1))
W = W
for j in range(n):
kernel = kernelize(x_l0, X[j], h, d)
kernel = kernel * W[j]/(h**d)
superweight = superweight + kernel
x_l1 = x_l1 + (kernel * X[j])
x_l1 = x_l1/superweight
density = superweight/np.sum(W)
return [x_l1, density]
def kernelize(x, y, h, degree):
kernel = np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(x-y)/h)**2./2.)/((2.*np.pi)**(degree/2))
return kernel
class DENCLUE(BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin):
"""Perform DENCLUE clustering from vector array.
h : float, optional
The smoothing parameter for the gaussian kernel. This is a hyper-
parameter, and the optimal value depends on data. Default is the
eps : float, optional
Convergence threshold parameter for density attractors
min_density : float, optional
The minimum kernel density required for a cluster attractor to be
considered a cluster and not noise. Cluster info will stil be kept
but the label for the corresponding instances will be -1 for noise.
Since what consitutes a high enough kernel density depends on the
nature of the data, it's often best to fit the model first and
explore the results before deciding on the min_density, which can be
set later with the 'set_minimum_density' method.
Default is 0.
metric : string, or callable
The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a
feature array. In this version, I've only tested 'euclidean' at this
cluster_info_ : dictionary [n_clusters]
Contains relevant information of all clusters (i.e. density attractors)
Information is retained even if the attractor is lower than the
minimum density required to be labelled a cluster.
labels_ : array [n_samples]
Cluster labels for each point. Noisy samples are given the label -1.
Hinneburg A., Gabriel HH. "DENCLUE 2.0: Fast Clustering Based on Kernel
Density Estimation". In: R. Berthold M., Shawe-Taylor J., Lavrač N. (eds)
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VII. IDA 2007
def __init__(self, h=None, eps=1e-8, min_density=0., metric='euclidean'):
self.h = h
self.eps = eps
self.min_density = min_density
self.metric = metric
def fit(self, X, y=None, sample_weight=None):
if not self.eps > 0.0:
raise ValueError("eps must be positive.")
self.n_samples = X.shape[0]
self.n_features = X.shape[1]
density_attractors = np.zeros((self.n_samples,self.n_features))
radii = np.zeros((self.n_samples,1))
density = np.zeros((self.n_samples,1))
#create default values
if self.h is None:
self.h = np.std(X)/5
if sample_weight is None:
sample_weight = np.ones((self.n_samples,1))
sample_weight = sample_weight
#initialize all labels to noise
labels = -np.ones(X.shape[0])
#climb each hill
for i in range(self.n_samples):
density_attractors[i], density[i], radii[i] = _hill_climb(X[i], X, W=sample_weight,
h=self.h, eps=self.eps)
#initialize cluster graph to finalize clusters. Networkx graph is
#used to verify clusters, which are connected components of the
#graph. Edges are defined as density attractors being in the same
#neighborhood as defined by our radii for each attractor.
cluster_info = {}
num_clusters = 0
cluster_info[num_clusters]={'instances': [0],
'centroid': np.atleast_2d(density_attractors[0])}
g_clusters = nx.Graph()
for j1 in range(self.n_samples):
g_clusters.add_node(j1, attr_dict={'attractor':density_attractors[j1], 'radius':radii[j1],
#populate cluster graph
for j1 in range(self.n_samples):
for j2 in (x for x in range(self.n_samples) if x != j1):
if g_clusters.has_edge(j1,j2):
diff = np.linalg.norm(g_clusters.node[j1]['attractor']-g_clusters.node[j2]['attractor'])
if diff <= (g_clusters.node[j1]['radius']+g_clusters.node[j1]['radius']):
g_clusters.add_edge(j1, j2)
#connected components represent a cluster
clusters = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g_clusters))
num_clusters = 0
#loop through all connected components
for clust in clusters:
#get maximum density of attractors and location
max_instance = max(clust, key=lambda x: clust.node[x]['density'])
max_density = clust.node[max_instance]['density']
max_centroid = clust.node[max_instance]['attractor']
#In Hinneberg, Gabriel (2007), for attractors in a component that
#are not fully connected (i.e. not all attractors are within each
#other's neighborhood), they recommend re-running the hill climb
#with lower eps. From testing, this seems unnecesarry for all but
#special edge cases. Therefore, completeness info is put into
#cluster info dict, but not used to re-run hill climb.
complete = False
c_size = len(clust.nodes())
if clust.number_of_edges() == (c_size*(c_size-1))/2.:
complete = True
#populate cluster_info dict
cluster_info[num_clusters] = {'instances': clust.nodes(),
'size': c_size,
'centroid': max_centroid,
'density': max_density,
'complete': complete}
#if the cluster density is not higher than the minimum,
#instances are kept classified as noise
if max_density >= self.min_density:
num_clusters += 1
self.clust_info_ = cluster_info
self.labels_ = labels
return self
def get_density(self, x, X, y=None, sample_weight=None):
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_features = X.shape[1]
if sample_weight is None:
sample_weight = np.ones((n_samples,1))
sample_weight = sample_weight
for y in range(n_samples):
kernel = kernelize(x, X[y], h=self.h, degree=n_features)
kernel = kernel * sample_weight[y]/(self.h**n_features)
superweight = superweight + kernel
density = superweight/np.sum(sample_weight)
return density
def set_minimum_density(self, min_density):
self.min_density = min_density
labels_copy = np.copy(self.labels_)
for k in self.clust_info_.keys():
if self.clust_info_[k]['density']<min_density:
labels_copy[self.clust_info_[k]['instances']]= -1
labels_copy[self.clust_info_[k]['instances']]= k
self.labels_ = labels_copy
return self