

dexp 导出owner 时会将owner对应的多个schema 数据全部导出,在导出owner时只导出对象信息,用户的权限和创建语句不会导出

dexp 导出schema 时只导出schema 自己下的对象

dimp 导入owner 时会将owner 下对应的所有schema数据全部导入,在导入owner之前需要先穿件owner

dimp 导入schema 是会把备份schema下的所有数据全部导入,同时自动与原来的owner进行授权关联。在导入schema前需要先创建owner



create user test identified by test_123456;
grant dba to test;


 select a.NAME schename, a.id, a.PID, b.NAME username
where a."TYPE$" = 'SCH' and a.PID = b.id
and b.name='TEST';2   3   4   

---sysobjects 视图会记录对象信息,包括schema和user,table 等,是一个杂糅的视图

---------- -------- ----------- ----------- --------
1          TEST     150995951   50331756    TEST

创建一个schema test_yk并与用户test 关联

SQL> create SCHEMA test_yk AUTHORIZATION test;
2   /   -- 此处必须加 “/” 否则执行不了
executed successfully


LINEID     SCHENAME ID          PID         USERNAME ID         
---------- -------- ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
1          TEST     150995951   50331756    TEST     50331756
2          TEST_YK  150995952   50331756    TEST     50331756

used time: 1.159(ms). Execute id is 2017.

2.在test 和test_yk schema 下创建不同的表

SQL> create table test_yk.test_yk as select * from sysobjects;
create table test.test as select * from dba_users;executed successfully
used time: 80.443(ms). Execute id is 2018.
executed successfully
used time: 10.928(ms). Execute id is 2019.

SQL> select count(*) from test.test;

LINEID     COUNT(*)            
---------- --------------------
1          8

used time: 0.492(ms). Execute id is 2020.
SQL> select count(*) from test_yk.test_yk;

LINEID     COUNT(*)            
---------- --------------------
1          808

used time: 0.473(ms). Execute id is 2021.

分别按schema,和owner 导出数据

1. dexp sysdba/password file=/dm8/backup/test2.dmp log=/dm8/backup/test_schema.log schemas=test2;

dexp sysdba/password file=/dm8/backup/test.dmp  log=/dm8/backup/test.log schemas=test

[WARNING]FILE "/dm8/backup/test.log" has already existed
whether to overwrite(y/n, 1/0):1

exporting NO. 1 SCHEMA : TEST 

start export schema[TEST].....

----- export total 0 SEQUENCE  ----- 

----- export total 0 VIEW  ----- 

----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 

----- export total 0 COMMENT VIEW  ----- 

----- export total 0 COMMENT COL  ----- 

----- export total 0 PROCEDURE  ----- 

----- export total 0 SYNONYM  ----- 

----- export total 0 DBLINK  ----- 

----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 

----- export total 0 PACKAGE  ----- 

----- export total 0 PKG_BODY  ----- 

----- export total 0 OBJECT of NO REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 OBJECT of REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 JCLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 CLASS_BODY  ----- 

----- export total 0 DOMAIN  ----- 

the privilege of the object at the export mode...

---- [2022-04-09 13:39:20]export table:TEST -----

the privilege of the object at the export mode...

table :TEST export terminate, total export 8 rows

schema[TEST] export terminate.....

successfully exported NO.1 SCHEMA : TEST

export total 1 SCHEMA

all the export process spent total    0.065 s

terminate export success without warning

重标红的部分可以看到,这里只导出了TEST schema 下的TEST 表

按导出test_yk 模式

dexp sysdba/password file=/dm8/backup/test_yk.dmp  log=/dm8/backup/test_yk.log schemas=test_yk

[dmdba@10-65-62-233 ~]$ dexp sysdba/password file=/dm8/backup/test_yk.dmp  log=/dm8/backup/test_yk.log schemas=test_yk
dexp V8

exporting NO. 1 SCHEMA : TEST_YK 

start export schema[TEST_YK].....

----- export total 0 SEQUENCE  ----- 

----- export total 0 VIEW  ----- 

----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 

----- export total 0 COMMENT VIEW  ----- 

----- export total 0 COMMENT COL  ----- 

----- export total 0 PROCEDURE  ----- 

----- export total 0 SYNONYM  ----- 

----- export total 0 DBLINK  ----- 

----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 

----- export total 0 PACKAGE  ----- 

----- export total 0 PKG_BODY  ----- 

----- export total 0 OBJECT of NO REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 OBJECT of REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 JCLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 CLASS_BODY  ----- 

----- export total 0 DOMAIN  ----- 

the privilege of the object at the export mode...

---- [2022-04-09 13:41:01]export table:TEST_YK -----

the privilege of the object at the export mode...

table :TEST_YK export terminate, total export 808 rows

schema[TEST_YK] export terminate.....

successfully exported NO.1 SCHEMA : TEST_YK

export total 1 SCHEMA

all the export process spent total    0.075 s

terminate export success without warning

从日志中可以看到,只导出了test_yk 下的test_yk 表

按owner 导出test 用户

dexp sysdba/password file=/dm8/backup/test_owner.dmp  log=/dm8/backup/test_owner.log owner=test

dexp V8

exporting NO. 1 SCHEMA : TEST_YK 

start export schema[TEST_YK].....

----- export total 0 SEQUENCE  ----- 

----- export total 0 VIEW  ----- 

----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 

----- export total 0 COMMENT VIEW  ----- 

----- export total 0 COMMENT COL  ----- 

----- export total 0 PROCEDURE  ----- 

----- export total 0 SYNONYM  ----- 

----- export total 0 DBLINK  ----- 

----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 

----- export total 0 PACKAGE  ----- 

----- export total 0 PKG_BODY  ----- 

----- export total 0 OBJECT of NO REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 OBJECT of REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 JCLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 CLASS_BODY  ----- 

----- export total 0 DOMAIN  ----- 

the privilege of the object at the export mode...

---- [2022-04-09 13:42:02]export table:TEST_YK -----

the privilege of the object at the export mode...

table :TEST_YK export terminate, total export 808 rows

schema[TEST_YK] export terminate.....

successfully exported NO.1 SCHEMA : TEST_YK

exporting NO. 2 SCHEMA : TEST 

start export schema[TEST].....

----- export total 0 SEQUENCE  ----- 

----- export total 0 VIEW  ----- 

----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 

----- export total 0 COMMENT VIEW  ----- 

----- export total 0 COMMENT COL  ----- 

----- export total 0 PROCEDURE  ----- 

----- export total 0 SYNONYM  ----- 

----- export total 0 DBLINK  ----- 

----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 

----- export total 0 PACKAGE  ----- 

----- export total 0 PKG_BODY  ----- 

----- export total 0 OBJECT of NO REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 OBJECT of REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 JCLASS  ----- 

----- export total 0 CLASS_BODY  ----- 

----- export total 0 DOMAIN  ----- 

the privilege of the object at the export mode...

---- [2022-04-09 13:42:02]export table:TEST -----

the privilege of the object at the export mode...

table :TEST export terminate, total export 8 rows

schema[TEST] export terminate.....

successfully exported NO.2 SCHEMA : TEST

export total 2 SCHEMA

all the export process spent total    0.107 s

terminate export success without warning

按owner 导出,owner 对应的多个schema的数据全部被导出来了,按schema导出,只能到出本schema 下的数据。从日志中可以发现,dexp 不会导出owner的创建语句和权限

3.删除owner 和 schema的区别,drop schema 只会drop 掉本schema下的数据,drop owner 会将owner 拥有的全部schema数据全部dorp掉

drop user if EXISTS test CASCADE;

drop user 会把用户下对应的所有模式全部drop 掉

SQL> drop schema test_yk cascade;
executed successfully
used time: 29.867(ms). Execute id is 2022.

SQL> drop schema test_yk;
drop schema test_yk;
[-5001]:Error in line: 1
Not empty schema [TEST_YK].
used time: 0.376(ms). Execute id is 0.
SQL> drop schema test_yk cascade;
executed successfully
used time: 29.867(ms). Execute id is 2022.
SQL> select count(*) from test.test;

LINEID     COUNT(*)            
---------- --------------------
1          8

used time: 0.269(ms). Execute id is 2023.
SQL> select count(*) from test.test_yk;
select count(*) from test.test_yk;
[-2106]:Error in line: 1
Invalid table or view name [TEST_YK].
used time: 0.240(ms). Execute id is 0.

只有一个test 用户和schema

SQL> select a.NAME schename, a.id, a.PID, b.NAME username,b.id
where a."TYPE$" = 'SCH' and a.PID = b.id
and b.name='TEST';2   3   4  

LINEID     SCHENAME ID          PID         USERNAME ID         
---------- -------- ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
1          TEST     150995951   50331756    TEST     50331756

used time: 0.480(ms). Execute id is 2024.

再次创建schema test_yk

create SCHEMA test_yk AUTHORIZATION test;

create table test_yk.test_yk as select * from dba_objects;

select a.NAME schename, a.id, a.PID, b.NAME username,b.id
where a."TYPE$" = 'SCH' and a.PID = b.id
and b.name='TEST';

SQL> select a.NAME schename, a.id, a.PID, b.NAME username,b.id
where a."TYPE$" = 'SCH' and a.PID = b.id
and b.name='TEST';
2   3   4   
LINEID     SCHENAME ID          PID         USERNAME ID         
---------- -------- ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
1          TEST     150995951   50331756    TEST     50331756
2          TEST_YK  150995953   50331756    TEST     50331756

此处删除owner,owner对应的两个schema 一并被删除了

 drop test cascade;

SQL> drop user test cascade;
executed successfully
used time: 49.917(ms). Execute id is 2029.
SQL> select count(*) from test_yk.test_yk;
select count(*) from test_yk.test_yk;
[-2103]:Error in line: 1
Invalid schema name [TEST_YK].
used time: 0.273(ms). Execute id is 0.
SQL> select count(*) from test.test;
select count(*) from test.test;
[-2103]:Error in line: 1
Invalid schema name [TEST].
used time: 0.245(ms). Execute id is 0.

SQL> select name,id,SCHID,TYPE$ ,pid from sysobjects where name='TEST';
no rows

used time: 0.332(ms). Execute id is 2036.


按owner 导入,所有的schema数据均被导入,导入之前需要把用户创建好

SQL> create user test identified by test_123456;
executed successfully
used time: 18.838(ms). Execute id is 2400.
SQL> grant dba to test;
executed successfully
used time: 15.169(ms). Execute id is 2401.

dimp userid=sysdba/password file=/dm8/backup/full.dmp 
log=/dm8/backup/impfull.log remap_schema=DMHR:HRTEST

SQL> select count(*) from test_yk.test_yk;

LINEID     COUNT(*)            
---------- --------------------
1          808

used time: 0.709(ms). Execute id is 2800.
SQL> select count(*) from test.test;

LINEID     COUNT(*)            
---------- --------------------
1          8

used time: 0.480(ms). Execute id is 2801.

[dmdba@10-65-62-233 backup]$ dimp userid=sysdba/dameng123 file=/dm8/backup/test_owner.dmp log=/dm8/backup/impowner.log owner=test
dimp V8

[WARNING]FILE "/dm8/backup/impowner.log" has already existed
whether to overwrite(y/n, 1/0):1

local code: PG_UTF8, dump file code: PG_GB18030

start importing schema[TEST_YK]...

start importing the NECESSARY GLOBAL objects of the schema...

finish importing the NECESSARY GLOBAL objects of the schema...

----- [2022-04-09 15:25:37]import table:TEST_YK -----

create table TEST_YK  

import table TEST_YK , has coped with 808 rows

start importing the GLOBAL objects of the schema...

finish importing the GLOBAL objects of the schema...

import schema[TEST_YK] finish...

start importing schema[TEST]...

start importing the NECESSARY GLOBAL objects of the schema...

finish importing the NECESSARY GLOBAL objects of the schema...

----- [2022-04-09 15:25:37]import table:TEST -----

create table TEST  

import table TEST , has coped with 8 rows

start importing the GLOBAL objects of the schema...

finish importing the GLOBAL objects of the schema...

import schema[TEST] finish...

all the import process spent total    0.081 s

terminate import success without warning


drop schema test_yk cascade;

SQL> drop schema test_yk cascade;
executed successfully
used time: 28.750(ms). Execute id is 2802.
SQL> drop schema test cascade;
drop schema test cascade;
[-2506]:Error in line: 1
Try to drop default schema of user [TEST].
used time: 0.349(ms). Execute id is 0.  ---- 用户默认的

按schema 导入

[dmdba@10-65-62-233 backup]$ dimp userid=sysdba/dameng123 file=/dm8/backup/test_yk.dmp log=/dm8/backup/imptest_yk.log schemas=test_yk
dimp V8

local code: PG_UTF8, dump file code: PG_GB18030

start importing schema[TEST_YK]...

start importing the NECESSARY GLOBAL objects of the schema...

finish importing the NECESSARY GLOBAL objects of the schema...

----- [2022-04-09 15:34:57]import table:TEST_YK -----

create table TEST_YK  

import table TEST_YK , has coped with 808 rows

start importing the GLOBAL objects of the schema...

finish importing the GLOBAL objects of the schema...

import schema[TEST_YK] finish...

all the import process spent total    0.081 s

terminate import success without warning

LINEID     SCHENAME ID          PID         USERNAME ID         
---------- -------- ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
1          TEST     150995954   50331757    TEST     50331757
2          TEST_YK  150995956   50331757    TEST     50331757

used time: 0.683(ms). Execute id is 3100.
SQL> select count(*) from test_yk.test_yk;

LINEID     COUNT(*)            
---------- --------------------
1          808

used time: 0.720(ms). Execute id is 3101.

按schema 导入后,test_yk schema 与test 用户的依赖关系自动关联。

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