






💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

🎉3 参考文献

🌈4 Matlab代码实现




💥1 概述

文献计量学,实际计算几乎所有已知的文献计量指标。事实上,每位研究者都会了解自己的文献计量表现。有许多软件可以计算这些指标,如Publish or Perish或Google Scholar。无论如何,这些软件需要额外的工作,比如识别要排除同名作者的合适论文。此外,Google Scholar 不高效地列出一篇论文的所有作者(它会截断列表),因此某些指标是不准确的。

📚2 运行结果


disp('BIBLIOMETRICS'); disp(tr)
%Descriptive statistics
disp('Descriptive statistics'); disp(tr)
n=length(C); Ctot=sum(C); 
fprintf('Total number of papers: %i\n',n)
fprintf('Total number of citations: %i\n',Ctot)
fprintf('Min: %i -  Max: %i\n',min(C),max(C))
fprintf('Mode of citations per paper: %i\n',mode(C))
fprintf('Median of citations per paper: %0.1f\n',median(C))
M=mean(C); D=std(C); CV=D/M*100;
fprintf('Mean number of citations per paper: %0.1f\n',M)
fprintf('Variation coefficient (CV): %0.2f%%\n',CV)
fprintf('Adjusted Variation coefficient (CV''): %0.2f%%\n',CV*(1+1/(4*n)))
clear M D CV
disp(' ')
%The Lorenz Curve
x=1:1:n; cC=cumsum(Csorted);
fprintf('Gini''s coefficient: %0.2f\n',Gcoeff')
scrsz = get(groot,'ScreenSize');
hfig1=figure; POS=scrsz; POS(3)=POS(3)/2;
hold on
patch([0 1 1 0],[0 1 0 0],[192 192 192]./255)
patch([0 F 1 0],[0 L 0 0],'w')
Le1=plot([0 1],[0 0],'g','LineWidth',2);
plot([1 1],[0 1],'g','LineWidth',2)
Le2=plot([0 1],[0 1],'b--','LineWidth',2);
hold off
title('Lorenz curve of citations'); xlabel('% of papers'); ylabel('% of citations')
legend([Le1 Le2 Le3],'Line of perfect inequality','Line of perfect equality','Lorenz curve','Location','NorthEastOutside')
axis square

if ~isempty(Y)
    %Harzing in her Publish or Perish add 1 to Ny. I don't know why. If we
    %are in 2010 and I have just published a paper in 2010 it haven't 1
    %year, but only few months....
    my=max(Ny); cty=sort(crosstab(Y)); lcty=length(cty);
    fprintf('Years: %i\n',my)
    fprintf('Years of publications\t first: %i \t last: %i\n',min(Y),max(Y))
    fprintf('Papers per year\t Min: %i \t Max: %i\n',min(cty),max(cty))
    fprintf('Mode of papers per year: %i\n',mode(cty))
    fprintf('Median of papers per year: %i\n',median(cty))
    fprintf('Mean number of papers per year: %0.1f\n',mean(cty))
    fprintf('Mean number of citations per year: %0.1f\n',Ctot/my)
if ~isempty(A)
    fprintf('Authors\tMin: %i -  Max: %i\n',min(A),max(A))
    fprintf('Mode of Authors per paper: %i\n',mode(A))
    fprintf('Median of Authors per paper: %0.1f\n',median(A))
    fprintf('Mean number of Authors per paper: %0.1f\n',mean(A))
    fprintf('Citations per Author: %0.1f\n',sum(C./A))
disp(' ');

disp('Bibliometric indices'); disp(' ')
disp('Citations indices'); disp(tr)
%Hirsch, J.E. (2005) An index to quantify an individual's scientific
%research output, arXiv:physics/0508025 v5 29 Sep 2006.
%[...] The h-index is defined as follows:
%A scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h
%citations each, and the other (Np-h) papers have no more than h citations
%each. [...] The relation between Ctot and h will depend on the detailed
%form of the particular distribution, and it is useful to define the
%proportionality constant a as Ctot=ah^2. I find empirically that a ranges 
%between 3 and 5. 
Csorted=fliplr(Csorted); idx=fliplr(idx);
Hidx=sum(Csorted>=x); H2=Hidx^2; 
%Fenner T. et al (2018) A novel bibliometric index with a simple geometric
%interpretation - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200098

Chiidx=sqrt(find(z==max(z))); clear z
fprintf('Hirsch''s h-index: %i \t a: %0.2f\t',Hidx,Ctot/H2)
fprintf('Fenner''s chi-index: %0.4f',Chiidx)
if ~isempty(Y)
    %One way to facilitate comparisons between academics with different
    %lengths of academic careers is to divide the h-index by the number of
    %years the academic has been active (measured as the number of years
    %since the first published paper). Hirsch (2005) proposed this measure
    %and called it m.
    fprintf('\t m: %0.2f',Hidx/my)
%dH measures the minimum number of citations missing in order to increment
%the current h-index by 1. 
if Hidx<n
    fprintf('\tDelta-h: %i\n',dH); 
    fprintf('\tThis is the max possible h-index\n')

%Egghe, L. (2006) Theory and practice of the g-index, Scientometrics, vol.
%69, No 1, pp. 131-152.
%The g-index is defined as follows:
%[Given a set of articles] ranked in decreasing order of the number of
%citations that they received, the g-index is the (unique) largest number
%such that the top g articles received (together) at least g2 citations.
%Although the g-index has not yet attracted much attention or empirical
%verification, it would seem to be a very useful complement to the h-index. 
x2=x.^2; cC=cumsum(Csorted);
fprintf('Egghe''s g-index: %i\t',Gidx)
%dG measures the minimum number of citations missing in order to increment the
%current g-index by 1. 
if Gidx<n
    fprintf('Delta-g: %i\n',dG); 
    fprintf('This is the max possible g-index\n')

%delta-H and delta-G should be a measure of how difficult would be for the
%author at hand to increase his/her h and g-index. Note however that the
%range of delta-h is relatively small (in the worst case, delta-h= 2h+1).
%Note that a value of delta-H equal to, e.g., 2, does not mean 2 more
%generic citations are needed for increasing the h-index, but 2 more
%citation on *particular* papers (usually the one in position h+1, and some
%other paper right in the positions previous to h+1). 

%Jin, B. H. (2006). h-Index: An evaluation indicator proposed by scientist.
%Science Focus, 1(1), 8-9.
%The A-index is the "A"verage number of citations of the papers in the
fprintf('Jin''s A-index: %0.2f\n',Aidx); 

%Kosmulski, M. (2006). A new Hirsch-type index saves time and works equally
%well as the original h-index. ISSI Newsletter, 2(3), 4-6.
%A scientist's h(2) index is defined as the highest natural number such
%that his h(2) most-cited papers received each at least [h(2)]2 citations.
fprintf('Kosmulski''s h2-index: %i\n',H2idx);

%Zhang, C.T. The e-index, complementing the h-index for excess citations,
%PLoS ONE, Vol 5, Issue 5 (May 2009), e5429. The e-index is the square
%root of the surplus of citations in the h-set beyond h2, i.e., beyond the
%theoretical minimum required to obtain a h-index of 'h'. The aim of the
%e-index is to differentiate between scientists with similar h-indices but
%different citation patterns. 
fprintf('Zhang''s e-index: %0.1f\n',Eidx);

%The Contemporary h-index was proposed by Antonis Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios
%Katsaros, and Yannis Manolopoulos in their paper Generalized h-index for
%disclosing latent facts in citation networks, arXiv:cs.DL/0607066  v1 13
%Jul 2006. It adds an age-related weighting to each cited article, giving
%(by default; this depends on the parametrization) less weight to older
%articles. The weighting is parametrized; I used gamma=4 and delta=1, like
%the authors did for their experiments. This means that for an article
%published during the current year, its citations account four times. For
%an article published 4 years ago, its citations account only one time. For
%an article published 6 years ago, its citations account 4/6 times, and so
%In the same paper the authors proposed the normalized h-index defined as
%follow: A researcher has normalized h-index hn = h/Np, if h of its Np 
%articles have received at least h citations each, and the rest (Np - h)
%articles received no more than h citations.
fprintf('Sidiropoulos''es normalized h-index: %0.2f\n',Hidx/n)
disp(tr); disp(' '); 
if ~isempty(Y)
    disp('Years weighted indices'); disp(tr)
    Ny=Ny+1; %add 1 to avoid n/0
    Hcidx=sum(Sc>=x); Hc2=Hcidx^2;
    fprintf('Sidiropoulos''es Contemporary h-index (hc-index): %i \t a: %0.2f\n',Hcidx,sum(Sc)/Hc2);

%The age-weighted citation rate was inspired by Bihui Jin's note The
%AR-index: complementing the h-index, ISSI Newsletter, 2007, 3(1), p. 6.
%The AWCR measures the number of citations to an entire body of work,
%adjusted for the age of each individual paper. It is an age-weighted
%citation rate, where the number of citations to a given paper is divided
%by the age of that paper. Jin defines the AR-index as the square root of
%the sum of all age-weighted citation counts over all papers that
%contribute to the h-index.
    fprintf('Jin''s Age-weighted citation rate (AWCR): %0.2f\n',JAWCR);
%The AW-index is defined as the square root of the AWCR to allow comparison
%with the h-index; it approximates the h-index if the (average) citation
%rate remains more or less constant over the years.
    fprintf('Jin''s AR-index (AR-index): %0.2f\n',realsqrt(JAWCR));
%However, Harzing sum over all papers instead, because she feels that this
%represents the impact of the total body of work more accurately. (In
%particular, it allows younger and as yet less cited papers to contribute
%to the AWCR, even though they may not yet contribute to the h-index.)
    fprintf('Harzing''s Age-weighted citation rate (AWCR): %0.2f\n',HAWCR);
    fprintf('Harzing''s AR-index (AR-index): %0.2f\n',realsqrt(HAWCR));
    disp(tr); disp(' '); 

if ~isempty(A)
    disp('Authors weighted indices'); disp(tr)
%The Individual h-index was proposed by Pablo D. Batista, Monica G.
%Campiteli, Osame Kinouchi, and Alexandre S. Martinez in their paper Is it
%possible to compare researchers with different scientific interests?,
%Scientometrics, Vol 68, No. 1 (2006), pp. 179-189. It divides the standard
%h-index by the average number of authors in the articles that contribute
%to the h-index, in order to reduce the effects of co-authorship; the
%resulting index is called hI.    
    fprintf('Batista''s Individual h-index (hI-index): %0.2f\n',HIidx)
%Harzing also implements an alternative individual h-index,
%hI,norm, that takes a different approach: instead of dividing the total
%h-index, she first normalizes the number of citations for each paper by
%dividing the number of citations by the number of authors for that paper,
%then calculates hI,norm  as the h-index of the normalized citation counts.
%This approach is much more fine-grained than Batista et al.'s; she
%believes that it more accurately accounts for any co-authorship effects
%that might be present and that it is a better approximation of the
%per-author impact, which is what the original h-index set out to provide.
    fprintf('Harzing''s Individual h-index (hI,norm-index): %0.2f\n',HHIidx)
%The third variation is due to Michael Schreiber and first described in his
%paper To share the fame in a fair way, hm modifies h for multi-authored
%manuscripts, New Journal of Physics, Vol 10 (2008), 040201-1-8.
%Schreiber's method uses fractional paper counts instead of reduced
%citation counts to account for shared authorship of papers, and then
%determines the multi-authored hm  index based on the resulting effective
%rank of the papers using undiluted citation counts.
    xS=cumsum(1./AS)'; yS=xS<=Csorted'; zS=xS(yS); 
    fprintf('Schreiber''s Multi-authored h-index (hm-index): %0.2f\n',Hmidx)
    disp(tr); disp(' '); 

if ~isempty(Y) && ~isempty(A)
    disp('Years and Authors weighted indices'); disp(tr)
    %The per-author age-weighted citation rate is similar to the plain
    %AWCR, but is normalized to the number of authors for each paper.
    fprintf('Jin''s Age-weighted citation rate (AWCR) normalized per authors: %0.2f\n',JAWCRN);
    fprintf('Jin''s AR-index (AR-index) normalized per authors: %0.2f\n',realsqrt(JAWCRN));
    fprintf('Harzing''s Age-weighted citation rate (AWCR) normalized per authors: %0.2f\n',HAWCRN);
    fprintf('Harzing''s AR-index (AR-index) normalized per authors: %0.2f\n',realsqrt(HAWCRN));
hfig2=figure; POS(1)=POS(1)+POS(3);
subplot(2,3,2); plot(x2,Csorted,'b.',x2,Csorted,'r-',x2,x2,'k-'); axis square
title(sprintf('Kosmulski''s\nh2-index')); xlabel('Squared Paper Rank'); ylabel('Citations'); 
subplot(2,3,3); plot(x2,cC,'b.',x2,cC,'r-',x2,x2,'k-'); axis square
title(sprintf('Egghe''s\ng-index')); xlabel('Squared Paper Rank'); ylabel('Cumulative sum of Citations'); 
subplot(2,3,4); plot(x,Sc,'b.',x,Sc,'r-',x,x,'k-'); axis square
title(sprintf('Sidiropoulos''s\nhc-index')); xlabel('Paper Rank'); ylabel('Age weighted citations'); 
subplot(2,3,5); plot(x,SAH,'b.',x,SAH,'r-',x,x,'k-'); axis square

🎉3 参考文献


🌈4 Matlab代码实现







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