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原创 Use filesystem(e.g.vxfs) inside local zone without loopfs

[root@vcsv245i /]#>zonecfg -z zone1 info...fs:        dir: /dmnt        special: /dev/vx/dsk/zonedg/vol1        raw: /dev/vx/rdsk/zonedg/vol1        type: vxfs        optio

2010-04-26 11:26:00 450

原创 VolumeSet agent

[root@vcsv245h /]#>vxvset -g dg rmvol vs vol2[root@vcsv245h /]#>vxvset -g dg rmvol vs vol1[root@vcsv245h /]#>vxvset -g dg make vs vol1[root@vcsv245h /]#>vxvset -g dg addvol vs vol2[root@vcsv24

2010-04-21 09:39:00 394

原创 Campus cluster

Topology 1. Set site Id as nodeid (e.g. node1 & node2)vxdctl  listvxdctl set site=node1vxdctl set site=node2 2. Create dg and set site tag for each disk in dg, add all site info for ea

2010-03-23 16:49:00 548

原创 Perl: Filesystem analysis and traversal

leave a tap

2010-03-23 12:03:00 301

原创 oracle database system parameters on sol9

* start Oracle *set noexec_user_stack=1set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax=65535set msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb=65535set msgsys:msginfo_msgmap=258set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=1792set msgsys:msginfo_msgssz=32

2010-03-16 16:25:00 395

原创 setup db and users for sybase

sybase@vcsv245j # isql -Usa -SVCSV245JPassword:1> sp_password NULL, abc1232> go1> use master2> go1> sp_addlogin lzc, 1234562> goMsg 257, Level 16, State 1:Server VCSV245J, Proced

2010-03-16 14:33:00 665

原创 Setup snmp trap for VCS -- from Pablo

Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

2010-03-16 13:27:00 683

原创 perl: non-buffered write

select($file); $|=1;# for now, write to file without buffered. issue:printing something to STDOUT will write in file instead of display of STDOUT.

2010-03-05 17:27:00 326

原创 System Admin

1. unmount volumes shared.unshare /dirumount  /dir 2. solaris SC># list all commandssc> help  # resetsc -y,  reset SC# reset -y, reset OS.# poweron/poweroff# break -y, enter OK m

2010-02-08 16:40:00 630

原创 modify the login prompt message

Login prompt message locates in /etc/motd, modify the file.

2010-02-08 15:38:00 622

原创 vxfen

1. clear fencing registered keys from disks vxfenadm -a -k TMP -f /etc/vxfentab.test   # generate new TMP keysvxfenadm -c -k TMP -f /etc/vxfentab.test    # clear all keys 2. display register

2010-02-01 15:19:00 799

原创 perl: system interaction

The following topics will be covered. Exit value;system & exec - block the present process & swith to a new process, wait for them to finish before returning to next.capture output

2009-12-20 15:14:00 526

原创 perl: regular expression

1. work on $_ by default i.e. it will work on $_ if we dont give any vars;while ({                print if m/leo/;                print s/leo/LEO/;  # print number of matches foun

2009-12-09 22:04:00 655

原创 perl: read in files in several ways

#!/opt/VRTSperl/bin/perl -wuse strict;my $file = shift;print "==================read file line by line/n";read_file("$/", $file);print "==================read the whole file at one time/n";

2009-12-09 16:07:00 466

原创 Install & Add logical domain, set domain dependency, set failure-policy

1. upgrade firmware;2. patch all os patches.3. install ldom4. enable ldmd and vntsdsvcadm enable ldmdsvcadm enable vntsd   >>> this make telnet ldom from localhost work well5. add new logi

2009-11-23 17:14:00 727

原创 Enable rcp/rlogin on solaris with LDom configured

 1. echo "+" > /.rhosts 2. modify /etc/pam.conf, uncomment the following two lines:rlogin  auth sufficient         pam_rhosts_auth.so.1rsh     auth sufficient         pam_rhosts_auth.so.1 

2009-11-16 17:46:00 542

原创 Perl中使用shell命令

 #!/usr/bin/perl -wuse strict;my @arr = `cat /etc/llthosts | awk {print /$2}`;  #perl中使用shell命令,注意,$应该转义,否则perl会将$2解释为一个变量

2009-11-16 16:20:00 572

原创 isainfo -b fcinfo hba-port

 [root@vcsv245c limits]# isainfo -b64[root@vcsv245c limits]# fcinfo hba-portHBA Port WWN: 2100001b32010f99        OS Device Name: /dev/cfg/c2        Manufacturer: QLogic Corp.        Model

2009-11-06 15:37:00 876

原创 compare

1. [[ ]] VS. [][root@vcsv245c work]# [ -z "$var1" || -z "$var2" ] && echo "var1 or var2 is empty"-bash: [: missing `]-bash: -z: command not found[root@vcsv245c work]# [[ -z "$var1" || -z "$va

2009-10-27 15:45:00 353

转载 crontab edit

export EDITOR=vicrontab –e

2009-10-26 17:57:00 453

原创 网络上的一道题目(1)

1.考虑一个字符串替换的过程,在一个文本文件中含有一些文本内容和一些需要替换的变量,变量的格式为“$Var$”,原来的“$”使用“$$”进行转义,原来的“$$”表示为“$$$”。我们将含有变量的文件称为模板(文件名为t),文本文件的平均长度为100K。另外,还有一系列的变量文件,里面为变量名和变量值的对应关系(文件名为1.v , 2.v…n.v),每个变量文件包含的变量数在百万数量

2009-10-22 15:04:00 330

转载 sftp failed, cipher_init: EVP_CipherInit: set key failed for aes128-c

This problem will be met if the patch 139555-08 is installed, we should add another patch 140386-02 or newer, then reboot OS, the issue will be resolved.  For systems with a Niagara-2 (T2) chip

2009-10-21 12:43:00 797

原创 Disable dhcp

ifconfig nic_name dhcp drop

2009-09-03 10:53:00 831

翻译 Operators in condition compare. (man test)

-h file                 True if file exists and  is  a  symbolic link.-e file                 True if file exists. (Not  available in sh.)

2009-08-12 11:09:00 310

原创 自我批判

记录自我缺点,从现在开始改正: 1. 得过且过,比较懒,没有韧性,虽然设定了不少目标,但是坚持不下来;2. 没有明确计划,有了中短期的目标,但是没有详细的计划。3. 执行力不够,没有彻底执行的决心;  从现在开始,要彻底执行以下几点:1. 设定短期明确目标;2. 制定确切详细计划,如每天看几页书,每天更新blog,对当天的学习做一个小结;3. 现在执行,立即

2009-08-08 23:06:00 576

原创 How to setup VVR in VCS , including the FireDrill.

Here is a script for setup the env: >>>begin#!/bin/bashDG2_CLUS1=datadgDG2_CLUS2=datadg2DISK2_CLUS1="c2t5006016030232106d0s2 c2t5006016030232106d4s2"DISK2_CLUS2="c2t5006016030232106d1s

2009-08-04 15:54:00 813 1

原创 Setup Oracle based on ASM inside Solaris Zones.

1. Configure LZ zone1, here we use a lofs to map /oracle in LZ to /oracle in GZ, where locates the oracle binary data, we add a device to LZ, which match the /dev/vx/rdsk/oracle_dg/oracle_vol in GZ. W

2009-07-27 14:10:00 1740

转载 [转帖自沪江]灵指神探

人物介绍:Ned 男主角;派店老板,拥有让一切起死回生的能力,但复活的事物他再不能触碰,否则又将死去;而让复活者回生超过一分钟,另有一个等值的生命就会死去。Chuck 女主角;Ned的青梅竹马,两人9岁之后就没有再见过面,直至Chuck意外死去。Emerson 男配角;侦探,Ned的破案拍档,是为数不多(唯一的?)的知道Ned超能力的人。Olive 女配角:

2009-07-23 22:52:00 12521

原创 Install OS with jumpstart without login console.

We always login console and enter the OK mode  to install OS from jumpstart server, OK~  boot net - install  if there is no console ip configured, we can use this way: [root@vcsv245a /

2009-07-17 14:03:00 359

原创 Use a whole share disk for the ldom vdisk

Use a whole disk for the ldom vdisk, the disks partition looks like as follows: partition> printCurrent partition table (original):Total disk cylinders available: 32766 + 2 (reserved cylinder

2009-07-16 12:32:00 574

原创 Regular Expression

1.  /^[a-z]+/d+$/begin with one or more lower chars [a-z], end with one or more digital numbers. 2. /^([a-z]+(/d)+)+$/the pattern above is repeated more than once.

2009-07-06 17:04:00 286

转载 How to update Sun System Firmware without Solaris, using ILOM or ALOM CLI.

How to update Sun System Firmware without Solaris, using ILOM or ALOM CLI.The Sun System Firmware update process enables you to install new firmware forboth the host and Service Processor.  Yo

2009-07-06 14:03:00 1649

转载 How to Create an ALOM CMT Compatibility Shell

How to Create an ALOM CMT Compatibility Shell1. Log onto the server with username: root.When powered on, the server boots to the ILOM login prompt. The factory defaultpassword is changeme.

2009-07-06 14:01:00 499

原创 Upgrade firmware on solaris sparc based on ALOM

1. Download firmware upgrade file, e.g. 139439-01.zip2. use sysfwdownload to load the image to Service Processor(SP)sysfwdownload Sun_System_Firmware-7_2_0-SPARC_Enterprise_T5120+T5220.pkg3. pow

2009-07-06 13:35:00 816

原创 telnet localhost to login guest domain failed.

Issue:[root@sunt5220a /]#>telnet localhost 5000Trying Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused Solve:This is because we did not enable svc:/ldoms/vntsd:defa

2009-07-02 19:20:00 1198

原创 Upgrade LDom1.0.3 to LDom 1.1

Box: SPARC-Enterprise-T5220 1. svcadm disable ldmd2. pkgrm SUNWldm SUNWjass3. install LDom1.14. reboot os.  I made a mistake here, in step 2, I also removed both SUNWldomr and SUNWldom

2009-07-02 14:11:00 590

原创 Enable/disable nfs

Solaris:share -F nfs /dirunshare /dirLinux:modify /etc/exportsadd dirs you want to share/dir *(ro, no_root_squash)# there are more options for nfs, pls look into the nfs manual;

2008-07-22 15:13:00 669

原创 Oracle ASM

[RAW disks used for ASM]RHEL4U6:Modify "/etc/sysconfig/rawdevices", add raw disk binding information, which looks like:    /dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sdb1Start raw devices[root@china1 ~]# /etc/init.d/rawdevic

2008-07-16 15:58:00 428

原创 Book reading plan

There are 3 books to be read: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C; Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment  Learning Perl Reading code must be a better way.Study perl/

2008-06-23 11:20:00 371

原创 perlnote7

#!/usr/bin/perl -wuse strict;=head  this section describes file system;=cut=head11 test operators  2 built-in subroutines  chdir "directory" or die "$!"; chdir; ===

2008-06-23 10:46:00 260

The C programming Language(英文版)

The C programming Language,经典C教材



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