24位深,16位深 BMP 图片解析


//   bmp.h头文件


#ifndef __BMAPPARSER_H__
#define __BMAPPARSER_H__
#include "nvtfat.h"
#include "wbtypes.h"
typedef struct BMP_FILE_HEADER_S
     unsigned short bfType;              //UNIT        bfType;
     unsigned int   bfSize;              //DWORD       bfSize;
     unsigned short bfReserved1;         //UINT        bfReserved1;
     unsigned short bfReserved2;         //UINT        bfReserved2;
     unsigned int   bfOffBits;           //DWORD       bfOffBits;

typedef struct BMP_INFO_HEADER_S
     unsigned int   biSize ;              // DWORD        biSize;
     unsigned int   biWidth;                // LONG         biWidth;
     unsigned int   biHeight;               // LONG         biHeight;
     unsigned short   biPlanes;               // WORD         biPlanes;
     unsigned short   biBitCount;             // WORD         biBitCount;
     unsigned int   biCompression;          // DWORD        biCompression;
     unsigned int   biSizeImage;            // DWORD        biSizeImage;
     unsigned int   biXPelsPerMerer;        // LONG         biXPelsPerMerer;//水平分辨率
     unsigned int   biYPelsPerMerer;      // LONG         biYPelsPerMerer;//垂直分辨率
     unsigned int biClrUsed;              // DWORD        biClrUsed;
     unsigned int biClrImportant;         // DWORD        biClrImportant;


typedef struct BMP_KEY_PARA_S

    unsigned int   biSize ;
    unsigned int   width;
    unsigned int   height;
    unsigned short biBitCount;
    unsigned int *buf;


typedef struct FRAME_BUF_S
    unsigned int width;
    unsigned int height;
    unsigned int *buf;
//    UINT8 open_flag;


#define ERR_IMAGE_NULL          0
#define ERR_IMAGE_READ          1
#define ERR_IMAGE_FORMAT        2

void bmpFileTest(int hFile);
void bmpHeaderPartLength(int hFile);
void BmpWidthHeight(int hFile);//获取BMP文件
void bmpFileHeader(int hFile);//获取BMP文件头信息
void bmpInfoHeader(int hFile);//获取BMP文件图像信息
void getbmpFileHeader(int hFile,BMP_FILE_HEADER *file_head);

void getbmpInfoHeader(int hFile ,BMP_INFO_HEADER *bmp_info);
INT32 getbmpData(int hFile, FRAME_BUF *frameBuf);//将BMP文件数据 取出放到 frameBuf 中
UINT8 Save_bmp_file( int fd, BMP_KEY_PARA bmpData);



/* File name:   bmpTest.c
   Author:      wenson
   Date:        2016-07-18
   Description: Show all Info a bmp file has. including
   FileHeader Info, InfoHeader Info and Data Part.
#include "Bmp.h"
#include "wblib.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include "config.h"

#define BITMAPFILEHEADERLENGTH 14   // The bmp FileHeader length is 14
#define BM 19778                    // The ASCII code for BM

unsigned int OffSet = 0;    // OffSet from Header part to Data Part
long BmpWidth = 0;          // The Width of the Data Part
long BmpHeight = 0;         // The Height of the Data Part

/* Test the file is bmp file or not */
void bmpFileTest(int hFile)
     unsigned short bfType = 0;
     int rnByte =  0; //实际读出的数据长度
     fsFileSeek(hFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
    // fsReadFile(&bfType, sizeof(char), 2, fpbmp);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&bfType ,sizeof(bfType), &rnByte);
     if (BM != bfType)
      sysprintf("This file is not bmp file.!!!\n");

/* To get the OffSet of header to data part */
void bmpHeaderPartLength(int hFile)
    int rnByte =  0;
     fsFileSeek(hFile, 10L, SEEK_SET);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&OffSet, 4, &rnByte);   
     //sysprintf("The Header Part is of length %d.\n", OffSet);

/* To get the width and height of the bmp file */
void BmpWidthHeight(int hFile)
    int rnByte =  0;
     fsFileSeek(hFile, 18L, SEEK_SET);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&BmpWidth ,sizeof(BmpWidth), &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&BmpHeight ,sizeof(BmpHeight), &rnByte);

void getbmpFileHeader(int hFile,BMP_FILE_HEADER *file_head)//14 BYTE
     int rnByte;
     unsigned short bfType = 0;              //UNIT        bfType;
     unsigned int   bfSize = 0;              //DWORD       bfSize;
     unsigned short bfReserved1 = 0;         //UINT        bfReserved1;
     unsigned short bfReserved2 = 0;         //UINT        bfReserved2;
     unsigned int   bfOffBits = 0;           //DWORD       bfOffBits;
     fsFileSeek(hFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&bfType ,2, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&bfSize ,4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&bfReserved1 ,2, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&bfReserved2 ,2, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile, (UINT8 *)&bfOffBits ,4, &rnByte);

     file_head->bfType = bfType;
     file_head->bfSize = bfSize;
     file_head->bfReserved1 = 0;
     file_head->bfReserved1 = 0;
     file_head->bfOffBits = bfOffBits;

#if 0
     sysprintf("*************tagBITMAPFILEHEADER info***********\n");
     sysprintf("bfType              is %d.\n", bfType);
     sysprintf("pic file Size       is %d.\n", bfSize);
     sysprintf("bfReserved1         is %d.\n", bfReserved1);
     sysprintf("bfReserved2         is %d.\n", bfReserved2);
     sysprintf("bfOffBits           is %d.\n", bfOffBits);

/* get tagBITMAPINFOHEADER info */
void getbmpInfoHeader(int hFile ,BMP_INFO_HEADER *bmp_info)
    int rnByte;
     unsigned int biSize = 0;               // DWORD        biSize;
     unsigned short biWidth = 0;                // LONG         biWidth;
     unsigned short biHeight=0;               // LONG         biHeight;
     unsigned int biPlanes=0;               // WORD         biPlanes;
     unsigned int biBitCount=0;             // WORD         biBitCount;
     unsigned int biCompression=0;          // DWORD        biCompression;
     unsigned int biSizeImage=0;            // DWORD        biSizeImage;
     unsigned int biXPelsPerMerer=0;        // LONG         biXPelsPerMerer;//水平分辨率
     unsigned int biYPelsPerMerer=0;        // LONG         biYPelsPerMerer;//垂直分辨率
     unsigned int biClrUsed=0;              // DWORD        biClrUsed;
     unsigned int biClrImportant=0;         // DWORD        biClrImportant;

     fsFileSeek(hFile, 14L, SEEK_SET);

     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biSize, 4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biWidth, 4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biHeight, 4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biPlanes, 2, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biBitCount,2, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biCompression, 4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biSizeImage, 4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biXPelsPerMerer, 4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biYPelsPerMerer, 4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biClrUsed, 4, &rnByte);
     fsReadFile(hFile,(UINT8 *)&biClrImportant, 4, &rnByte);

     bmp_info->biSize          = biSize;//bmpInfoHeader size
     bmp_info->biWidth         = biWidth;
     bmp_info->biHeight        = biHeight;
     bmp_info->biBitCount      = biBitCount;
     bmp_info->biCompression   = biCompression;
     bmp_info->biSizeImage     = biSizeImage;
     bmp_info->biXPelsPerMerer = biXPelsPerMerer;
     bmp_info->biYPelsPerMerer = biYPelsPerMerer;
     bmp_info->biClrUsed       = biClrUsed;
     bmp_info->biClrImportant  = biClrImportant;
#if 0
     sysprintf("*************tagBITMAPINFOHEADER info***********\n");
     sysprintf("biSize              is %d. \n", biSize);
     sysprintf("biWidth             is %d.\n", biWidth);
     sysprintf("biHeight            is %d.\n\n", biHeight);
     sysprintf("biPlanes            is %d. \n", biPlanes);   
     sysprintf("biBitCount          is %d. \n", biBitCount);
     sysprintf("biCompression       is %d. \n", biCompression);
     sysprintf("biSizeImage         is %d Bytes. \n", biSizeImage);
     sysprintf("biXPelsPerMerer     is %d.\n", biXPelsPerMerer);
     sysprintf("biYPelsPerMerer     is %d.\n", biYPelsPerMerer);
     sysprintf("biClrUsed           is %d. \n", biClrUsed);
     sysprintf("biClrImportant      is %d. \n", biClrImportant);

function: getdata from *.bmp
input:file handle ,read data storage buf
output: no output
return: no return

unsigned int getBmpDataSize(int fd)
  int rnByte = 0; 
  unsigned int size = 0;

  fsFileSeek(fd, 34L, SEEK_SET);
  fsReadFile(fd,(unsigned char *)&size, 4, &rnByte);

  return size;
*  将888数据 转为565数据
void rgb888_to_rgb565(const void * psrc, int w, int h, void * pdst)   
    int srclinesize = (w * 3);   
    int dstlinesize = (w * 2);   
    const unsigned char * psrcline;   
    const unsigned char * psrcdot;
    unsigned char  * pdstline;   
    unsigned short * pdstdot;   
    int i,j;   
    if (!psrc || !pdst || w <= 0 || h <= 0)
        sysprintf("rgb888_to_rgb565 : parameter error\n");   
    psrcline = (const unsigned char *)psrc;   
    pdstline = (unsigned char *)pdst;   
    for (i=0; i<h; i++) {   
        psrcdot = psrcline;   
        pdstdot = (unsigned short *)pdstline;   
        for (j=0; j<w; j++) {
            //888 r|g|b -> 565 b|g|r   
            *pdstdot =   ((psrcdot[2] & 0xF8) << 8)//r   
                        |((psrcdot[1] & 0xFC) << 3)//g   
                        | (psrcdot[0] >> 3);//b   
            psrcdot += 3;   
        psrcline += srclinesize;   
        pdstline += dstlinesize;   
    return ;   

//get data from bmp file to point buf
INT32 getbmpData(int hFile, FRAME_BUF *frameBuf)
     int i;
     int result;
     int rnByte;

     UINT8 *sourceBuf = NULL,*targetBuf = NULL;
     unsigned int   bmpdatalen = 0;

     BMP_FILE_HEADER bmpFileHeadr;
     BMP_INFO_HEADER bmpInfoHeadr;
     getbmpFileHeader(hFile,(BMP_FILE_HEADER *)&bmpFileHeadr);
     getbmpInfoHeader(hFile,(BMP_INFO_HEADER *)&bmpInfoHeadr);

     //check BMP type
     if (BM != bmpFileHeadr.bfType)
        sysprintf("the pic is not bmp format!!!\n");
        return ERR_IMAGE_FORMAT;

     if(( bmpInfoHeadr.biBitCount != 24)&&( bmpInfoHeadr.biBitCount != 16))
        sysprintf(" not support the %d bits bmp\n",bmpInfoHeadr.biBitCount);
        return ERR_IMAGE_NOT_SUPPORT;

     if((bmpInfoHeadr.biHeight != frameBuf->height)||(bmpInfoHeadr.biWidth != frameBuf->width))
      sysprintf(" frame buf size not match pic !!!!\n");
      return ERR_IMAGE_SIZE_MATCH;
     fsFileSeek(hFile, bmpFileHeadr.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET);
     bmpdatalen = bmpInfoHeadr.biWidth * bmpInfoHeadr.biBitCount / 8;
     sourceBuf = (UINT8 *)malloc(bmpdatalen);
        if(sourceBuf == NULL){
          sysprintf("malloc pic tempbuf fail!!!\n");
          return ERR_IMAGE_MALLOC_FAIL;
    targetBuf = (UINT8 *)frameBuf->buf + (frameBuf->height - 1) * frameBuf->width * 2;
    for(i = 0 ; i < bmpInfoHeadr.biHeight ; i++){
        result = fsReadFile(hFile,sourceBuf ,(bmpdatalen), &rnByte);
        if(result != FS_OK)
                sysprintf("fs read error!!!\n");
                return ERR_IMAGE_READ;
        if(bmpInfoHeadr.biBitCount == 24)
        memcpy(targetBuf,sourceBuf,frameBuf->width * 2);
        targetBuf -= ( frameBuf->width * 2 );
    return  ERR_IMAGE_NULL;

UINT8 Save_bmp_file( int fd, BMP_KEY_PARA bmpData)
    int i;
    int wnByte = 0;  //实际写入的数据长度
    BMP_FILE_HEADER g_bmpFileHeadr;
    BMP_INFO_HEADER g_bmpInfoHeadr;
    UINT8 *pbuf = NULL,*temp_buf = NULL;
    UINT32 data_len;
    UINT8 aline4_offset = 0;

    if(fd < 0)
        sysprintf("save fd error!!!\n");
        return 1;
        sysprintf("save fd start!!!\n");
    data_len = bmpData.width * bmpData.height * bmpData.biBitCount / 8;

    aline4_offset = ((data_len+54) % 4);
     aline4_offset  = 4 - aline4_offset;
     data_len += (4 - aline4_offset);
    g_bmpFileHeadr.bfType        = BM;
    g_bmpFileHeadr.bfSize        = data_len+54;

    g_bmpFileHeadr.bfReserved1   = 0x0000;
    g_bmpFileHeadr.bfReserved2   = 0x0000;
    g_bmpFileHeadr.bfOffBits     = 54;
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biSize        = 40;
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biWidth       = bmpData.width;
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biHeight      = bmpData.height;
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biPlanes      = 1;
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biBitCount    = bmpData.biBitCount;
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biCompression = 0;
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biSizeImage     = data_len; //位图阵列表字节数
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biXPelsPerMerer = 0;//水平分辨率
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biYPelsPerMerer = 0; //垂直分辨率
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biClrUsed       = 0;  //位图实际使用的颜色表中的颜色变址数
    g_bmpInfoHeadr.biClrImportant  = 0; //位图显示过程中被认为重要颜色变址数


    data_len = bmpData.width * bmpData.biBitCount / 8;
    temp_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(data_len);
    if(temp_buf <= 0)
     sysprintf("save malloc buf fail....\n");
     return 1;

    fsWriteFile(fd, (UINT8 *)&g_bmpFileHeadr.bfType, 2, &wnByte); 
    fsWriteFile(fd, (UINT8 *)&g_bmpFileHeadr.bfSize, 12, &wnByte); 
    fsWriteFile(fd, (UINT8 *)&g_bmpInfoHeadr, 40, &wnByte);
    pbuf = (UINT8 *)bmpData.buf + (bmpData.height - 1) * data_len;
    for( i = 0 ;i < bmpData.height ; i++) 
        memcpy(temp_buf, pbuf,data_len);
        fsWriteFile(fd,temp_buf, data_len, &wnByte);
        pbuf -= data_len;
    if(aline4_offset > 0)
      sysprintf(" aline4_offset %d ....\n",aline4_offset); 
      fsWriteFile(fd,temp_buf, aline4_offset, &wnByte); 
    temp_buf = NULL;
    return 0;


void CExample10View::OnSave555BiBitfields() { // TODO: Add your command handler code here if(lpBmpDataBuf==NULL) { MessageBox("当前没有打开的图"); return; } BYTE r,g,b; LPBYTE lpDest,lpSrc; int i,j; int nheapSize; CFileDialog filesavebox(FALSE,"bmp","BI_BITFIELDS.bmp",OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"files(*.bmp)|*.bmp|",NULL); CFile file; CString strPathname; if(m_bmi.biBitCount!=24) { MessageBox("当前打开的图不是24图"); return; } memcpy(&m_newbmf,&m_bmf,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); memcpy(&m_newbmi,&m_bmi,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); m_newbmi.biBitCount=16; m_newbmi.biCompression=BI_BITFIELDS;//即3 m_newbmi.biSizeImage=WIDTHBYTES(m_newbmi.biWidth,m_newbmi.biBitCount)*m_newbmi.biHeight; m_newbmf.bfSize=sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+sizeof(DWORD)*3 +WIDTHBYTES(m_newbmi.biWidth,m_newbmi.biBitCount)*m_newbmi.biHeight; m_newbmf.bfOffBits=sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+sizeof(DWORD)*3; nheapSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+sizeof(DWORD)*3 +WIDTHBYTES(m_newbmi.biWidth,m_newbmi.biBitCount)*m_newbmi.biHeight; if(lpnewBmpDataBuf!=NULL) { delete []lpnewBmpDataBuf; lpnewBmpDataBuf=NULL; } lpnewBmpDataBuf=new BYTE[nheapSize]; memcpy(lpnewBmpDataBuf,&m_newbmi,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); DWORD* lp=(DWORD*)(lpnewBmpDataBuf+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); *lp++=0x00007c00; *lp++=0x000003e0; *lp =0x0000001f; for(i=0;i<m_newbmi.biHeight;i++) { for(j=0;j<m_newbmi.biWidth;j++) { lpSrc=lpBmpDataBuf+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +WIDTHBYTES(m_bmi.biWidth,m_bmi.biBitCount)*(m_bmi.biHeight-1-i) +j*3; lpDest=lpnewBmpDataBuf+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+sizeof(DWORD)*3 +WIDTHBYTES(m_newbmi.biWidth,m_newbmi.biBitCount)*(m_newbmi.biHeight-1-i) +j*2; b=*lpSrc++; b&=0xf8; g=*lpSrc++; g&=0xf8; r=*lpSrc++; r&=0xf8; WORD* lp=(WORD*)lpDest; *lp=0; *lp=r<<7; *lp+=(g<>3); } } if(filesavebox.DoModal()!=IDOK) return; strPath
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


