【TED演讲 中英文原稿】 拳击手 — 为什么最棒的雇员并没有完美的简历。【经历过生活磨砺的人更容易获得出色的事业】


your company launches asearch for an open position. The application

starts rolling in andthe qualified candidates are identified. Now the chossing begins.


Person A: IVY League4.0,flawless resume,great recommedations. All the right stuff.

候选人A:常春藤名校 绩点4.0 完美的简历,出色的推荐信。所有好的要素都具备。

Person B:stateschool, fair amount of job hopping and odd jobs like cashier and singingwaitress.


But remember—both arequalified.So I ask you: who are you going to pick?


My colleagues and Icreated very official terms to describe two distinct categories of candidates.


We call A “thesilver spoon”, the one who clearly had advatages andwas destined for success and we call B “the scrapper”, the one who had to fight against tremendous odds to get the samepoints. You just heard human resourcesdirector refer to people as silver spoons and scrappers, which is not exactly politically correct and sounds a bitjudgemental. But before my human resources certification gets revoked--Let meexplain.


A resume tells a story.And over years, I’ve learned something about people whose experiences read likea patchwork quilt that makes me stop and fully consider before tossing theirresume away.


A series odd jobs mayindicate inconsisitency, lack of focus, unpredictability. Or it may signal acommitted struggle against obstacles. At the very least, the scrapper deservesan interview. To be clear, I don’t hold anything against the silver spoongetting into and graduating from an elite university takes a lot of hard workand sacrifice. But your whole life has been engineered toward success, how willyou handle the tough time?


One person I hired feltthat because he attented an elite university, there were certain assignmentsthat were beneath him like temporarily doing manual labor to better understandan operation. Eventually, he quit. But on the flip side, what happens when yourwhole life is destined for failure and you actually succeed? I want to urge youto nterview the scrapper. I know a lot about this because I am a scrapper.Before I was born, my father was diagnosed with paranold schizophrenia,andhe couldn’t hold a job in spite of his brilliance. Ourlives were one part “Cuckoo’sNest”,one part “Awakenings”, and one part “A beautiful mind”. I am the fourth of five children raised by a single mother in arough neighborhod in Brooklyn, New York. We never owned a home,a car, a washingmachine and for most of my childhood, we didn’t even have a telephone. I washifhly immotivated to understand the relationship between business success andscrappers because my life could easily have turned out very differently. As Imet successful business people and read profiles of high-powered leaders. Inotice some commonality. Many of them had experienced early hardships,anywhere from poverty,abandonment, deathof a parent while young, to learning disabilities, alcoholism and violence. Theconventional thinking has been that trauma leads to distress and there’s been alot of focus on the resulting dysfunction

一个我曾经雇佣过的人认为, 因为他毕业于精英大学,某些类型的工作对他而言是低下的,比如短时间从事体力劳动以更好地了解公司运作。最终,他离开了。但是,另一方面,如果你的人生注定失败,而你成功了,这是怎么回事呢?我会建议你去面试拳击手,我很了解这些,因为我自己就是一个拳击手。在我出生之前,我的父亲就被诊断为精神分裂症,他无法继续工作,尽管他很有才华。我们的生活就像飞越疯人院,无语问苍天和美丽心灵的合集。我是一位单身母亲五个孩子中的第四个,我们在纽约布鲁克林一个混乱的街区生活。我们从未拥有一个家,一辆车,或是一个洗衣机,在我童年的大部分时期,我们甚至没有一部电话。我极其愿意去理解生意场的成功和拳击手的关联,因为我的人生很容易就会发展出不同的结局。我见过成功的商人也阅读过具备出色领导能力的人的资料。我看到了一些共性,他们很多人都经过早年的困顿,可能是贫穷,被抛弃,父母一方早逝,也可能是学习障碍,酗酒和暴力。传统的思维认为创伤会导致痛苦,而且还重点强调了失败的结果。

But during studies ofdysfunction, data revealed an unexpected insight: that even the worstcircumstances can result in growth and transformation. A remarkable andcounterintuitive phenomenon has been discovered, which scientists call posttraumatic growth. In one study designed to measure the effects of adversity onchildren at risk, among a subset of 698 children who experienced the mostsevere and extreme conditions, fully one-third grew up to lead healthy,successful and productive lives. In spite of everything and against tremendousodds, they succeeded. One third. Takethis resume. This guy’s parents give him up for adoption. He never finishescollege. He job-hops quite a bit, goes on a sojourn to india for a year, and totop it off, he has dyslexia. Would hire this guy? His name is steve jobs.


In a study of theworld’s most highly successful entrepreneurs, it turns out a disproportionatenumber have dyslexia. In the US, 35 percent of the entrepreneurs studied haddyslexia. What’s remarkable--among those entrepreneurs who experience posttraumatic growth, they now view their learning disability as a desirabledifficulty whch provided them an advantage, because they bacame betterlisteners and paid greater attention to detail. They don’t think they are whothey are in spite of adversity, they know who they are because of adversity.They embrace their trauma and hardships as key elements of who they’ve become,and know that without those experiences, they might not have developed themuscle and grit required to become successful. One of my colleagues had hislife completely upended as a result of the chinese cultural revolution in 1966.At age of 13, his parents were relocated to the countryside, the school wereclosed,and he was left alone in Beijing to fend for himself until 16 whenhe got a job in a clothing factory. But instead of accepting his fate, he madea resolution that he could continue his formal education. Eleven years later,when the political landsccape changed, he heard about a highly selectiveuniversity admisssions test. He had three months to learn the entire curriculumof middle and high school. So, every day he came home from the factory, took anap, studied until 4 am, went back to work and repeated this cycle every dayfor three months. He did it, he succeed. His commitment to his education wasunwavering and he never lost hope. Today, he holds a master degree and hisdaughters each have degrees from Cornell and Harvard.


Scrappers are propelledby the belief that the only person you have full control over is yourself. Whenthings turns out not well, scrappers ask, “what can I do diferently to create abetter result”. Scrappers have a sense of purpose that prevents them fromgiving up on themselves, kind of like if you’ve survived poverty, a crazyfather and several muggings, you figure, “business is challenge? Really? Pieceof cake. I got this.” And that reminds me--humor. Scrappers know that humorgets you through the tough times and laughter helps you change yourperspective. And finally, they are relationships. People who overcome adversitydon’t do it alone. Somewhere along the way, they find people who bring out thebest in them and who are invested in their success. Having someone you cancount on no matter what is essential to overcoming adversity. I was lucky. Inmy first job after college, I didn’t have a car , so I carpooled across twobridges with a woman who was the president’s assistants. She watched me work,and encourage me to focus on my future and not dwell on my past. Along the way,I have met many people who’ve provided me brutally honest feedback, advice andmentorship. These people don’t mind that I once worked as a singing waitress tohelp pay for college. I’ll leave you with one final, valuable insight.

拳击手被信念推动向前进,相信只有自己才能掌握自己的命运。当事情发展的不尽如人意的时候,拳击手会问,我能做些什么别的来创造一个更好的结果? 拳击手有目标意识,那就是永不放弃自己。如果你从贫穷,疯狂的父亲和数次被抢劫的经历中存活下来,你会觉得,“商业挑战?——这还算事儿吗?太简单了。我能搞定。”这不禁让我想起——幽默感。拳击手知道,幽默能够帮你度过最艰难的时刻,嘲笑你的人会帮助你改变对未来的看法。最后,还有人际关系。那些克服困难的人并非一直单打独斗。奋斗过程中的某时某刻,他们会遇到伯乐以及在他们成功的道路上倾囊相助的人。不管发生什么事,总有一个人可以依靠,这是克服困顿的关键。我是幸运的。得到大学毕业的第一份工作时,所以我与人拼车,跨越两座桥去上班,那位女士当时还是总统助理。他看到我工作,并鼓励我放眼未来,不要老是想着过去。一路走来,我遇到了很多人,让我懂得了忠言逆耳,他们都是我的良师益友。他们并不在意我曾经是个为了支付上大学的开销而唱歌打工的女服务生。

Companies that arecommitted to diversity and inclusve practices tend to support scrappers andoutperform their peers. According to diversityInc, a study of their top 50companies for diversity outperformed the S&P 500 by 25 percent. So back tomy origianal question, who are you going to bet on: silver spoon or scrapper?I saychoose the underestimated contender, whose secret weaons are passion andpurpose. Hire the scrapper.


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