Reachability Analysis for AWS-Based Networks
- Tiros
- 使用现成的自动定理证明工具对使用AWS API构建的虚拟网络进行正式分析
- Tiros将AWS网络概念的语义编码为逻辑,然后使用各种推理引擎来验证与安全相关的属性
- 可以使用的工具:Souffle ́, MonoSAT, and Vampire
- 静态执行分析
- SMT encoding : similar in design to Anteater and ConfigChecker
- Anteater:SAT-based bounded model checking
- ConfigChecker:BDD-based fixed-point model checking
- Datalog approach:similar to Batfish and SyNET
AWS Networking
AWS Networking Semantics as Logic
- the model of the network
- formal specification —— formalizes the semantics of the AWS networking components
- 路由表如何从子网引导流量
- 防火墙在安全组中应用规则的顺序
- 负载平衡器如何路由流量
- snapshopt —— 网络拓扑和细节
- 特定VPC(或一组VPC)中的实例、子网及其路由表列表
- formal specification —— formalizes the semantics of the AWS networking components
- 为了回答可访问性问题,Tiros将形式规范、快照和查询合并到表示答案的公式中
- the Datalog solver Souffle ́ [17],
- the SMT solver MonoSAT [3], finite graph reachability(reachability questions)
- the first-order theorem prover Vampire [23] (无法很好地缩放被放弃)
Datalog Encoding
- specification
- 描述VPC中网络组件语义的类型、谓词、常量和规则
- 50 types, 200 predicates, and over 240 rules.
- Example:semantics of SSH tunneling
- An instance can SSH tunnel to another instance iff it can either SSH to it directly, or through a chain of intermediate instances.
- An instance can SSH tunnel to another instance iff it can either SSH to it directly, or through a chain of intermediate instances.
- 描述VPC中网络组件语义的类型、谓词、常量和规则
- snapshot
- constants and facts —— configuration of a specific AWS network
- constants —— t y p e i d type_{id} typeid
- Example:the snapshot of a network with an instance with id 1234 in a subnet with id web
- constants —— n s t a n c e 1234 , s u b n e t w e b nstance_{1234}, subnet_{web} nstance1234,subnetweb
- fact —— h a s S u b n e t ( i n s t a n c e 1234 , s u b n e t w e b ) hasSubnet(instance_{1234},subnet_{web}) hasSubnet(instance1234,su
- constants and facts —— configuration of a specific AWS network