The following functions are used with debugging.下面的函数是用来调试的。
Function | Description |
CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent | Determines whether the specified process is being debugged.检测指定的进程是否正被调试。 |
ContinueDebugEvent | Enables a debugger to continue a thread that previously reported a debugging event.使调试器继续执行报告过调试事件的线程。 |
DebugActiveProcess | Enables a debugger to attach to an active process and debug it.允许调试器附加到一个正在运行的进程并且调试 |
DebugActiveProcessStop | Stops the debugger from debugging the specified process.停止调试器调试指定的进程。 |
DebugBreak | Causes a breakpoint exception to occur in the current process.在当前的进程中产生一个断点异常。 |
DebugBreakProcess | Causes a breakpoint exception to occur in the specified process.在指定的进程中产生一个异常。 |
DebugSetProcessKillOnExit | Sets the action to be performed when the calling thread exits.设置当调用线程退出时候的执行动作。 |
FatalExit | Transfers execution control to the debugger.将执行控制权转给调试器。 |
FlushInstructionCache | Flushes the instruction cache for the specified process.刷新指定进程的指令缓存。 |
GetThreadContext | Retrieves the context of the specified thread.获得指定线程的上下文。 |
GetThreadSelectorEntry | Retrieves a descriptor table entry for the specified selector and thread.为指定的线程或选择器获得描述符表入口。 |
IsDebuggerPresent | Determines whether the calling process is being debugged by a user-mode debugger.确定调用进程时候正在用户模式下调试。 |
OutputDebugString | Sends a string to the debugger for display.为调试器显示一个字符串。 |
ReadProcessMemory | Reads data from an area of memory in a specified process.读取指定进程内存区域的数据。 |
SetThreadContext | Sets the context for the specified thread.设置指定线程的上下文。 |
WaitForDebugEvent | Waits for a debugging event to occur in a process being debugged.在被调试进程中等待调试事件。 |
Wow64GetThreadContext | Retrieves the context of the specified WOW64 thread.(Wow64版本) |
Wow64GetThreadSelectorEntry | Retrieves a descriptor table entry for the specified selector and WOW64 thread.(Wow64版本) |
Wow64SetThreadContext | Sets the context of the specified WOW64 thread.(Wow64版本) |
WriteProcessMemory | Writes data to an area of memory in a specified process.向指定进程的内存区域写数据。 |