AMN400 Consumer Insights for Marketing Success Assessment 1Python

Java Python AMN400 Consumer Insights for Marketing Success

Assessment 1: Literature Review

• 3,000-word (+/- 10%)

• APA referencing

Assignment Topic

Identify key themes in the consumer research journals about what influences consumer memory that would be of interest to marketers.

A key theme is a finding or idea that is discussed in a group of articles.

This usually means seeing how ideas have developed over time (e.g., over 10 years). A key theme may relate to a type of message wording or marketing tactic. Alternatively, a theme could relate to how a psychological state of consumers influences how people recall more information. The majority of your assignment should discus AMN400 Consumer Insights for Marketing Success Assessment 1Python s these themes rather than define memory.

For the last section of your assignment (approximately 500 to 600 words), discuss the marketing implications of the findings of the research. This shows how the findings from the articles you review could be used by businesses in an industry of your choice. For example, with international airlines, how might they use findings from research to change their promotional campaigns?

Note: Your assignment should mainly use articles from marketing journals NOT psychology journals. The journal called "Psychology & Marketing" is suitable. It is a marketing journal.

Below is a list of marketing journals. You are NOT required to use all journals in this list. This is just to help you in terms of places you can look for articles on the literature review topic         

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Python 解多元线性方程组通常借助于科学计算库如NumPy、SciPy或SymPy。下面我们将分别简述这三种方法如何解决多元线性方程组。 ### 1. 使用 NumPy NumPy 提供了一个强大的矩阵运算库,可以方便地处理线性代数问题。解决线性方程组 `Ax = b` 的步骤如下: ```python import numpy as np # 定义系数矩阵 A 和向量 b A = np.array([[a11, a12, ..., a1n], [a21, a22, ..., a2n], ..., [am1, am2, ..., amn]]) b = np.array([b1, b2, ..., bm]) # 使用 linalg.solve 函数求解 Ax=b x = np.linalg.solve(A, b) print("解为:", x) ``` 这里假设 `m*n` 表示方程组的大小,即有 m 个方程 n 个变量。 ### 2. 使用 SciPy 对于更复杂的问题或者更高效的需求,可以使用 SciPy 库,它提供了更多高级功能和优化算法。 ```python from scipy.linalg import solve # 与 NumPy 示例类似,定义 A 和 b 向量 # 然后调用 scipy.linalg.solve 进行解法 solution = solve(A, b) print("解为:", solution) ``` ### 3. 使用 SymPy 如果需要对问题有更深入的数学理解,并希望得到解析解而非数值解,可以考虑使用 SymPy,这是一个基于 Python 的符号数学库。 ```python from sympy import symbols, Eq, Matrix, solve # 定义符号 x, y, z = symbols('x y z') # 创建方程列表和系数矩阵 equations = [Eq(a1*x + b1*y + c1*z, d1), Eq(a2*x + b2*y + c2*z, d2), Eq(a3*x + b3*y + c3*z, d3)] matrix = Matrix([[a1, b1, c1], [a2, b2, c2], [a3, b3, c3]]) # 求解方程组 solution = solve(equations) print("解为:", solution) ``` **注意**: 在使用以上任意一种方法时,请确保方程组的秩等于其解的数量及方阵的列数,否则可能会遇到奇异系统无解或无穷多解的情况。 --- --- 相关问题 --- 1. **使用哪种库最适合大规模线性方程组的解算?** - 对于大规模数据集,通常会优先选择高效的计算库如NumPy或SciPy,尤其是当涉及到大量的浮点操作和矩阵分解时。 2. **在什么情况下应该使用符号求解方法而不是数值方法?** - 当需要获得精确的解析表达式而非近似值,尤其是在数学建模、理论分析或是需要理解和解释解决方案背后的数学原理时,应考虑使用符号求解方法。 3. **在解决实际应用中的线性方程组时,如何评估不同库的表现?** - 可通过比较计算速度、内存使用、稳定性以及是否支持特定的算法特性来评估。例如,在高精度计算需求下,SciPy可能因其内部优化而提供更好的性能;而在需要解析解的情况下,则更适合使用SymPy。此外,用户界面的易用性和社区支持也是重要的考量因素。




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