PREP 语法笔记 9

43. (26724-!-item-!-188;#058&003285)


Although ice particles in the upper atmosphere benefit Earth in that they reflect and absorb solar

radiation, acting as a global thermostat and thus keeping Earth from either burning up or freezing

over, they also accelerate the destruction of the ozone layer by reacting with chlorofluorocarbons



(A) acting as a global thermostat and thus keeping Earth from either burning up or freezing over,

they also accelerate

(B) acting as a global thermostat and thus keeping Earth either from burning up or freezing over,

while also accelerating

(C) act as a global thermostat and thus keep Earth from either burning up or freezing over, while

also accelerating

(D) they act as a global thermostat that thus keeps Earth either from burning up or freezing over,

even though it also accelerates

(E) they act as a global thermostat to thus keep Earth from either burning up or freezing over, but

they also accelerate


句子结构:Although ice particles … benefit Earth in that…, acting as… and keeping…, they also


这个句子中的分词结构 acting as...只能修饰 in that they reflect and absorb solar radiation,不存在歧

义。如果要往后修饰主句 they also accelerate...,那么必须在 Although...从句与 acting as...之间加上





1) 句子结构,有几个分句的较复杂句子,要注意各分句的主谓结构是否完整,分句之间是否有正确




(A) 正确,原文的acting and keeping是作benefit的伴随状语,解释如何benefit EarthAlthough ice

particles benefit..., they also accelerate the destruction...,原文要表达这样一个对比:尽管有益,也


(B) althoughwhile都是引导状语从句,没有主句。

(C) act and keep在语法上作they的并列谓语,althoughwhile都是引导状语从句,没有主句。

(D) even though与前面的although重复,都是从句。

(E) thus 副词不能连接并列的谓语 act, keep(应将 to 改为连词 and);Although ice particles benefit...,

they act to keep...这两个分句之间本来没有这层让步转折含义(原文的关系应该是递进),但因为 they

act...成了独立的句子,所以与前面的 although 状语从句联合,不符合逻辑意思。再往后面的 but... 

although 重复(重复使用连词)。


44. (26770-!-item-!-188;#058&003314)


The survival of coral colonies, which are composed of innumerable tiny polyps living in a symbiotic

relationship with brilliantly colored algae, are being threatened, experts say, not only by pollutants

like agricultural runoff, oil slicks, and trash, but also by dropped anchors, probing divers, and global



(A) are being threatened, experts say, not only by pollutants like

(B) are being threatened, experts say, by not only pollutants such as



(C) is not only being threatened, experts say, by pollutants such as

(D) is not only being threatened, experts say, by pollutants like

(E) is being threatened, experts say, not only by pollutants such as


句子结构:The survival of coral colonies, which…, is being threatened, …, not only by…, but also

by… 并列结构。



1)        主谓一致,注意区分复杂主语结构中的核心词。

2)        平行对称-not only, but also,连接对象平行。

3) 有效用词,表示举例用such as,而不用like


(A) 主语是survival,谓语应该是单数is;用like举例错误。

(B)  谓语应该是单数isnot only, but also连接对象不平行。

(C) not only, but also连接对象不平行;用like举例错误。

(D) not only, but also连接对象不平行。

(E)  正确,not only by… but also by…介词短语平行。


45. (26816-!-item-!-188;#058&003335)


A recent poll indicates that many people in the United States hold a combination of conservative

and liberal political views; i.e., they denounce big government, saying government is doing too

much and has become too powerful, while at the same time supporting many specific government

programs for health care, education, and the environment.


(A) they denounce big government, saying government is doing too much and has become too

powerful, while at the same time supporting

(B) they denounce big government--they say that government is doing too much and has become

too powerful--but supporting at the same time

(C) they denounce big government, they say that government is doing too much and it has become

too powerful, while they support at the same time

(D) while they denounce big government, saying that government is doing too much and has

become too powerful, at the same time supporting

(E) while they are denouncing big government--they say that government is doing too much and it

has become too powerful-- supporting at the same time


句子结构:A recent poll indicates that …, they denounce…, saying…, while supporting…

i.e.  插入语现在分词结构saying…denounce的伴随状语,while +      现在分词结构表示同时

含义(与they denounce并列)。



1) 句子结构

2) while+doing现在分词表达时间状语的方式;

3) 如果动词在不同选项之间分别是从句与主句的谓语,要注意句子结构是否完整,选项是否有主句。


(A) 正确,while doing的特殊用法(详见P1-131补充说明),此处宾语从句的引导词that省略了。

(B) but连接对象不平行,they denounce but supporting

(C) they denounce…,  they say that…在逻辑上不平行;it多余。

(D) while引导从句,没有主句;supporting…修饰对象不清楚,有与saying…并列的歧义。

(E)  没有主句;it多余。




46. (26958-!-item-!-188;#058&003387)


Genetic engineering sometimes entails plant or animal genes' getting spliced into other species'

DNA, either to improve crop yields or for warding off insects or disease.


(A) plant or animal genes' getting spliced into other species' DNA, either to improve crop yields or

for warding off

(B) plant or animal genes that get spliced into the DNA of other species, either for improving crop

yields or the warding off of

(C) the splicing of plant or animal genes into other species' DNA, to either improve crop yields or to

ward off

(D) splicing plant or animal genes into the DNA of other species, either to improve crop yields or to

ward off

(E) splicing of plant or animal genes into the DNA of other species, for either the improvement of

crop yields or to ward off


句子结构:Genetic engineering entails splicing … into…, either to… or to…   平行结构。



1)        平行对称,either, or连接对象要平行。

2)        习惯用语-entailverb. to involve sth or cause it that cannot be avoided. 

entail sth., entail doing sth. 

例:It will entail driving a long distance every day.这意味着每天都要长途开车.


(A) either, or连接对象不平行;entail doing是习惯用法。

(B) either, or连接对象不平行;entail doing是习惯用法;to do不定式表目的优于for doing

(C)  A选项错误原因相同。

(D)  正确,entail doing stheither to… or to…平行。

(E)  A选项错误原因相同。


47. (27004-!-item-!-188;#058&003398)


Those skeptical of the extent of global warming argue that short-term temperature data are an

inadequate means of predicting long-term trends and point out that the scientific community

remains divided on whether significant warming will occur and what impact will it have if it does.


(A) on whether significant warming will occur and what impact will it have if it does

(B) on whether warming that occurs will be significant and the impact it would have

(C) as to whether significant warming will occur or the impact it would have if it did

(D) over whether there will be significant warming or the impact it will have

(E) over whether significant warming will occur and what impact it would have


句子结构:Those… argue that … data are an… means of… and point out that…. 

并列的that宾语从句,divide over后跟并列宾语whether… and what…



1)        动词形式-虚拟语气,表达对将来的假想,用虚拟语气。

2) 逻辑表达,原句中的连词不能随意改变,否则会使原句意思发生变化。


(A) 应该用虚拟语气;will it语序不正确,应该是what impact it will have



(B) warming… will be significant表达的意思与原句不同,使it指代warming,改变原意。

(C)  应该用连词and而不是or,因为根据原意remain divided的有两件事:whether significant warming

will occurwhat impact,所以要用and

(D)  应该用虚拟语气;连词or改变原意;there be句型不及主谓结构更有效。

(E)  正确,虚拟语气would+动词原形have,表对将来的假想,it指代significant warming



1divide over

divide over: if people divide over sth or if sth divides them, it causes strong disagreement between


例句是:The democrats are divided over whether to admit him into their group


if 条件从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,主句谓语动词也用虚拟语气

1)表示与现在事实相反:从句用过去时(be 一律用 were),主句用 should(第一人称)/would(第

二、三人称)/coul/might +   动词原形

If they were here, they would help you.

2)表示与过去的事实相反:从句用 should +     动词原形,主句用 should(第一人称)/would(第二、

三人称)/coul/might +have +       过去分词(过去完成时)

If he had come yesterday, I should / would have told him about it.

含义:He did not come yesterday, so I did not tell him about it.

3)表示与将来的事实相反(对将来的假想):从句用 should +      动词原形,主句用 should(第一人称)

/would(第二、三人称)/coul/might +     动词原形

If you succeeded, everything would be all right.


48. (27050-!-item-!-188;#058&003400)


Once made exclusively from the wool of sheep that roam the Isle of Lewis and Harris off the coast

of Scotland, Harris tweed is now made only with wools that are imported, sometimes from the

mainland and sometimes they come--as a result of a 1996 amendment to the Harris Tweed

Act--from outside Scotland.


(A) sometimes from the mainland and sometimes they come

(B) sometimes from the mainland and sometimes

(C) that come sometimes from the mainland or sometimes

(D) from the mainland sometimes, or sometimes it comes

(E) from the mainland sometimes, or sometimes coming


句子结构:Once made from…, Harris tweed is now made …, sometimes from… and sometimes

from… 平行结构。



1)        平行对称-介词短语,and连接并列的结构,要保持平行对称。


(A) and连接对象不平行。

(B) 正确,from… and from…介词短语平行。

(C) that引导定语从句修饰wools,前面需要连词才可以与前一个that从句并列。

(D) and连接对象不平行。

(E) and连接对象不平行。


49. (27096-!-item-!-188;#058&003405)




Since 1990 the global economy has grown more than it did during the 10,000 years from the

beginning of agriculture to 1950.


(A) Since 1990 the global economy has grown more than it did during the 10,000 years from the

beginning of agriculture

(B) Since 1990 the growth of the global economy has been more than that during 10,000 years,

from when agriculture began

(C) The growth of the global economy since 1990 exceeds that which had been for 10,000 years

from the beginning of agriculture

(D) The growth of the global economy since 1990 exceeds what it has been for 10,000 years, from

when agriculture began

(E) The growth of the global economy since 1990 exceeds what it did for the 10,000 years from the

beginning of agriculture


句子结构:… the global economy has grown more than it did… 比较结构。



1) 比较,相同比较对象的代词指代,代词that通常不单独使用,后面常跟of…

2) 动词形式,from…to…连接两个过去的时间范围时,用一般过去时态。


(A) 正确,it指代economydidgrow的过去时。

(B)  该选项是名词growth之间的对比,表达不准确,more than之间应该有形空词,如fastfrom +when


(C) that指代错误,表达罗嗦不清晰;过去完成时态错误,应该用过去时态。

(D) it指代对象不清楚,表达罗嗦不清晰,且exceeds后面应该用过去时态,而不是现在完成时态;from


(E) it指代对象不清楚,表达罗嗦不清晰。


50. (27142-!-item-!-188;#058&003455)


With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting,

wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey deer population to have grown to exceed 175,000.


(A) With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting,

wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey deer population to have

(B) With no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that do not

allow hunting, wildlife officials' estimate of the deer population in New Jersey has

(C) With no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods where there is

no hunting, the deer population in New Jersey, wildlife officials estimate, has

(D) Without natural predators and no hunting allowed in expanses of green suburban

neighborhoods, New Jersey has a deer population that wildlife officials estimate to have

(E) Without natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods where there is

no hunting, wildlife officials in New Jersey estimate a deer population that has


句子结构:With… and with…, the deer population…, has grown…

并列的介词短语在句首作状语,逻辑主语是主句主语deer population



1)        逻辑表达,介词短语位于句首时,其逻辑主语等于句子主语;主谓搭配逻辑要合理。

2)        简洁有效,without连接并列的名词时,要注意其修饰对象是否清楚,是否合理。




(A) officials是句子主语,使句首的with结构修饰对象错误;with no A and B, B…的表达有歧义,无法


(B) estimate是句子主语,使句首的with结构修饰对象错误;estimate has grown主谓搭配不符合逻辑。

(C)  正确,wildlife officials estimate作插入语。

(D) New Jersey是句子主语,使句首的with结构修饰对象错误;without A and no B..的表达有歧义,


(E) officials是句子主语,使句首的with结构修饰对象错误;estimate a deer population表达错误,应

该是estimate to be/have sth



51. (27188-!-item-!-188;#058&003462)


Studies that have compared the different types of insects in coffee plantations and tropical forests

have reported either finding a similar or a greater variety in plantations.   


(A) and tropical forests have reported either finding a similar or a

(B) with those of tropical forests have either reported finding a similar or

(C) with those in tropical forests have reported finding either a similar or a

(D) to tropical forests have either reported finding a similar or

(E) to those of tropical forests have reported either finding a similar or


A. compare x and y不符合习语搭配

B. either reported finding a similar or great variety结构中,either… or连接的结构不对称

C.    正确,compared A in coffee plantations with those (指代A) in tropical forests       将位于两个不同

地方的不同种类的昆虫进行比较,结构对称,含义对等;have reported finding either a similar or

a variety也为结构对称、含义对等的平行结构

D.   比较对象不对等,在compare x to y结构中,x为不同种类的昆虫,而y则为热带雨林,两者不具


E.   compare x to y结构中,x  the different types of insects in Place A,而该选项中y结构为those

of tropical forests,由于介词of而不是in的关系,破换了原有平行关系,造成了those可以指代the

different types也可以指代the different types of insects的歧义,这样,选项变成了将different

types of insectsdifferent types of tropical forests比较的错误;另外,该选项Either… or前后连



句子结构:Studies that… have reported finding either… or….为句子主结构。That引导定语从句修饰



习惯用语(Idiom,                                  比较(Comparison,      平行对称(Parallelism

1.    compare x with/to y为习语搭配。在GMAT中,使用介词to或者with都可以表示比较的含义

2.    在上述compare的比较结构中,要求比较对象对等

3.    compare x with/to y, either x or y两个习语均要求xy结构对称,含义对等。



一般英语规则认为compare with表示比较,而compare x to y   表示将x比喻成y。在GMAT当中,

compare with  compare to均可以表示比较,两个介词用法的区别不是考点


52. (27234-!-item-!-188;#058&003466)


The two oil companies agreed to merge their refining and marketing operations in the Midwest and



the West, forming a new company for controlling nearly fifteen percent of the nation's gasoline



(A) forming a new company for controlling

(B) forming a new company that would control

(C) which would form a new company that controlled

(D) which formed a new company for controlling

(E) which formed a new company that would control


A. For controlling不是最优表达目的的方法

B.   正确,使用现在forming作伴随状语,that引起限定性定语从句修饰  a new company,时态语态

正确:that would control-新公司将会控制

C. which不能用于指代前句描述的事实,that controlled时态错误,新公司将会控制15%的市场,

但还没有控制,controlled过去时表示动作已经发生,和would form a new company-将要形成


D. which不能用于指代前句描述的事实;formed表示已经成立,时态错误

E. which不能用于指代前句描述的事实;formed表示已经成立,时态错误


句子结构:The two companies agreed to..., forming a new company that…



考点: 指代一致(Agreement)、简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction, 动词形式(Verb Form

1) GMAT语法中,代词一定要有明确的指代对象,which不能用于指代前句描述的事实

2)        表达目的,用to do,通常不使用for doing

3)        注意原文要表达的逻辑意思及时间关系,来选择正确的动词形式。该题中原句描述将来合并之后

的新公司会占据15%的市场的可能性,应该使用将来时态的虚拟语气  – would control;另外,如

果作者想表达合并之后的新公司会占据15%的市场的确定性,则应该使用一般将来时 – will




曾经有不少考生询问A选项,认为for controlling表示目的也是可以接受的表达法,如果A不一定错,




的。A选项for controlling表示目的也可接受,但是表目的使用to control更直接简洁、动作性更强;


待商榷。返观B选项,forming现在分词作伴随状语表示的是结果that would control进一步限定修

new companywould control正确表达了新公司将会控制市场的这一语义。故相比之下,虽然A



53. (27280-!-item-!-188;#058&003467)


Britain's economic growth was slower in the mid-1970's and its decline much more rapid in the

subsequent recession than the United States.


(A) Britain's economic growth was slower in the mid-1970's and its decline much more rapid in the

subsequent recession than the United States.

(B) The economic growth of Britain was slower in the mid-1970's and it declined much more rapidly

in the subsequent recession than the United States did.

(C) Britain's economy, which grew more slowly in the mid-1970's, also had declined much more



rapidly in the subsequent recession than the United States did.

(D) The economy of Britain grew more slowly in the mid-1970's and declined much more rapidly in

the subsequent recession than did the economy of the United States.

(E) Britain's economy grew more slowly in the mid-1970's and its decline was much more rapid

during the subsequent recession than the economy of the United States.


A. economic growththe US比较对象不对等;its指代economic growth语义错误

B. economic growththe US比较对象不对等;its指代economic growth语义错误

C. economic growththe US比较对象不对等;时间轴上先发生的动作用过去时,后发生的动作用

过去完成时,had declined过去完成时态错误。

D.   正确。

E. E选项大量使用名词,不如D选项使用grew/declined等动词直接、精确、简洁


句子结构:The economy of Britain did A more slowly and did B more rapidly than did the economy of

the US.


考点: 比较(Comparison,  指代一致(Agreement)、动词形式(Verb Form)、简洁有效(Rhetorical


1)        比较对象一定要对等。

2)        代词用于指代所有格A’s B,指代的对象只能是B,不是A,因为指示代词不能指代所有格上的名

词。如该题A选项,its指代的是economic growth,而不是Britain

3)        过去时用于描述过去发生的事件,过去完成时用于描述过去某一时点或时间之前发生并完成的事


4)        当名词选项和对应的动词选项同时出现时,一般情况下动词选项为正确答案,因为动作性更强,



54. (27326-!-item-!-188;#058&003502)


Greatly influenced by the Protestant missionary Samuel Kirkland, the Oneida was the only one of

the five-nation Iroquois League who sided with the colonists during the American Revolution.


(A) was the only one of the five-nation Iroquois League who sided

(B) was alone of the five-nation Iroquois League when they sided

(C) alone among the five nations of the Iroquois League sided

(D) were the only ones out of the five nations of the Iroquois League in siding

(E) only of the five-nation Iroquois League had sided


A. The Oneida为集合名词,谓语应为复数werethe five-nation Iroquois League是一个整体,核心

词就是League,联盟。The only one of the five-nation Iroquois League的核心部分即为the only

one of the Leaguethe League本来就是单一的一个组织,所以the only one of the League这种

表达不正确、不合理。the only one of the five nationsthe only one后面接复数名词,才是正确


B. The Oneida为集合名词,谓语应为复数werealone of的问题,类似上述A选项的the only one

C.    正确,alone在该句中作副词,强调the Oneida的唯一性。

D. Onlyones前后单复数不一致。

E.   使用过去完成时没有根据,本句为对过去事件的简单描述,不够成过去的过去这一时点,所以

不应该使用过去完成时;only of的问题,原因同A选项分析


句子结构:…, the Oneida… sided with….为句子主结构。Greatly influenced修饰the Oneida,表被





考点: 主谓一致(Agreement,动词形式(Verb Form

1)        定冠词the+姓氏、朝代、部族名称等,表示一群人,是集合名词,位于要求用复数。如the Smith

为史密斯一家,the Shang表示商朝人等。

2) only作形容词,表示唯一的一个,既然是唯一的一个,后面修饰的名词就不能是复数,否则语义


3) 过去完成时的使用首先要有明确的时间点进行提示,第二要合理的体现出已经完成的含义。


55. (27372-!-item-!-188;#058&003503)


With a new park, stadium, and entertainment complex along the Delaware River, Trenton, New

Jersey, is but one of a large number of communities that is looking to use its waterfront as a way for

it to improve the quality of urban life and attract new businesses.


(A) is looking to use its waterfront as a way for it to improve the quality of urban life and attract

(B) is looking at using its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract

(C) are looking to use their waterfronts to improve the quality of urban life and attract

(D) are looking to use its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life and attracting

(E) are looking at using their waterfronts as a way of improving the quality of urban life and attract


A. that定语从句修饰复数名词communities,其谓语应为复数are

B. that定语从句修饰复数名词communities,其谓语应为复数are;应使用习语be looking to do


C.    正确。

D. Itscommunities不一致,应为复数theiras a way of doing…的目的表达方式不及不定式to


E.   习语使用错误,应为be looking to do somethingas a way of doing…的目的表达方式不及不定

to improve简洁有效。


句子结构:…, Trenton, New Jersey, is but one of a large number of communities that….为句子主结


With a new park,….with开头,修饰Trenton,表示Trenton“拥有”with后面提到的事物。类似with



主谓一致(Agreement,     习惯用语(Idiom)、简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction

1) 明确that定语从句的修饰对象,确定其谓语及指代单复数。

2)  be looking to do something为固定习语,表示计划、期望做某事。比如:We’re looking to buy a new

car early next year.(摘自朗文词典)

3)        不定式to do是表目的的最佳方式。


56. (27418-!-item-!-188;#058&003510)


Unlike crested wheatgrass, an alien species from Siberia that forms only shallow roots and

produces tall above-ground shoots, native North American grasses develop an extensive root

system, allowing for greater enrichment of the soil, but do not grow to be very tall.


(A) native North American grasses develop an extensive root system, allowing for greater

enrichment of the soil, but do not grow to be very

(B) native North American grasses develop an extensive root system, which allows for their greater

enrichment of the soil, but without growing to be that



(C) the root system of native North American grasses is extensive, allowing for greater enrichment

of the soil, but they do not grow to be very

(D) the root system of native North American grasses is more extensive, allowing for the greater

enrichment of the soil, but these grasses do not grow to be very

(E) the extensiveness of the root system of native North American grasses allows for their greater

enrichment of the soil, but they do not grow to be that


A. 正确。

B. But without growing修饰对象不清楚:是 which (指代the root system) allows for…, but…  表示

allows的转折、逻辑主语为root system,还是grasses develop…, but…     表示对develop的转折、

逻辑主语为grasseswithout growing to be…结构笨拙

C. unlike比较结构,比较对象不对等,unlike引起比较的对象未划线部分为wheatgrass,因此,划


D. unlike比较结构,比较对象不对等

E. unlike比较结构,比较对象不对等


句子结构:Unlike crested wheatgrass, …, native North American grasses develop…, allowing…, but

do not grow to….为句子主结构。

Allowing分词短语非限定性修饰先行词root systemdevelop but do not grow to be…      两谓语动词平

行,主语为native North American grasses.


比较(Comparison)、逻辑表达(Logical Predication

1) unlike引起比较的对象要求对等,具有可比性。

2)        位于逗号后现在分词结构,有两种用法:第一种为做状语修饰前句的主谓,表示伴随或者结果;




57. (27464-!-item-!-188;#058&003513)


The ecosystems of barrier islands are extremely vulnerable--whether from natural processes like

shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, or the ever-increasing pressures

of development.


(A) whether from natural processes like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive

hurricanes, or

(B) whether from natural processes such as shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive

hurricanes, or also

(C) to processes that are natural like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive

hurricanes, and also

(D) to processes that are natural ones like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive

hurricanes, as well as to

(E) to natural processes such as shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes,

as well as to


A. vulnerable要求使用to搭配;whether… or词组使用不正确

B. vulnerable要求使用to搭配;whether… or词组使用不正确

C. like作介词表示相似,起提示比较的作用,不能用于举例,应使用such asprocesses that are

natural罗嗦,应直接改为natural processesand also (be vulnerable) to…     的第二个to不能省略,


D. like不能用于举例;processes that are natural ones罗嗦,应直接改为natural processes



E.   正确。


句子结构:The ecosystems… are extremely vulnerable… to…, as well as to….


习惯用语(Idiom,      逻辑表达(Logical Predication)、平行对称(Parallelism)、有效用词(Diction

1)  be vulnerable to something为正确的习语

2)  whether A, B or C,    表示的是不同的选项,表示是不是这一不肯定的含义。在该句中,使用

whether… or… 词组句子意思不合理

3)  be vulnerable to A, as well as to B 要求句子结构平行,为保持平行,不省略介词;A结构内部使

such as举例,such as x, y, and z 也要求结构平行对称

4) GMAT语法中,like不用于举例,用such as



[1] As well as表示同样、也等意思,应为解释为:in addition to something or someone else。它与

and是有区别的,不能简单的认为 as well as等于and

a)   意思上:A and B结构中,AB平行,属于同一层次;而A, as well as B这一结构中,B是对


b)   谓语动词:以A and B作主语的句子,主语包含了含义平行的同一层次的AB两者,所以谓

语为复数;而以A, as well as B做主语的句子,主语的核心只有AB是顺带提一下的补充句


c)    多个名词平行,同时使用到andas well as的结构,我们可以使用:A, B, and C, as well as


补充,严格上来说和ABC不属于同一个层次。同理,(both) A and B, as well as C  也是正确


d)   如果出现  be vulnerable to A, B, as well as C 这种句型,我们认为是错误的。因为as well as

and是有区别的,as well as不能代替and。上述句型,如果ABC属于同一层次,则应改为

A, B, and C. 如果AB同层次,C是补充说明类的事物,则应该改为A and B, as well as C

[2]  多个带to的结构平行时,可以考虑两种用法:要么全部都带to,要么只有第一个有to、后面的都

不带。比如本题中,可以是be vulnerable to A, B and C,也可以是be vulnerable to A, to B, and to

C.  其他方式的不正确。


58. (27510-!-item-!-188;#058&003569)


If current trends continue, by the year 2010 carbon emissions in the United States will soar to a

level more than one-third higher than were those in 1990, according to official projections.


(A) will soar to a level more than one-third higher than were those

(B) will soar to a level more than one-third higher than that

(C) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than it was

(D) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than those

(E) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than they were


A.   复数those不能指代单数level,因此只能强制指代前句的复数主语emissions,那么,句子变成将


B.   正确。

C.    主语应该使用will,而不是would

D.    主语应该使用will,而不是would;复数those没有指代对象

E.   主语应该使用will,而不是would;复数they没有指代对象



句子结构:If current trend continue, … carbon emissions … will soar..., according to…条件主从复合



指代一致(Agreement,     动词形式(Verb Form

1) than/as比较结构中,名词由代词those/that指代时单复数需一致。

2)        在条件主从复合句中,条件状语从句如果使用一般现在时,主语应该使用一般将来时。句型为:

If A happens, B will happen.



If A happens, B will happen.句型是GMAT当中的一种常见结构。但是,当出现If A happens, B


主句和从句同时使用一般现在时的情况,比如,读者可以参考OG10-46, OG10-151题。


59. (27556-!-item-!-188;#058&003603)


An international group of more than 2,000 scientists project an average global warming that will be

between 1.8 and 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2000.


(A) project an average global warming that will be between 1.8 and

(B) project an average global warming to be from 1.8 to

(C) project global warming that will average between 1.8 and

(D) projects global warming to average from 1.8 to

(E) projects an average global warming of between 1.8 and


A.   主语group要求使用单数谓语

B.   主语group要求使用单数谓语

C.    主语group要求使用单数谓语

D.    句子含义不正确。Warming一词在句中表达的是一个增量,即从现在到2000年全球气温升高的


and…,  或者可以使用ranging from… to…。这些词组表示范围,但是不存在方向性。单纯使用

from… to…是有方向性的,从什么到什么,表达一种趋势。该用法在该句句意下不合适

E.   正确。


句子结构:An international group… projects an average global warming of….       为主结构。



1) team, group等集合名词,为集合名词,视为单数,要求使用单数谓语


60. (27602-!-item-!-188;#058&003606)


Pioneered by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, BEAM robots are not programmed to

walk; instead they use brainlike circuits called neural networks to learn to walk through trial and



(A) BEAM robots are not programmed to walk; instead they use brainlike circuits called neural

networks to learn to walk through trial and error

(B) BEAM robots learn to walk through trial and error by using brainlike circuits called neural

networks instead of by programming them

(C) BEAM robots are not being programmed to walk but instead using brainlike circuits called

neural networks and learning to walk through trial and error

(D) brainlike circuits called neural networks are used instead of programming for BEAM robots



learning to walk through trial and error

(E) brainlike circuits called neural networks are being used for BEAM robots that learn to walk

through trial and error instead of being programmed


A. 正确。

B. Instead of by programming them的主语为BEAM robots,机器人自己不能为自己编程,该句逻


C.    现在进行时的被动语态使but后面的using…与其并列,逻辑意思不合理。

D.   句首的分词结构修饰对象错误。

E.   名首的分词结构修饰对象错误。


句子结构:Pioneered by…, BEAM robots are not programmed…; instead they use…


逻辑表达(Logical Predication,      动词形式(Verb Form

1)        分词结构在句首,修饰对象为主句主语。

2)  be being done为现在进行时的被动语态


61. (27648-!-item-!-188;#058&003611)


Researchers in Germany have unearthed 400,000-year-old wooden spears from what it appears

was an ancient lakeshore hunting ground as stunning evidence of human ancestors who

systematically hunted big game much earlier than believed.


(A) it appears was an ancient lakeshore hunting ground as stunning evidence of human ancestors


(B) it appears had been an ancient lakeshore hunting ground and is stunning evidence that human


(C) it appears to have been an ancient lakeshore hunting ground and is stunning evidence that

human ancestors

(D) appears to be an ancient lakeshore hunting ground, stunning evidence that human ancestors

(E) appears that it is an ancient lakeshore hunting ground, stunning evidence of human ancestors



A. What从句中出现whatit两个主语,以及appearswas两个谓语,句子结构错误

B. What从句中出现whatit两个主语,以及appearshad been两个谓语,句子结构错误;had been


C. What从句中出现whatit两个主语,句子结构错误;stunning evidence的主语也不清晰;have


D.   正确,stunning evidence作为同位语,概括性同位语在句尾对句子进行进一步拓展。

E. What appears that it is…    罗嗦笨拙;stunning evidence of human ancestors who…结构中,who

从句为附属结构,核心部分仅为evidence of human ancestors,人类祖先的证据,而人类祖先怎




句子结构:Researchers… have unearthed 400,000-year-old spears from…, stunning evidence


What引导的从句表示一地点,作from的宾语;stunning evidence概括前句,作同位语,that从句进一



句子结构(Grammatical Construction,                                       动词形式(Verb Form,      习惯用语(Idiom



1) that/what/which/who…等引导的从句中,that/what/which/who等词汇本身充当从句主语。

2) 科学家发现是对客观事实的描述,句子使用一般现在时态appears to be…句型,后面直接接相应


3)  appear to be something, appear that…. 都是正确的表达方式,appear为动词。


62. (27694-!-item-!-188;#058&003624)


A survey of 765 working women over eighteen years of age found that 60 percent of them worked

40 or more hours a week and for married women with children under eighteen it was more likely

that they would work different shifts from their husbands.


(A) for married women with children under eighteen it was more likely that they would work different

shifts from their husbands

(B) for married women whose children were under eighteen, they were more likely than other

married women to work shifts different from their husbands'

(C) when married women had children under eighteen it was more likely for them to be working

different shifts from those of their husbands'

(D) that married women with children under eighteen were more likely than other married women to

work shifts different from their husbands'

(E) that when married women had children under eighteen they were more likely to be working

shifts that differed from their husbands


A. 第二个发现的内容作为谓语found的宾语,为宾语从句,that不能省略;different shifts from their

husbands  shifts husbands       相比,比较对象不对等,此处应该使用所有格husbands’

B.   第二个发现的内容作为谓语found的宾语,为宾语从句,that不能省略

C.    第二个发现的内容作为谓语found的宾语,为宾语从句,that不能省略;when引导时间状语从句,

表达的意思与原句不同;be working时态错误;those of their husbands’为双重所有格,错误,

正确的表达方式应该为those of their husbands,或者their husbands’

D.    正确。

E. That differed from their husbands修饰对象为shifts,即,将husbandshifts相比较,比较对象

不对等;when引导时间状语从句,表达的意思与原句不同;be working时态错误。


句子结构:A survey found that… and that…. 



句子结构(Grammatical Construction,  简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction

1)        宾语从句中的that不能省略。

2) GAMT中,不允许出现双重所有格。


63. (27740-!-item-!-188;#058&003625)


Compared to those who do not, running three days a week saves an average of 14.1 percent on

health-care costs each year in the United States.


(A) Compared to those who do not, running three days a week saves

(B) Compared with nonrunners, people who run three days a week save

(C) Compared to not running, those running for three days a week save

(D) When compared with those who do not, people running three days a week save

(E) When compared to nonrunners, running three days a week saves


A. running three daysthose who do not (run)比较,比较对象不对等



B.   正确。

C. runningpeople比较,比较对象不对等。

D. do not没有可指代的动作,因为后面是用现在分词running作定语,而不是people who run…

E. nonrunnersrunning比较,比较对象不对等。


句子结构:Compare with/to A, B saves….       比较结构。




比较(Comparison,    有效用词(Diction)、指代一致(Agreement

1) compared to位于句首,被比较的对象即为句子主语。比较要求比较对象对等。Compared with/to


2) 助动词do在比较句的省略结构中必须有可指代的动词。


64. (27882-!-item-!-188;#058&003676)


The majority of scientists believe that to reduce and stabilize atmospheric concentrations of carbon

dioxide, emissions must be cut at the source by fossil fuels that are burned more efficiently and, in

some cases, by alternatives such as hydrogen fuel cells that can replace fossil fuels altogether.


(A) fossil fuels that are burned more efficiently and, in some cases, by alternatives such as

hydrogen fuel cells that can replace fossil fuels altogether

(B) fossil fuels that are burned more efficiently and, in some cases, those that are replaced

altogether with alternatives such as hydrogen fuel cells

(C) burning fossil fuels more efficiently and, in some cases, by replacing fossil fuels altogether with

alternatives such as hydrogen fuel cells

(D) more efficiency in the burning of fossil fuels and, in some cases, by alternatives such as

hydrogen fuel cells that can replace fossil fuels altogether

(E) the more efficient burning of fossil fuels and, in some cases, by fossil fuels that are replaced

altogether with alternatives such as hydrogen fuel cells


A. By后面接fossil fuels,句子关键意思被从句掩埋(类似的错误读者可以参考本书P2-61P2-73


B. By后面接fossil fuels,句子关键意思被从句掩埋;并列结构中的介词by不能省略

C.    正确,此处,in some cases,有些时候、场合,为插入语。

D. By more efficiency in doing something不如by doing something more efficiently直接、简洁、有

效;by more efficiency and by alternativesby的两个宾语不对称

E.   名词性质的结构by the more efficient burning不如动词性质的结构by burning直接、简洁、有效


句子结构:The majority of scientists believe that….为句子主结构。

That后面的部分为主结构的宾语从句。在该宾语从句中,to reduce and stabilize表目的,emissions

must be cut by… and by….为主结构。By引起的部分为减少排放量的方式、方法。


简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction,      平行对称(Parallelism

1)        为了表达通过作某事,使得…”这一意思,只有by doing才是正确的表达方法。其他方式如:by



2) 当名词选项和对应的动词选项同时出现时,一般情况下动词选项为正确答案,因为动作性更强,


3)  by doing something and, in some cases, by doing something. And连接的两部分要求结构平行,





65. (27928-!-item-!-188;#058&003732)


A group of paleontologists recently announced that a site in Utah has yielded fossils of some of the

biggest armored dinosaurs ever found, and they are at least 25 million years older than those of any

similar dinosaur type that previously was found in North America.


(A) and they are at least 25 million years older than those of any similar dinosaur type that

previously was

(B) and that they were at least 25 million years older than any similar dinosaur type previously

(C) and the fossils are at least 25 million years older than any similar dinosaur types that previously


(D) fossils that are at least 25 million years older than those of any similar dinosaur type previously

(E) fossils at least 25 million years older than similar dinosaur types that were previously


A. They指代不清,可以指代paleontologists,或者指代fossils

B. and that与前句的announced that中的that平行,作为主句谓语announced的并列宾语从句,and


C. fossilsdinosaur type比较,比较对象不对等。

D.    正确。

E. fossilsdinosaur type比较,比较对象不对等。


句子结构:A group of… announced that… 




指代一致(Agreement,     比较(Comparison

1)        代词指代要求明确、清晰。

2) than比较句中,比较对象要求对等,those/that的指代对象要清楚合理。


66. (27974-!-item-!-188;#058&003736)


In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to

archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly

documenting East African cave paintings.


(A) Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid

activity and painstakingly documenting

(B) Leakey contributed to archaeology by her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid

activity and by painstakingly documenting

(C) Leakey was a contributor to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of

hominid activity and with her painstaking documentation of

(D) Leakey's contributions to archaeology include her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of

hominid activity and her painstaking documentation of

(E) Leakey's contributions to archaeology include her discovering the earliest direct evidence of

hominid activity and painstaking documentation of


A. discoverydocumenting不平行。

B. discoverydocumenting不平行。

C.    该选项采用了Mary Leakey was a contributor…with x and with y句型,没有明确Mary Leakey



贡献与x/y之间的关系,be a contributor所表达的意思与原句不同。比如说,I am a singer with a

five-year old kid.      我是一个有个五岁小孩的歌手,但是有小孩和是歌手之间并没有直接联系。换

到这个句子当中来,Mary Leakey was a contributor with a five-year old kid.同理成立,但是kid


相比之下,D选项直接明了的说,Mary Leakey的贡献就是她的发现以及对洞穴画的记录和描述,


D.    正确。

E. discoveringdocumentation不平行。


句子结构:Mary Leakey’s contributions to archaeology include x and y.  其中,xy为结构平行,含




1) 名词性的名词结构,和动词性的名词结构(动名词等)是有区别的。在判断某一平行结构是否正






67. (28020-!-item-!-188;#058&003766)


A pair of architects in Britain, who say that giant arches, bridges, and walls made of artificial bone

could be easier to design and build than conventional structures, and already designed a number of

structures, including a bridge, for showing how their idea would work.


(A) build than conventional structures, and already designed a number of structures, including a

bridge, for showing

(B) build than conventional structures, and they have already designed a number of structures,

which includes a bridge, to show

(C) build than conventional structures, have already designed a number of structures, including a

bridge, to show

(D) also to build than conventional structures, already designed a number of structures, including a

bridge, which shows

(E) to build than with conventional structures, have already designed a number of structures,

including a bridge, which shows


A. 句子结构不完整,主语a pair of architects in Britain,没有谓语宾语;for showing不及to show


B.   句子结构不完整,主语a pair of architects in Britain,没有谓语宾语;and they…没有平行对象;


C.    正确。

D. also多余;which定语从句的谓语为单数,所以which指代bridge,与原意不同,不能表达目的含


E.   比较结构错误,应去掉withwhich指代bridge,与原意不同,不能表达目的含义。


句子结构:A pair of architects…, who…, have already designed…, to show….为句子主结构。Who




句子结构(Grammatical Construction,  比较(Comparison)、逻辑表达(Logical Predication



1)        长句中,由于句子长度长、修饰成分多,特别要注意句子的基本结构的完整性。

2)  who say that引导的从句中,将拱形结构与其他传统建筑结构相比较,说明拱形结构更易于设计

和建造。所以,than后面应直接接conventional structures,不需要with等介词

3)  to design and build                                          to design and to build     都是正确的平行结构

4)        表目的含义用to do作全句状语最佳,这种情况下用定语从句只能修饰紧临的名词,无法表达出准



68. (28066-!-item-!-188;#058&003795)


Whereas heat transferred between the ocean and the atmosphere occurs more rapidly when the

ocean is warmer than the air, it is slow when the ocean is colder.


(A) Whereas heat transferred between the ocean and the atmosphere occurs more rapidly when

the ocean is warmer than the air, it is slow when the ocean is colder.

(B) Unlike the slow process of heat transfer between the ocean and the atmosphere when the

ocean is colder than the air, heat transfers more rapidly when the ocean is warmer.

(C) The transfer of heat between the ocean and the atmosphere is slow when the ocean is colder

than the air and more rapid when the ocean is warmer.

(D) Transferring heat between the ocean and the atmosphere occurs slowly when the ocean is

colder than the air and more rapidly when it is warmer.

(E) When the ocean is colder than the atmosphere, heat transferred between them occurs slowly,

unlike the more rapid transfer occurring when the ocean is warmer.


A. It没有符合逻辑的指代对象,因为前句的transfer是动词,而it应指代名词,才能作is slow的主语。

B. slow processheat比较,比较对象不对等

C.    正确。

D. transfer可作名词,不需要分词形式transferringit指代对象不清。

E. them指代不清;Unlike后面接的是transfer,但是前文没有对等的可比较的对象。


句子结构:The transfer of heat is slow when… and (is) more rapid when…. 



指代一致(Agreement,     比较(Comparison

1)        代词it逻辑含义上来讲应该指代句中出现过的名词,才能作句子主语或宾语。

2) unlike比较结构,要求比较对象对等。


69. (28208-!-item-!-188;#058&003886)


Sixty-five million years ago, according to some scientists, an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest

slammed into North America, which, causing plant and animal extinctions, marks the end of the

geologic era known as the Cretaceous Period.


(A) which, causing plant and animal extinctions, marks

(B) which caused the plant and animal extinctions marking

(C) and causing plant and animal extinctions that mark

(D) an event that caused plant and animal extinctions, and it marks

(E) an event that caused the plant and animal extinctions that mark


A. which需要有具体的指代对象,不能用于修饰前句整句描述的事情;causing现在分词表示动作正


B. which需要有具体的指代对象,不能用于修饰前句整句描述的事情;marking前面需要有逗号



C. and causing没有平行对象

D. and it marks….完整独立句子,构成run-on错误;it指代不清,可以指代an asteroid,也可以指代

an event,且 it 优先指代同在句子中充当主语成分的 an asteroid,不符合逻辑。

E.   正确。


句子结构:…, according to…, an asteroid … slammed into…, an event that…

划线部分以前为句子主句,an event为同位语,概括前句内容:An asteroid bigger than Mount Everest

slammed into North America. 并对其意思进行了补充和拓展。


句子结构(Grammatical Construction)、指代一致(Agreement,      逻辑表达(Logical Predication

1) 连词and在连接句子时,只能连接并列的独立句子(即主句),and后面的句子不能与从句并列。

2) which需要有具体的名词指代对象,不能用于修饰前句整句描述的事情,即不能指代句子。

3) 现在分词作非限定性修饰成分,修饰先行词,表示主动、有动作正在进行还在延续的含义;相反,




位于句尾逗号后的同位语,如a(an) finding/discovery/theory/event等,概括前句内容,对内容进行进




70. (28254-!-item-!-188;#058&003934)


Results from the 1998 National Demographic and Health Survey confirm that, even when

compared with densely populated countries like Thailand and Indonesia, the Philippine nation's

fertility rates consistently exceed all of its Southeast Asian neighbors.


(A) like Thailand and Indonesia, the Philippine nation's fertility rates consistently exceed all of

(B) like Thailand and Indonesia, the Philippine nation consistently exhibits fertility rates exceeding


(C) such as Thailand and Indonesia, the fertility rates exhibited by the Philippine nation are

consistently exceeding those of all

(D) such as Thailand and Indonesia, the Philippine nation's fertility rates consistently exceed all

those of

(E) such as Thailand and Indonesia, the Philippine nation consistently exhibits fertility rates that

exceed those of all


A. Like不能用于举例;compared withcountriesfertility rate比较,exceedfertility rate

Southeast Asia neighbors比较,比较对象均不对等,未划线部分compared with的宾语是densely

populated countries,所以划线部分的主语只能是the Philippine nation,而不能是fertility rates

B. Like不能用于举例;exceedfertility rateSoutheast Asia neighbors比较,比较对象均不对等

C. compared withcountriesfertility rate比较,比较对象不对等

D. compared withcountriesfertility rate比较,比较对象不对等

E.   正确。


句子结构:Results from… confirm that….为句子主结构。



有效用词(Diction,    比较(Comparison

1) Like不能用于举例,举例需要用such as

2) compared with/exceed引导的比较结构,比较对象要对等。




71. (28349-!-item-!-188;#058&003951)


Unlike other Mayan cities, Canc??n's commercial power throughout the lowlands seems to be from

using its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, which were a source of jade, obsidian, and

other valuable commodities.


(A) Canc??n's commercial power throughout the lowlands seems to be from using its strategic

position at the foot of the highlands, which were a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable


(B) Canc??n's commercial power throughout the lowlands seems to have come from using its

strategic position at the foot of the highlands, a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable


(C) the commercial power of Canc??n throughout the lowlands seemed to have come from using its

strategic position at the foot of the highlands, a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable


(D) Canc??n seemed to be using its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, which was a

source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable commodities, in becoming a commercial power

throughout the lowlands

(E) Canc??n seems to have used its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, a source of jade,

obsidian, and other valuable commodities, to become a commercial power throughout the lowlands


A. Unlike引起的比较,比较对象不对等

B. Unlike引起的比较,比较对象不对等

C. Unlike引起的比较,比较对象不对等

D.   进行时态错误;which引导的从句修饰highlands,谓语应为复数;use its strategic position in doing


E.   正确。


句子结构:Canc??n seems to have used… to become…. A source of A, B, and C为同位语,修饰its

strategic position at the foot of the highlands.


比较(Comparison,                                        动词形式(Verb Form,      习惯用语(Idiom

1) Unlike引起比较,要求比较对象对等。

2)        句子描述关于玛雅人的事情,描述客观事实可以直接采用一般现在时,to be doing,强调进行的

概念,to have done,强调过去的行为。

3)  use something to do something为正确的习语,不定式to表目的,朗文的解释为:to take advantage

of a situation


72. (28395-!-item-!-188;#058&003974)


Several educational research groups are denouncing the mayor's proposal of a system by which

individual teachers would be given raises or bonuses should it be that test scores show their

students' mastery of reading skills having improved over a nine-month period.


(A) should it be that test scores show their students' mastery of reading skills having

(B) should it be that test scores show their students' mastery of reading skills have

(C) should test scores showing their students' mastery of reading skills has

(D) if test scores showing their students' mastery of reading skills having

(E) if test scores show that their students' mastery of reading skills has


A. should it be that结构错误,应为:should test scores show that…that后面接的从句没有谓语




B. should it be that结构错误;that后面接的从句主语为mastery,因此谓语应为单数has

C. should位于句首引起虚拟语气下的条件状语从句,要是完整的句子,该句的showing应为show

D. if条件状语从句没有谓语,showing应改成show

E.   正确。


句子结构:Several educational research groups are denouncing the mayor's proposal of a system…


by which引导从句修饰  proposal of a system.      该从句内部是一个带条件状语从句的复合句结构。


句子结构(Grammatical Construction,  主谓一致(Agreement

1) should引起虚拟结构,正确的表达方式应为should sth do…if表如果作连词连接条件状语从句,


2)        注意区分复杂主语结构的核心词,使谓语动词单复数与其一致。


73. (28441-!-item-!-188;#058&003975)


Radiocarbon dating of fossils taken from caves on islands along southeastern Alaska's coast

suggest that at least a portion of the area was remaining ice-free during the last ice age.


(A) suggest that at least a portion of the area was remaining

(B) suggest at least a portion of the area remaining

(C) suggests that a least a portion of the area remained

(D) suggests at least a portion of the area that had remained

(E) suggests at least a portion of the area to have remained


A.   主语为dating,谓语要用单数suggests;过去进行时态错误。

B.   主语为dating,谓语要用单数suggestssuggest用法错误,应为suggest thatsuggest sth

C.    正确。

D.    句子主结构变为Radiocarbon dating of … suggests at least a portion of the area.    至于该区域的


E. Suggest… to是错误的习语


句子结构:Radiocarbon dating of … suggests that….为句子主结构。

句子主语为radiocarbon dating,放射性碳元素追溯年代这一方法。


主谓一致(Agreement,                               习惯用语(Idiom,   动词形式(Verb Form

1) 句子主语为radiocarbon dating,放射性碳元素追溯年代这一方法,因此谓语要求使用单数

2) 表示某一事件、发现、数据、证据等说明、表明了什么,多用“suggest that+从句这一表达方法

3) 对过去事实的简单描述,一般只需要采用一般过去时。如果需要强调进行的含义,才采用进行



74. (28487-!-item-!-188;#058&003987)


Thirteen states from all regions of the country announced a plan to impose new controls on

pollution from truck and bus engines in that they will jointly adopt emission limits that would be far

stricter than the federal rules.


(A) to impose new controls on pollution from truck and bus engines in that they will jointly adopt

(B) to impose new controls on truck and bus engines' pollution by the joint adoption of



(C) to impose new controls on pollution from truck and bus engines by jointly adopting

(D) for imposing new controls on pollution from truck and bus engines, and jointly adopting

(E) for imposing new controls on truck and bus engine pollution in the joint adoption of


A. In that表示因为,与because用法相同,此处使用in that语意不通

B. By the joint adoption of…相比C选项  by jointly adopting…, 后者采用动词,更直接精确、简洁

C.    正确。

D. A plan for doing  习语使用错误;and adopting有与imposing并列的歧义。

E. A plan for doing   习语使用错误


句子结构:Thirteen states… announced a plan to impose… by jointly adopting emission limits


Jointly adopting的逻辑主语为thirteen states


习惯用语(Idiom)、简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction

1)  a plan for something, a plan to do something为正确的习语用法

2) in that   because同意,且用法相同

3)        当名词选项和对应的动词选项同时出现时,一般情况下动词选项为正确答案,因为动作性更强,



75. (28533-!-item-!-188;#058&003994)


Some patients who do not respond to therapies for depression may simply have received

inadequate treatment, having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be

effective or having been taken off a drug too soon.


(A) having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be effective or having been

(B) having, for example, a drug prescription that was ineffective because the dosage was too low,

or being

(C) as, for example, having too low of a dosage of a prescribed drug for it to be effective, or being

(D) when they have, for example, been prescribed too low a drug dosage for it to be effective, or


(E) for example, when they have a drug prescription with a dosage too low to be effective, or been


A. 正确。

B. Having a drug prescription that was ineffective because the dosage was too low,    句子罗嗦;


C. As表示原因,作连词连接原因状语从句,要求是完整的句子,该选项as后面不能构成句子

D. When引起时间状语从句,表达的意思与原句不同;

E. When引起时间状语从句,表达的意思与原句不同;or后面的完整结构应为have been taken,此

处的have为助动词,而前面have a drug…中的have为实意动词,不能共用。


句子结构:Some patients who… may simply have received inadequate treatment, having been… or

having been…

划线部分前面为句子的主干结构,having引起状语修饰句子。having been prescribed or having been

taken offor连接的两部分平行对称,for example为插入语。


句子结构(Grammatical Construction

1) having引起状语修饰句子。As为表原因时为连词

2) 平列结构中省略的成分必须是起相同作用的,否则不能省略。如have既可作实意动词,也可作助





76. (28579-!-item-!-188;#058&003996)


A recent poll indicates that many people in the United States hold a combination of conservative

and liberal political views; i.e., they denounce big government, saying government is doing too

much and has become too powerful, while at the same time supporting many specific government

programs for health care, education, and the environment.


(A) they denounce big government, saying government is doing too much and has become too

powerful, while at the same time supporting

(B) they denounce big government--they say that government is doing too much and has become

too powerful--but supporting at the same time

(C) they denounce big government, say that government is doing too much and it has become too

powerful, while they support at the same time

(D) while they denounce big government, saying that government is doing too much and has

become too powerful, at the same time supporting

(E) while they are denouncing big government--they say that government is doing too much and it

has become too powerful-- supporting at the same time


A.   正确。

B. But作连词,连接的成分与谓语动词denounce平行,因此,supporting用法错误

C. say…语法上与denounce并列,中间应该有连词连接,可以改为saying,或者在say之前加and

at the same time位置错误。

D.   句子结构不完整,没有主句;supporting…与前面的saying之间缺少连词。

E.   句子结构不完整,没有主句;supporting…在语法上与denouncing并列,缺少连词。


句子结构:A recent poll indicates that…; i.e., they denounce…, saying…, while supporting…


子。在后半句中,they denounce big government while at the same time supporting….为主结构,



句子结构(Grammatical Construction

1) while +   现在分词表达时间状语的方式;

2)        功能相同的并列结构需要由连词连接。



[1] i.e.  的作用在于给出之前提到的事物的具体的解释、说明,在汉语中起到也就是说也就是



77. (28625-!-item-!-188;#058&004000)


The Anasazi settlements at Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular scale with more than 75

carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each, were connected by a complex regional

system of roads.


(A) with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each, were

(B) with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each,

(C) of more than 75 carefully engineered structures of up to 600 rooms, each that had been

(D) of more than 75 carefully engineered structures of up to 600 rooms and with each

(E) of more than 75 carefully engineered structures of up to 600 rooms, each had been





A: 划线的 were 作为谓语和划线部分之前的谓语 were 重复,应该去掉或者用连词 and 连接;

B:  正确,of up to 600 rooms each 作为插入语修饰 structuresconnected 分词跳过插入语修饰前面

最邻近的名词 structures

C:  with 改变成 of 后,介词的修饰对象发生改变;将插入语变成句子一部分后,each 同位语修饰

的对象也发生改变,变成了修饰最邻近的 rooms 而不是 structuresrooms 被马路连接不符合题目原

意和逻辑表达;each 同位语从句用过去完成时同样没有必要;

D:  D 答案给出的句意,with each on a spectacular scale 平行,但 each connected by 改变了


E:  如果 each 做代词指代主语应该在 each 前面加上连词 andE 答案中 each 后面是完整句子但没

有连词进行连接;had been 过去完成时没有必要。


句子结构:Anasazi settlements were built… with ….structures (of …) connected by…

插入成分of up to 600 rooms eacheach指代structure,表示每个structure600个房间,connected




1) The Anasazi settlement建筑规模很大,有75栋建筑

2)   每栋建筑有600个房间

3)   这些建筑由复杂的地域交通道路所连接


考点:句子结构(Grammatical Construction)、逻辑表达(Logical Predication)、动词形式(Verb Form

1) 一个完整的句子之中只能有一个谓语动词,两个谓语动词之间必须有连词进行连接

2) 分词的邻近修饰原则和逗号+分词修饰原则的区分;一般来说分词需要挨着前面要被修饰的名词,



该是:The Anasazi settlements at Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular scale with more

than 75 carefully engineered structures (of up to 600 rooms each) connected by a complex

regional system of roads.

3) 原文时态不应随便进行改变原则;给出的答案中如果时态没有理由的进行了改变,即改变了原句


4) 原句句意不应随便进行改变原则;本题中    Each       的位置发生的改变显著的改变了原句要表达的

each 的含义,同时改变了原句句意,则错。




题。对于这道题目,比较科学的解题思路是首先通过句子基本结构,即 sentence fragment 以及 run-on

sentence 两个比较容易判断的考点排除 AE 选项,再考虑 BCD 三个选项。其实我们通过分析也不难

发现,只有 B 1structure rooms 的关系,2)谁被 connected 两点上意思表达得最清楚,CD

选项的 each 指代都有问题,由此可以解得本题的答案。



1ACE 的句子结构都有问题:A 中的第二个 were 多余,前面已经有谓语 were built…C each

that…each 是名词,后跟 that 引导的定语从句,该定语从句省去后只余下一个名词;E 有两套主谓

结构,settlement…were built on…… each had been connected,中间没有连词;

2D 中的 and with 前面没有平行对象;

3CDE 中的 of 短语没有合适的修饰对象;

4、正确答案 B 中的 of up to 600 rooms each 是插入语,修饰 structures,正常语序应该为:each of



the structures has up to 600 rooms




A: 划线的 were 作为谓语和划线部分之前的谓语 were 重复,应该去掉或者用连词 and 连接;

B:  正确,of up to 600 rooms each 作为插入语修饰 structuresconnected 分词跳过插入语修饰前面

最邻近的名词 structures

C:  with 改变成 of 后,介词的修饰对象发生改变;原句 with 结构修饰 built, of 结构修饰得是 scale;

将插入语变成句子一部分后,each 同位语修饰的对象也发生改变,变成了修饰最邻近的 rooms 而不

structuresrooms 被马路连接不符合题目原意和逻辑表达;each 同位语从句用过去完成时同样没


D: D 答案给出的句意,with each on a spectacular scale 平行,但 each connected by 改变了


E:  如果 each 做代词指代主语应该在 each 前面加上连词 andE 答案中 each 后面是完整句子但没

有连词进行连接;had been 过去完成时没有必要性。



1)        一个完整的句子之中只能有一个谓语动词,两个谓语动词之间必须有连词进行连接

2)        分词的邻近修饰原则和逗号+分词修饰原则的区分;一般来说分词需要挨着前面要被修饰的名词,



该是:The Anasazi settlements at Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular scale with more

than 75 carefully engineered structures (of up to 600 rooms each) connected by a complex

regional system of roads.

3)        原文时态不应随便进行改变原则;给出的答案中如果时态没有理由的进行了改变,即改变了原句


原句句意不应随便进行改变原则;本题中 Each 的位置发生的改变显著的改变了原句要表达的                                                                                                                                                 each



78. (28671-!-item-!-188;#058&004007)


First discovered more than 30 years ago, Lina's sunbird, a four-and-a-half-inch animal found in the

Philippines and that resembles a hummingbird, has shimmering metallic colors on its head; a

brilliant orange patch, bordered with red tufts, in the center of its breast; and a red eye.


(A) found in the Philippines and that resembles

(B) found in the Philippines and that, resembling

(C) found in the Philippines and resembling

(D) that is found in the Philippines and it resembles

(E) that is found in the Philippines, resembling


A. And that没有平行对象

B.   划线部分使得resembling a hummingbird成为插入语,that连接has shimmering metallic colors


C.    正确。

D. that is多余,and it resembles部分it多余

E. that is多余


句子结构:First discovered…, Lina’s sunbird, … animal found… and resembling…, has





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