function net = cnn_add_loss_fcn8s_resnet101_simple(opts, net)
%% 冻结层参数,那么这些层在训练时,就不会更新权重
if opts.freezeResNet,
for i = 1:numel(net.params)
net.params(i).learningRate = 0;
N = opts.clusterNum;
skipLRMultipliers = opts.skipLRMult;
learningRates = skipLRMultipliers;%学习率[1, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001];
%% remove prob 移除原网络的‘prob’层
if ~isnan(net.getLayerIndex('prob'))
% remove *res5*,bn5,pool5,fc1000 layers
% 移除与名字中有‘res5’字样的层,以及bn5层,pool5层和fc1000层
names = {};
for i = 1:numel(net.layers)
if ~isempty(strfind(net.layers(i).name,'res5')) || ...
~isempty(strfind(net.layers(i).name, 'bn5'))
names{end+1} = net.layers(i).name;
names{end+1} = 'pool5';
names{end+1} = 'fc1000';
for i = 1:numel(names)
% NOTE: we end up not using features from res5
% %% update 'fc1000' (on 'pool5')
% lidx = net.getLayerIndex('fc1000');
% fidx = net.getParamIndex('fc1000_filter');
% bidx = net.getParamIndex('fc1000_bias');
% v = net.params(fidx).value;
% [h,w,in,~] = size(v);
% out = 5*N;
% net.params(fidx).value = zeros(h,w,in,out,'single');
% net.params(fidx).learningRate = learningRates(1);
% net.params(bidx).value = zeros(1,out,'single');
% net.params(bidx).learningRate = learningRates(1);
% net.layers(lidx).block.size(4) = out;
% %% add upsampling
% filter = single(bilinear_u(4, 1, 5*N));
% ctblk = dagnn.ConvTranspose('size', size(filter), 'upsample', 2, ...
% 'crop', [0, 0, 0, 0], 'hasBias', false);
% net.addLayer('score2', ctblk, 'fc1000', 'score2', 'score2f');
% fidx = net.getParamIndex('score2f');
% net.params(fidx).value = filter;
% net.params(fidx).learningRate = 0;
%% add predictors on 'res4b22x' 为'res4b22x'层添加一个预测层(卷积层)
filter = zeros(1,1,1024,5*N,'single');
bias = zeros(1,5*N,'single');
cblk = dagnn.Conv('size',size(filter),'stride',1,'pad',0);
net.addLayer('score_res4', cblk, 'res4b22x', 'score_res4', ...
{'score_res4_filter', 'score_res4_bias'});
fidx = net.getParamIndex('score_res4_filter');
bidx = net.getParamIndex('score_res4_bias');
net.params(fidx).value = filter;%设定层参数
net.params(fidx).learningRate = learningRates(2);
net.params(bidx).value = bias;
net.params(bidx).learningRate = learningRates(2);
%% add upsampling 增添上采样层
filter = single(bilinear_u(4, 1, 5*N));
% adapt for different input sizes (we end up using 500x500)
% 上采样层的参数根据input sizes(500x500)而定。
if all(opts.inputSize==500)
ctblk = dagnn.ConvTranspose('size', size(filter), 'upsample', 2, ...
'crop', [1,2,1,2], 'hasBias', false);
elseif opts.inputSize(1)==750 && opts.inputSize(2)==1000
ctblk = dagnn.ConvTranspose('size', size(filter), 'upsample', 2, ...
'crop', [1,1,1,2], 'hasBias', false);
elseif opts.inputSize(1)==300 && opts.inputSize(2)==300
ctblk = dagnn.ConvTranspose('size', size(filter), 'upsample', 2, ...
'crop', [1,1,1,1], 'hasBias', false);
error('Input size not supported');
% define bilinear interpolation filter (fixed weights) (固定权重)
net.addLayer('score4', ctblk, 'score_res4', 'score4', 'score4f');
fidx = net.getParamIndex('score4f');
net.params(fidx).value = filter;
net.params(fidx).learningRate = 0;%(固定权重,不更新)
%% add predictors on 'res3dx' 为'res3dx'添加预测层。
filter = zeros(1,1,512,5*N,'single');
bias = zeros(1,5*N,'single');
cblk = dagnn.Conv('size',size(filter),'stride',1,'pad',0);
net.addLayer('score_res3', cblk, 'res3b3x', 'score_res3', ...
{'score_res3_filter', 'score_res3_bias'});
fidx = net.getParamIndex('score_res3_filter');
bidx = net.getParamIndex('score_res3_bias');
net.params(fidx).value = filter;
net.params(fidx).learningRate = learningRates(3);
net.params(bidx).value = bias;
net.params(bidx).learningRate = learningRates(3);
% Note: since we train on cropped regions with fixed size,
% we don't need to add cropping layers for aligning heat maps
% before adding them
% sum 添加特征融合层,score_res3和score4的特征进行融合(相加)。
net.addLayer('fusex',dagnn.Sum(),{'score_res3', 'score4'}, ...
%% rename last score to score_final
net.renameVar('score_res3_fused', 'score_final');%更改变量名
net.addLayer('split', dagnn.Split('childIds', {1:N, N+1:5*N}), ...
'score_final', {'score_cls', 'score_reg'});
% only use customized loss when we have variable sample size
% 添加损失层:分类损失loss_cls(逻辑回归损失)和回归损失loss_reg(Huber Loss)
net.addLayer('loss_cls', dagnn.Loss('loss', 'logistic'), ...
{'score_cls', 'label_cls'}, 'loss_cls');
net.addLayer('loss_reg', dagnn.HuberLoss(), ...
{'score_reg', 'label_reg', 'label_cls'}, 'loss_reg');