FK4/5, J2000, B1950, Glat/Glon转换

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from numpy import *

def deg2rad(degrees):
    return degrees * pi / 180.

def rad2deg(radians):
    return radians * 180. / pi


def baryvel(dje, deq=0):
           Calculates heliocentric and barycentric velocity components of Earth.

           BARYVEL takes into account the Earth-Moon motion, and is useful for
           radial velocity work to an accuracy of  ~1 m/s.

           dvel_hel, dvel_bary = baryvel(dje, deq)

           DJE - (scalar) Julian ephemeris date.
           DEQ - (scalar) epoch of mean equinox of dvelh and dvelb. If deq=0
                   then deq is assumed to be equal to dje.
           DVELH: (vector(3)) heliocentric velocity component. in km/s
           DVELB: (vector(3)) barycentric velocity component. in km/s

           The 3-vectors DVELH and DVELB are given in a right-handed coordinate
           system with the +X axis toward the Vernal Equinox, and +Z axis
           toward the celestial pole.

           JPL - if /JPL set, then BARYVEL will call the procedure JPLEPHINTERP
                 to compute the Earth velocity using the full JPL ephemeris.
                 The JPL ephemeris FITS file JPLEPH.405 must exist in either the
                 current directory, or in the directory specified by the
                 environment variable ASTRO_DATA.   Alternatively, the JPL keyword
                 can be set to the full path and name of the ephemeris file.
                 A copy of the JPL ephemeris FITS file is available in
           Function PREMAT() -- computes precession matrix
           JPLEPHREAD, JPLEPHINTERP, TDB2TDT - if /JPL keyword is set
           Algorithm taken from FORTRAN program of Stumpff (1980, A&A Suppl, 41,1)
           Stumpf claimed an accuracy of 42 cm/s for the velocity.    A
           comparison with the JPL FORTRAN planetary ephemeris program PLEPH
           found agreement to within about 65 cm/s between 1986 and 1994

           If /JPL is set (using JPLEPH.405 ephemeris file) then velocities are
           given in the ICRS system; otherwise in the FK4 system.
           Compute the radial velocity of the Earth toward Altair on 15-Feb-1994
              using both the original Stumpf algorithm and the JPL ephemeris

           IDL> jdcnv, 1994, 2, 15, 0, jd          ;==> JD = 2449398.5
           IDL> baryvel, jd, 2000, vh, vb          ;Original algorithm
                   ==> vh = [-17.07243, -22.81121, -9.889315]  ;Heliocentric km/s
                   ==> vb = [-17.08083, -22.80471, -9.886582]  ;Barycentric km/s
           IDL> baryvel, jd, 2000, vh, vb, /jpl   ;JPL ephemeris
                   ==> vh = [-17.07236, -22.81126, -9.889419]  ;Heliocentric km/s
                   ==> vb = [-17.08083, -22.80484, -9.886409]  ;Barycentric km/s

           IDL> ra = ten(19,50,46.77)*15/!RADEG    ;RA  in radians
           IDL> dec = ten(08,52,3.5)/!RADEG        ;Dec in radians
           IDL> v = vb[0]*cos(dec)*cos(ra) + $   ;Project velocity toward star
                   vb[1]*cos(dec)*sin(ra) + vb[2]*sin(dec)

           Jeff Valenti,  U.C. Berkeley    Translated BARVEL.FOR to IDL.
           W. Landsman, Cleaned up program sent by Chris McCarthy (SfSU) June 1994
           Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
           Added /JPL keyword  W. Landsman   July 2001
           Documentation update W. Landsman Dec 2005
           Converted to Python S. Koposov 2009-2010

    # Define constants
    dc2pi = 2 * pi
    cc2pi = 2 * pi
    dc1 = 1.0e0
    dcto = 2415020.0e0
    dcjul = 36525.0e0  # days in Julian year
    dcbes = 0.313e0
    dctrop = 365.24219572e0  # days in tropical year (...572 insig)
    dc1900 = 1900.0e0
    au = 1.4959787e8

    # Constants dcfel(i,k) of fast changing elements.
    dcfel = array(
        [1.7400353e00, 6.2833195099091e02, 5.2796e-6, 6.2565836e00, 6.2830194572674e02, -2.6180e-6, 4.7199666e00,
         8.3997091449254e03, -1.9780e-5, 1.9636505e-1, 8.4334662911720e03, -5.6044e-5, 4.1547339e00, 5.2993466764997e01,
         5.8845e-6, 4.6524223e00, 2.1354275911213e01, 5.6797e-6, 4.2620486e00, 7.5025342197656e00, 5.5317e-6,
         1.4740694e00, 3.8377331909193e00, 5.6093e-6])
    dcfel = reshape(dcfel, (8, 3))

    # constants dceps and ccsel(i,k) of slowly changing elements.
    dceps = array([4.093198e-1, -2.271110e-4, -2.860401e-8])
    ccsel = array(
        [1.675104e-2, -4.179579e-5, -1.260516e-7, 2.220221e-1, 2.809917e-2, 1.852532e-5, 1.589963e00, 3.418075e-2,
         1.430200e-5, 2.994089e00, 2.590824e-2, 4.155840e-6, 8.155457e-1, 2.486352e-2, 6.836840e-6, 1.735614e00,
         1.763719e-2, 6.370440e-6, 1.968564e00, 1.524020e-2, -2.517152e-6, 1.282417e00, 8.703393e-3, 2.289292e-5,
         2.280820e00, 1.918010e-2, 4.484520e-6, 4.833473e-2, 1.641773e-4, -4.654200e-7, 5.589232e-2, -3.455092e-4,
         -7.388560e-7, 4.634443e-2, -2.658234e-5, 7.757000e-8, 8.997041e-3, 6.329728e-6, -1.939256e-9, 2.284178e-2,
         -9.941590e-5, 6.787400e-8, 4.350267e-2, -6.839749e-5, -2.714956e-7, 1.348204e-2, 1.091504e-5, 6.903760e-7,
         3.106570e-2, -1.665665e-4, -1.590188e-7])
    ccsel = reshape(ccsel, (17, 3))

    # Constants of the arguments of the short-period perturbations.
    dcargs = array(
        [5.0974222e0, -7.8604195454652e2, 3.9584962e0, -5.7533848094674e2, 1.6338070e0, -1.1506769618935e3, 2.5487111e0,
         -3.9302097727326e2, 4.9255514e0, -5.8849265665348e2, 1.3363463e0, -5.5076098609303e2, 1.6072053e0,
         -5.2237501616674e2, 1.3629480e0, -1.1790629318198e3, 5.5657014e0, -1.0977134971135e3, 5.0708205e0,
         -1.5774000881978e2, 3.9318944e0, 5.2963464780000e1, 4.8989497e0, 3.9809289073258e1, 1.3097446e0,
         7.7540959633708e1, 3.5147141e0, 7.9618578146517e1, 3.5413158e0, -5.4868336758022e2])
    dcargs = reshape(dcargs, (15, 2))

    # Amplitudes ccamps(n,k) of the short-period perturbations.
    ccamps = array(
        [-2.279594e-5, 1.407414e-5, 8.273188e-6, 1.340565e-5, -2.490817e-7, -3.494537e-5, 2.860401e-7, 1.289448e-7,
         1.627237e-5, -1.823138e-7, 6.593466e-7, 1.322572e-5, 9.258695e-6, -4.674248e-7, -3.646275e-7, 1.140767e-5,
         -2.049792e-5, -4.747930e-6, -2.638763e-6, -1.245408e-7, 9.516893e-6, -2.748894e-6, -1.319381e-6, -4.549908e-6,
         -1.864821e-7, 7.310990e-6, -1.924710e-6, -8.772849e-7, -3.334143e-6, -1.745256e-7, -2.603449e-6, 7.359472e-6,
         3.168357e-6, 1.119056e-6, -1.655307e-7, -3.228859e-6, 1.308997e-7, 1.013137e-7, 2.403899e-6, -3.736225e-7,
         3.442177e-7, 2.671323e-6, 1.832858e-6, -2.394688e-7, -3.478444e-7, 8.702406e-6, -8.421214e-6, -1.372341e-6,
         -1.455234e-6, -4.998479e-8, -1.488378e-6, -1.251789e-5, 5.226868e-7, -2.049301e-7, 0.e0, -8.043059e-6,
         -2.991300e-6, 1.473654e-7, -3.154542e-7, 0.e0, 3.699128e-6, -3.316126e-6, 2.901257e-7, 3.407826e-7, 0.e0,
         2.550120e-6, -1.241123e-6, 9.901116e-8, 2.210482e-7, 0.e0, -6.351059e-7, 2.341650e-6, 1.061492e-6, 2.878231e-7,
    ccamps = reshape(ccamps, (15, 5))

    # Constants csec3 and ccsec(n,k) of the secular perturbations in longitude.
    ccsec3 = -7.757020e-8
    ccsec = array(
        [1.289600e-6, 5.550147e-1, 2.076942e00, 3.102810e-5, 4.035027e00, 3.525565e-1, 9.124190e-6, 9.990265e-1,
         2.622706e00, 9.793240e-7, 5.508259e00, 1.559103e01])
    ccsec = reshape(ccsec, (4, 3))

    # Sidereal rates.
    dcsld = 1.990987e-7  # sidereal rate in longitude
    ccsgd = 1.990969e-7  # sidereal rate in mean anomaly

    # Constants used in the calculation of the lunar contribution.
    cckm = 3.122140e-5
    ccmld = 2.661699e-6
    ccfdi = 2.399485e-7

    # Constants dcargm(i,k) of the arguments of the perturbations of the motion
    # of the moon.
    dcargm = array([5.1679830e0, 8.3286911095275e3, 5.4913150e0, -7.2140632838100e3, 5.9598530e0, 1.5542754389685e4])
    dcargm = reshape(dcargm, (3, 2))

    # Amplitudes ccampm(n,k) of the perturbations of the moon.
    ccampm = array(
        [1.097594e-1, 2.896773e-7, 5.450474e-2, 1.438491e-7, -2.223581e-2, 5.083103e-8, 1.002548e-2, -2.291823e-8,
         1.148966e-2, 5.658888e-8, 8.249439e-3, 4.063015e-8])
    ccampm = reshape(ccampm, (3, 4))

    # ccpamv(k)=a*m*dl,dt (planets), dc1mme=1-mass(earth+moon)
    ccpamv = array([8.326827e-11, 1.843484e-11, 1.988712e-12, 1.881276e-12])
    dc1mme = 0.99999696e0

    # Time arguments.
    dt = (dje - dcto) / dcjul
    tvec = array([1e0, dt, dt * dt])

    # Values of all elements for the instant(aneous?) dje.
    temp = (transpose(dot(transpose(tvec), transpose(dcfel)))) % dc2pi
    dml = temp[0]
    forbel = temp[1:8]
    g = forbel[0]  # old fortran equivalence

    deps = (tvec * dceps).sum() % dc2pi
    sorbel = (transpose(dot(transpose(tvec), transpose(ccsel)))) % dc2pi
    e = sorbel[0]  # old fortran equivalence

    # Secular perturbations in longitude.
    dummy = cos(2.0)
    sn = sin((transpose(dot(transpose(tvec[0:2]), transpose(ccsec[:, 1:3])))) % cc2pi)

    # Periodic perturbations of the emb (earth-moon barycenter).
    pertl = (ccsec[:, 0] * sn).sum() + dt * ccsec3 * sn[2]
    pertld = 0.0
    pertr = 0.0
    pertrd = 0.0
    for k in range(0, 15):
        a = (dcargs[k, 0] + dt * dcargs[k, 1]) % dc2pi
        cosa = cos(a)
        sina = sin(a)
        pertl = pertl + ccamps[k, 0] * cosa + ccamps[k, 1] * sina
        pertr = pertr + ccamps[k, 2] * cosa + ccamps[k, 3] * sina
        if k < 11:
            pertld = pertld + (ccamps[k, 1] * cosa - ccamps[k, 0] * sina) * ccamps[k, 4]
            pertrd = pertrd + (ccamps[k, 3] * cosa - ccamps[k, 2] * sina) * ccamps[k, 4]

    # Elliptic part of the motion of the emb.
    phi = (e * e / 4e0) * (((8e0 / e) - e) * sin(g) + 5 * sin(2 * g) + (13 / 3e0) * e * sin(3 * g))
    f = g + phi
    sinf = sin(f)
    cosf = cos(f)
    dpsi = (dc1 - e * e) / (dc1 + e * cosf)
    phid = 2 * e * ccsgd * ((1 + 1.5 * e * e) * cosf + e * (1.25 - 0.5 * sinf * sinf))
    psid = ccsgd * e * sinf / sqrt(dc1 - e * e)

    # Perturbed heliocentric motion of the emb.
    d1pdro = dc1 + pertr
    drd = d1pdro * (psid + dpsi * pertrd)
    drld = d1pdro * dpsi * (dcsld + phid + pertld)
    dtl = (dml + phi + pertl) % dc2pi
    dsinls = sin(dtl)
    dcosls = cos(dtl)
    dxhd = drd * dcosls - drld * dsinls
    dyhd = drd * dsinls + drld * dcosls

    # Influence of eccentricity, evection and variation on the geocentric
    # motion of the moon.
    pertl = 0.0
    pertld = 0.0
    pertp = 0.0
    pertpd = 0.0
    for k in range(0, 3):
        a = (dcargm[k, 0] + dt * dcargm[k, 1]) % dc2pi
        sina = sin(a)
        cosa = cos(a)
        pertl = pertl + ccampm[k, 0] * sina
        pertld = pertld + ccampm[k, 1] * cosa
        pertp = pertp + ccampm[k, 2] * cosa
        pertpd = pertpd - ccampm[k, 3] * sina

    # Heliocentric motion of the earth.
    tl = forbel[1] + pertl
    sinlm = sin(tl)
    coslm = cos(tl)
    sigma = cckm / (1.0 + pertp)
    a = sigma * (ccmld + pertld)
    b = sigma * pertpd
    dxhd = dxhd + a * sinlm + b * coslm
    dyhd = dyhd - a * coslm + b * sinlm
    dzhd = -sigma * ccfdi * cos(forbel[2])

    # Barycentric motion of the earth.
    dxbd = dxhd * dc1mme
    dybd = dyhd * dc1mme
    dzbd = dzhd * dc1mme
    for k in range(0, 4):
        plon = forbel[k + 3]
        pomg = sorbel[k + 1]
        pecc = sorbel[k + 9]
        tl = (plon + 2.0 * pecc * sin(plon - pomg)) % cc2pi
        dxbd = dxbd + ccpamv[k] * (sin(tl) + pecc * sin(pomg))
        dybd = dybd - ccpamv[k] * (cos(tl) + pecc * cos(pomg))
        dzbd = dzbd - ccpamv[k] * sorbel[k + 13] * cos(plon - sorbel[k + 5])

    # Transition to mean equator of date.
    dcosep = cos(deps)
    dsinep = sin(deps)
    dyahd = dcosep * dyhd - dsinep * dzhd
    dzahd = dsinep * dyhd + dcosep * dzhd
    dyabd = dcosep * dybd - dsinep * dzbd
    dzabd = dsinep * dybd + dcosep * dzbd

    # Epoch of mean equinox (deq) of zero implies that we should use
    # Julian ephemeris date (dje) as epoch of mean equinox.
    if deq == 0:
        dvelh = au * (array([dxhd, dyahd, dzahd]))
        dvelb = au * (array([dxbd, dyabd, dzabd]))
        return (dvelh, dvelb)

    # General precession from epoch dje to deq.
    deqdat = (dje - dcto - dcbes) / dctrop + dc1900
    prema = premat(deqdat, deq, fk4=True)

    dvelh = au * (transpose(dot(transpose(prema), transpose(array([dxhd, dyahd, dzahd])))))
    dvelb = au * (transpose(dot(transpose(prema), transpose(array([dxbd, dyabd, dzabd])))))

    return (dvelh, dvelb)

def premat(equinox1, equinox2, fk4=False):
           Return the precession matrix needed to go from EQUINOX1 to EQUINOX2.
           This matrix is used by the procedures PRECESS and BARYVEL to precess
           astronomical coordinates

           matrix = PREMAT( equinox1, equinox2, [ /FK4 ] )

           EQUINOX1 - Original equinox of coordinates, numeric scalar.
           EQUINOX2 - Equinox of precessed coordinates.

          matrix - double precision 3 x 3 precession matrix, used to precess
                   equatorial rectangular coordinates

           /FK4   - If this keyword is set, the FK4 (B1950.0) system precession
                   angles are used to compute the precession matrix.   The
                   default is to use FK5 (J2000.0) precession angles

           Return the precession matrix from 1950.0 to 1975.0 in the FK4 system

           IDL> matrix = PREMAT( 1950.0, 1975.0, /FK4)

           FK4 constants from "Computational Spherical Astronomy" by Taff (1983),
           p. 24. (FK4). FK5 constants from "Astronomical Almanac Explanatory
           Supplement 1992, page 104 Table 3.211.1.

           Written, Wayne Landsman, HSTX Corporation, June 1994
           Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

    deg_to_rad = pi / 180.0e0
    sec_to_rad = deg_to_rad / 3600.e0

    t = 0.001e0 * (equinox2 - equinox1)

    if not fk4:
        st = 0.001e0 * (equinox1 - 2000.e0)
        #  Compute 3 rotation angles
        a = sec_to_rad * t * (
                    23062.181e0 + st * (139.656e0 + 0.0139e0 * st) + t * (30.188e0 - 0.344e0 * st + 17.998e0 * t))

        b = sec_to_rad * t * t * (79.280e0 + 0.410e0 * st + 0.205e0 * t) + a

        c = sec_to_rad * t * (
                    20043.109e0 - st * (85.33e0 + 0.217e0 * st) + t * (-42.665e0 - 0.217e0 * st - 41.833e0 * t))


        st = 0.001e0 * (equinox1 - 1900.e0)
        #  Compute 3 rotation angles

        a = sec_to_rad * t * (23042.53e0 + st * (139.75e0 + 0.06e0 * st) + t * (30.23e0 - 0.27e0 * st + 18.0e0 * t))

        b = sec_to_rad * t * t * (79.27e0 + 0.66e0 * st + 0.32e0 * t) + a

        c = sec_to_rad * t * (20046.85e0 - st * (85.33e0 + 0.37e0 * st) + t * (-42.67e0 - 0.37e0 * st - 41.8e0 * t))

    sina = sin(a)
    sinb = sin(b)
    sinc = sin(c)
    cosa = cos(a)
    cosb = cos(b)
    cosc = cos(c)

    r = zeros((3, 3))
    r[0, :] = array([cosa * cosb * cosc - sina * sinb, sina * cosb + cosa * sinb * cosc, cosa * sinc])
    r[1, :] = array([-cosa * sinb - sina * cosb * cosc, cosa * cosb - sina * sinb * cosc, -sina * sinc])
    r[2, :] = array([-cosb * sinc, -sinb * sinc, cosc])

    return r

# silas

# J2000 to B1950
def J2000ToB1950(ra0, dec0, mu_radec=None, parallax=None, rad_vel=None, epoch=None):
           Precess positions from J2000.0 (FK5) to B1950.0 (FK4)
           Calculates the mean place of a star at B1950.0 on the FK4 system from
           the mean place at J2000.0 on the FK5 system.

           bprecess, ra, dec, ra_1950, dec_1950, [ MU_RADEC = , PARALLAX =
                                           RAD_VEL =, EPOCH =   ]

           RA,DEC - Input J2000 right ascension and declination in *degrees*.
                   Scalar or N element vector

           RA_1950, DEC_1950 - The corresponding B1950 right ascension and
                   declination in *degrees*.    Same number of elements as
                   RA,DEC but always double precision.

           MU_RADEC - 2xN element double precision vector containing the proper
                      motion in seconds of arc per tropical *century* in right
                      ascension and declination.
           PARALLAX - N_element vector giving stellar parallax (seconds of arc)
           RAD_VEL  - N_element vector giving radial velocity in km/s

           The values of MU_RADEC, PARALLAX, and RADVEL will all be modified
           upon output to contain the values of these quantities in the
           B1950 system.  The parallax and radial velocity will have a very
           minor influence on the B1950 position.

           EPOCH - scalar giving epoch of original observations, default 2000.0d
               This keyword value is only used if the MU_RADEC keyword is not set.
           The algorithm is taken from the Explanatory Supplement to the
           Astronomical Almanac 1992, page 186.
           Also see Aoki et al (1983), A&A, 128,263

           BPRECESS distinguishes between the following two cases:
           (1) The proper motion is known and non-zero
           (2) the proper motion is unknown or known to be exactly zero (i.e.
                   extragalactic radio sources).   In this case, the reverse of
                   the algorithm in Appendix 2 of Aoki et al. (1983) is used to
                   ensure that the output proper motion is  exactly zero. Better
                   precision can be achieved in this case by inputting the EPOCH
                   of the original observations.

           The error in using the IDL procedure PRECESS for converting between
           B1950 and J1950 can be up to 12", mainly in right ascension.   If
           better accuracy than this is needed then BPRECESS should be used.

           An unsystematic comparison of BPRECESS with the IPAC precession
           routine ( always
           gives differences less than 0.15".
           The SAO2000 catalogue gives the J2000 position and proper motion for
           the star HD 119288.   Find the B1950 position.

           RA(2000) = 13h 42m 12.740s      Dec(2000) = 8d 23' 17.69''
           Mu(RA) = -.0257 s/yr      Mu(Dec) = -.090 ''/yr

           IDL> mu_radec = 100D* [ -15D*.0257, -0.090 ]
           IDL> ra = ten(13, 42, 12.740)*15.D
           IDL> dec = ten(8, 23, 17.69)
           IDL> bprecess, ra, dec, ra1950, dec1950, mu_radec = mu_radec
           IDL> print, adstring(ra1950, dec1950,2)
                   ===> 13h 39m 44.526s    +08d 38' 28.63"

           Written,    W. Landsman                October, 1992
           Vectorized, W. Landsman                February, 1994
           Treat case where proper motion not known or exactly zero  November 1994
           Handling of arrays larger than 32767   Lars L. Christensen, march, 1995
           Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
           Fixed bug where A term not initialized for vector input
                W. Landsman        February 2000
          Converted to python 			Sergey Koposov july 2010

    scal = True
    if isinstance(ra0, ndarray):
        ra = ra0
        dec = dec0
        n = ra.size
        scal = False
        n = 1
        ra = array([ra0])
        dec = array([dec0])

    if rad_vel is None:
        rad_vel = zeros(n)
        if not isinstance(rad_vel, ndarray):
            rad_vel = array([rad_vel], dtype=float)
        if rad_vel.size != n:
            raise Exception('ERROR - RAD_VEL keyword vector must be of the same length as RA and DEC')

    if (mu_radec is not None):
        # if (array(mu_radec).size != 2 * n):
        #     raise Exception('ERROR - MU_RADEC keyword (proper motion) be dimensioned (2,' + strtrim(n, 2) + ')')
        mu_radec = mu_radec * 1.

    if parallax is None:
        parallax = zeros(n)
        if not isinstance(parallax, ndarray):
            parallax = array([parallax], dtype=float)

    if epoch is None:
        epoch = 2000.0e0

    radeg = 180.e0 / pi
    sec_to_radian = lambda x: deg2rad(x / 3600.)

    m = array([array([+0.9999256795e0, -0.0111814828e0, -0.0048590040e0, -0.000551e0, -0.238560e0, +0.435730e0]),
               array([+0.0111814828e0, +0.9999374849e0, -0.0000271557e0, +0.238509e0, -0.002667e0, -0.008541e0]),
               array([+0.0048590039e0, -0.0000271771e0, +0.9999881946e0, -0.435614e0, +0.012254e0, +0.002117e0]),
               array([-0.00000242389840e0, +0.00000002710544e0, +0.00000001177742e0, +0.99990432e0, -0.01118145e0,
               array([-0.00000002710544e0, -0.00000242392702e0, +0.00000000006585e0, +0.01118145e0, +0.99991613e0,
               array([-0.00000001177742e0, +0.00000000006585e0, -0.00000242404995e0, +0.00485852e0, -0.00002717e0,

    a_dot = 1e-3 * array([1.244e0, -1.579e0, -0.660e0])  # in arc seconds per century

    ra_rad = deg2rad(ra)
    dec_rad = deg2rad(dec)
    cosra = cos(ra_rad)
    sinra = sin(ra_rad)
    cosdec = cos(dec_rad)
    sindec = sin(dec_rad)

    dec_1950 = dec * 0.
    ra_1950 = ra * 0.

    for i in range(n):

        # Following statement moved inside loop in Feb 2000.
        a = 1e-6 * array([-1.62557e0, -0.31919e0, -0.13843e0])  # in radians

        r0 = array([cosra[i] * cosdec[i], sinra[i] * cosdec[i], sindec[i]])

        if (mu_radec is not None):

            mu_a = mu_radec[i, 0]
            mu_d = mu_radec[i, 1]
            r0_dot = array([-mu_a * sinra[i] * cosdec[i] - mu_d * cosra[i] * sindec[i],
                            mu_a * cosra[i] * cosdec[i] - mu_d * sinra[i] * sindec[i], mu_d * cosdec[i]]) + 21.095e0 * \
                     rad_vel[i] * parallax[i] * r0

            r0_dot = array([0.0e0, 0.0e0, 0.0e0])

        r_0 = concatenate((r0, r0_dot))
        r_1 = transpose(dot(transpose(m), transpose(r_0)))

        # Include the effects of the E-terms of aberration to form r and r_dot.

        r1 = r_1[0:3]
        r1_dot = r_1[3:6]

        if mu_radec is None:
            r1 = r1 + sec_to_radian(r1_dot * (epoch - 1950.0e0) / 100.)
            a = a + sec_to_radian(a_dot * (epoch - 1950.0e0) / 100.)

        x1 = r_1[0];
        y1 = r_1[1];
        z1 = r_1[2]
        rmag = sqrt(x1 ** 2 + y1 ** 2 + z1 ** 2)

        s1 = r1 / rmag;
        s1_dot = r1_dot / rmag

        s = s1
        for j in arange(0, 3):
            r = s1 + a - ((s * a).sum()) * s
            s = r / rmag
        x = r[0];
        y = r[1];
        z = r[2]
        r2 = x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2
        rmag = sqrt(r2)

        if mu_radec is not None:
            r_dot = s1_dot + a_dot - ((s * a_dot).sum()) * s
            x_dot = r_dot[0];
            y_dot = r_dot[1];
            z_dot = r_dot[2]
            mu_radec[i, 0] = (x * y_dot - y * x_dot) / (x ** 2 + y ** 2)
            mu_radec[i, 1] = (z_dot * (x ** 2 + y ** 2) - z * (x * x_dot + y * y_dot)) / (r2 * sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2))

        dec_1950[i] = arcsin(z / rmag)
        ra_1950[i] = arctan2(y, x)

        if parallax[i] > 0.:
            rad_vel[i] = (x * x_dot + y * y_dot + z * z_dot) / (21.095 * parallax[i] * rmag)
            parallax[i] = parallax[i] / rmag

    neg = (ra_1950 < 0)
    if neg.any() > 0:
        ra_1950[neg] = ra_1950[neg] + 2.e0 * pi

    ra_1950 = rad2deg(ra_1950)
    dec_1950 = rad2deg(dec_1950)

    # Make output scalar if input was scalar
    if scal:
        return ra_1950[0], dec_1950[0]
        return ra_1950, dec_1950

print(J2000ToB1950(180, 20))

def cv_coord(a, b, c, fr=None, to=None, degr=False):
    import numpy
    if degr:
        degrad = numpy.deg2rad
        raddeg = numpy.rad2deg
        degrad = lambda x: x
        raddeg = lambda x: x
    if fr == 'sph':
        cosa = numpy.cos(degrad(a))
        sina = numpy.sin(degrad(a))
        cosb = numpy.cos(degrad(b))
        sinb = numpy.sin(degrad(b))
        x = c * cosa * cosb
        y = c * sina * cosb
        z = c * sinb
    elif fr == 'rect':
        x = a
        y = b
        z = c
    elif fr is None:
        raise Exception('You must specify the input coordinate system')
        raise Exception('Unknown input coordinate system')
    if to == 'rect':
        return (x, y, z)
    elif to == 'sph':
        ra = raddeg(numpy.arctan2(y, x))
        dec = raddeg(numpy.arctan2(z, numpy.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)))
        rad = numpy.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)
        return (ra, dec, rad)
    elif to is None:
        raise Exception('You must specify the output coordinate system')
        raise Exception('Unknown output coordinate system')

# silas
def JuliaToG(xjd):
           Converts Julian dates to Gregorian calendar dates

           DAYCNV, XJD, YR, MN, DAY, HR

           XJD = Julian date, positive double precision scalar or vector

           YR = Year (Integer)
           MN = Month (Integer)
           DAY = Day (Integer)
           HR = Hours and fractional hours (Real).   If XJD is a vector,
                   then YR,MN,DAY and HR will be vectors of the same length.

           IDL> DAYCNV, 2440000.D, yr, mn, day, hr

           yields yr = 1968, mn =5, day = 23, hr =12.

           Be sure that the Julian date is specified as double precision to
           maintain accuracy at the fractional hour level.

           Uses the algorithm of Fliegel and Van Flandern (1968) as reported in
           the "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac" (1992), p. 604
           Works for all Gregorian calendar dates with XJD > 0, i.e., dates after
           -4713 November 23.
           Converted to IDL from Yeoman's Comet Ephemeris Generator,
           B. Pfarr, STX, 6/16/88
           Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

    # Adjustment needed because Julian day starts at noon, calendar day at midnight

    jd = array(xjd).astype(int)  # Truncate to integral day
    frac = array(xjd).astype(float) - jd + 0.5  # Fractional part of calendar day
    after_noon = (frac >= 1.0)

    if after_noon.any():  # Is it really the next calendar day?
        if frac.ndim > 0:  # proper array
            frac[after_noon] = frac[after_noon] - 1.0
            jd[after_noon] = jd[after_noon] + 1
        else:  # scalar
            frac = frac - 1.0
            jd = jd + 1
    hr = frac * 24.0
    l = jd + 68569
    n = 4 * l / 146097
    l = l - (146097 * n + 3) / 4
    yr = 4000 * (l + 1) / 1461001
    l = l - 1461 * yr / 4 + 31  # 1461 = 365.25 * 4
    mn = 80 * l / 2447
    day = l - 2447 * mn / 80
    l = mn / 11
    mn = mn + 2 - 12 * l
    yr = 100 * (n - 49) + yr + l
    return (yr, mn, day, hr)

def coordinatesChange(ai, bi, select=1, fk4=False):
         Transform between Galactic, celestial, and ecliptic coordinates.
         Use the procedure ASTRO to use this routine interactively

          AO, BO = EULER(AI, BI, [SELECT=1, FK4=False])

           AI - Input Longitude in DEGREES, scalar or vector.  If only two
                   parameters are supplied, then  AI and BI will be modified to
                   contain the output longitude and latitude.
           BI - Input Latitude in DEGREES

           SELECT - Integer (1-6) specifying type of coordinate transformation.

          SELECT   From          To        |   SELECT      From            To
           1     RA-Dec (2000)  Galactic   |     4       Ecliptic      RA-Dec
           2     Galactic       RA-DEC     |     5       Ecliptic      Galactic
           3     RA-Dec         Ecliptic   |     6       Galactic      Ecliptic

          If not supplied as a parameter or keyword, then EULER will prompt for
          the value of SELECT
          Celestial coordinates (RA, Dec) should be given in equinox J2000
          unless the /FK4 keyword is set.
           AO - Output Longitude in DEGREES
           BO - Output Latitude in DEGREES

           /FK4 - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then input and output
                 celestial and ecliptic coordinates should be given in equinox
           /SELECT  - The coordinate conversion integer (1-6) may alternatively be
                  specified as a keyword
           EULER was changed in December 1998 to use J2000 coordinates as the
           default, ** and may be incompatible with earlier versions***.
           Written W. Landsman,  February 1987
           Adapted from Fortran by Daryl Yentis NRL
           Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
           Made J2000 the default, added /FK4 keyword  W. Landsman December 1998
           Add option to specify SELECT as a keyword W. Landsman March 2003
    import numpy

    twopi = 2.0e0 * numpy.pi
    fourpi = 4.0e0 * numpy.pi

    #   J2000 coordinate conversions are based on the following constants
    #   (see the Hipparcos explanatory supplement).
    #  eps = 23.4392911111d              Obliquity of the ecliptic
    #  alphaG = 192.85948d               Right Ascension of Galactic North Pole
    #  deltaG = 27.12825d                Declination of Galactic North Pole
    #  lomega = 32.93192d                Galactic longitude of celestial equator
    #  alphaE = 180.02322d              Ecliptic longitude of Galactic North Pole
    #  deltaE = 29.811438523d            Ecliptic latitude of Galactic North Pole
    #  Eomega  = 6.3839743d              Galactic longitude of ecliptic equator

    if fk4:
        equinox = '(B1950)'
        psi = numpy.array(
            [0.57595865315e0, 4.9261918136e0, 0.00000000000e0, 0.0000000000e0, 0.11129056012e0, 4.7005372834e0])
        stheta = numpy.array(
            [0.88781538514e0, -0.88781538514e0, 0.39788119938e0, -0.39788119938e0, 0.86766174755e0, -0.86766174755e0])
        ctheta = numpy.array(
            [0.46019978478e0, 0.46019978478e0, 0.91743694670e0, 0.91743694670e0, 0.49715499774e0, 0.49715499774e0])
        phi = numpy.array(
            [4.9261918136e0, 0.57595865315e0, 0.0000000000e0, 0.00000000000e0, 4.7005372834e0, 0.11129056012e0])
        equinox = '(J2000)'
        psi = numpy.array(
            [0.57477043300e0, 4.9368292465e0, 0.00000000000e0, 0.0000000000e0, 0.11142137093e0, 4.71279419371e0])
        stheta = numpy.array(
            [0.88998808748e0, -0.88998808748e0, 0.39777715593e0, -0.39777715593e0, 0.86766622025e0, -0.86766622025e0])
        ctheta = numpy.array(
            [0.45598377618e0, 0.45598377618e0, 0.91748206207e0, 0.91748206207e0, 0.49714719172e0, 0.49714719172e0])
        phi = numpy.array(
            [4.9368292465e0, 0.57477043300e0, 0.0000000000e0, 0.00000000000e0, 4.71279419371e0, 0.11142137093e0])

    i = select - 1
    a = numpy.deg2rad(ai) - phi[i]
    b = numpy.deg2rad(bi)
    sb = numpy.sin(b)
    cb = numpy.cos(b)
    cbsa = cb * numpy.sin(a)
    b = -stheta[i] * cbsa + ctheta[i] * sb
    bo = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arcsin(numpy.minimum(b, 1.0)))
    del b
    a = numpy.arctan2(ctheta[i] * cbsa + stheta[i] * sb, cb * numpy.cos(a))
    del cb, cbsa, sb
    ao = numpy.rad2deg(((a + psi[i] + fourpi) % twopi))

    return (ao, bo)

def gal_uvw(distance=None, lsr=None, ra=None, dec=None, pmra=None, pmdec=None, vrad=None, plx=None):
         Calculate the Galactic space velocity (U,V,W) of star
         Calculates the Galactic space velocity U, V, W of star given its
         (1) coordinates, (2) proper motion, (3) distance (or parallax), and
         (4) radial velocity.
                  PLX= ]
          U - Velocity (km/s) positive toward the Galactic *anti*center
          V - Velocity (km/s) positive in the direction of Galactic rotation
          W - Velocity (km/s) positive toward the North Galactic Pole
          User must supply a position, proper motion,radial velocity and distance
          (or parallax).    Either scalars or vectors can be supplied.
         (1) Position:
          RA - Right Ascension in *Degrees*
          Dec - Declination in *Degrees*
         (2) Proper Motion
          PMRA = Proper motion in RA in arc units (typically milli-arcseconds/yr)
          PMDEC = Proper motion in Declination (typically mas/yr)
         (3) Radial Velocity
          VRAD = radial velocity in km/s
         (4) Distance or Parallax
          DISTANCE - distance in parsecs
          PLX - parallax with same distance units as proper motion measurements
                typically milliarcseconds (mas)

          /LSR - If this keyword is set, then the output velocities will be
                 corrected for the solar motion (U,V,W)_Sun = (-10.00,+5.25,+7.17)
                 (Dehnen & Binney, 1998) to the local standard of rest
          (1) Compute the U,V,W coordinates for the halo star HD 6755.
              Use values from Hipparcos catalog, and correct to the LSR
          ra = ten(1,9,42.3)*15.    & dec = ten(61,32,49.5)
          pmra = 627.89  &  pmdec = 77.84         ;mas/yr
          dis = 144    &  vrad = -321.4
              ===>  u=154  v = -493  w = 97        ;km/s

          (2) Use the Hipparcos Input and Output Catalog IDL databases (see
 to obtain space velocities
          for all stars within 10 pc with radial velocities > 10 km/s

          dbopen,'hipparcos,hic'      ;Need Hipparcos output and input catalogs
          list = dbfind('plx>100,vrad>10')      ;Plx > 100 mas, Vrad > 10 km/s
          ra = ra*15.                 ;Need right ascension in degrees
          GAL_UVW,u,v,w,ra=ra,dec=dec,pmra=pmra,pmdec=pmdec,vrad=vrad,plx = plx
          forprint,u,v,w              ;Display results
          Follows the general outline of Johnson & Soderblom (1987, AJ, 93,864)
          except that U is positive outward toward the Galactic *anti*center, and
          the J2000 transformation matrix to Galactic coordinates is taken from
          the introduction to the Hipparcos catalog.
          Written, W. Landsman                       December   2000
          fix the bug occuring if the input arrays are longer than 32767
            and update the Sun velocity           Sergey Koposov June 2008
           vectorization of the loop -- performance on large arrays
            is now 10 times higher                Sergey Koposov December 2008
    import numpy

    n_params = 3

    if n_params == 0:
        'Syntax - GAL_UVW, U, V, W, [/LSR, RA=, DEC=, PMRA= ,PMDEC=, VRAD='
        '                  Distance=, PLX='
        '         U, V, W - output Galactic space velocities (km/s)'
        return None

    if ra is None or dec is None:
        raise Exception('ERROR - The RA, Dec (J2000) position keywords must be supplied (degrees)')
    if plx is None and distance is None:
        raise Exception('ERROR - Either a parallax or distance must be specified')
    if distance is not None:
        if numpy.any(distance == 0):
            raise Exception('ERROR - All distances must be > 0')
        plx = 1e3 / distance  # Parallax in milli-arcseconds
    if plx is not None and numpy.any(plx == 0):
        raise Exception('ERROR - Parallaxes must be > 0')

    cosd = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(dec))
    sind = numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(dec))
    cosa = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(ra))
    sina = numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(ra))

    k = 4.74047  # Equivalent of 1 A.U/yr in km/s
    a_g = numpy.array([[0.0548755604, +0.4941094279, -0.8676661490],
                       [0.8734370902, -0.4448296300, -0.1980763734],
                       [0.4838350155, 0.7469822445, +0.4559837762]])

    vec1 = vrad
    vec2 = k * pmra / plx
    vec3 = k * pmdec / plx

    u = (a_g[0, 0] * cosa * cosd + a_g[1, 0] * sina * cosd + a_g[2, 0] * sind) * vec1 + (
                -a_g[0, 0] * sina + a_g[1, 0] * cosa) * vec2 + (
                    -a_g[0, 0] * cosa * sind - a_g[1, 0] * sina * sind + a_g[2, 0] * cosd) * vec3
    v = (a_g[0, 1] * cosa * cosd + a_g[1, 1] * sina * cosd + a_g[2, 1] * sind) * vec1 + (
                -a_g[0, 1] * sina + a_g[1, 1] * cosa) * vec2 + (
                    -a_g[0, 1] * cosa * sind - a_g[1, 1] * sina * sind + a_g[2, 1] * cosd) * vec3
    w = (a_g[0, 2] * cosa * cosd + a_g[1, 2] * sina * cosd + a_g[2, 2] * sind) * vec1 + (
                -a_g[0, 2] * sina + a_g[1, 2] * cosa) * vec2 + (
                    -a_g[0, 2] * cosa * sind - a_g[1, 2] * sina * sind + a_g[2, 2] * cosd) * vec3

    lsr_vel = numpy.array([-10.00, 5.25, 7.17])
    if (lsr is not None):
        u = u + lsr_vel[0]
        v = v + lsr_vel[1]
        w = w + lsr_vel[2]

    return (u, v, w)

# def helcorr(obs_long, obs_lat, obs_alt, ra2000, dec2000, jd, debug=False):
#   """
#   calculates heliocentric Julian date, baricentric and heliocentric radial
#   velocity corrections from:
#   INPUT:
#   <OBSLON> Longitude of observatory (degrees, western direction is positive)
#   <OBSLAT> Latitude of observatory (degrees)
#   <OBSALT> Altitude of observatory (meters)
#   <RA2000> Right ascension of object for epoch 2000.0 (hours)
#   <DE2000> Declination of object for epoch 2000.0 (degrees)
#   <JD> Julian date for the middle of exposure
#   [DEBUG=] set keyword to get additional results for debugging
#   <CORRECTION> baricentric correction - correction for rotation of earth,
#      rotation of earth center about the eart-moon barycenter, eart-moon
#      barycenter about the center of the Sun.
#   <HJD> Heliocentric Julian date for middle of exposure
#   Algorithms used are taken from the IRAF task noao.astutils.rvcorrect
#   and some procedures of the IDL Astrolib are used as well.
#   Accuracy is about 0.5 seconds in time and about 1 m/s in velocity.
#   History:
#   written by Peter Mittermayer, Nov 8,2003
#   2005-January-13   Kudryavtsev   Made more accurate calculation of the sideral time.
#                                   Conformity with MIDAS compute/barycorr is checked.
#   2005-June-20      Kochukhov Included precession of RA2000 and DEC2000 to current epoch
#   """
#   _radeg = 180.0 / pi
#   #covert JD to Gregorian calendar date
#   xjd = array(2400000.).astype(float) + jd
#   year,month,day,ut=daycnv(xjd)
#   #current epoch
#   epoch = year + month / 12. + day / 365.
#   #precess ra2000 and dec2000 to current epoch
#   ra,dec=precess(ra2000*15., dec2000, 2000.0, epoch)
#   #calculate heliocentric julian date
#   hjd = array(helio_jd(jd, ra, dec)).astype(float)
#   #DIURNAL VELOCITY (see IRAF task noao.astutil.rvcorrect)
#   #convert geodetic latitude into geocentric latitude to correct
#   #for rotation of earth
#   dlat = -(11. * 60. + 32.743) * sin(2 * obs_lat / _radeg) + 1.1633 * sin(4 * obs_lat / _radeg) - 0.0026 * sin(6 * obs_lat / _radeg)
#   lat = obs_lat + dlat / 3600
#   #calculate distance of observer from earth center
#   r = 6378160.0 * (0.998327073 + 0.001676438 * cos(2 * lat / _radeg) - 0.00000351 * cos(4 * lat / _radeg) + 0.000000008 * cos(6 * lat / _radeg)) + obs_alt
#   #calculate rotational velocity (perpendicular to the radius vector) in km/s
#   #23.934469591229 is the siderial day in hours for 1986
#   v = 2. * pi * (r / 1000.) / (23.934469591229 * 3600.)
#   #calculating local mean siderial time (see astronomical almanach)
#   tu = (jd - 51545.0) / 36525
#   gmst = 6.697374558 + ut + (236.555367908 * (jd - 51545.0) + 0.093104 * tu ** 2 - 6.2e-6 * tu ** 3) / 3600
#   lmst = (gmst - obs_long / 15) % 24
#   #projection of rotational velocity along the line of sight
#   vdiurnal = v * cos(lat / _radeg) * cos(dec / _radeg) * sin((ra - lmst * 15) / _radeg)
#   vh,vb=baryvel(xjd, 0)
#   #project to line of sight
#   vbar = vb[0] * cos(dec / _radeg) * cos(ra / _radeg) + vb[1] * cos(dec / _radeg) * sin(ra / _radeg) + vb[2] * sin(dec / _radeg)
#   vhel = vh[0] * cos(dec / _radeg) * cos(ra / _radeg) + vh[1] * cos(dec / _radeg) * sin(ra / _radeg) + vh[2] * sin(dec / _radeg)
#   corr = (vdiurnal + vbar) #using baricentric velocity for correction
#   if debug:
#      print ''
#      print '----- HELCORR.PRO - DEBUG INFO - START ----'
#      print '(obs_long,obs_lat,obs_alt) Observatory coordinates [deg,m]: ', obs_long, obs_lat, obs_alt
#      print '(ra,dec) Object coordinates (for epoch 2000.0) [deg]: ', ra, dec
#      print '(ut) Universal time (middle of exposure) [hrs]: ', ut#, format='(A,F20.12)'
#      print '(jd) Julian date (middle of exposure) (JD-2400000): ', jd#, format='(A,F20.12)'
#      print '(hjd) Heliocentric Julian date (middle of exposure) (HJD-2400000): ', hjd#, format='(A,F20.12)'
#      print '(gmst) Greenwich mean siderial time [hrs]: ', gmst % 24
#      print '(lmst) Local mean siderial time [hrs]: ', lmst
#      print '(dlat) Latitude correction [deg]: ', dlat
#      print '(lat) Geocentric latitude of observer [deg]: ', lat
#      print '(r) Distance of observer from center of earth [m]: ', r
#      print '(v) Rotational velocity of earth at the position of the observer [km/s]: ', v
#      print '(vdiurnal) Projected earth rotation and earth-moon revolution [km/s]: ', vdiurnal
#      print '(vbar) Baricentric velocity [km/s]: ', vbar
#      print '(vhel) Heliocentric velocity [km/s]: ', vhel
#      print '(corr) Vdiurnal+vbar [km/s]: ', corr#, format='(A,F12.9)'
#      print '----- HELCORR.PRO - DEBUG INFO - END -----'
#      print ''
#   return (corr, hjd)

def helio_jd(date, ra, dec, b1950=False, time_diff=False):
          Convert geocentric (reduced) Julian date to heliocentric Julian date
          This procedure correct for the extra light travel time between the Earth
          and the Sun.

           An online calculator for this quantity is available at
           jdhelio = HELIO_JD( date, ra, dec, /B1950, /TIME_DIFF)

           date - reduced Julian date (= JD - 2400000), scalar or vector, MUST
                   be double precision
           ra,dec - scalars giving right ascension and declination in DEGREES
                   Equinox is J2000 unless the /B1950 keyword is set

           jdhelio - heliocentric reduced Julian date.  If /TIME_DIFF is set, then
                     HELIO_JD() instead returns the time difference in seconds
                     between the geocentric and heliocentric Julian date.

           /B1950 - if set, then input coordinates are assumed to be in equinox
                    B1950 coordinates.
           /TIME_DIFF - if set, then HELIO_JD() returns the time difference
                    (heliocentric JD - geocentric JD ) in seconds

           What is the heliocentric Julian date of an observation of V402 Cygni
           (J2000: RA = 20 9 7.8, Dec = 37 09 07) taken June 15, 1973 at 11:40 UT?

           IDL> juldate, [1973,6,15,11,40], jd      ;Get geocentric Julian date
           IDL> hjd = helio_jd( jd, ten(20,9,7.8)*15., ten(37,9,7) )

           ==> hjd = 41848.9881

     Wayne Warren (Raytheon ITSS) has compared the results of HELIO_JD with the
     FORTRAN subroutines in the STARLINK SLALIB library (see
                                                      Time Diff (sec)
          Date               RA(2000)   Dec(2000)  STARLINK      IDL

     1999-10-29T00:00:00.0  21 08 25.  -67 22 00.  -59.0        -59.0
     1999-10-29T00:00:00.0  02 56 33.4 +00 26 55.  474.1        474.1
     1940-12-11T06:55:00.0  07 34 41.9 -00 30 42.  366.3        370.2
     1992-02-29T03:15:56.2  12 56 27.4 +42 10 17.  350.8        350.9
     2000-03-01T10:26:31.8  14 28 36.7 -20 42 11.  243.7        243.7
     2100-02-26T09:18:24.2  08 26 51.7 +85 47 28.  104.0        108.8
           bprecess, xyz

           Algorithm from the book Astronomical Photometry by Henden, p. 114
           Written,   W. Landsman       STX     June, 1989
           Make J2000 default equinox, add B1950, /TIME_DIFF keywords, compute
           variation of the obliquity      W. Landsman   November 1999
           Converted to python 	Sergey Koposov July 2010

    # Because XYZ uses default B1950 coordinates, we'll convert everything to B1950

    if not b1950:
        ra1, dec1 = J2000ToB1950(ra, dec)
        ra1 = ra
        dec1 = dec

    delta_t = (array(date).astype(float) - 33282.42345905e0) / 36525.0e0
    epsilon_sec = poly1d([44.836e0, -46.8495, -0.00429, 0.00181][::-1])(delta_t)
    epsilon = deg2rad(23.433333e0 + epsilon_sec / 3600.0e0)
    ra1 = deg2rad(ra1)
    dec1 = deg2rad(dec1)

    x, y, z, tmp, tmp, tmp = xyz(date)

    # Find extra distance light must travel in AU, multiply by 1.49598e13 cm/AU,
    # and divide by the speed of light, and multiply by 86400 second/year

    time = -499.00522e0 * (cos(dec1) * cos(ra1) * x + (tan(epsilon) * sin(dec1) + cos(dec1) * sin(ra1)) * y)
    if time_diff:
        return time
        return array(date).astype(float) + time / 86400.0e0

def RaDecMove(ra0, dec0, equinox1, equinox2, doprint=False, fk4=False, radian=False):
          Precess coordinates from EQUINOX1 to EQUINOX2.
          For interactive display, one can use the procedure ASTRO which calls
          PRECESS or use the /PRINT keyword.   The default (RA,DEC) system is
          FK5 based on epoch J2000.0 but FK4 based on B1950.0 is available via
          the /FK4 keyword.

          Use BPRECESS and JPRECESS to convert between FK4 and FK5 systems
          PRECESS, ra, dec, [ equinox1, equinox2, /PRINT, /FK4, /RADIAN ]

          RA - Input right ascension (scalar or vector) in DEGREES, unless the
                  /RADIAN keyword is set
          DEC - Input declination in DEGREES (scalar or vector), unless the
                  /RADIAN keyword is set

          The input RA and DEC are modified by PRECESS to give the
          values after precession.

          EQUINOX1 - Original equinox of coordinates, numeric scalar.  If
                   omitted, then PRECESS will query for EQUINOX1 and EQUINOX2.
          EQUINOX2 - Equinox of precessed coordinates.

          /PRINT - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then the precessed
                   coordinates are displayed at the terminal.    Cannot be used
                   with the /RADIAN keyword
          /FK4   - If this keyword is set and non-zero, the FK4 (B1950.0) system
                   will be used otherwise FK5 (J2000.0) will be used instead.
          /RADIAN - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then the input and
                   output RA and DEC vectors are in radians rather than degrees

           Accuracy of precession decreases for declination values near 90
           degrees.  PRECESS should not be used more than 2.5 centuries from
           2000 on the FK5 system (1950.0 on the FK4 system).

           (1) The Pole Star has J2000.0 coordinates (2h, 31m, 46.3s,
                   89d 15' 50.6"); compute its coordinates at J1985.0

           IDL> precess, ten(2,31,46.3)*15, ten(89,15,50.6), 2000, 1985, /PRINT

                   ====> 2h 16m 22.73s, 89d 11' 47.3"

           (2) Precess the B1950 coordinates of Eps Ind (RA = 21h 59m,33.053s,
           DEC = (-56d, 59', 33.053") to equinox B1975.

           IDL> ra = ten(21, 59, 33.053)*15
           IDL> dec = ten(-56, 59, 33.053)
           IDL> precess, ra, dec ,1950, 1975, /fk4

           Algorithm from Computational Spherical Astronomy by Taff (1983),
           p. 24. (FK4). FK5 constants from "Astronomical Almanac Explanatory
           Supplement 1992, page 104 Table 3.211.1.

           Function PREMAT - computes precession matrix

           Written, Wayne Landsman, STI Corporation  August 1986
           Correct negative output RA values   February 1989
           Added /PRINT keyword      W. Landsman   November, 1991
           Provided FK5 (J2000.0)  I. Freedman   January 1994
           Precession Matrix computation now in PREMAT   W. Landsman June 1994
           Added /RADIAN keyword                         W. Landsman June 1997
           Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
           Correct negative output RA values when /RADIAN used    March 1999
           Work for arrays, not just vectors  W. Landsman    September 2003
           Convert to Python 			Sergey Koposov	July 2010

    scal = True
    if isinstance(ra0, ndarray):
        ra = ra0.copy()
        dec = dec0.copy()
        scal = False
        ra = array([ra0])
        dec = array([dec0])
    npts = ra.size

    if not radian:
        ra_rad = deg2rad(ra)  # Convert to double precision if not already
        dec_rad = deg2rad(dec)
        ra_rad = ra
        dec_rad = dec

    a = cos(dec_rad)

    x = zeros((npts, 3))
    x[:, 0] = a * cos(ra_rad)
    x[:, 1] = a * sin(ra_rad)
    x[:, 2] = sin(dec_rad)

    # Use PREMAT function to get precession matrix from Equinox1 to Equinox2

    r = premat(equinox1, equinox2, fk4=fk4)

    x2 = transpose(dot(transpose(r), transpose(x)))  # rotate to get output direction cosines

    ra_rad = zeros(npts) + arctan2(x2[:, 1], x2[:, 0])
    dec_rad = zeros(npts) + arcsin(x2[:, 2])

    if not radian:
        ra = rad2deg(ra_rad)
        ra = ra + (ra < 0.) * 360.e0  # RA between 0 and 360 degrees
        dec = rad2deg(dec_rad)
        ra = ra_rad
        dec = dec_rad
        ra = ra + (ra < 0.) * 2.0e0 * pi

    if doprint:
        print('Equinox (%.2f): %f,%f' % (equinox2, ra, dec))
    if scal:
        ra, dec = ra[0], dec[0]
    return ra, dec

print(RaDecMove(180, 20, 1950, 2000))
print(RaDecMove(180, 20, 2000, 1950))

def precess_xyz(x, y, z, equinox1, equinox2):

            Precess equatorial geocentric rectangular coordinates.

            precess_xyz, x, y, z, equinox1, equinox2

            x,y,z: scalars or vectors giving heliocentric rectangular coordinates
            EQUINOX1: equinox of input coordinates, numeric scalar
           EQUINOX2: equinox of output coordinates, numeric scalar

            x,y,z are changed upon return

       The equatorial geocentric rectangular coords are converted
          to RA and Dec, precessed in the normal way, then changed
          back to x, y and z using unit vectors.

            Precess 1950 equinox coords x, y and z to 2000.
            IDL> precess_xyz,x,y,z, 1950, 2000

            Written by P. Plait/ACC March 24 1999
               (unit vectors provided by D. Lindler)
           Use /Radian call to PRECESS     W. Landsman     November 2000
           Use two parameter call to ATAN   W. Landsman    June 2001
    # check inputs

    # take input coords and convert to ra and dec (in radians)

    ra = arctan2(y, x)
    _del = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)  # magnitude of distance to Sun
    dec = arcsin(z / _del)

    #   precess the ra and dec
    ra, dec = RaDecMove(ra, dec, equinox1, equinox2, radian=True)

    # convert back to x, y, z
    xunit = cos(ra) * cos(dec)
    yunit = sin(ra) * cos(dec)
    zunit = sin(dec)

    x = xunit * _del
    y = yunit * _del
    z = zunit * _del

    return x, y, z

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# silas
def sphdist(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):
    """measures the spherical distance in degrees
        The input has to be in degrees too

    dec1_r = deg2rad(dec1)
    dec2_r = deg2rad(dec2)
    return 2 * \
           rad2deg \
                               sin((dec1_r - dec2_r) / 2)
                           ) ** 2
                           cos(dec1_r) * cos(dec2_r) *
                               sin((deg2rad(ra1 - ra2)) / 2)
                           ) ** 2

def xyz(date, equinox=None):
           Calculate geocentric X,Y, and Z  and velocity coordinates of the Sun
           Calculates geocentric X,Y, and Z vectors and velocity coordinates
           (dx, dy and dz) of the Sun.   (The positive X axis is directed towards
           the equinox, the y-axis, towards the point on the equator at right
           ascension 6h, and the z axis toward the north pole of the equator).
           Typical position accuracy is <1e-4 AU (15000 km).

           XYZ, date, x, y, z, [ xvel, yvel, zvel, EQUINOX = ]

           date: reduced julian date (=JD - 2400000), scalar or vector

           x,y,z: scalars or vectors giving heliocentric rectangular coordinates
                     (in A.U) for each date supplied.    Note that sqrt(x^2 + y^2
                     + z^2) gives the Earth-Sun distance for the given date.
           xvel, yvel, zvel: velocity vectors corresponding to X, Y and Z.

           EQUINOX: equinox of output. Default is 1950.

           What were the rectangular coordinates and velocities of the Sun on
           Jan 22, 1999 0h UT (= JD 2451200.5) in J2000 coords? NOTE:
           Astronomical Almanac (AA) is in TDT, so add 64 seconds to
           UT to convert.

           IDL> xyz,51200.5+64.d/86400.d,x,y,z,xv,yv,zv,equinox = 2000

           Compare to Astronomical Almanac (1999 page C20)
                       X  (AU)        Y  (AU)     Z (AU)
           XYZ:      0.51456871   -0.76963263  -0.33376880
           AA:       0.51453130   -0.7697110   -0.3337152
           abs(err): 0.00003739    0.00007839   0.00005360
               (km):   5609          11759         8040

           NOTE: Velocities in AA are for Earth/Moon barycenter
                 (a very minor offset) see AA 1999 page E3
                      X VEL (AU/DAY) YVEL (AU/DAY)   Z VEL (AU/DAY)
           XYZ:      -0.014947268   -0.0083148382    -0.0036068577
           AA:       -0.01494574    -0.00831185      -0.00360365
           abs(err):  0.000001583    0.0000029886     0.0000032077
            (km/sec): 0.00265        0.00519          0.00557

           Original algorithm from Almanac for Computers, Doggett et al. USNO 1978
           Adapted from the book Astronomical Photometry by A. Henden
           Written  W. Landsman   STX       June 1989
           Correct error in X coefficient   W. Landsman HSTX  January 1995
           Added velocities, more terms to positions and EQUINOX keyword,
              some minor adjustments to calculations
              P. Plait/ACC March 24, 1999

    picon = pi / 180.0e0
    t = (date - 15020.0e0) / 36525.0e0  # Relative Julian century from 1900

    # NOTE: longitude arguments below are given in *equinox* of date.
    #   Precess these to equinox 1950 to give everything an even footing.
    #   Compute argument of precession from equinox of date back to 1950
    pp = (1.396041e0 + 0.000308e0 * (t + 0.5e0)) * (t - 0.499998e0)

    # Compute mean solar longitude, precessed back to 1950
    el = 279.696678e0 + 36000.76892e0 * t + 0.000303e0 * t * t - pp

    # Compute Mean longitude of the Moon
    c = 270.434164e0 + 480960.e0 * t + 307.883142e0 * t - 0.001133e0 * t * t - pp

    # Compute longitude of Moon's ascending node
    n = 259.183275e0 - 1800.e0 * t - 134.142008e0 * t + 0.002078e0 * t * t - pp

    # Compute mean solar anomaly
    g = 358.475833e0 + 35999.04975e0 * t - 0.00015e0 * t * t

    # Compute the mean jupiter anomaly
    j = 225.444651e0 + 2880.0e0 * t + 154.906654e0 * t * t

    # Compute mean anomaly of Venus
    v = 212.603219e0 + 58320.e0 * t + 197.803875e0 * t + 0.001286e0 * t * t

    # Compute mean anomaly of Mars
    m = 319.529425e0 + 19080.e0 * t + 59.8585e0 * t + 0.000181e0 * t * t

    # Convert degrees to radians for trig functions
    el = el * picon
    g = g * picon
    j = j * picon
    c = c * picon
    v = v * picon
    n = n * picon
    m = m * picon

    # Calculate X,Y,Z using trigonometric series
    x = 0.999860e0 * cos(el) - 0.025127e0 * cos(g - el) + 0.008374e0 * cos(g + el) + 0.000105e0 * cos(
        g + g + el) + 0.000063e0 * t * cos(g - el) + 0.000035e0 * cos(g + g - el) - 0.000026e0 * sin(
        g - el - j) - 0.000021e0 * t * cos(g + el) + 0.000018e0 * sin(2.e0 * g + el - 2.e0 * v) + 0.000017e0 * cos(
        c) - 0.000014e0 * cos(c - 2.e0 * el) + 0.000012e0 * cos(4.e0 * g + el - 8.e0 * m + 3.e0 * j) - 0.000012e0 * cos(
        4.e0 * g - el - 8.e0 * m + 3.e0 * j) - 0.000012e0 * cos(g + el - v) + 0.000011e0 * cos(
        2.e0 * g + el - 2.e0 * v) + 0.000011e0 * cos(2.e0 * g - el - 2.e0 * j)

    y = 0.917308e0 * sin(el) + 0.023053e0 * sin(g - el) + 0.007683e0 * sin(g + el) + 0.000097e0 * sin(
        g + g + el) - 0.000057e0 * t * sin(g - el) - 0.000032e0 * sin(g + g - el) - 0.000024e0 * cos(
        g - el - j) - 0.000019e0 * t * sin(g + el) - 0.000017e0 * cos(2.e0 * g + el - 2.e0 * v) + 0.000016e0 * sin(
        c) + 0.000013e0 * sin(c - 2.e0 * el) + 0.000011e0 * sin(4.e0 * g + el - 8.e0 * m + 3.e0 * j) + 0.000011e0 * sin(
        4.e0 * g - el - 8.e0 * m + 3.e0 * j) - 0.000011e0 * sin(g + el - v) + 0.000010e0 * sin(
        2.e0 * g + el - 2.e0 * v) - 0.000010e0 * sin(2.e0 * g - el - 2.e0 * j)

    z = 0.397825e0 * sin(el) + 0.009998e0 * sin(g - el) + 0.003332e0 * sin(g + el) + 0.000042e0 * sin(
        g + g + el) - 0.000025e0 * t * sin(g - el) - 0.000014e0 * sin(g + g - el) - 0.000010e0 * cos(g - el - j)

    # Precess_to new equator?
    if equinox is not None:
        x, y, z = precess_xyz(x, y, z, 1950, equinox)

    xvel = -0.017200e0 * sin(el) - 0.000288e0 * sin(g + el) - 0.000005e0 * sin(2.e0 * g + el) - 0.000004e0 * sin(
        c) + 0.000003e0 * sin(c - 2.e0 * el) + 0.000001e0 * t * sin(g + el) - 0.000001e0 * sin(2.e0 * g - el)

    yvel = 0.015780 * cos(el) + 0.000264 * cos(g + el) + 0.000005 * cos(2.e0 * g + el) + 0.000004 * cos(
        c) + 0.000003 * cos(c - 2.e0 * el) - 0.000001 * t * cos(g + el)

    zvel = 0.006843 * cos(el) + 0.000115 * cos(g + el) + 0.000002 * cos(2.e0 * g + el) + 0.000002 * cos(
        c) + 0.000001 * cos(c - 2.e0 * el)

    # Precess to new equator?

    if equinox is not None:
        xvel, yvel, zvel = precess_xyz(xvel, yvel, zvel, 1950, equinox)

    return x, y, z, xvel, yvel, zvel

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