5.2.3 UE behaviour in state 5GMM-REGISTERED    General    概述
The state 5GMM-REGISTERED is entered at the UE, when the initial registration procedure is performed by the UE (see subclause
In state 5GMM-REGISTERED, the UE shall behave according to the substate as explained in subclause
在5GMM-注册状态下,UE应根据5.2.3.2节中所述的子状态进行行为。    Detailed description of UE behaviour in state 5GMM-REGISTERED       状态5GMM-注册中UE行为的详细描述    NORMAL-SERVICE    正常服务
The UE:
a)    shall initiate the mobility or the periodic registration update procedure (according to conditions given in subclause, except that the periodic registration update procedure shall not be initiated over non-3GPP access;
a) 应启动移动性或定期注册更新程序(根据5.节中给出的条件),但定期注册更新过程不应通过非3GPP接入启动;
b)    shall initiate the service request procedure (according to conditions given in subclause 5.6.1);
b) 应启动服务请求程序(根据第5.6.1节给出的条件);
c)    shall respond to paging;
c) 应响应寻呼;
d)    if configured for eCall only mode as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [22], shall perform the eCall inactivity procedure at expiry of timer T3444 or timer T3445 (see subclause 5.5.3); and
d) 如果配置为3GPP TS 31.102[22]中规定的仅eCall模式,则应在定时器T3444或定时器T3445到期时执行eCall不活动程序(见5.5.3节);和
e)    shall initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update on the expiry of timer T3511.
e) 应在定时器T3511到期时启动移动性和定期注册更新的注册程序。
NOTE 1:    Paging is not supported over non-3GPP access.
NOTE 2:    As an implementation option, the MUSIM UE is allowed to not respond to paging based on the information available in the paging message, e.g. voice service indication.
注2:作为实现选项,允许MUSIM UE基于寻呼消息中可用的信息(例如语音服务指示)不响应寻呼。    NON-ALLOWED-SERVICE       不允许服务
The UE shall behave as specified in subclause 5.3.5.
UE的行为应符合第5.3.5节的规定。    ATTEMPTING-REGISTRATION-UPDATE    正在尝试注册更新
The UE in 3GPP access:
a)    shall not send any user data;
a) 不得发送任何用户数据;
b)    shall initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update on the expiry of timers T3502, T3511 or T3346;
b) 应在定时器T3502、T3511或T3346到期时启动移动性和定期注册更新的注册程序;
c)    shall initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update when entering a new PLMN, if timer T3346 is running and the new PLMN is not equivalent to the PLMN where the UE started timer T3346, the PLMN identity of the new cell is not in the forbidden PLMN lists, and the tracking area is not in one of the lists of 5GS forbidden tracking areas;
c) 如果定时器T3346正在运行并且新PLMN不等同于UE启动定时器T3344的PLMN,则新小区的PLMNs标识不在禁止PLMN列表中,并且跟踪区域不在5G禁止跟踪区域列表中的一个中,则在进入新PLMNs时应发起移动性和周期性注册更新的注册过程;
d)    shall initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update when the tracking area of the serving cell has changed, if timer T3346 is not running, the PLMN identity of the new cell is not in one of the forbidden PLMN lists or the SNPN identity of the new cell is in neither the "permanently forbidden SNPNs" list nor the "temporarily forbidden SNPNs" list which are, if the MS supports access to an SNPN using credentials from a credentials holder, associated with the selected entry of the "list of subscriber data" or the selected PLMN subscription, and the tracking area is not in one of the lists of 5GS forbidden tracking areas;
d) 如果定时器T3346未运行,新小区的PLMN标识不在禁止PLMN列表中,或者新小区的SNPN标识既不在“永久禁止SNPN”列表中也不在“临时SNPN列表中”,如果MS支持使用来自证书持有者的证书访问SNPN,与“用户数据列表”的所选条目或所选PLMN订阅关联,并且跟踪区域不在5G禁止跟踪区域列表中的一个;
e)    may initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update upon request of the upper layers to establish an emergency PDU session;
e) 可以在上层请求建立紧急PDU会话时发起用于移动性和周期性注册更新的注册过程;
e1)    may initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update upon request of the upper layers to establish a PDU session, if the UE is a UE configured for high priority access in selected PLMN;
f)    may perform de-registration locally and initiate a registration procedure for initial registration for emergency services even if timer T3346 is running;
f) 即使定时器T3346正在运行,也可以在本地执行取消注册并启动用于紧急服务的初始注册的注册过程;
g)    shall initiate registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update upon reception of paging, or upon reception of NOTIFICATION message with access type indicating 3GPP access;
g) 在接收到寻呼或接收到具有指示3GPP接入的接入类型的通知消息时,应发起移动性和周期性注册更新的注册过程;
NOTE:    As an implementation option, the MUSIM UE is allowed to not respond to paging based on the information available in the paging message, e.g. voice service indication.
注意:作为一种实现选项,允许MUSIM UE基于寻呼消息中可用的信息(例如语音服务指示)不响应寻呼。
h)    may initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update upon request for an MMTEL voice call, MMTEL video call, or an MO IMS registration related signalling from the upper layers, and none of the following conditions is met:
h) 可以在请求来自上层的MMTEL语音呼叫、MMTEL视频呼叫或MO IMS注册相关信令时发起用于移动性和定期注册更新的注册过程,并且不满足以下条件:
-    timer T3346 is running;
-    the UE has stored a list of "non-allowed tracking areas" and the UE is camped on a cell which is in the registered PLMN or a PLMN from the list of equivalent PLMNs whose TAI is in the list of "non-allowed tracking areas"; or
-    the UE has stored a list of "allowed tracking areas" and the UE is not camped on a cell which is in the registered PLMN or a PLMN from the list of equivalent PLMNs whose TAI is in the list of "allowed tracking areas";
i)    shall initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update if the 5GS update status is set to 5U2 NOT UPDATED, and timers T3511, T3502 and T3346 are not running;
i) 如果5GS更新状态设置为5U2未更新,且定时器T3511、T3502和T3346未运行,则应启动移动性和定期注册更新的注册程序;
j)    if configured for eCall only mode as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [22], shall perform the eCall inactivity procedure at expiry of timer T3444 or timer T3445 (see subclause 5.5.3);
j) 如果配置为3GPP TS 31.102[22]中规定的仅eCall模式,则应在定时器T3444或定时器T3445到期时执行eCall不活动程序(见子5.5.3节);
k)    may initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update for UE in NB-N1 mode upon receiving a request from upper layers to transmit user data related to an exceptional event and the UE is allowed to use exception data reporting (see the ExceptionDataReportingAllowed leaf of the NAS configuration MO in 3GPP TS 24.368 [17]) if timer T3346 is not already running for "MO exception data" and even if timer T3502 or timer T3511 is running; and
k) 在接收到来自上层的发送与异常事件相关的用户数据的请求时,可以发起用于NB-N1模式中的UE的移动性和周期性注册更新的注册过程,并且如果定时器T3346尚未运行,则允许UE使用异常数据报告(参见3GPP TS 24.368[17]中的NAS配置MO的异常数据报告允许页)“MO异常数据”,即使定时器T3502或定时器T3511正在运行;和
l)    shall not initiate the de-registration signalling procedure unless the current TAI is part of the TAI list.
l) 除非当前TAI是TAI列表的一部分,否则不得启动注销信令程序。
The UE in non-3GPP access:
a)    shall not send any user data;
a) 不得发送任何用户数据;
b)    shall initiate the registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update on the expiry of timers T3502, T3511 or T3346;
b) 应在定时器T3502、T3511或T3346到期时启动移动性和定期注册更新的注册程序;
c)    may initiate a registration procedure for mobility registration update upon request of the upper layers to establish an emergency PDU session;
c) 可以在上层请求建立紧急PDU会话时发起用于移动性注册更新的注册过程;
c1)    may initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update upon request of the upper layers to establish a PDU session, if the UE is a UE configured for high priority access in selected PLMN;
d)    may perform de-registration locally and initiate a registration procedure for initial registration for emergency services even if timer T3346 is running;
d) 即使定时器T3346正在运行,也可以在本地执行取消注册并启动用于紧急服务的初始注册的注册过程;
e)    may initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update upon request for an MMTEL voice call, MMTEL video call, or an MO IMS registration related signalling from the upper layers, if timer T3346 is not running;
e) 如果定时器T3346未运行,则可以在请求来自上层的MMTEL语音呼叫、MMTEL视频呼叫或MO IMS注册相关信令时发起用于移动性和周期性注册更新的注册过程;
f)    shall initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update if the 5GS update status is set to 5U2 NOT UPDATED, and timers T3511, T3502 and T3346 are not running; and
f) 如果5GS更新状态设置为5U2未更新,且定时器T3511、T3502和T3346未运行,则应启动移动性和定期注册更新的注册程序;和
g)    shall not initiate the de-registration signalling procedure unless timer T3346 is running.
g) 除非计时器T3346正在运行,否则不得启动取消注册信令程序。    LIMITED-SERVICE    受限服务
The UE:
a)    shall perform cell selection/reselection;
a) 应执行小区选择/重选;
b)    may perform de-registration locally and initiate an initial registration for emergency services; and
b) 可以在本地执行取消注册,并发起紧急服务的初始注册;和
c)    if configured for eCall only mode as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [22], shall perform the eCall inactivity procedure at expiry of timer T3444 or timer T3445 (see subclause 5.5.3).
c) 如果配置为3GPP TS 31.102[22]中规定的仅eCall模式,则应在定时器T3444或定时器T3445到期时执行eCall不活动程序(见5.5.3节)。    PLMN-SEARCH    PLMN-搜索
The UE shall perform PLMN selection or SNPN selection. If a new PLMN is selected, the UE shall reset the registration attempt counter and initiate a registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update (see subclause If a new SNPN is selected, the UE shall reset the registration attempt counter, may perform de-registration locally and shall initiate a registration procedure for initial registration (see subclause
If the selected cell in the new PLMN is known not to be able to provide normal service, the UE may perform de-registration locally and initiate an initial registration for emergency services.
如果已知新PLMN中的所选小区不能提供正常服务,则UE可以在本地执行取消注册,并发起紧急服务的初始注册。    NO-CELL-AVAILABLE    无小区可用
The UE shall perform cell selection and choose an appropriate substate when a cell is found.
UE应执行小区选择,并在发现小区时选择适当的子状态。    UPDATE-NEEDED    需要更新
The UE:
a)    shall not send any user data;
a) 不得发送任何用户数据;
b)    shall not send signalling information, unless it is a service request as a response to paging or to initiate signalling for emergency services or emergency services fallback;
b) 不得发送信令信息,除非是作为对寻呼的响应或启动紧急服务或紧急服务回退信令的服务请求;
c)    shall perform cell selection/reselection;
c) 应执行小区选择/重选;
d)    shall enter the appropriate new substate as soon as the lower layers indicate that the barring is alleviated for the access category with which the access attempt for the registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update was associated; and
d) 一旦较低层指示针对与移动性和定期注册更新的注册过程的接入尝试相关联的接入类别的限制被缓解,则应立即进入适当的新子状态;和
e)    if configured for eCall only mode as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [22], shall perform the eCall inactivity procedure at expiry of timer T3444 or T3445 (see subclause 5.5.3).
e) 如果配置为3GPP TS 31.102[22]中规定的仅eCall模式,则应在定时器T3444或T3445到期时执行eCall不活动程序(见5.5.3节)。

评论 2




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