struts1 DispatchAction类例子



01. public   class   UserAction  extends   DispatchAction {
03.      private   final   static   String SUCCESS =  "success" ;
05.      public   ActionForward add(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
06.              HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
07.              throws   Exception {
08.          UserForm userForm = (UserForm) form;
09.          userForm.setMessage( "Inside add user method." );
10.          return   mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
11.      }
13.      public   ActionForward update(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
14.              HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
15.              throws   Exception {
16.          UserForm userForm = (UserForm) form;
17.          userForm.setMessage( "Inside update user method." );
18.          return   mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
19.      }
21.      public   ActionForward delete(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
22.              HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
23.              throws   Exception {
24.          UserForm userForm = (UserForm) form;
25.          userForm.setMessage( "Inside delete user method." );
26.          return   mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
27.      }
28. }

If you notice the signature of the add, update and delete methods are similar to the execute method except the name. The next step is to create an action mapping for this action handler. The request parameter name is specified using the parameter attribute. Here the request parameter name is method.

1. < action-mappings >
2.      < action   input = "/index.jsp"   parameter = "method"   name = "UserForm"   path = "/UserAction"   scope = "session" type = "com.vaannila.UserAction" >
3.          < forward   name = "success"   path = "/index.jsp"   />
4.      </ action >
5. </ action-mappings >

Now lets see how to invoke a DispatchAction from jsp. We have a simple form with three buttons to add, update and delete a user. When each button is clicked a different method in UserAction class is invoked.

1. < action-mappings >
2.      < action   input = "/index.jsp"   parameter = "method"   name = "UserForm"   path = "/UserAction"   scope = "session" type = "com.vaannila.UserAction" >
3.          < forward   name = "success"   path = "/index.jsp"   />
4.      </ action >
5. </ action-mappings >

01. < html >
02. < head >
03. < script   type = "text/javascript" >
04. function submitForm()
05. {
06. document.forms[0].action = ""
07. document.forms[0].submit();
08. }
09. </ script >
10. </ head >
11. < body >
12. < html:form   action = " "   >
13. < table >
14. < tr >
15.      < td >
16.          < bean:write   name = "UserForm"   property = "message"   />
17.      </ td >
18. </ tr >
19. < tr >
20.      < td >
21.          < html:submit   value = "Add"   onclick = "submitForm()"   />
22.      </ td >
23. </ tr >
24. < tr >
25.      < td >
26.          < html:submit   property = "method"   value = "update"   />
27.      </ td >
28. </ tr >
29. < tr >
30.      < td >
31.          < html:submit    property = "method"   >delete</ html:submit >
32.      </ td >
33. </ tr >
34. </ table >
35. </ html:form >
36. </ body >
37. </ html >

Now consider the update and the delete button. The request parameter name specified in the action handler is "method". So this should be specified as the property name for the submit button. The name of the method to be invoked and the value of the button should be the same. So when the button is clicked the corresponding method in the UserAction will be called. The delete button shows an alternate way to specify the value of the button.

Here the main constraint is the method name and the button name should be same. So we can't have an update button like this "Update". Inorder to avoid this you can call a javascript function on click of the button. Specify the action and submit the form from javascript. In this way we can have a different button name and method name. On click of the Add button the action value is set to " " and the form is submitted from javascript.





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