Flume or Kafka for Real-Time Event Processing

Flume and Kakfa both can act as the event backbone for real-time event processing. Some features are overlapping between the two and there are some confusions about what should be used in what use cases. This post tries to elaborate on the pros and cons of both products and the use cases that they fit the best.

Flume and Kafka are actually two quite different products. Kafka is a general purposepublish-subscribe model messaging system, which offers strong durability, scalability and fault-tolerance support. It is not specifically designed for Hadoop. Hadoop ecosystem is just be one of its possible consumers.

Image taken from http://kafka.apache.org

Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of data from many different sources to a centralized data store, such as HDFS or HBase. It is more tightly integrated with Hadoop ecosystem. For example, the flume HDFS sink integrates with the HDFS security very well. So its common use case is to act as a data pipeline to ingest data into Hadoop.

Compared to Flume, Kafka wins on the its superb scalability and messsage durablity.

Kafka is very scalable. One of the key benefits of Kafka is that it is very easy to add large number of consumers without affecting performance and without down time. That's because Kafka does not track which messages in the topic have been consumed by consumers. It simply keeps all messages in the topic within a configurable period. It is the consumers' responsibility to do the tracking through offset. In contrast, adding more consumers to Flume means changing the topology of Flume pipeline design, replicating the channel to deliver the messages to a new sink. It is not really a scalable solution when you have huge number of consumers. Also since the flume topology needs to be changed, it requires some down time.

Kafka's scalability is also demonstrated by its ability to handle spike of the events. This is where Kakfa truly shines because it acts as a "shock absorber" between the producers and consumers. Kafka can handle events at 100k+ per second rate coming from producers. Because Kafka consumers pull data from the topic, different consumers can consume the messages at different pace. Kafka also supports different consumption model. You can have one consumer processing the messages at real-time and another consumer processing the messages in batch mode. On the contrary, Flume sink supports push model. When event producers suddenly generate a flood of messages, even though flume channel somewhat acts as a buffer between source and sink, the sink endpoints might still be overwhelmed by the write operations. 

Message durability is also an important consideration. Flume supports both ephemeral memory-based channel and durable file-based channel. Even when you use a durable file-based channel, any event stored in a channel not yet written to a sink will be unavailable until the agent is recovered. Moreoever, the file-based channel does not replicate event data to a different node. It totally depends on the durability of the storage it writes upon. If message durability is crucial, it is recommended to use SAN or RAID. Kafka supports both synchronous and asynchronous replication based on your durability requirement and it uses commodity hard drive. 

Flume does have some features that makes it attractive to be a data ingestion and simpleevent processing framework. The key benefit of Flume is that it supports many built-in sources and sinks, which you can use out of box. If you use Kafka, most likely you have to write your own producer and consumer. Of course, as Kakfa becomes more and more popular, other frameworks are constantly adding integration support for Kafka. For example, Apache Storm added Kafka Spout in release 0.9.2, allowing Storm topology to consume data from Kafka 0.8.x directly. 

Kafka does not provider native support for message processing. So mostly likely it needs to integrate with other event processing frameworks such as Apache Storm to complete the job. In contrast, Flume supports different data flow models and interceptors chaining, which makes event filtering and transforming very easy. For example, you can filter out messages that you are not interested in the pipeline first before sending it through the network for obvious performance reason. However, It is not suitable for complex event processing, which I will address in a future post. 

The good news is that the latest trend is to use both together to get the best of both worlds. For example, Flume in CDH 5.2 starts to accept data from Kafka via the KafkaSource and push to Kafka using the KafkaSink. Also CDH 5.3 (the latest release) adds Kafka Channel support, which addresses the event durability issue mentioned above.






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