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原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (39)

4.1.4. Adjust options according to targetReturned from c_common_post_options, continue with process_options. Remember that input_filename accesses file field of input_location which tracks the curre

2010-04-30 11:01:00 1125

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(39)

4.1.4. 根据目标平台调整选项从c_common_post_options返回,继续process_options。回忆input_filename访问input_location的file域,这个域记录了当前正在编译的文件。 process_options (continue) 4283   input_filename = main_input_filename;4

2010-04-30 10:46:00 2809

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (38)        #pragma interface & #pragma implementationAs extension to C++ provided by GCC, #pragma interface “filename” (op) and #pragma implementation “filename” (op) are described by [

2010-04-29 10:05:00 770

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(38)        #pragma interface及#pragma implementation作为GCC提供的一个C++的扩展,【6】解释了#pragma interface “filename” (op) 及#pragma implementation “filename” (op)。 6.3 模糊链接性(Vague Linkage)在C++中有一些

2010-04-29 10:02:00 2335

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (37)      Read in common fileBack should_stack_file, for common file, the whole file content will be put into buffer of cpp_reader. should_stack_file (continue) 584      if (!read_fi

2010-04-28 09:44:00 816

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(37)      读入普通文件回到should_stack_file,对于普通文件,整个文件内容将被放入cpp_reader的buffer内。 should_stack_file (continue) 584      if (!read_file (pfile, file))585        return false;586    587  

2010-04-28 09:24:00 1156

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (36)  The expansion bodyIn macro expansion body, hash ‘#’ only can immediately precede the macro parameter to stringify it. Otherwise it only can appear freely in assembler language as

2010-04-27 09:22:00 876

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (35)        Create macro definition – ISO modeAs we have seen, standard mode is token based, so for each token found, it needs a data to save its information as below. 175  struct cp

2010-04-26 09:40:00 1305

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(35)        创建宏定义 – ISO模式我们已经看到,标准模式是基于符号(token)的,因此对于每个看到的符号,都要以下面的形式保存其信息。 175  struct cpp_token                                                                                    

2010-04-26 09:36:00 1935

原创 Modultils工具源码分析之ksyms篇


2010-04-23 09:56:00 1295

原创 Modultils工具源码分析之insmod篇 (完)

回到INSMOD_MAIN函数里。 1899       /* Do archdata again, this time we have the final addresses */1900       if (add_archdata(f, &archdata))1901              goto out;19021903       /* Do kallsym

2010-04-23 09:53:00 1258

原创 Modultils工具源码分析之insmod篇 (12)

回到INSMOD_MAIN里。 1893       if (!obj_relocate(f, m_addr)) {      /* DEPMOD */1894              if (!noload)1895                     delete_module(m_name);1896              goto out;1897    

2010-04-23 09:50:00 848

原创 Modultils工具源码分析之insmod篇 (11)

回到INSMOD_MAIN。 1826       /**** No symbols or sections to be changed after kallsyms above ***/ 之前所有的操作都没动内核。下面就要来真的了。 1828    if (errors)1829              goto out;18301831       /*

2010-04-23 09:46:00 1267

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (34)              Read in macro defintionsIn rest of PCH file, it contains detail of definition of macros. By this information, we can insert those defintions in cpp_reader now. In PCH fil

2010-04-23 09:31:00 772

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(34)              读入宏定义在剩下的PCH文件中,包含了其宏定义的细节。根据这个信息,现在我们可以把这些定义插入cpp_reader里。在PCH文件中,每个宏定义以以下的macrodef_struct结构开头。 38    struct macrodef_struct                                         

2010-04-23 09:27:00 1135

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (33)              Read in PCH content in intermediate formBefore, we have seen some variables are declared with GTY((…)), the program of GC (garbage collection) will parse specified files

2010-04-22 09:54:00 886

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(33)              读入中间形式的PCH内容之前,我们已经看到一些变量在声明中使用了GTY((…)),GC程序(垃圾回收器)将解析指定的文件(在指定列表外的文件中的GTY((…))是不被解析的,它们将导致编译错误——未定义的识别符),并将结果输出到加上gt-前缀的同名文件中。而该文件才作为编译编译器时的真正输入。因此,以下所涉及的变量才是编译器真正使用的,它

2010-04-22 09:44:00 1680 1

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (32)            Read in fileAbove at line 439, if the file has been found and opened successfully,  _cpp_find_file returns the corresponding _cpp_file object, and refered by pfile->main_file.

2010-04-21 09:25:00 940

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(32)            读入文件上面439行,如果文件找到并成功打开,_cpp_find_file将对应的_cpp_file对象返回,交由pfile->main_file保存。由此,可以开始读入文件的内容。 cpp_read_main_file (continue) 473      _cpp_stack_file (pfile, pfile->main_f

2010-04-21 09:21:00 1225

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (31)      Validate PCH FileIf PCH file is found, it needs ensure this file is valid. 1257 static bool1258 validate_pch (cpp_reader *pfile, _cpp_file *file, const char *pchname)        

2010-04-20 09:35:00 703

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(31)      验证PCH文件如果PCH文件找到了,需确保它是有效的。 1257 static bool1258 validate_pch (cpp_reader *pfile, _cpp_file *file, const char *pchname)          in cppfiles.c1259 {1260   const char *sav

2010-04-20 09:22:00 1212

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (30)

4.1.3. Read in source fileAs now cpp_reader is ready, it is time to read in source files. Below, macro input_line accesses line field of global variable input_location which records the current file

2010-04-19 10:13:00 803

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(30)

4.1.3. 读入源代码现在cpp_reader已经就绪,是时候读入源文件了。在下面,宏input_line访问全局变量input_location的line域。这个全局变量记录了当前文件名及当前处理行号。 c_common_post_option (continue) 1162   saved_lineno = input_line;1163   input_line =

2010-04-19 10:07:00 1191

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (29)

4.1.2. Set up flags controlling lexerBelow, flag_inline_trees, it is 0 if we should not perform inlining, 1 if we should expand functions calls inline at the tree level, and 2 if we should consider

2010-04-16 09:50:00 700

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(29)

4.1.2. 设置Lexer控制参数下面,flag_inline_trees,是0如果不执行内联,是1如果以树形式展开内联函数调用,是2如果所有函数被视为内联的候选。而flag_inline_functions,如果为非0值,允许编译器在调用点,选择某些简单的内联函数将其内联。这个变量自动被-O3打开,除非指定了-fno-inline-functions。另flag_no_inline如果

2010-04-16 09:46:00 967

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (28)

4.1.1. Finish the setup of search pathGCC looks in several different places for headers. On a normal Unix system, if you do not instruct it otherwise, it will look for headers requested with `#inclu

2010-04-15 09:46:00 663

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(28)

4.1.1. 完成查找路径设置GCC在多个不同的地方查找头文件。在一个普通的Unix系统上,如果不另外指示,由`#include 请求的文件将在以下目录中查找:     /usr/local/include     LIBDIR/gcc/TARGET/VERSION/include     /usr/TARGET/include     /usr/include对于C++

2010-04-15 09:41:00 1260

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (27)

3.3.4. Finish the handlingWhen return from handle_options, decode_options updates other flags accordingly. Orinigal value of flag_no_inline and flag_really_no_inline are 2. If appropriate, flag_no_i

2010-04-14 09:25:00 680

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(27)

3.3.4. 完成处理当从handle_options符号时,decode_options相应地更新其他标识。flag_no_inline和flag_really_no_inline初始是2。如果合适,flag_no_inline将被common_handle_option 设为1(见该函数的1060行)。在下面,可以看到,如果内联是可能的,这2个变量均是0。而且如果optimize是0,fl

2010-04-14 09:19:00 1325

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (26 cont2)

common_handle_option (continue) 1179     case OPT_fprofile:1180       profile_flag = value;1181       break;11821183     case OPT_fprofile_arcs:1184       profile_arc_flag_set = true;1

2010-04-13 12:40:00 850

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(26续2)

common_handle_option (continue) 1179     case OPT_fprofile:1180       profile_flag = value;1181       break;11821183     case OPT_fprofile_arcs:1184       profile_arc_flag_set = true;1

2010-04-13 12:27:00 1431

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (26 cont1)

common_handle_option (continue) 909      case OPT_fcall_used_:910        fix_register (arg, 0, 1);911        break;912  913      case OPT_fcall_saved_:914        fix_register (arg, 0, 0)

2010-04-13 12:23:00 1442

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(26续1)

common_handle_option (continue) 909      case OPT_fcall_used_:910        fix_register (arg, 0, 1);911        break;912  913      case OPT_fcall_saved_:914        fix_register (arg, 0, 0)

2010-04-13 12:09:00 2079

原创 Modultils工具源码分析之insmod篇 (10)

回到INSMOD_MAIN。 1819              /* archdata based on relocatable addresses */1820              if (add_archdata(f, &archdata))1821                     goto out;18221823              /* ka

2010-04-08 12:17:00 1013

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (26)            Handling common options For common switches or switches can’t be finished by c_common_handle_option, common_handle_option is invoked. 655  static int656  common_handle_op

2010-04-08 12:05:00 822

原创 GCC-3.4.6源代码学习笔记(26)            处理公用选项对于公用选项及c_common_handle_option未能完成处理之选项,则需要继续调用 common_handle_option。 655  static int656  common_handle_option (size_t scode, const char *arg,                       

2010-04-08 11:59:00 1647

原创 Modultils工具源码分析之insmod篇 (9)

处理完命令行参数,INSMOD_MAIN接下来调用arch_create_got。这个函数在./modutils-2.4.0/obj/obj_i386.c中。Insmod——arch_create_got函数158  int159  arch_create_got (struct obj_file *f)160  {161    struct i386_file *ifile

2010-04-07 11:52:00 941

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (25 cont2)

c_common_handle_option (continue) 657      case OPT_Wwrite_strings:658        if (!c_dialect_cxx ())659          flag_const_strings = value;660        else661          warn_write_strings =

2010-04-07 11:36:00 1005

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (25 cont1)

c_common_handle_option (continue) 401     case OPT_Wbad_function_cast:402        warn_bad_function_cast = value;403        break;404  405      case OPT_Wcast_qual:406        warn_cast_qu

2010-04-07 11:33:00 1024

原创 Studying note of GCC-3.4.6 source (25)            Options for C++For C/C++ or obj-C, handle_options of lang_hooks is the same as c_common_handle_option. In below, OPT_* is used as index into cl_options. 251  int252  c_co

2010-04-07 11:29:00 1048

Introduction to Theory of Computation

This is a free textbook for an undergraduate course on the Theory of Computation, which we have been teaching at Carleton University since 2002.Until the 2011/2012 academic year, this course was offered as a second-year course (COMP 2805) and was compulsory for all Computer Science students. Starting with the 2012/2013 academic year, the course has been downgraded to a third-year optional course (COMP 3803).


Survey on Instruction Selection

Instruction selection is one of three optimization problems involved in the code generator back-end of a compiler. The instruction selector is responsible of transforming an input program from its target-independent representation into a target-specific form by making best use of the available machine instructions. Hence instruction selection is a crucial part of efficient code generation.


Towards a Compilation infrastructure for network processors

Modern network processors (NPs) typically resemble a highly-multithreaded multiprocessor-ona-chip, supporting a wide variety of mechanisms for on-chip storage and inter-task communication. NP applications are themselves composed of many threads that share memory and other resources,and synchronize and communicate frequently. In contrast, studies of new NP architectures and features are often performed by benchmarking a simulation model of the new NP using independent kernel programs that neither communicate nor share memory. In this paper we present a NP simulation infrastructure that (i) uses realistic NP applications that are multithreaded, share memory, synchronize, and communicate; and (ii) automatically maps these applications to a variety of NP architectures and features. We use our infrastructure to evaluate threading and scaling, on-chip storage and communication, and to suggest future techniques for automated compilation for NPs.


Crafting a Compiler

Brief Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 A Simple Compiler 31 3 Scanning—Theory and Practice 57 4 Grammars and Parsing 113 5 Top-Down Parsing 143 6 Bottom-Up Parsing 179 7 Syntax-Directed Translation 235 8 Symbol Tables and Declaration Processing 279 9 Semantic Analysis 343 10 Intermediate Representations 391 11 Code Generation for a Virtual Machine 417 12 Runtime Support 445 13 Target Code Generation 489 14 Program Optimization 547


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