[big/little system scheduler]五. big.LITTLE Technology



  1. 为何需要big.little 技术
  2. 如何配置big.little
  3. big.little系统如何调度

Modern software stacks place conflicting requirements on mobile systems. On the one hand is a demand for very high performance for tasks such as games, while on the other is a continuing requirement to be frugal with energy reserves for low intensity applications like audio playback.

Traditionally, it has not been possible to have a single processor design that can be capable of both high peak performance as well as high energy efficiency. This meant that a lot of energy was wasted because the high performance core would be used for low intensity tasks leading to reduced battery life. Performance would itself be affected by the thermal limits at which the cores could run for sustained periods.

big.LITTLE technology from ARM solves this problem by coupling together energy-efficient LITTLE cores with high-performance big cores. big.LITTLE is an example of a heterogeneous processing system. Such systems typically include several different processor types with different microarchitectures, like general-purpose processors and specialized ASICs.

big.LITTLE takes the heterogeneity one step further in that it includes general-purpose processors that are different in their micro-architecture but compatible in their instruction set architecture. A term that is often used with such systems is Heterogeneous Multiprocessing (HMP) (See Heterogeneous multi-processing on page 14-8). What makes HMP different from Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP) (Asymmetric multi-processing on page 14-7) is that all the processors in an HMP system are fully coherent and run the same operating system image.

Software can run on big or the LITTLE processors (or both) depending on performance requirements. When peak performance is required software can be moved to run only on big processors. For normal tasks, software can be run perfectly well on LITTLE processors. Through this combination, big.LITTLE provides a solution capable of delivering the peak performance required by the latest mobile devices, within the thermal bounds of the system, and with maximum energy efficiency.
其实主要节省功耗,比如播放music的时候,可以使用little cluster,对于玩游戏需要较高的performance性能,则需要big cluster. 但是如果一个应用其内部一些线程,时而变大,时而变小,那么就可能在big和little cluster之间频繁切换. 如果不让其切换,保证cache的效率,调度器干预其行为.


Both types of core in a big.LITTLE system are fully cache coherent and share the same instruction set architecture (ISA). The same application binary runs unmodified on either. Differences in the internal microarchitecture of the processors enable them to provide the different power and performance characteristics that are fundamental to the big.LITTLE concept. These are typically managed by the operating system.

big.LITTLE software models require transparent and efficient transfer of data between big and LITTLE clusters. Hardware coherency enables this, transparently to the software. Coherency between clusters is provided by a cache-coherent interconnect such as the ARM CoreLink CCI-400 described in Chapter 14. Without hardware coherency, the transfer of data between big and LITTLE cores would always occur through main memory but this would be slow and not power efficient. In addition, it would require complex cache management software, to enable data coherency between big and LITTLE clusters.

In addition, such a system also requires a shared interrupt controller, such as the GIC-400, enabling interrupts to be migrated between any cores in the clusters. All cores can signal each other using distributed interrupt controllers such as the CoreLink GIC-400. Task switching is typically handled entirely within the OS scheduler, and invisible to the application software. An example system is shown in Figure 16-1.


A number of big.LITTLE configurations are possible, Figure 16-1 uses Cortex-A57 cores as the big cluster and Cortex-A53 cores as the LITTLE cluster, though other configurations are possible.

The LITTLE cluster is capable of handling most low intensity tasks such as audio playback, web-page scrolling, operating system events, and other always on, always connected tasks. As such, it is likely that the LITTLE cluster is where the software stack remains until intensive tasks such as gaming or video processing are run.

The big cluster can be utilized for heavy workloads such as certain high performance game graphics. Web page rendering is another common example. A coupling of these two cluster types provides opportunities to save energy and satisfy the increasing performance demands of applications stacks in mobile devices.

为了保证big.little技术的成功,关键的一步是cache一致性的保证. 我们知道ARM cluster内的core共享cache1/cache2, cluster间通过cache3(DSU)共享数据. 即通过cache一致性连接保证task能够在big.little 之前迁移.


There are two primary execution models for big.LITTLE:


Migration models are a natural extension to power-performance management techniques such as DVFS, (see Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling on page 15-6).
The migration model has two types:

  • Cluster migration.
  • CPU migration.

A migration action is similar to a DVFS operating point transition. Operating points on the DVFS curve of a core are traversed in response to load variations. When the current core (or cluster) has attained the highest operating point, if the
software stack requires more performance, a core (or cluster) migration action is effected. Execution then continues on the other core (or cluster) with the operating points on this core (or cluster) being traversed. When performance is not required, execution can switch back.

Global Task Scheduling

In Global Task Scheduling (see Global Task Scheduling on page 16-5), the operating system task scheduler is aware of the differences in compute capacity between big and LITTLE cores. The scheduler tracks the performance requirement for each individual software thread, and uses that information to decide which type of core to use for each. Unused cores can be powered off. This approach has a number of advantages over the migration models.


  1. 迁移: core间迁移和cluster之间迁移
  2. 全局调度器,即task可以根据某种条件选择big.little系统中的任一一个core运行.


cluster migration

Only one cluster, either big or LITTLE, is active at any one time, except very briefly during a cluster context switch to the other cluster. To achieve the best power and performance efficiency, the software stack runs mostly on the energy-efficient LITTLE cluster and only runs for short time periods on the big cluster. This model requires the same number of cores in both clusters.

This model does not cope well with unbalanced software workloads, that is, workloads that place significantly different loads on cores within a cluster. In such situations, cluster migration results in a complete switch to the big cluster even though not all the cores need that level of performance. For this reason cluster migration is less popular than other methods.
大致意思就是只能同时一个cluster运行,如果原先小的任务在little cluster运行,变得对性能要求很高了,就需要big cluster,这时候,就会将little cluster的所有task全部迁移到big cluster上去.但是这种基本上不在使用.

CPU migration

In this model, each big core is paired with a LITTLE core. Only one core in each pair is active at any one time, with the inactive core being powered down. The active core in the pair is chosen according to current load conditions. Using the example in Figure 16-2 on page 16-5, the operating system sees four logical cores. Each logical core can physically be a big or LITTLE core. This choice is driven by Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS). This model requires the same number of cores in both the clusters.
The system actively monitors the load on each core. High load causes the execution context to be moved to the big core, and conversely, when the load is low, the execution is moved to the LITTLE core. Only one core in the pairing can be active at any time. When the load is moved from an outbound core (the core the load leaves) to an inbound core (the core it arrives at), the former is switched off. This model allows a mix of big and LITTLE cores to be active at any one time.

Global Task Scheduling

hrough the development of big.LITTLE technology, ARM has evolved the software models starting with various migration models through to Global Task Scheduling (GTS) that forms the basis for all future development in big.LITTLE technology. The ARM implementation of GTS is called big.LITTLE Multiprocessing (MP).
In this model the operating system task scheduler is aware of the differences in compute capacity between big and LITTLE cores. Using statistical data, the scheduler tracks the performance requirement for each individual software thread, and uses that information to

decide which type of core to use for each. This model can work on a big.LITTLE system with any number of cores in any cluster. This is shown in Figure 16-3 on page 16-5. This approach has a number of advantages over the migration models, such as:

  • The system can have different numbers of big and LITTLE cores.
  • Unlike the migration model, any number of cores can be active at any one time. This can increase the maximum compute capacity available if peak performance is required.
  • It is possible to isolate the big cluster for the exclusive use of intensive threads, while light threads run on the LITTLE cluster. This enables heavy compute tasks to complete faster, as there are no additional background threads.
  • It is possible to target interrupts individually to big or LITTLE cores

For big.LITTLE MP on the Linux kernel the fundamental requirement is for the scheduler to decide when a software thread can run on a LITTLE core or a big core. The scheduler does this by comparing the tracked load of software threads against tunable load thresholds, an up migration threshold and a down migration threshold as shown in Figure 16-4.
When the tracked load average of a thread currently allocated to a LITTLE core exceeds the up migration threshold, the thread is considered eligible for migration to a big core. Conversely, when the load average of a thread that is currently allocated to a big core drops below the down migration threshold, it is considered eligible for migration to a LITTLE core. In big.LITTLE MP, these basic rules govern task migration between big and LITTLE cores. Within the clusters, standard Linux scheduler load balancing applies. This tries to keep the load balanced across all the cores in one cluster.

The model is refined by adjusting the tracked load metric based on the current frequency of a core. A task that is running when the core is running at half speed, accrues tracked load at half the rate that it would if the core was running at full speed. This enables big.LITTLE MP and DVFS management to work together in harmony.

big.LITTLE MP uses several mechanisms to determine when to migrate a task between big and LITTLE cores:

  1. fork migration: 新创建的一个线程,怎样去选择一个合适的cpu运行.
    This operates when the fork system call is used to create a new software thread. At this point, clearly no historical load information is available. The system defaults to a big core for new threads on the assumption that a light thread migrates quickly down to a LITTLE core as a result of Wake migration.
    Fork migration benefits demanding tasks without being expensive. Threads that are low intensity and persistent, such as Android system services, are only moved to big cores at creation time, quickly moving to more suitable LITTLE cores thereafter. Threads that are clearly demanding throughout, are not penalized by being made to launch on LITTLE cores first. Threads that run occasionally, but tend to require performance, benefit from being launched on the big cluster and continuing to run there as required.

  2. wake migration:一个线程运行一段时间之后,自身进入休眠等待阶段.当被唤醒时候,可以继续选择合适的CPU运行,而不是之前运行过的CPU.

  3. force migration:当一个线程当前运行在little core上运行,变成了一个big task, 则强制迁移到big cluster上运行

  4. idle pull migration:当CPU进入idle状态,为了维持load均衡,需要主动pull task让自己运行起来.

  5. offload migration:这种迁移是将正常的load balance disable
    Offload migration requires that normal scheduler load balancing be disabled. The downside of this is that long-running threads can concentrate on the big cores, leaving the LITTLE cores idle and under-utilized. Overall system performance, in this situation, can clearly be improved by utilizing all the cores.
    Offload migration works to periodically migrate threads downwards to LITTLE cores to make use of unused compute capacity. Threads that are migrated downwards in this way remain candidates for up migration if they exceed the threshold at the next scheduling opportunity. 这种迁移的确定是可以长时间的维持系统性能,但是little cluster不能得到调度,一个改善调度的方案是周期性的检测,将一些轻负载的task迁移到little cluster,当它们超过upmigrate threshold的时候,在迁移会big cluster.

这部分让我了解了big.little涉及到的调度相关的历史演进. 具体的调度可以参考调度器相关的专栏:linux kernel cfs scheduler

文献来源: ARM官方文档.

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