
There are multiplecoordinate systems involved in 3D Graphics. In this article i will try toexplain how they interact with each other and what’s their purpose in afriendly and easy way.


What always hashelped me in understanding 3D Math, Coordinate Systems and Transformations –Hands and Objects! Use them, play around with your (empty) Coffee Cup, drawaxis and objects … it’s hard to grasp the basics but believe me: At some pointit makes Bang and you understand it.


Part 1: Coordinate Systems in General and in OpenGLespecially

Part 1: 常规坐标系和OpenGL坐标系的特殊性

Most 3D Systemsuse the so called “Cartesian Coordinate System” – you probably know this infrom School where it’s heavily used in Geometry to draw different things. Oneproperty of a Cartesian coordinate System is that the cardinal axis areperpendicular. Take a look at the 2D Cartesian Coordinate System below:


The X and Y axisare perpendicular and range from -infinity to +infinity on each axis. Let’sexpand it to the 3rd Dimension. We simply add ad new axis which goes throughthe origin and is perpendicular to X and Y – we call this new axis Z:


One might ask whythe positive X is to the right, the positive Y goes up and the positive Z goesforward in our direction. That’s because of the Handiness of the coordinateSystem. There are two different Systems: Right-Handed and Left-Handedcoordinate systems. OpenGL uses a Right-Handed System (same as the one shownabove).  As a reminder, do the following:


  • Stretch your Right Arm and form a 90° angle with your Elbow
  • Point with your Thumb to the right side
  • Point with your Pointing Finger up
  • Point with your Middle Finger in your direction
  • 伸展右臂,在肘处形成一个直角
  • 用拇指指向右边
  • 食指指向上
  • 中指指向自己

Your Hand shouldnow form a right-handed coordinate System.


Part 2: The different Coordinate Systems in OpenGL

Part 2: OpenGL中的不同坐标体系

There are multiplecoordinate Systems involved in 3D Graphics:

  • Object Space
  • World Space (aka Model Space)
  • Camera Space (aka Eye Space or View Space)
  • Screen Space (aka Clip Space)

So, what’s thedifference between them?


  • 对象空间
  • 世界空间 (模型空间)
  • 摄像机空间 (眼球空间或视图空间)
  • 屏幕空间 (裁剪空间)


Object Space

This is the localcoordinate System of your Geometrical Objects. Imagine a Cube which consists of8 vertices:


When modellingthis cube you do this in Object Space – the Object stands alone for itself, noother things in here.


World Space

This is the Spacewhere everything is positioned. Imagine the Cube created above – it has beenmodelled in it’s own absolute Object Space. But you probably want the Cube atsome other location in your World – so we need to transform the ObjectCoordinate System to the desired World coordinate System position. We do thisusing a Transformation Matrix – every vertex in the Cube (which is in ObjectSpace) is multiplied by the World Matrix which transforms the vertex to it’snew position and orientation.


Let’s explain thiswith a example:

  1. We have the Cube shown above
  2. We want to position it in World coordinates at position X=5, Y=0, Z=0 (simply move it 5 units to the right)


  1. 我们有一个立方体
  2. 我们要把他放在世界坐标系中的X=5, Y=0, Z=0 位置上。(simply move it 5 units to the right)

What we need todo, is to multiply each vertex with the corresponding Model Matrix for theactual positioning of this object (we have different Model Matrices fordifferently located objects). The resulting Vertex has the new position inWorld Space.


Even if the mathfor doing the matrix multiplication is out of the scope i want to show you anexample:

The Vector V2 is[-1,-1,1]. We have to use a 4 Component Vector (x,y,z,w) so we set w simply at1 (-1,-1,1,1)
The Matrix M1 is:






When we nowmultiply those two (M1 . V2) we get a new vector: [4,-1,1,1] – which is V2moved 5 units to the left. This calculation is done for every vertex in thecube. If you don’t know how to actually do the matrix multiplication, just readone of the books mentioned at the bottom of this article (or the correspondingwikipedia article, your old math book, whatever, … :-))


Camera Space

Now that we havepositioned everything in our World we want to look at it. First, there is nosuch “real” thing as a Camera in OpenGL. Think about the following for a shorttime:

  • Moving a Video Camera Backward is the same as moving the filmed object forward

That’s exactlywhat we are going to do to get our view on the scene – multiply every vertex inthe World Space with our View Matrix. Each Vertex is then in Camera Space – andthe scene looks like we are looking at it through the camera.

Imagine the cameraas a abstract thing which is on the positive Z-Axis and looks down the negativeend of the Z-Axis. Imagine also a rotation and translation of the World aroundyou so that you can see what you want to see – this rotation and translation isthe View Matrix.

As for the WorldSpace, the Mathematics for doing this is out of Scope for this Overview.


  • 向后移动摄像机如同向前移动拍摄的物体【Z轴正向读者,摄像机向后,沿着Z负向前进如同物体向前,沿着Z正向前进】




Projection Space

So, we have everyvertex in a position that we see the scene the way we want it to see. The lastCoordinate System transformation is from Camera to Screen Space – which isessentially nothing more than going from the 3D Coordinate System to the 2DScreen in front of us. This transformation is necessary as long as we don’thave real 3D Holographic Screens. In the process of transforming from Camera toScreen Space you can either choose a Orthographic or Perspective Projection.

The difference between those two is that the Orthographic Projection does not apply aperspective distortion and the perspective one does. Perspective Projection isthe natural one as we Humans see in a perspective Way – things farther awayfrom us appear smaller.



Graphical overviewof the Transformation

If you neverworked with 3D graphics before it’s probably more intuitive to take a look atthe graphic below to get an idea on how the transformations actually modify thecoordinates of the vertices:


From top left tobottom right, the following actions occur:从坐上到右下发生了如下的事情

  1. Vertices of the Object to draw are in Object space (as modelled in your 3D Modeller)
  2. 物体顶点被画在物体空间
  3. … get transformed into World space by multiplying it with the Model Matrix
  4. …乘以模型矩阵转换到世界空间
  5. Vertices are now in World space (used to position the all the objects in your scene)
  6. 此刻顶点正在世界空间中
  7. … get transformed into Camera space by multiplying it with the View Matrix
  8. …乘以视图矩阵转换到摄像机空间
  9. Vertices are now in View Space – think of it as if you were looking at the scene throught “the camera”
  10. 此刻顶点正在视图空间中
  11. … get transformed into Screen space by multiplying it with the Projection Matrix
  12. …乘以投影矩阵转换到屏幕空间
  13. Vertex is now in Screen Space – This is actually what you see on your Display.
  14. 此刻顶点正在屏幕空间中

Part 3: Further Reading

Part 3: 延伸阅读

There are manygood books out which explain the Mathematics behind those Transformations in agood and easy to understanding way – i can absolutely recommend you thefollowing two books:

OpenGL Superbible5th Edition:

It’s all aboutOpenGL Programming – and completly relies on the Programmable Pipeline presentin OpenGL 3.x and higher. Definitively worth a read if you want to learn OpenGL

3D Math Primer forGraphics and Game Development

It’s a completeBook on only one subject: 3D (and also 2D) Computer Graphics. Read this one ifyou really want to understand what’s going on under the hood.

If you can readGerman, i also recommend you the Book “XNA Spieleprogrammierung” published byMITP. Even if it’s for XNA the Math Chapter is excellent and is freelyavailable as a sample chapter here

Please keep inmind that you should have at least a good and solid understanding of BasicMathematics before reading those two books – doing multiplications, divisions,solving parenthesis and solving simple equations should make you not runningaway. Dig out your old School Books ! 

One last thing ineed to mention is that most books talk about a MODELVIEW Matrix. Becausemoving an Object around and “positioning the camera” is actually the same theyuse just one matrix. For the sake of simplicity i like to keep them seperate –should be no problem for actual hardware to make a few more matrixmultiplications … (first from object to world and then from world to view)






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