MGMT 5245 - FALL 2024 Managerial economicsC/C++

Java Python SYLLABUS

Managerial economics

MGMT 5245 - FALL 2024


Managerial economics is a 1.5-credit course that is meant to initiate you into the basic tools of optimal pricing decisions by firms and the key issues of modern industries.

In this course, we will analyze the pricing behavior. of firms, operating under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly, and examine the challenges faced at the industry level as well as at the individual firm level.

After completing the course you will have the tools to explain, analyze, and understand the way firms set their production plans while operating in an economic environment challenged by complicated phenomena.


LECTURE STRUCTURING. The MGMT5245-course of Managerial Economics has an in-person instruction  mode. You are required to come in-person to each class. Any absences (due to health-related issues, including Covid-related cases, or other reasons) will be treated as they were prior to the pandemic and following the policies of the in-person instruction. This class does not have a strict attendance policy. As such, missing a couple of lectures due to important reasons will not afect your final grade.

ZOOM-OFFICE HOURS STRUCTURING. Office hours will take place only via zoom. Feel free to join the zoom-meeting at any time during the zoom-office-hours. Once you join the zoom-meeting, please indicate that you have a question by raising your digital hand.  Zoom-office-hours are open to all. Those meetings will not be video-recorded. Please note that you are not allowed to record, download, reproduce, share, post, copy etc., parts or the full length of any of the office hours sessions.

Please plan accordingly so that you can make it to the office hours. This is the chance to meet with me in person.  During office hours we will address among others, questions regarding the homework assignments and the exams.

READINGS. Course materials are drawn from the following sources:

1. Slides posted on Canvas. Those will be posted on Canvas right before each lecture.

2. Recommended textbook and suggested readings as stated in the “COURSE OUTLINE” sec- tion. Those are optional. You may use the book as a reference whenever you see fit.

GRADING POLICY. The grade that you get in the class will represent your overall eforts. Your final grade will be determined as follows:

Participation and professionalism   (5%)

Homework assignments               (35%)

1st  best exam                             (35%)

2nd  best exam                            (25%)

PARTICIPATION. Your grade regarding participation will be determined by the following:

● In-person attendance of the lectures.

● Professionalism.

● Participation in class discussions.

● Answering questions during the lectures.

● Working on the practice exams in class that we will go through together during the review sessions before the exams.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS.  There will be two  homework assignments during the semester. Those assignments will accommodate your comprehension of the course material.  They will be uploaded on Canvas one week prior to the due date of each assignment. Please read the “COURSE CALENDAR” section for the due dates – they will be available until the < MGMT 5245 - FALL 2024 Managerial economicsC/C++ b>due date by 11:59PM. Homework assignments constitute 35% of the final grade.  Moreover, the assignments will consist of multiple choice questions and short answer questions. This structure is similar to the format of the exams.  For the short answer questions you are expected to provide a concise, clear, and logical explanation.  In economics we learn how to think analytically and reasonably.  What you should demonstrate in those questions is your ability to think critically and logically.

You need to submit your completed assignment in a word format on Canvas under the “Assign- ments” section.  Please include your full name and net-id on the assignment.  Moreover, you can work in teams of up to four people. If you do so, one member of the team needs to upload the as- signment, providing the names and net-ids of the team-members at the frontpage of the assignment.

No late assignment will be accepted. No email submission will be considered. No email submission will be addressed.

EXAMS. There are two,  non-cumulative exams for this course: the first exam is on September 19 - September 20, and the second exam, which is non-cumulative, is on October 10 - October 11. The exams will be available on Canvas under the “Quizzes” section. They will be available for 48 hours, so you can take the exams at any time during the corresponding due-day. You need to submit your exams by 11:59PM of the corresponding due-date. Moreover, please note that for the exams you are going to have two hours, including the time needed to type/write your answers and upload your files. The exams will consist of a multiple choice section, and a short answer section, and you will need to upload your own file with your answers (typed or hand-written). Please do not forget to include your name and net-id on every document you upload. Please keep a copy of your answers. Please read the “COURSE OUTLINE” section for more details regarding the corresponding readings for the exams. The exams constitute only 60% of your final grade.

This weight is going to be distributed as follows:

●  your 1st  best exam will have a 35% weight,

●  your 2nd  best exam will have a 25% weight.

Please bear in mind that both exams are mandatory.  Moreover, there will be no make-up exams. If there is an extremely important reason that prevents you from taking one of the exams (like for example a health issue), then the other exam will have a 60% weight.  Otherwise, if you miss any one of the exams for any other reason you will get a zero grade on that exam.

If you want any of your exams regraded, you should write aregrade request stating why you believe you deserve more points for each specific question you would like me to regrade. You must submit it no later than on the class following the day in which you get your exam back.

Practice exams will be available on Canvas one week before the corresponding review session. We will discuss the practice exams during the review sessions         





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