MobaXterm: SSH/X远程客户端, Xmanager的最佳免费替代品

MobaXterm: SSH/X远程客户端, Xmanager的最佳免费替代品

当需要连接远程linux并运行X程序时,很多朋友首先想到的是NetSarang Xmanager, 虽然这个工具的确很好用,不过这个软件不是免费的,所以银子不多的人得另外想办法。(BTW: 有银子的还可以看看X-Win32, 甚至更老牌的eXceed或者Reflection X

其 实我一直在用的是Cygwin/X,因为Cygwin提供了几乎所有的东西,从bash到终端模拟器rxvt/mintty,有openssh客户端甚至 服务器,有X server和窗口管理器WindowMaker/Openbox/Metacity/Xfwm4(后两者在第三方仓库Cygwin Ports里, 甚至有ibus输入法(也在Cygwin Ports里)。不过Cygwin有几个缺点 1)Cygwin一直没有类似Debian stable那样定期发布的配套,所有软件包都在不断地更新,有时你为了加装一个软件不得不更新很多很多其它的包,甚至是不相关的包; 2)所有东西都隐藏在命令行和配置文件中,对新手相当不友好; 3)小文件很多,想搞成便携式或者想共享给别人使用就非常困难。



Xming算是个不错的选择,基于 X server编译,体积并不大(并不包含别的东西),另外带了一个向导界面(XLaunch)。

xming wizard

1)新版本不是免费的(虽然作者要求的是捐赠而不是购买,但不捐赠而无法下载到版本),免费下载只有一个07年的6.9版本。当然,考虑到X server的发展史,很多时候这个老版本也基本上够用

(更新:如果你需要最新版的 X server, 可以试试这个VcXsrv项目,跟Xming几乎是一致的,同样带有Xming的向导XLaunch)

2) 它只提供了X server,而没有提供终端模拟器(putty),你只能启动一个远程的X终端模拟器(rxvt/xterm/gnome-terminal /konsole之类),但没连上之间,你怎么知道远程有什么终端模拟器可用?——当然,你可以自己下载putty然后配置X11 forwarding,但对新手这可能有点难度






mobaxterm screenshot


1. 整个应用就一个文件(14M),里面包含了bash和众多posix小工具(其实都是busybox)、openssh、X server, 其实它是基于Cygwin打包而成,启动时自动解压到临时目录,不过启动速度还是挺快)
2. 提供gcc, perl, python, svn, git, emacs, vim等20多个插件,每个插件也都是一个单一文件,携带/共享很方便(其实插件是一个zip文件, 对Cygwin比较了解的人很容易自己制作插件)
3. 自动导入putty的所有会话设置

1. 为ssh/rsh/xdmcp等提供新建会话对话框,里面对常用参数都提供了文字说明;
2. 启动时自动启动X server,自动为ssh连接设置X11 forwarding;
3. 左测栏提供一个sftp面版,在建立ssh连接后自动将远程目录展示再这个面版中,方便上传/下载文件;
4. 为ssh tunnel提供向导界面 (Tools->MobaSSHTunnel);
5. 通过右键菜单即可放大/缩小字体,也支持设置缺省字体大小(而putty需要在选项对话框中找,并且不支持缺省大小,只能逐个修改多个会话的设置);

功能强大mobaxterm sessions
1. 支持建立ssh/telnet/rsh/ftp/sftp/serial/vnc/xdmcp/rdp等多种远程会话,其中xdmcp/vnc可以用于访问远程桌面。也支持本地bash或者cmd;
2. 自带了ftp/tftp/http服务器(不过免费版有时间限制);
3. 支持对终端模拟器上的文字进行查找(其实它是整屏文字拷贝出来再进行查找)
4. 麻雀虽小,但还带了几个游戏、目录比较器/文本比较器、计算器、文本编辑器(支持语法高亮)、网络抓包工具等



* 支持录制和回放键盘宏
* 支持同时往多个终端发同一命令
* 支持多终端分屏显示,支持全屏,
* 支持自定义本地的HOME目录,这样vi, git等配置可以存放在该目录
* 支持将终端上的文字复制/保存为RTF(保持原色彩,比如vim/emacs里面的语法高亮, colorgcc突出显示的错误行等等)




1. 终端模拟器对键盘的支持度不高,最大的问题是不支持Alt键作为Meta键,导致很多程序里面会不习惯(比如vi, mc, emacs),不过用AutoHotKey可以解决;
2. 终端颜色有点古怪,反正我打开vi/mc,跟在其它地方看到的颜色很不一样,并且颜色搭配不太和谐,不容易看清文字;
3. 少数缺省快捷键不太合理,比如Ctrl+F, Ctrl+S 都是终端里比较常用的快捷键,不过可以在对话框里面修改;
4. 没有man这个工具,实际上/bin里面倒是有个man,但内容是mobaxterm自己写的一段shell脚本,只能显示nroff格式化之后的帮助文件(基本上可直接阅读的纯文本文件),而不能支持原始的man page(它自己提供的插件里面都是转化后的文档),比如man git-log可以显示帮助,而git log --help就什么也没有了——当然,也可以自己从cygwin里面将man, groff, less这几个包抽出来作一个插件来解决;



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当需要连接远程linux并运行X程序时,很多朋友首先想到的是NetSarang Xmanager, 虽然这个工具的确很好用,不过这个软件不是免费的,所以银子不多的人得另外想办法。今天给大家介绍一款全功能SSH/X远程客户端-Xmanager最佳替代品终端软件,它就是MobaXterm。 Version 11.0 (2018-11-01) New feature: native integration of WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) into MobaXterm – run WSL into MobaXterm advanced terminal instead of Windows console and run graphical applications thanks to MobaXterm X server New feature: new experimental local terminal package “CygUtils64.plugin” comes with ZSH shell, 64-bit console utilities and improved apt-get packages manager – activate it from global settings, “terminal” tab New feature: added a new global setting in order to choose which local shell to use (Bash, ZSH (64-bits), Cmd, Powershell, or one of the Linux WSL distributions) Improvement: enhanced the Remote Monitoring bar to display information in red or orange when the values reach critical levels Improvement: improved SSH-browser performances, especially when remote folder contains many files/folders Improvement: improved sessions tree performances, especially when number of sessions is greater than 100 Improvement: reworked the global settings window for easier settings identification Improvement: improved compatibility of “Follow terminal folder” feature with remote Unix/Linux environments Improvement: added a prompt dialog in order to assign right-click action (context menu or paste) the first time you right-click into the terminal Improvement: updated OpenSSH client to version 7.5 when the new local terminal package is selected Improvement: updated “top”, “ps”, “ldd”, “kill”, and other core commands when the new local terminal package is selected Improvement: you can now specify the color of each tab by right-clicking on the tab or by specifying a custom tab color for each session Improvement: improved MobaXterm startup speed by using lazy loading for resources which may be unused Improvement: prevent the remote monitoring bar from disappearing temporarily when switching between tabs Improvement: updated icons for files/folders in SSH-browser and (s)FTP sessions Improvement: updated tray icon to the new MobaXterm flat logo Improvement: after choosing Bash or Zsh terminal in global settings, if you do not have the CygUtils plugin on your computer, a popup window prompts you to download it Improvement: updated PuTTY-based SSH engine to the latest version Improvement: adapted default settings to Brocade switches on SSH sessions Improvement: updated terminal smart selection to better detect URLs and delimiters when using default settings Improvement: added 5 manual Ini settings under the “Misc” section in order to control smart selection behavior (ForcedLeftDelimChars, ForcedRightDelimChars, DisabledLeftDelimChars, DisabledRightDelimChars and SmartDelimsForUrls) Improvement: with default syntax, URLs are now underlined – remember that you can ctrl+click them to open in default browser Improvement: improved size of main executable by removing unused code and optimizing several subfunctions Improvement: decreased latency when navigating through tabs, especially for SSH sessions Improvement: tooltips in the Remote Monitoring bar are now displayed using fixed font if necessary Improvement: disk usage tooltip values are displayed in human-readable format Improvement: try to detect Nexus devices and to avoid startin SCP when connecting through SSH Improvement: improved SFTP / FTP / S3 sessions performances, especially when remote folder contains many files/folders Improvement: after terminal has been paused (Ctrl+S), any key will “unfreeze” it. Many users thought that terminal was frozen after accidentally hitting Ctrl+S Bugfix: after setting the graphical interface elements size from global settings, modifications are properly applied at first MobaXterm restart Bugfix: fixed detection of disk space in remote monitoring when “df” returns results splitted across multiple lines Bugfix: when hitting “R” to reconnect a SSH session, if the gateway had been disconnected, MobaXterm will try to reconnect it first Bugfix: fixed some checkboxes placements, elements sizes and placements for High-DPI monitors Bugfix: fixed syntax highlighting which was disabled when running systemctl commands Bugfix: fixed VNC connections issues through SSH gateway (jump host) when new VNC engine was selected Bugfix: fixed an issue with hidden sidebar when it was set to the right and monitor DPI was above 144 pixels per inch Bugfix: MobaXterm now handles properly pipes characters in sessions folders names Bugfix: MobaXterm now handles properly arobase characters in tunnels usernames Bugfix: MobaXterm now handles properly arobase characters in stored passwords usernames Bugfix: fixed some visual flickering effects which occured on some buttons when mouse was over them Bugfix: the SSH-browser no longer follows the wrong terminal when the same SSH session is connected twice Bugfix: removed an unnecessary delay when waiting for the X server to start up Bugfix: passwords defined for VNC, telnet or FTP services were sometimes lost after restarting MobaXterm Bugfix: fixed some flickering effects which occured into Home tab after MobaXterm startup Bugfix: upload of multiple files in SSH-browser no longer gets stuck when “SSH preserve files dates” setting is activated Bugfix: fixed remote edition of multiple files in SSH-browser when remote files had the same names Bugfix: aligned sessions tree to the left at start up Bugfix: fixed some issues with MobApt when downloading old packages Bugfix: disabled “Remote monitoring” feature for SSH connections to Cisco routers Bugfix: “MobaFoldersDiff” tool has been re-added, after fixing the startup issue Bugfix: added “VISUAL” environment variable in order to fix potential issues with “crontab” command Version 10.9 (2018-08-02) Improvement: when SSH-browser is disabled, remote-monitoring feature is now also disabled, in order to avoid issues on Cisco routers Improvement: the experimental CygUtils64 plugin can be used with MobaXterm. If you want to test it, you can download it at Bugfix: fixed the “live-unpack” mechanism for local terminal plugins – some plugins were not working properly in “installed mode” or when using “persistent root” Bugfix: fixed some issues with X server detection which led to the “X” icon to stay red whereas X11 server was started Bugfix: fixed some issues with “Follow terminal folder” when remote monitoring was enabled


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