- com.facebook.presto.server.PrestoServer Unable to create injector, see the following errors:网上说的是配置文件没弄好,我就是配置文件的端口号被占用了:config.properties里面的http-server.http.port
- Cannot connect to discovery server for announce: Announcement failed with status code 404:如果遇到discovery.uri的报错,则是地址有问题,建议用ip代替
- Error: Invalid configuration property node. environment: is malformed (for class io. airlift. node. Nodeconfig. envi Error: Defunct property task. max-memory'(class [ class com. facebook. presto. execution. TaskManagerConfig]) cannot:按照其他教材,如果有task.max-memory=1GB的配置,注意删除etc/config.properties中的task.max-memory=1GB
- Cluster is still initializing, there are insufficient active worker nodes (0) to run query:集群正在初始化,稍等几分钟就好了
- No such file or directory:./launcher run 出现这个错误(start可以用),是因为java环境没配置,安装java环境就好了
- Presto一个work节点始终加入不了Presto集群:我的情况是没有加入集群的work节点服务器的防火墙没关
于 2019-02-26 17:38:52 首次发布