


├──── pcl.find_library(name)
├────, path, format=None, binary=False)
Save pointcloud to file.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl._infer_format(path, format)
├──── pcl._encode(path)
├──── pcl.load_XYZRGBA(path, format=None)

    Load pointcloud from path.
    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.save_PointNormal(cloud, path, format=None, binary=False)

    Save pointcloud to file.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.load_XYZI(path, format=None)
Load pointcloud from path.
    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.load_PointWithViewpoint(path, format=None)

    Load pointcloud from path.
    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.load_XYZRGB(path, format=None)

    Load pointcloud from path.
    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.save_XYZRGBA(cloud, path, format=None, binary=False)
Save pointcloud to file.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.load(path, format=None)
Load pointcloud from path.

    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.RadiusOutlierRemoval
   └──── set_radius_search(self, double radius)
   └──── set_MinNeighborsInRadius(self, int min_pts)
   └──── get_radius_search(self)
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── get_MinNeighborsInRadius(self)
├──── pcl.SampleConsensusModelRegistration
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudSearch_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
   └──── radius_search(self, point, double radius, unsigned int max_nn=0)

        Search for all neighbors of query point that are within a given radius
├──── pcl.Segmentation
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_MaxIterations(self, int count)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.KdTreeFLANN_PointXYZI
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_point(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc, int index, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for the point
        at pc[index]
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for all points
        in the pointcloud
├──── pcl.StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_mean_k(self, int k)

        Set the number of points (k) to use for mean distance estimation
   └──── set_negative(self, bool negative)

        Set whether the indices should be returned, or all points except the indices
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc)
   └──── set_std_dev_mul_thresh(self, double std_mul)

        Set the standard deviation multiplier threshold
├──── pcl.ConcaveHull_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_Alpha(self, double d)
   └──── reconstruct(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.Segmentation_PointXYZI
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.NormalEstimation
   └──── compute(self)
   └──── set_SearchMethod(self, KdTree kdtree)
   └──── set_RadiusSearch(self, double param)
   └──── set_KSearch(self, int param)
├──── pcl.RandomSampleConsensus
   └──── set_DistanceThreshold(self, double param)
   └──── get_Inliers(self)
   └──── computeModel(self)
├──── pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 4-tuples
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── _to_ply_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── extract(self, pyindices, bool negative=False)

        Given a list of indices of points in the pointcloud, return a 
        new pointcloud containing only those points
   └──── make_voxel_grid_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_obj_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── to_file(self, const char *fname, bool ascii=True)
Save pointcloud to a file in PCD format
   └──── make_passthrough_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_ply_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── make_kdtree_flann(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_pcd_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
   └──── make_statistical_outlier_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── from_file(self, char *f)

        Fill this pointcloud from a file (a local path)
   └──── _to_pcd_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 4-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (3-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── make_moving_least_squares(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter_normals(self, int ksearch=-1, double searchRadius=-1
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud2Buf_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.ConcaveHull
   └──── set_Alpha(self, double d)
   └──── reconstruct(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud_PointXYZI
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.ConditionalRemoval
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_KeepOrganized(self, flag)
├──── pcl.PointCloud_Normal
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 4-tuples
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 4-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (4-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
├──── pcl.KdTreeFLANN_PointXYZRGB
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_point(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc, int index, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for the point
        at pc[index]
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for all points
        in the pointcloud
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud2Buf
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.Vertices
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 3-tuples
   └──── to_list(self)

评论 5




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


