CSS:集群同步服务(Cluster Syncronization Service)
功能:Manages the cluster configuration by controlling which nodes are members
of the cluster and by notifying members when a node joins or leaves the
cluster. If you are using third-party clusterware, then the css process
interfaces with your clusterware to manage node membership information.
CRS:Cluster Ready Service
功能:The primary program for managing high availability operations within a cluster.
Anything that the crs process manages is known as a cluster resource which could
be a database, an instance, a service, a Listener, a virtual IP (VIP) address, an
application process, and so on. The crs process manages cluster resources based on
the resource's configuration information that is stored in the OCR. This includes start,
stop, monitor and failover operations. The crs process generates events when a resource
status changes. When you have installed Oracle RAC, crs monitors the Oracle instance,
Listener, and so on, and automatically restarts these components when a failure occurs.
By default, the crs process makes five attempts to restart a resource and then does not
make further restart attempts if the resource does not restart.
GCS:全局缓存服务(Global Cache Service )
GES:全局队列服务(Global Enqueue Service)
资源控制:GCS和GES会选择一个实例来管理所有的资源信息,这个实例叫做resource master。GCS和GES会根据数据访问方式阶段性 的评估和修改resource master。这种方式会减少网络流量和资源获取时间;
GRD:全局字典资源(Global Resource Directory)
功能:RAC会从集群中选一个实例作为Master Node,而其他节点叫做Shadow Node,Master Node的GRD中该资源在所有节点上
的使用信息,而Shadow node的GRD只需要记录资源在该节点上的使用信息,这些使用信息就是PCM Lock信息
OSD:操作系统相关的软件(Operating System-Dependent)
The Cluster Manager(CM):集群监视器监视节点间通信,并通过interconnect来协调节点操作。同时还提供CLUSTER中所有节点和实例的统一视图。CM还控制CLUSTER的成员资格。
The Node Monitor(节点监视器):节点监视器提供节点内各种资源的状态,包括节点、interconnect硬件和软件和共享磁盘等。
The Interconnect。节点间心跳(两种心跳机制,一种是通过私有网络的network heartbeat;另一种是通过voting disk的disk heartbeat)
Oracle RAC的Cache Fusion技术:
oracle RAC数据库有多个实例,并且每个实例都包括内存结构和后台进程,每个实例在自己本地SGA中都有buffer cache,通过RAC的内存融合技术把多个实例的buffer cache虚拟成一个大的buffer cache,这样就可以缓存更多的数据,以提高系统的吞吐量和响应速度
Cache Fusion的实现:
After one instance caches data, any other instance within the same cluster database can acquire a block image from another instance in the same database faster than by reading the block from disk. Therefore, Cache Fusion moves current blocks between instances rather than re-reading the blocks from disk. When a consistent block is needed or a changed block is required on another instance, Cache Fusion transfers the block image directly between the affected instances. Oracle RAC uses the private interconnect for interinstance communication and block transfers. The GES Monitor and the Instance Enqueue Process manages access to Cache Fusion resources and enqueue recovery processing.
Real Application Cluster-Specific Daemon and Instance Processes(RAC中特别的后台进程和实例进程):
The Global Service Daemon(GSD):在每个节点上都运行一个全局服务后台进程,用于接收客户端如DBCA、EM等发出的管理消息,
Global Cache Service Processes(LMSn):控制到远端实例的消息的流量,管理全局数据块的访问。还用于在不同实例的缓冲区之间传递BLOCK的映射。
Global Enqueue Service Monitor(LMON):监视全局队列和集群间的资源交互,执行全局队列的恢复操作。
Global Enqueue Service Daemon(LMD):管理全局队列和全局资源访问。对于每个实例,LMD管理来自远端的资源请求
Lock Processes(LCK):管理除Cache Fusion以外的非数据块资源请求,比如数据文件,控制文件,数据字典试图,library和row cache的请求。
Diagnosability Daemon(DIAG):在实例中捕获进程失败的诊断数据。
根据资源的数量,活动密集程度等特点,把共享资源分为两类,PCM Resource和Non-PCM Resource(cache fusion resource和Non-cache fusion resource)
cache fusion resource:特指数据块资源,包括普通数据块,索引数据块,段头块(Segment header),undo数据块
Non-cache fusion resource:非数据块资源全部归属Non-cache fusion resource,包括数据文件,控制文件,数据字典试图,library和row cache的请求
CR :并发读(Concurrent Read)