
呵呵 不会告诉你怎么用~skr~

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

// config
#define mem_debug      printf
//#define MD_MEM_STATS
//#define MD_DEBUG_MEM

void md_system_heap_init(void *begin_addr, void *end_addr);
void *md_malloc(size_t size);
void *md_realloc(void *rmem, size_t newsize);
void *md_calloc(size_t count, size_t size);
void md_free(void *rmem);

void md_mem_info(uint32_t *total, uint32_t *used, uint32_t *max_used);
void md_list_mem(void);

#define MD_ASSERT(EX) 
//#define MD_ASSERT(EX) if (!(EX)) { while(1) }


#define MD_ALIGN_SIZE               4
#define MD_ALIGN(size, align)           (((size) + (align) - 1) & ~((align) - 1))
#define MD_ALIGN_DOWN(size, align)      ((size) & ~((align) - 1))

#define MD_HEAP_MAGIC 0x1ea0
struct md_heap_mem
    /* magic and used flag */
    uint16_t magic;
    uint16_t used;

    size_t next, prev;

/** pointer to the heap: for alignment, heap_ptr is now a pointer instead of an array */
static uint8_t *heap_ptr;

/** the last entry, always unused! */
static struct md_heap_mem *heap_end;

#define MIN_SIZE 12
#define SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM    MD_ALIGN(sizeof(struct md_heap_mem), MD_ALIGN_SIZE)

static struct md_heap_mem *md_mem_lfree;   /* pointer to the lowest free block */

static size_t mem_size_aligned;

static size_t md_used_mem, md_max_mem;

static void plug_holes(struct md_heap_mem *mem)
    struct md_heap_mem *nmem;
    struct md_heap_mem *pmem;

    MD_ASSERT((uint8_t *)mem >= heap_ptr);
    MD_ASSERT((uint8_t *)mem < (uint8_t *)heap_end);
    MD_ASSERT(mem->used == 0);

    /* plug hole forward */
    nmem = (struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[mem->next];
    if (mem != nmem &&
        nmem->used == 0 &&
        (uint8_t *)nmem != (uint8_t *)heap_end)
        /* if mem->next is unused and not end of heap_ptr,
         * combine mem and mem->next
        if (md_mem_lfree == nmem)
            md_mem_lfree = mem;
        mem->next = nmem->next;
        ((struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[nmem->next])->prev = (uint8_t *)mem - heap_ptr;

    /* plug hole backward */
    pmem = (struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[mem->prev];
    if (pmem != mem && pmem->used == 0)
        /* if mem->prev is unused, combine mem and mem->prev */
        if (md_mem_lfree == mem)
            md_mem_lfree = pmem;
        pmem->next = mem->next;
        ((struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[mem->next])->prev = (uint8_t *)pmem - heap_ptr;

 * @ingroup SystemInit
 * This function will initialize system heap memory.
 * @param begin_addr the beginning address of system heap memory.
 * @param end_addr the end address of system heap memory.
void md_system_heap_init(void *begin_addr, void *end_addr)
    struct md_heap_mem *mem;
    uint32_t begin_align = MD_ALIGN((uint32_t)begin_addr, MD_ALIGN_SIZE);
    uint32_t end_align = MD_ALIGN_DOWN((uint32_t)end_addr, MD_ALIGN_SIZE);


    /* alignment addr */
    if ((end_align > (2 * SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM)) &&
        ((end_align - 2 * SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM) >= begin_align)) {
        /* calculate the aligned memory size */
        mem_size_aligned = end_align - begin_align - 2 * SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM;
    } else {
        mem_debug("mem init, error begin address 0x%x, and end address 0x%x\n",
                   (uint32_t)begin_addr, (uint32_t)end_addr);


    /* point to begin address of heap */
    heap_ptr = (uint8_t *)begin_align;

    mem_debug("mem init, heap begin address 0x%x, size %d\n", (uint32_t)heap_ptr, mem_size_aligned);

    /* initialize the start of the heap */
    mem        = (struct md_heap_mem *)heap_ptr;
    mem->magic = MD_HEAP_MAGIC;
    mem->next  = mem_size_aligned + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM;
    mem->prev  = 0;
    mem->used  = 0;

    /* initialize the end of the heap */
    heap_end        = (struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[mem->next];
    heap_end->magic = MD_HEAP_MAGIC;
    heap_end->used  = 1;
    heap_end->next  = mem_size_aligned + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM;
    heap_end->prev  = mem_size_aligned + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM;

    /* initialize the lowest-free pointer to the start of the heap */
    md_mem_lfree = (struct md_heap_mem *)heap_ptr;

 * @addtogroup MM


 * Allocate a block of memory with a minimum of 'size' bytes.
 * @param size is the minimum size of the requested block in bytes.
 * @return pointer to allocated memory or NULL if no free memory was found.

void *md_malloc(size_t size)
    size_t ptr, ptr2;
    struct md_heap_mem *mem, *mem2;


    if (size == 0)
        return NULL;

    if (size != MD_ALIGN(size, MD_ALIGN_SIZE))
        mem_debug("malloc size %d, but align to %d\n", size, MD_ALIGN(size, MD_ALIGN_SIZE));
        mem_debug("malloc size %d\n", size);

    /* alignment size */
    size = MD_ALIGN(size, MD_ALIGN_SIZE);

    if (size > mem_size_aligned) {
        mem_debug("no memory\n");
        return NULL;

    /* every data block must be at least MIN_SIZE_ALIGNED long */
    if (size < MIN_SIZE_ALIGNED)
        size = MIN_SIZE_ALIGNED;

    for (ptr = (uint8_t *)md_mem_lfree - heap_ptr;
         ptr < mem_size_aligned - size;
         ptr = ((struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[ptr])->next)
        mem = (struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[ptr];

        if ((!mem->used) && (mem->next - (ptr + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM)) >= size)
            /* mem is not used and at least perfect fit is possible:
             * mem->next - (ptr + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM) gives us the 'user data size' of mem */

            if (mem->next - (ptr + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM) >=
                (size + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM + MIN_SIZE_ALIGNED))
                /* (in addition to the above, we test if another struct md_heap_mem (SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM) containing
                 * at least MIN_SIZE_ALIGNED of data also fits in the 'user data space' of 'mem')
                 * -> split large block, create empty remainder,
                 * remainder must be large enough to contain MIN_SIZE_ALIGNED data: if
                 * mem->next - (ptr + (2*SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM)) == size,
                 * struct md_heap_mem would fit in but no data between mem2 and mem2->next
                 * @todo we could leave out MIN_SIZE_ALIGNED. We would create an empty
                 *       region that couldn't hold data, but when mem->next gets freed,
                 *       the 2 regions would be combined, resulting in more free memory
                ptr2 = ptr + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM + size;

                /* create mem2 struct */
                mem2       = (struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[ptr2];
                mem2->used = 0;
                mem2->next = mem->next;
                mem2->prev = ptr;

                /* and insert it between mem and mem->next */
                mem->next = ptr2;
                mem->used = 1;

                if (mem2->next != mem_size_aligned + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM)
                    ((struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[mem2->next])->prev = ptr2;
                md_used_mem += (size + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM);
                if (md_max_mem < md_used_mem)
                    md_max_mem = md_used_mem;
                /* (a mem2 struct does no fit into the user data space of mem and mem->next will always
                 * be used at this point: if not we have 2 unused structs in a row, plug_holes should have
                 * take care of this).
                 * -> near fit or excact fit: do not split, no mem2 creation
                 * also can't move mem->next directly behind mem, since mem->next
                 * will always be used at this point!
                mem->used = 1;
                md_used_mem += mem->next - ((uint8_t*)mem - heap_ptr);
                if (md_max_mem < md_used_mem)
                    md_max_mem = md_used_mem;
            /* set memory block magic */
            mem->magic = MD_HEAP_MAGIC;

            if (mem == md_mem_lfree)
                /* Find next free block after mem and update lowest free pointer */
                while (md_mem_lfree->used && md_mem_lfree != heap_end)
                    md_mem_lfree = (struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[md_mem_lfree->next];

                MD_ASSERT(((md_mem_lfree == heap_end) || (!md_mem_lfree->used)));

            MD_ASSERT((uint32_t)mem + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM + size <= (uint32_t)heap_end);
            MD_ASSERT((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)mem + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM) % MD_ALIGN_SIZE == 0);
            MD_ASSERT((((uint32_t)mem) & (MD_ALIGN_SIZE-1)) == 0);

            mem_debug("allocate memory at 0x%x, size: %d\n", 
                      (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)mem + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM),
                      (uint32_t)(mem->next - ((uint8_t *)mem - heap_ptr)));

            /* return the memory data except mem struct */
            return (uint8_t *)mem + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM;
    return NULL;

 * This function will change the previously allocated memory block.
 * @param rmem pointer to memory allocated by md_malloc
 * @param newsize the required new size
 * @return the changed memory block address
void *md_realloc(void *rmem, size_t newsize)
    size_t size;
    size_t ptr, ptr2;
    struct md_heap_mem *mem, *mem2;
    void *nmem;


    /* alignment size */
    newsize = MD_ALIGN(newsize, MD_ALIGN_SIZE);
    if (newsize > mem_size_aligned) {
        mem_debug("realloc: out of memory\n");
        return NULL;

    /* allocate a new memory block */
    if (rmem == NULL)
        return md_malloc(newsize);

    if ((uint8_t *)rmem < (uint8_t *)heap_ptr ||
        (uint8_t *)rmem >= (uint8_t *)heap_end)
        /* illegal memory */
        return rmem;

    mem = (struct md_heap_mem *)((uint8_t *)rmem - SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM);

    ptr = (uint8_t *)mem - heap_ptr;
    size = mem->next - ptr - SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM;
    if (size == newsize)
        /* the size is the same as */
        return rmem;

    if (newsize + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM + MIN_SIZE < size)
        /* split memory block */
        md_used_mem -= (size - newsize);

        ptr2 = ptr + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM + newsize;
        mem2 = (struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[ptr2];
        mem2->magic= MD_HEAP_MAGIC;
        mem2->used = 0;
        mem2->next = mem->next;
        mem2->prev = ptr;
        mem->next = ptr2;
        if (mem2->next != mem_size_aligned + SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM)
            ((struct md_heap_mem *)&heap_ptr[mem2->next])->prev = ptr2;


        return rmem;

    /* expand memory */
    nmem = md_malloc(newsize);
    if (nmem != NULL) /* check memory */
        memcpy(nmem, rmem, size < newsize ? size : newsize);

    return nmem;

 * This function will contiguously allocate enough space for count objects
 * that are size bytes of memory each and returns a pointer to the allocated
 * memory.
 * The allocated memory is filled with bytes of value zero.
 * @param count number of objects to allocate
 * @param size size of the objects to allocate
 * @return pointer to allocated memory / NULL pointer if there is an error
void *md_calloc(size_t count, size_t size)
    void *p;


    /* allocate 'count' objects of size 'size' */
    p = md_malloc(count * size);

    /* zero the memory */
    if (p)
        memset(p, 0, count * size);

    return p;

 * This function will release the previously allocated memory block by
 * md_malloc. The released memory block is taken back to system heap.
 * @param rmem the address of memory which will be released
void md_free(void *rmem)
    struct md_heap_mem *mem;

    if (rmem == NULL)
    MD_ASSERT((((uint32_t)rmem) & (MD_ALIGN_SIZE-1)) == 0);
    MD_ASSERT((uint8_t *)rmem >= (uint8_t *)heap_ptr &&
              (uint8_t *)rmem < (uint8_t *)heap_end);

    if ((uint8_t *)rmem < (uint8_t *)heap_ptr ||
        (uint8_t *)rmem >= (uint8_t *)heap_end)
        mem_debug("illegal memory\n");

    /* Get the corresponding struct md_heap_mem ... */
    mem = (struct md_heap_mem *)((uint8_t *)rmem - SIZEOF_STRUCT_MEM);

    mem_debug("release memory 0x%x, size: %d\n", (uint32_t)rmem, (uint32_t)(mem->next - ((uint8_t *)mem - heap_ptr)));

    /* ... which has to be in a used state ... */
    MD_ASSERT(mem->magic == MD_HEAP_MAGIC);
    /* ... and is now unused. */
    mem->used  = 0;
    mem->magic = 0;

    if (mem < md_mem_lfree) {
        /* the newly freed struct is now the lowest */
        md_mem_lfree = mem;

    md_used_mem -= (mem->next - ((uint8_t*)mem - heap_ptr));

    /* finally, see if prev or next are free also */

void md_mem_info(uint32_t *total, uint32_t *used, uint32_t *max_used)
    if (total != NULL)
        *total = mem_size_aligned;
    if (used  != NULL)
        *used = md_used_mem;
    if (max_used != NULL)
        *max_used = md_max_mem;

void md_list_mem(void)
    mem_debug("total memory: %d\n", mem_size_aligned);
    mem_debug("used memory : %d\n", md_used_mem);
    mem_debug("maximum allocated memory: %d\n", md_max_mem);






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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


